Page Description
Learn about Rosa Parks’ pivotal role in 1955,
when her brave act of defiance on a Montgomery bus
sparked the Civil Rights Movement.
Rosa Parks 1955: The Spark That Ignited a Movement
In 1955, Rosa Parks made history with a simple yet powerful act of resistance. By refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus, she became a symbol of courage and sparked a wave of change that transformed the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Her actions, though seemingly small, challenged the deep injustices of racial segregation and inspired a nation to fight for equality.
This page is a tribute to Rosa Parks’ bravery and the broader struggle for civil rights. Through over 20 videos and in-depth text, we explore the events surrounding her historic stand, the profound impact of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and the enduring legacy of her actions. Discover the story of how one woman’s defiance lit the flame of justice, shaping the course of history forever.
Rosa Parks 1955: De Vonk die een Beweging Ontketende
In 1955 schreef Rosa Parks geschiedenis met een eenvoudige maar krachtige daad van verzet. Door te weigeren haar plaats in een bus in Montgomery op te geven, werd ze een symbool van moed en ontketende ze een golf van verandering die de burgerrechtenbeweging in de Verenigde Staten transformeerde. Haar actie, ogenschijnlijk klein, daagde de diepgewortelde onrechtvaardigheden van rassenscheiding uit en inspireerde een natie om te vechten voor gelijkheid.
Deze pagina is een eerbetoon aan de moed van Rosa Parks en de bredere strijd voor burgerrechten. Met meer dan 20 video’s en uitgebreide teksten duiken we in de gebeurtenissen rondom haar historische daad, de diepe impact van de Montgomery Bus Boycot en de blijvende nalatenschap van haar actie. Ontdek het verhaal van hoe de daad van één vrouw de vlam van gerechtigheid deed ontbranden en de loop van de geschiedenis voor altijd veranderde.
Rosa Parks: The ‘no’ that sparked the civil rights movement | BBC News
2 dec 2023 #BBCNews #US #History
On 1 December 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama, for refusing to give her bus seat to a white passenger.
The repercussions were swift.
The arrest was not an isolated event but a consequence of the Jim Crow laws, legislation designed to codify racism and marginalise black Americans.
In these exclusive BBC clips, discover how her courageous act of defiance set in motion a chain of events that ended segregation in the US, but at a personal cost to Parks herself.
This video is from ‘In History,’ which uses the BBC’s archive to explore historical events. For more like this, visit:
“The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks”: New Film Explores Untold Radical Life of Civil Rights Icon
Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET.
Institutionally Wrong
When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in 1955, she was standing up against this institutionally wrong system. Her act of defiance became a powerful symbol of resistance to an unjust system.
In short, Rosa Parks fought against something that was not just morally wrong but also supported by laws and institutions at the time.
Segregation, like the racial segregation of Black people in the United States during Rosa Parks’ time, is a perfect example of something that was institutionally wrong. The laws and rules forced Black people to sit at the back of buses and give up their seats to white people, which was both unfair and discriminatory.
“Institutionally wrong” refers to something that is unfair or unjust and is built into the rules, systems, or structures of a society or organization. It means that the wrongdoing is not just by individuals, but it is embedded in the laws, policies, or practices of institutions.
Key Points
Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who became famous for her refusal to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus in 1955. Here are some key points about Rosa Parks and her actions in 1955:
On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was riding a bus home from work when the bus driver asked her to give up her seat to a white passenger. She refused, saying she was tired and her feet hurt.
This was a violation of Montgomery’s segregation laws, which required black passengers to give up their seats to white passengers if the white section was full.
The bus driver called the police, and Parks was arrested and charged with violating segregation laws.
Parks’ arrest led to a boycott of the Montgomery bus system by African Americans, led by a young minister named Martin Luther King Jr.
The boycott lasted for over a year, during which time the Supreme Court declared Montgomery’s segregation laws unconstitutional.
Parks’ act of resistance became an important symbol of the Civil Rights Movement, and she is often called the “mother of the Civil Rights Movement.”
Parks continued to be an activist throughout her life, working for social justice and racial equality. She received numerous awards and honors, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States.
1 Rosa Parks Statue Unveiled By President Obama
2 Rosa Parks Immortalized With Statue at U.S. Capitol
27 feb. 2013
3 Rosa Parks interview (1995)
4 President Obama Dedicates a Statue Honoring Rosa Parks
27 feb. 2013
Speech president Obama about Rosa Parks
At minute 40 until minute 50

De Amerikaanse president Barack Obama in de historische bus, op de plek van Rosa Parks, 2012 (Publiek Domein – Pete Souza – The White House)
5 Rosa Parks receiving the 1993 Essence Award
Gepubliceerd op 6 aug. 2009
6 Sen. Barak Obama, speaks at Rosa Parks Funeral!
7 Larry King Live – 1995: Rosa Parks says she isn’t bitter
8 Bet You Didn’t Know: Rosa Parks | History
9 A Tour of the Rosa Parks Museum
10 Is the Rosa Parks Story True?
6 feb. 2018
11 Rosa Parks funeral/ Dr.Joe Lowery
12 Rosa Parks – Civil Rights Activist | Mini Bio | BIO
13 Rosa Parks – Ride to Justice
14 Rosa Parks: Activist. Fighter. Hero.
7 aug. 2020
15 From “The Rosa Parks Story: “Arrested”
21 jan. 2015
Hi Friends:
As you know, I enjoy sharing inspirational quotes with you, from all kinds of different sources. I had originally planned, this week, to feature quotes from Rosa Parks, and may yet, at a later time.
For now, the quote which comes to mind is something I heard Deepak Chopra say, as part of an introduction, before he conducted an interview with Rosa Parks. He remembered, as a boy, growing up in India, one morning his father burst into the dining room during breakfast, clutching a newspaper. His father’s short, simple statement was something which stayed with him, and I’m sure greatly influenced him: “There’s a new Gandhi! In the United States!” The newspaper carried the story we have all come to know … about quiet strength … resolve … and peaceful demonstration …
I am proud that one of my favorite posts, and still one of the most viewed, is the “Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Quote Collection” we featured back on January 21, 2013. Here’s a link to that post:…
Our sharing of the book “Martin’s Big Words” (which will be right under the “Quotes” post if you go there) is still our most watched video here on our YouTube Channel.
In researching the Rosa Parks story, as I wanted to do a special lesson at school about Rosa Parks, I read many books, and viewed countless videos. I’d like to share my favorite two of those videos with you today. I also used the moment to teach what a “biography” is. I explained that I love to read biographies because I want to read about great people who have done great things … because it inspires me …encourages me … to try to do great things. I am proud that “my kids” know who Rosa Parks is, and who Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is. What they did … and, why they did it. I think I am just as proud to know that for myself.
The first video is a clip from the movie, “The Rosa Parks Story.” “The Rosa Parks Story” aired on CBS Television on February 24, 2002. Please note this movie is still available for purchase today on Amazon, etc. The script was written by Paris Qualles, and the movie was directed by Julie Dash. Angela Bassett performed a remarkable portrayal of Rosa Parks. You may also recall that Cicely Tyson played Rosa’s mother. This is one of the most dramatic moments I’ve experienced from the screen. I wasn’t sure if I should feature this, “The Arrest Scene,” but I got my answer today. I saw elementary students held, motionless, in awe of what they were watching. They are too young to understand all of the story … but, as the scene developed … I heard children, quietly, gasping … “Get up, Rosa … Rosa, stand up …” Again, all they knew was that they were drawn to this “Rosa Parks,” and, in their innocent, loving way … they didn’t want to see her get into trouble …
In explaining the benefits of a biography, I explained how, when reading (or viewing a biography, as a movie or documentary can also be a biography) we stand in the subject’s shoes, in their place … we find ourselves experiencing what they experienced … we feel what they are feeling … Can you imagine being on that bus … in December, 1955?
Here we are able to “get on that bus” with Rosa Parks, in the “Arrest Scene” from “The Rosa Parks Story”
16 I Am Rosa Parks – Read Along w/ Words on Screen
16 nov. 2017
Watch, listen and read aloud to learn about America’s “First Lady of Civil Rights.” Rosa Parks was an extraordinary citizen who changed the world. Written by Brad Meltzer with illustrations by Christopher Eliopoulos. Read Aloud for Children read by Mrs. Clark.
17 The Incredible Story Of Rosa Parks | Civil Rights Movement | Absolute History
15 aug. 2020
Content licensed from Canamedia to Little Dot Studios. Any queries, please contact us at:
18 The hidden life of Rosa Parks – Riché D. Richardson
Learn about the life of civil rights activist Rosa Parks— her work with the NAACP, bus boycotts, and her lifelong fight against racial inequality.
Throughout her life, Rosa Parks repeatedly challenged racial violence and the prejudiced systems protecting its perpetrators. Her refusal to move to the back of a segregated bus ignited a boycott that lasted 381 days and helped transform civil rights activism into a national movement. But this work came at an enormous risk— and a personal price. Riché D. Richardson details the life of Rosa Parks.
Lesson by Riché D. Richardson, directed by Eido.
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19 The real story of Rosa Parks — and why we need to confront myths about black history | David Ikard
26 feb. 2020
Black history taught in US schools is often watered-down, riddled with inaccuracies and stripped of its context and rich, full-bodied historical figures. Equipped with the real story of Rosa Parks, professor David Ikard highlights how making the realities of race more benign and digestible harms us all — and emphasizes the power and importance of historical accuracy.
The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. You’re welcome to link to or embed these videos, forward them to others and share these ideas with people you know. For more information on using TED for commercial purposes (e.g. employee learning, in a film or online course), submit a Media Request here:
20 Facts about Rosa Parks for Kids
21 The Full Story Of Rosa Parks: The First Lady of the Civil Rights Movement
22 Rosa Parks • Interview (Civil Rights) • 1983 [Reelin’ In The Years Archive]
23 The Full Story Of Rosa Parks: The First Lady of the Civil Rights Movement
24 De proefrit
23 mrt. 2013
25 Car Chases Pedestrians Prank
31 mei 2012