An Inconvenient Truth

Most Dangerous Ways to School | NEPAL – The amazing way children go to school: walking for hours in slippers through the jungle and crossing a 60-meter river in a basket. Documentary in the link below.

Most Dangerous Ways To School | NEPAL

An inconvenient truth about truth
Een ongemakkelijke waarheid over waarheid


Causing problems or difficulties:

An inconvenient time/place
It will be very inconvenient for me to have no car.

Injustice – Justice

Injustice is a situation in which there is no fairness and justice.
Justice (fairness) is the condition of being morally correct or fair. Justice is fairness in the way people are dealt with.

Cambridge Dictionary

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It is a hard question!

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Can you remain unmoved? 

 (a documentary, approx. 45 minutes)

Four more documentaries – even more advanced – about    The Philippines.

You can't imagine young children going to school on slippers through deep water and on difficult ways,
as you can see in those 4 videos.

Note on the same webpage

‘Reflections on Life’ (Menu ‘Life’ )

12 more similar documentaries:

2 How much is a child worth?

Peter R over de grens Nepal

Kylie Grey spends three weeks inside Cebu city prison with eight year old Thommy and his friends.
The children are housed with adults in an over crowded .

Children in jail in the Philippines is a significant problem. According to Amnesty International, over 50,000 children in the Philippines have been arrested and detained since 1995. 

Torture, rape and other forms of cruel and inhumane treatment are a part of everyday life for those children while they’re incarcerated. Most are charged with minor crimes, such as petty theft, sniffing solvents and vagrancy.

The Filipino Jails Crammed With Children And Adults Alike (2002)

The shocking painful story of child prisoners in The Philippines

Er is geen scherpere uiting van de ziel van een samenleving dan de manier waarop zij haar kinderen behandelt.

4 Yusef Salaam – The Central Park Five

5 Exploitation of migrant workers on a Qatar 2022 world cup site: The ugly side of the beautiful game.

Qatar World Cup 2022

“Poverty is not an accident.

Like slavery and apartheidn it is man-made

and can be removed by actions of human beings.”

7 Professor Michael Sandel of the Harvard University:

What is Justice?

What is right and what is wrong?

Transcript interview with professor Michael Sandel (extract at 11:15)

Michael I travel all over the world now and I am keenly sensitive to issues of poverty inequality in my life.

I’ve seen a lot of it. I see so many people from all over the world who are working for nothing, who are working for nothing and they are making tons of money through their labour countries and corporations. Michael it’s just not right.


Well this is one of the biggest questions of justice 

including global justice that we face today. The growing gap between rich and poor, between the haves and the have-nots, and so it’s a question that rises within countries what can we do about the gap between rich and poor within a society and in the US.

A social system, society, or organization in which people get success or power because of their abilities, not because of their money or social position:

The company is a meritocracy. Good work is rewarded with promotions.

Cambridge Dictionary

A country or social system where people get power or money on the basis of their ability.

Oxford Dictionary

“You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.

 You only need a heart full of grace.
A soul generated by love.”

8 The student hazing of Sanda Dia

The death of Sanda Dia student (20). 

Hazing or tortured

Sanda was killed during a student hazing at the club Reuzegom.

‘Telefacts NU’ over zaak-Sanda 

(5 minutes – turn on sound at the bottom left of the video window)

More about the hazing of Sanda Dia:

 Initiation rite goes wrong

Watch here the full Telefact Now report.

Sanda Dia and his father

9 People without Conscience

De beerput van neuroloog Jansen Steur

NETHERLANDS-JUSTICE-HEALTH-INQUIRY: Dutch former neurologist Ernst Jansen Steur

12 – 5 Worst Jobs Given To Children In History

5 Worst Jobs Given To Children In History

13 The use of fake documents and false pretenses

Fake documents and false pretenses

14 A Serial Liar

Stéphane Bourgoin, self-proclaimed expert on serial killers: “I lied. I apologise”.

Stéphane Bourgoin, self-proclaimed world expert on serial killers, author of nearly forty books, regular guest on television, presented himself as a victim. 

In 1986, he would have discovered the sordid murder of his companion. She never existed. Some of his books are in fact plagiarisms of investigations carried out by American profilers.

Of the 77 serial killers he claims to have interviewed, only ten or so were actually interviewed. He has not met Charles Manson, the murderer of Sharon Tate, Roman Polanski’s pregnant girlfriend. 

Nor has he been a professional footballer with the Red Star. Stéphane Bourgoin has invented a life for himself over the past forty years. He admits it in an interview he gave us on Sunday 10 May. 

Listen to the interview with Sandrine Briclot.


Stéphane Bourgoin (born 14 March 1953) is a French true crime writer. He presented himself as an expert on serial killers for many years, until 2020 when he admitted that he had lied about many of his claimed experiences.[1] Bourgoin had written 75 books and produced dozens of documentaries, with his books selling thousands of copies in France. 

He was regarded as France’s best known serial killer expert. He occasionally lectured police on the subject, and critiqued media depictions of serial killers.

Stéphane Bourgoin was born in Paris on 14 March 1953, one of four children of Jean Bourgoin [fr], a military engineer. He was expelled from high school three times and does not hold any diploma.

Bourgoin claimed to have moved to the United States in the early 1970s, where he allegedly found his then-girlfriend murdered, raped and mutilated by a serial killer in 1976 in Los Angeles. He said that the event led him to try to understand what goes on in the mind of serial killers, but in 2020, Bourgoin confessed that the story was in fact an invention drawn from the case of Susan Bickrest, murdered at age 24 by serial killer Gerald Stano in 1975.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Living a lie

15 The BBC and Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal

Above Suspicion

17 The Justice Paradox

The Justice Paradox


18 Keeping up appearances: to hide something bad by pretending that nothing is wrong.

Although we were getting a divorce, my parents thought it was important to keep up appearances.

Keeping up appearances

19 Exceeding competences

Rosa Parks 1955

20 Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman

The Harvard university and slavery

Harvard University

Harvard’s ties inseparable slavery – Harvard Gazette

21 The environmental factors

De omgevingsfactoren

22 The Achilles heel from justice

Mandatory silence

24 Justice a double-edged sword

Rodney King Verdict

On April 29, 1992, the seventh day of jury deliberations, the jury acquitted all four officers of assault and acquitted three of the four of using excessive force. The jury could not agree on a verdict for the fourth officer charged with using excessive force.

The downward spiral

Under the menu Fairness – A moral / ethical dilemma – Life is not a joke, you will find a series of web pages that strongly stir the conscience.

Idem for the webpages under the menu Life – It is so likeable – Affected life.

A child caught up in an unspeakable painfully twisted reality of life.

Onder het menu Fairness – A moral / ethical dilemma – Life is not a joke, vindt u een reeks webpagina’s die het geweten sterk beroeren

Idem voor de webpagina’s onder het menu Life – It is so likeable – Affected life

Een kind die in een onuitsprekelijke pijnelijk verwrongen levenswerkelijkheid terecht komt.


2 David Walliams Visits Kenya | Sport Relief 2012

23 mrt. 2012

All the money you donate to support Sport Relief will help people living unimaginably tough lives, both on your doorstep in the UK, and across the world’s poorest countries.

1 Pope Francis shaken by ANAK-TNK street children

22 jan. 2015

Pope Francis surprise visit at TNK foundation – January 16, 2015 Youth encounter Manila, testimony of TNK kids and tears of Glyzelle – January 18, 2015


By eating chocolate are we fuelling slavery?

The Dark side of Chocolate: Child Labour and Cocoa Slavery

Canada’s Dark Side: First Nation Residential Schools

The darker side of Residential Schools

Canada confronts its dark history of abuse in residential schools

The Story of Priest Daens: Unjust Justice in 19th Century Belgium

Story of Priest Daens: Unjust Justice in 19th Century Belgium

Life is not a joke

The growing trend of Fast Food and Fast Fashion is harming our planet!

Beyond disclosure of information

Beyond disclosure of information

Hundreds of experts knew about failures of justice

Truth and misinformation

3 We Turn a Little Girl’s Goldfish into a Delicious Smoothie

19 sep. 2020

You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. This doesn’t quite relate, but I’m having a very hard time justifying what we did!
Welcome to the world-famous Just for Laughs Gags, we’ve been playing silly pranks on unsuspecting people in public and capturing hilarious reactions with hidden cameras.

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It is a hard question!

In the margin of the website

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