Guo Gangtang’s son had been snatched aged two by human traffickers in front of their home in the province of Shandong.

Kinderontvoering of kinderdiefstal is de ongeoorloofde verwijdering van een minderjarige uit de voogdij van de natuurlijke ouders van het kind of wettelijk aangestelde voogden.
The crime of removing a child from its rightful home
A special task force to investigate cases of child abduction.
Collins Dictionary
Child abduction or child theft is the unauthorized removal of a minor (a child under the age of legal adulthood) from the custody of the child’s natural parents or legally appointed guardians.
Father reunited with son snatched as baby 24 years ago in China – BBC News
14 jul. 2021
Guo Gangtang’s son had been snatched aged two by human traffickers in front of their home in the province of Shandong.
1 Abducted (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories
15 sep. 2018
2 Trafficking of Haitian children: A border where childhood is lost
3 nov. 2010
China: The Big Business of Abducting Children | Chinese Child Trade Documentary
27 feb 2022
Kidnapping and selling children is big business in China. Every year, over 20,000 children are stolen. In the majority of cases, their birth parents are powerless workers or migrants who lack the resources or connections to find their missing children. Police investigations drag on for years and are rarely resolved.
Wamping was three years old when she disappeared. For the past two years, her parents have been desperately looking for her. The search has swallowed all their money and taken over their lives. But now, they receive news their daughter has been sighted. Will they finally be re-united?
Dai was ten years old when she was kidnapped. Her new ‘parents’ prevented her from going to school and forced her to work on their land. Finally, 22 years later, she has managed to track down her birth family. We accompany her for their emotional reunion. We also speak to Dai’s ‘purchasing parents’ on why they bought a stolen child. A harrowing investigation into the buying and selling of children.
This film was first released in 2012.
3 Disgusting Food Pranks – Best of Just For Laughs Gags
6 dec. 2015
Filmed in Montreal, Quebec
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