Child poverty

Peter Adriaenssens: “Iemand die in armoede leeft, heeft een andere kop” – “Someone who lives in poverty has a different mind.”

Child poverty refers to the state of children living in poverty and applies to children from poor families or orphans being raised with limited or, in some cases absent, state resources.

Children that fail to meet the minimum acceptable standard of the nation where that child lives are said to be poor.


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Discover how child poverty affects kids from low-income families and orphans, leaving them with inadequate resources and below national living standards.

1 Een vlieg in de kleuterklas

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20 sep 2011
Elke ouder wil graag een vlieg zijn in de kleuterklas van zijn kinderen. Wat doen ze daar precies? Hoe pakt de juf dat aan? Klasse filmt een dag in de eerste kleuterklas. Van het vroege afscheid aan de schoolpoort tot de laatste knuffel om vier uur. Daarna bekijkt opvoedingsspecialist Peter Adriaenssens de beelden. Hij laat zich verrassen en legt stap voor stap uit waarom de kinderen en de juf doen wat ze doen. Als een vlieg in de kleuterklas.

2 Kinderpsychiater Peter Adriaenssens over kinderarmoede in Vlaanderen – Libelle Gebaar

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6 nov 2017
Inzamelingactie kinderboeken. Kinderpsychiater Peter Adriaenssens vertelt op de Ladies Night op de Boekenbeurs 2017 waarom lezen en voorlezen zo belangrijk is in de strijd tegen kinderarmoede

3 Peter Adriaenssens: Opgroeien met inspiratie, creativiteit en passie

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20 apr 2021
Hoe kunnen we – met een pandemie en de klimaatcrisis – toch inspiratie, creativiteit en passie aan onze jongeren bijbrengen? Welke emotionele en cognitieve vaardigheden moeten we meegeven, en welk kompas kunnen we bieden? Kinderpsychiater en Prof. em. dr. Peter Adriaenssens praat erover in dit webinar.

De coronapandemie heeft een grote invloed op het mentaal welzijn van de jongeren. “Covid-19 is een goede test om te kijken naar de kwaliteiten van de huidige generatie en dan zie je dat we ons daar toch wel zorgen over moeten maken. Er is een veel sterkere stijging van psychische stoornissen dan moesten we bijvoorbeeld een ernstige griepcrisis doormaken”, waarschuwt Peter Adriaenssens. Bovendien praten jongeren niet gemakkelijk over psychische problemen. “Je zou denken dat er veel beschikbaar is in ons land om jongeren met een depressie te helpen maar de realiteit is dat de omerta bij tieners en jongeren ontzettend hoog is. Je komt er niet voor uit. Pogingen om daar iets aan te doen brengen wel op maar botsen toch op die jongerencultuur.”
Maar Peter Adriaenssens ziet bij de huidige generatie talenten die er voordien niet waren. “Jongeren worden spoortrekkers in omgaan met diversiteit. Normen en waarden die vroeger evident waren worden nu door jongeren in vraag gesteld. Volwassenen onderschatten dat jongeren zelf diversiteit maken. Ze leren vandaag veel meer oefenen met het nemen van verschillende posities en dat is een talent dat gecreëerd wordt.”

Dit is aflevering 11 uit een 13-delige serie.

Perspectief 2030 is een webinarreeks van Itinera. Begin 2021, in de schaduw van de corona-pandemie, wil de onafhankelijke denktank de noodzaak beklemtonen van een sterk relanceplan voor België en de belangrijkste maatschappelijke uitdagingen duiden. Ambitie en daadkracht voor alle Belgische regeringen zijn nodig om tegen 2030 groei en welvaart voor België en zijn regio’s veilig te stellen. België moét en kàn beter.

Herbekijk alle webinars uit de reeks Perspectief 2030 op onze website:…

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4 Arm Vlaanderen

5 Dylan getuigde dit jaar over kinderarmoede, hoe kijkt hij daar nu op terug?

In mei 2020 vertelde Dylan in Karrewiet hoe moeilijk de lockdown voor zijn gezin was. Ze hadden nauwelijks genoeg geld om eten te kunnen kopen. Dylan was en is natuurlijk niet alleen, maar er zijn niet veel kinderen die dat zomaar durven te zeggen voor een camera. Daarom werd hij meteen bekend in het hele land. Hoe is het nu met Dylan en wat vindt hij van al die aandacht? Dat vertelt hij zelf in het Karrewiet Jaaroverzicht.


Hoe is het om in armoede te leven?

13 sep. 2018

Armoede, geraak je daar ooit uit? Onze reportagemakers van Pano gaan na 5 jaar terug bij de families die toen al in armoede leefden. “De keuken is helemaal rot en kapot. Alles wordt aan elkaar gehouden met lijm, plakband en koorden. Het zijn oude huizen tsja…”
Bekijk de volledige beklijvende reportage van Phara de Aguirre en Sara van Boxstael hier:…

6 Arm Vlaanderen: 5 jaar later – Pano

8 apr. 2020

7 Barefoot Children – Documentary about street children

21 mrt. 2012

Two students came to Santa Cruz, Bolivia with the dream of making a documentary film about street children. After 4 months of working with the children they got the opportunity to start planning the film. Inspired by their own experience, they got an idea:

If people can get to see that there is hope for street children, then maybe bad attitudes can be changed and people can be inspired to help.

The film was shot under bridges, in parks and water canals. It was shot on hot middays and cold midnights, at the break of dawn and in the pouring rain.

The children were always explained the purpose of the film before any recordings were made. Some of them pulled away from the camera and made it clear that they were not to be filmed. That was respected. Others were very enthusiastic about getting filmed and interviewed.

After a while the situation became more natural to both the children and the film makers. The camera was not a threat, nor a toy anymore.


The film does not try to persuade people into doing something. It is simply an eye opener, made to wake reflections in people. It shows the dreadful hopelessness of living on the street. It paints a picture of the evil circles of poverty.

It speaks about how drugs, abuse and violence is brought upon innocent children. But it also shows how a small child can keep up hope in the middle of it all. It shows that children can pull themselves through it, and even leave the street for good. It is possible!

This is what inspired two students to work with street children, and that is what they hope will inspire you who watch Barefoot Children -the documentary.


At minute 15: very painful


8 Welcome Nowhere (FULL DOCUMENTARY)

28 feb. 2018

Narrated by multi-Academy Award nominee Ethan Hawke, “Welcome Nowhere” tells the true story of one community of Roma people (commonly known as Gypsies) living in Bulgaria. After being evicted from their homes, over 200 of them are forced to live in shantytowns without proper sanitation. Despite years of promises from the government for housing, their living conditions only get worse while members of the community struggle to survive with what little they have. Documenting their fight for new homes and featuring interviews with leading Roma Rights experts, “Welcome Nowhere” paints a detailed picture of one of Europe’s most controversial issues.

9 Why are so many children living in poverty in the UK? – BBC Newsnight

10 feb. 2021

A third of all families with children under five in the UK are living in poverty — that’s 1.3 million children. What happens when Covid-19 batters already struggling families?
Newsnight’s UK Editor, Katie Razzall, has exclusively seen a report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and baby bank charity, Little Village, which shows poverty has worsened for families with children under five during the pandemic.

10 Children of the Dump: Small Steps Project

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19 nov. 2014

Children of The Dump is the true story of a group of children living on a dump in Cambodia who Small Steps Project helped off the dump. The documentary was premiered at Glastonbury Festival and the sound track donated to the charity by The Black Keys.
Shirley Harrison
Videos like this should be shown in schools, to remind children theres more important things than what kind of games, computers, I-phones, other expensive things they take for granted. ect..
And maybe not to waste food, appreciate the nice homes, other comforts. This little girl (& the other children) are so appreciative of the things they have, even if they do come from the dump.

11 Gary Haugen: The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now

21 apr. 2015

Collective compassion has meant an overall decrease in global poverty since the 1980s, says civil rights lawyer Gary Haugen. Yet for all the world’s aid money, there’s a pervasive hidden problem keeping poverty alive. Haugen reveals the dark underlying cause we must recognize and act on now.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at…

12 Poor Kids Of America (Child Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

28 jun. 2017

In the United States, child poverty has reached record levels, with over 16 million children now affected. Food banks are facing unprecedented demand, and homeless shelters now have long waiting lists, as families who have known a much better life have to leave their homes, sometimes with just a few days notice. America’s Poor Kids meets three children whose families are struggling to get by, and asks them to tell us what life in modern America really looks like through their eyes. 
Told from the point of view of the children themselves, this one-hour documentary offers a unique perspective on the nation’s flagging economy and the impact of unemployment, homelessness and poverty as seen through the eyes of the children affected. 
Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here:

13 Poor Kids: Life on the Breadline (Child Poverty Documentary) | Real Stories

24 feb. 2016

3.5 million children are growing up in poverty in the UK. It’s one of the worst rates in the industrialised world and successive governments continue to struggle to bring it into line. Struggling & without a voice, ‘Poor Kids’ shines a light on this pressing issue.
Want to watch more full-length Documentaries?

14 Stealing Africa ⎜ WHY POVERTY? ⎜(Documentary)

5 jan. 2013

Rüschlikon is a village in Switzerland with a very low tax rate and very wealthy residents. But it receives more tax revenue than it can use. This is largely thanks to one resident – Ivan Glasenberg, CEO of Glencore, whose copper mines in Zambia are not generating a large bounty tax revenue for the Zambians. Zambia has the 3rd largest copper reserves in the world, but 60% of the population live on less than $1 a day and 80% are unemployed. Based on original research into public documents, STEALING AFRICA is an investigative story of global trade and political corruption where money and natural resources only flow one way, and in the meantime poverty becomes harder to escape.

Filmmaker: Christoffer Guldbrandsen
Producer: Henrik Veileborg
Produced by Guld­brandsen Film
Released: 2012

This film was originally released as part of THE WHY series WHY POVERTY?. Learn more about the project:…


We believe free access to information is a human right.

To combat unequal access to information THE WHY produces & donates documentaries to underserved countries and distributes them on a sliding fee scale to other broadcasters around the world.

15 – 60 Minutes Rewind: Hard Times Generation

18 mei 2020

In 2011, 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley reported on the economic struggle of families affected by the Great Recession.

16 Meet Yvette, an 8 year old girl living in Burundi | World Vision

19 mei 2015

Yvette is only 8 years old. She and her mother spend their days carrying heavy clay and making pots to sell. But business is slow, and they can’t afford food. Watch her story and see how you can you help through World Vision child sponsorship.
Visit to sponsor a child like Yvette and make a difference today.

17 Virgin Mary Comes Alive Prank

26 mei 2012

The Virgin Mary steps on a lit candle scaring everyone who didn’t expect her to suddenly come alive. She then proceeds to wink at the victims while the always gorgeous and sexy nun prays god and thanks the holy spirit for this miracle. 
A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!