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Explore Donald Trump’s role in the Central Park Five case,
including his controversial call for the death penalty
and its impact on public opinion & justice

As a teenager in 1989, Yusef Salaam was wrongfully convicted in the notorious “Central Park Five” case
Dark side
The parts of a person, a group, an activity, etc. that are unpleasant, evil, or harmful:
She sings about the dark side to love.
He plays a police chief who gets results despite his dark side and personal faults.
The film illuminates with relentless honesty the dark side of its subject.
I wrote about a doctor who had gone over to the dark side and was promoting unproven fad diets.
Cambridge Dictionary
Donkere kant
De delen van een persoon, een groep, een activiteit, enz. die onaangenaam, slecht of schadelijk zijn:
Ze zingt over de donkere kant van de liefde.
Hij speelt een politiechef die resultaten boekt ondanks zijn donkere kant en persoonlijke gebreken.
De film belicht met meedogenloze eerlijkheid de donkere kant van zijn onderwerp.
Ik schreef over een arts die naar de duistere kant was overgelopen en onbewezen waanzinnige diëten promootte.
Cambridge Woordenboek
When Justice Fails: The Tragic Case of the Central Park Five
Imagine being just 14 or 15 years old – ripped from your home, thrown into a prison cell, and told you committed a crime you had nothing to do with. This was the fate of five Black and Latino boys in 1989, victims of one of the most infamous wrongful convictions in modern history.
The Central Park Five – Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, Antron McCray, and Korey Wise – were accused of a brutal attack on jogger Trisha Meili. The police had no DNA evidence, no credible witnesses, and no real case. Yet, they manipulated and coerced these children into false confessions, sealing their fate.
For years, they endured the unimaginable. Korey Wise, the oldest at 16, was sent to an adult prison, where he suffered the worst horrors of the system. The others, still just children, spent about seven years behind bars, knowing they were innocent.
Injustice doesn’t happen by accident – it is manufactured. The Central Park Five were convenient scapegoats, chosen not for what they had done, but for what they represented.
It wasn’t until 2002 – thirteen years later – that the truth finally emerged when the real perpetrator, Matias Reyes, confessed. DNA evidence proved what had been clear all along: these boys were innocent.
This case is more than history – it is a warning. It shows how easily the justice system can be twisted to destroy young lives.
Wanneer Justitie Faalt: De Tragische Zaak van de Central Park Five
Stel je voor dat je slechts 14 of 15 jaar oud bent – weggerukt uit je huis, in een cel gegooid en beschuldigd van een misdaad waar je niets mee te maken hebt. Dit was het lot van vijf Black en Latino jongens in 1989, slachtoffers van een van de meest beruchte rechterlijke dwalingen in de moderne geschiedenis.
De Central Park Five—Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, Antron McCray en Korey Wise—werden beschuldigd van een brute aanval op jogger Trisha Meili. De politie had geen DNA-bewijs, geen geloofwaardige getuigen en geen echte zaak. Toch manipuleerden en dwongen ze deze kinderen tot valse bekentenissen, waarmee hun lot werd bezegeld.
Jarenlang ondergingen ze het onvoorstelbare. Korey Wise, de oudste op 16-jarige leeftijd, werd naar een gevangenis voor volwassenen gestuurd, waar hij de meest afschuwelijke misstanden van het systeem moest doorstaan. De anderen, nog steeds kinderen, brachten ongeveer zeven jaar achter tralies door, wetende dat ze onschuldig waren.
Onrecht gebeurt niet per ongeluk—het wordt gecreëerd. De Central Park Five waren handige zondebokken, gekozen niet om wat ze hadden gedaan, maar om wat ze vertegenwoordigden.
Pas in 2002—dertien jaar later—kwam de waarheid eindelijk aan het licht toen de werkelijke dader, Matias Reyes, een bekentenis aflegde. DNA-bewijs bewees wat al die tijd al duidelijk was: deze jongens waren onschuldig.
Deze zaak is meer dan geschiedenis—het is een waarschuwing. Het laat zien hoe gemakkelijk het rechtssysteem kan worden verdraaid om jonge levens te vernietigen.
Can you imagine that in 1989, a scheme was devised to imprison 14-year-old children for seven years and more for something they had not done?
So children are fabricated behind bars!
Their innocence was established at this point, there was no blood on their clothes, the DNA did not match, they were not known to the police, there were 30 youths present in the park that night, and it is clear why the police have chosen the easiest scapegoat.
It is incomprehensible that people can be so unscrupulous as to put such young children through such a cruel ordeal.
It is necessary to remember that such a thing is possible in the justice system and to think deeply about it.
The justice system can be influenced and manipulated effortlessly.
13 years later, in 2002: Korey Wise – one of the Central Park Five – and Mathias Reyes – the real offender – meet in the yard of a prison, the Auburn Correctional Facility, by what seems like a miracle.
Mathias Reyes then realizes that Korey Wise is still innocent in prison for the April 19, 1989 rape of 28-year-old white investment banker, Trisha Meili, which he committed and confessed to.
Kan men zich voorstellen dat in 1989 men een constructie in elkaar heeft gestoken om kinderen van 14 jaar gedurende 7 jaar en langer in de gevangenis op te sluiten voor iets wat ze niet gedaan hadden.
Kinderen komen dus gefabriceerd achter de tralies.
Hun onschuld stond op dit ogenblik vast, er was geen bloed op hun kleren, het DNA kwam niet overeen, ze waren niet gekend bij de politie, er waren die avond 30 jongeren aanwezig in het park en het is duidelijk waarom de politie de gemakkelijkste zondebok heeft geseleceerd.
Het is niet te begrijpen dat mensen zo gewetenloos kunnen zijn om zo jonge kinderen zo’n wreed gebeuren te doen doorstaan.
Het is nodig daar bij stil te staan, dat er bij justitie zoiets mogelijk is en er diep over na te denken.
Men kan het justitie systeem moeiteloos beïnvloeden en manipuleren.
13 jaar later, in 2002: Korey Wise – één van de Central Park Five – en Mathias Reyes – de echte dader – ontmoeten elkaar in de tuin van een gevangenis, the Auburn Correctional Facility, bij een aan een mirakel grensende toevalligheid.
Mathias Reyes beseft dan dat Korey Wise nog altijd onschuldig in de gevangenis zit voor de verkrachting op 19 April 1989 van de 28-jarige blanke investment banker, Trisha Meili die hij heeft gepleegd en bekent.
Some possible key points that could be associated with “The dark side of justice”:
Injustice within the legal system: The dark side of justice may refer to the presence of injustice within legal systems, including issues such as bias, discrimination, corruption, and abuse of power. This could encompass wrongful convictions, unfair treatment of marginalized groups, and failures in the administration of justice.
Unintended consequences of justice policies: Justice policies and interventions, such as “tough on crime” measures or mandatory minimum sentences, may have unintended consequences that can negatively impact communities and individuals. For example, overly punitive approaches may result in mass incarceration, disproportionate penalties, and perpetuation of cycles of poverty and crime.
Psychological and moral complexities of justice: The concept of justice is complex and multifaceted, involving moral and psychological considerations. The dark side of justice may refer to ethical dilemmas, moral conflicts, and psychological challenges that arise in the pursuit of justice, such as the use of force, capital punishment, and decision-making biases in legal proceedings.
Emotional toll of justice: The process of seeking justice, whether as a victim, defendant, or legal practitioner, can have emotional and psychological impacts. This may include trauma, stress, burnout, and other negative effects on mental health and well-being.
Backlash and abuse in the name of justice: In some cases, the pursuit of justice may lead to backlash, vigilantism, or abuse of power. This could involve situations where individuals take matters into their own hands, engage in revenge, or use excessive force or violence in the name of justice, leading to harmful outcomes.
Failures of restorative justice: Restorative justice, an alternative approach that focuses on repairing harm and restoring relationships, may also have limitations and challenges. The dark side of justice may include instances where restorative justice practices are ineffective, misused, or perpetuate power imbalances, leading to unintended negative consequences.
It’s important to note that “The dark side of justice” may be a subjective term and could refer to different perspectives, depending on the context in which it is being used. It’s recommended to refer to specific articles, publications, or sources for a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
For whatever reason, after this second chance meeting, Matias felt moved to go to the police with the truth and in 2002, he admitted to being the lone attacker in the Central Park Jogger case. In a confession tape obtained by the New York Daily News, Matias put it this way: “I know it’s hard for people to understand, after 12 years why a person would actually come forward to take responsibility for a crime. I’ve asked myself that question. At first, I was afraid, but at the end of the day I felt it was definitely the right thing to do.”
DNA evidence and Matias’s knowledge of details of the Central Park Jogger rape ultimately confirmed his guilt, and the Manhattan District Attorney at the time, Robert Morgenthau, had Korey released from prison and the Central Park Five vacated of all charges.

Matias Reyes was serving a 33.5-year sentence for an unrelated crime when he admitted to being behind the Central Park Jogger case.
As a teenager in 1989, Yusef Salaam was wrongfully convicted in the notorious “Central Park Five” case and served more than five years in prison for a crime he did not commit.
Father, poet, activist, and inspirational speaker.
He has committed himself to advocate and educate people on the issues of mass incarceration, police brutality and misconduct, false confessions, press ethics and bias, race and law, and the disparities in America’s criminal justice system, especially for young men of color.
Determined to educate the public, Yusef eagerly shares his story with others.
In speaking out against injustice, he conveys the importance of continuing one’s education—whether formal or otherwise.
2 Three of the Central Park Five discuss the documentary
22 mei 2014
1 The Central Park Five Official Trailer #1 (2012) – Ken Burns Documentary Movie HD
22 okt. 2012
3 Exonerated ‘Central Park Five’ Survivor Dr. Yusef Salaam on Black Trauma | NowThis
7 jun. 2020
Dr. Yusef Salaam was imprisoned as a member of the Central Park Five, a group of Black and Hispanic teenagers who were falsely charged and convicted of an attack on a jogger in Central Park.
Though much of the public called for their execution, including future President Donald Trump, the Central Park 5 were eventually exonerated and have shared their experience as a warning against systemic police racism and police brutality, as seen in the documentary series When They See Us.
As the Black Lives Matter comes to the forefront in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, protests throughout the world are waking us up to the shared experience of Black trauma in a society that is unfairly biased against them. The Black experience shared by many African Americans is wrought with the collective trauma of centuries of injustice, and as the Black Lives Matter protests and George Floyd protests continue to grow, we must not lose sight of the tragedies that led us to this moment.
NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live.
6 The Exonerated Five Are Honored For Their Truth & Resilience | BET Awards 2019
24 jun. 2019
7 When they see us, best limited series, Critics Choice Awards 2020
4 The Exonerated Five Make Red Carpet Debut Alongside Ava Duvernay | E! Red Carpet & Award Shows
23 sep. 2019
5 Emmy Winner Jharrel Jerome Confronts Disturbing Scenes in “When They See Us”
23 sep. 2019
8 Struggle by ‘Central Park 5’ ends in $40 million settlement
21 jun. 2014
9 Donald Trump’s ‘Horrific’ Response to the Central Park Five Case | Opinions | NowThis
12 jun. 2019
‘It was horrific then. It’s horrific to hear it now.’ — Ken Burns wants all of us to remember Donald Trump’s extreme response to the Central Park Five case.
In US news, Ken Burns sat down with NowThis News to talk about the Central Park 5 case and how Donald Trump reacted to it back in 1989. The Central Park 5 refers to Korey Wise, Antron McCray, Yuse Salaam, Raymond Santana, and Kevin Richardson who were convicted of raping and beating a Central Park jogger Trisha Meili. After the attack Donald Trump called for the death penalty to be used on the Central Park 5. The Central Park Five case was the subject of Sarah Burns’ book, later a Ken Burns’ documentary, and is now being turned into a Netflix series from Ava DuVernay called When They See Us. In a Trump interview at the time, Trump said he ‘hates these people’ and believed hate would help get things done.
NowThis is your premier news outlet providing you with all the videos you need to stay up to date on all the latest in trending news. From entertainment to politics, to viral videos and breaking news stories, we’re delivering all you need to know straight to your social feeds. We live where you live.
Donald Trump’s ‘Horrific’ Response to the Central Park Five Case | Opinions | NowThis – Blog
10 “Central Park Five” – Wrongful Conviction, Settlement Reached
1 jul. 2014
A remarkable speech by Dr Yusef Salaam
11 Joshua Jackson on “When They See Us,” Ava DuVernay, and “Dawson’s” Memories | EXTENDED INTERVIEW
12 The Central Park Five: Film Screening & Discussion with Ken Burns
17 apr. 2013
13 The Central Park Five: A cautionary tale of injustice
12 mei 2019
14 Members of the Central Park 5 react to Korey Wise’s story in ‘When They See Us’
12 jun. 2019
15 Ken Burns & “The Central Park Five” (interview + film trailer)
16 apr. 2013
16 KTTZ-TV Presents: “The Central Park Five” Town Hall Panel Discussion
17 apr. 2013

A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
“The dark side of justice” is a book written by Jonathan J. Klick and Gregory Mitchell, which examines the unintended consequences of well-intentioned criminal justice policies. The book discusses several key points, including:
Unintended consequences: The authors argue that well-intentioned criminal justice policies can have unintended consequences, such as increasing crime rates, creating more social inequality, and eroding public trust in the justice system.
Overcriminalization: The authors argue that overcriminalization, or the trend of criminalizing more and more behaviors, can have negative consequences. Overcriminalization can lead to excessive punishment for minor offenses, higher rates of incarceration, and a strain on the resources of the criminal justice system.
Mass incarceration: The authors argue that mass incarceration has negative consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. Incarceration can lead to job loss, family disruption, and a higher likelihood of reoffending. Moreover, mass incarceration disproportionately affects communities of color and perpetuates systemic racism.
The war on drugs: The authors argue that the war on drugs has been ineffective in reducing drug use and has contributed to the rise of mass incarceration. The war on drugs has also had a disproportionate impact on communities of color.
Racial bias: The authors argue that racial bias exists throughout the criminal justice system, from policing to sentencing. Racial bias can lead to disparities in how people of different races are treated by the justice system.
Overall, the book argues that criminal justice policies need to be reformed in order to address these unintended consequences and to create a more fair and just system.
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