(Cambridge, MA – September 15, 2008) Moral Reasoning 22: Justice, taught by Professor Michael
Sandel inside Sanders Theatre at Harvard University.
Staff Photo Justin Ide/Harvard News Office
Page Description
Explore the moral limits of markets with
Professor Michael Sandel in
‘What Money Can’t Buy.’
The political philosopher Michael Sandel (2012) has recently argued compellingly for more attention to the moral limits of markets, arguing that market values can crowd out other values we should care about. Meanwhile, conservative advocates for welfare reform, such as the Australian Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson, have raised concerns about the impact of long-term welfare receipt on community values. Pearson’s argument about welfare can be articulated in similar terms to Sandel’s argument about markets. Pearson maintains that in heavily disadvantaged communities – such as the Aboriginal communities of Cape York Peninsula – the state’s provision of non-contributory welfare can crowd out important values such as trust, respect, care for the weak and mutual help as well as self-reliance and hard work. Though Sandel’s and Pearson’s arguments find receptive audiences on different ends of the political spectrum, the parallels between their arguments are striking. The article seeks to promote greater scholarly engagement with Pearson’s moral critique of welfare while expressing scepticism about one of the key correctives he proposes.
2 BookTV: After Words: Michael Sandel, “What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets”
Gepubliceerd op 30 apr. 2012
Mercenaries can be paid to fight a country’s wars; students can be paid to get good grades. Mr. Sandel explores whether there’s something wrong with a world in which everything seems to be for sale. The author of international bestseller “Justice” explores how to get market values out of areas of life where he says they don’t belong.
He discusses this issue with Manhattan Institute Fellow Nicole Gelinas, the author of “After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street and Washington.”
4 Michael J Sandel: Lord Patten Lecture on Social Renewal – Newcastle University
Gepubliceerd op 14 jan. 2014
Lord Patten Lecture on Social Renewal — What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets Michael J Sandel, Harvard University
8th May 2013
In this talk Professor Sandel examines how market values have come to define our lives in ways that aren’t good for democracy or the quality of public or private life. He asks whether market values have spread into spheres of life where they don’t belong and if this is corrupting ourselves, our society and our environment. Among the issues discussed are whether we should pay children to do their homework or if it is ethical to pay people to test risky new drugs or to donate their organs.
5 Prof. Michael Sandel, „What money can’t buy?”
Gepubliceerd op 4 aug. 2014
On 9th June 2014, Professor Michael Sandel from Harvard University delivered his lecture entitled “What money can’t buy” at the University of Warsaw. Professor Michael Sandel is an outstanding American thinker, market philosopher, author of the famous “Justice” courses.
6 Michael Sandel – Are There Things Money Shouldn’t Be Able To Buy?
Gepubliceerd op 10 mei 2015
Michael J. Sandel is an American political philosopher and a professor at Harvard University. He is best known for the Harvard course “Justice”, which is available to view online, and for his critique of John Rawls’ A Theory of Justice in his first book, Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (1982). He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2002.
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7 Michael Sandel: What Money Can’t Buy
8 ‘What Money Can’t Buy’ and What it Shouldn’t Buy
10 The more things money can buy, the harder it is to be poor – Michael Sandel | Comment is Free
11 Can Markets Corrupt Social Values?
Are there moral or civic goods that are corrupted or degraded if they’re sold in the market? Harvard political philosopher Micahel Sandel and Judge Richard Posner discuss in this full-length interview from “What Money Can’t Buy.”
12 MiChael Sandel@UIBE【一席】迈克尔·桑德尔《金钱不可买的东西》 超清.mp4
13 The Moral Limits of Markets
4 dec. 2013
14 What Money Can’t Buy
26 mei 2014
15 Employee FREAKS OUT at Mean Boss
5 sep. 2013
It seems like this guy can’t get a break from his overbearing boss. Fed up with all the complaining, he freaks out and decides to tape his boss’ mouth shut!