In Nepal’s ‘Kidney Valley,’ poverty drives an illegal market for human organs
Page Description
Understand organ trafficking,
the illegal trade of human organs,
and explore its serious
ethical and legal implications
Organ Thieves: Inside the Dark World of Organ Trafficking | Organ Trade Documentary
26 mrt 2024
A gritty and unflinching descent into the shadowy world of black-market organ trafficking: the street-level brokers, the rogue surgeons, the impoverished men and women who are willing to sacrifice a slice of their own bodies for a quick payday, and the desperate patients who face the agonizing choice of obeying the law or saving their lives.
Every year, tens of thousands of human organ transplants are performed around the globe. Most transplanted kidneys come from cadavers or relatives of the patient. But demand for this organ far exceeds the supply. So thousands are bought and sold on a flourishing black market. With unprecedented access to all the players – the buyers, sellers, surgeons and brokers – the film explores the legal, moral and ethical issues involved in this life-and-death drama.
This is not a black-and-white story of exploitation, but rather, a nuanced and complex tale of survival for both the buyers and sellers. This is a world where the villains often save lives, while all to often, a helpless medical establishment watches people die.
This documentary was first released in 2013.
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Organ trafficking is the practice of stealing
or buying organs through exploitation to be sold
on a black market for profit,
and transplant tourism is traveling to another country
for the purpose of buying, selling,
or receiving organs
Orgaanhandel is de praktijk van het stelen of kopen van organen door uitbuiting om deze op een zwarte markt met winst te verkopen.
Transplantatietoerisme is het reizen naar een ander land met het doel organen te kopen, verkopen of ontvangen..
(Broumand & Saidi, 2017; Shimazono, 2007;
United Nations, 2011; United Nations, 2018).

Human traffic exposing the brutal organ trade
“Tales From The Organ Trade”
19 mrt. 2014
The Village of Stolen Kidneys
29 mei 2013
Produced by:
Sam Matthews
Michael Byhoff
Tom van Cakenberghe
Edited by:
Alan Capriles
Gianclaudio Angelini
With special thanks to:
Dipak Bhattarai
Nagendra Adhikari
Sarita Sapkota
Sahadev Poudei
1 Asia’s Kidney Black Market | 101 East
7 sep. 2016
2 Undercover video of human organ traders – BBC News
1 mei 2017
3 Exposing the black market for human organs
5 mrt. 2013
4 The Cruellest Cut – Pakistan’s Kidney Mafia
16 jul. 2007
5 Kidney valley: Nepal’s black-market organ trade
28 nov. 2020
12 jul. 2020
6 Organ trafficking | Underreported
5 okt. 2021
28 jul. 2016
24 On the Trail of the Illicit International Organ Trade
14 jun. 2016
For many Moldovan men, selling a kidney offers quick cash and certain freedom from poverty. But the risks create shocking consequences. A devastating insight to the underworld of organ trafficking.
Business is booming in the criminal organ trading industry. Fifteen thousand human organs are trafficked from the poorest countries to rich Arab and Western regions every year. “If you want to make a certain sum of money, give your kidney for 10 thousand US Dollars,” says Anatoli. Illegal organ traffickers persuaded him that after the operating table, life would be simple, rich and pain-free. Trusting these lies, he risked death and imprisonment for dreams of a better life. Meanwhile, Danish patient Mads eagerly awaits a kidney transplant. His chances of survival dwindle by 20% each year. He faces the question: Shall I continue to suffer while waiting for a legal transplant or perhaps even die? Or shall I buy an illegal kidney abroad now?
Danish Doc Production – Ref. 4291
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
25 People & Power – The Organ Traders
20 dec. 2012
26 The Cruellest Cut – Pakistan’s Kidney Mafia
16 jul. 2007
27 China organ trafficking: ‘I sold my kidney for £4,000’ – BBC News
16 aug. 2015
27 Kendrick Johnson’s organs missing
28 A Bit of Math Reveals China’s Horrifying Organ Transplant Secret
9 apr. 2015
29 Fighting China’s Forced Organ Harvesting (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories
30 Has China really stopped obtaining organs from executed prisoners?
30 mei 2017
31 Dying for Life: China’s volunteer organ donors
32 Harvested alive -10 years investigation of Force Organ Harvesting in China
19 feb. 2017
33 TheJournal.ie: Doctor reveals reality of organ harvesting in China
6 jul. 2017
A Chinese doctor who performed an organ harvesting operation in the 1990s was among the panel of experts who gave evidence at a Dáil committee today.
The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Defence heard evidence from experts including David Matas and Ethan Gutmann, who have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for their work investigating organ harvesting in China.
They made a series of recommendations at committee today, including to urge the government to ban ‘organ tourism’ – where citizens travel abroad to receive an organ transplant.
Such bans are already in place in Israel, Taiwan, Italy and Spain. He said that these countries did so out of a sense of “integrity, a highly-developed sense of tragedy, a historical wisdom to know that the big players, [such as] the US the UK, may not interfere in a world tragedy.”
“If you’re going to act, this is the critical moment, this is the critical time,” Gutmann told the committee today.
The committee also heard strong evidence from Dr Enver Tohti, who gave an account of how he was led to perform organ harvesting on a civilian in China.
TheJournal.ie is an Irish news website that invites its users to shape the news agenda. Read, share and shape the day’s stories as they happen, from Ireland, the world and the web.
34 ‘Overwhelming’ evidence of Chinese government is running organ harvesting
21 nov. 2019
35 Child’s organs allegedly harvested without permission
22 feb. 2019
A grandmother in Lubbock says she has a lot of questions after she found out doctors may have harvested her 10-year-old granddaughter’s organs without permission.
Rebecca Villarreall says that four days after her granddaughter Elaina Castilleja died, a memo was sent to the doctor who would perform Elaina’s autopsy, giving instructions to harvest her organs.
The letter, signed by chief medical examiner Dr. Sam Andrews, instructs the doctor to preserve the brain, but remove the cervical spine, eyes, lungs and more.
“We did not sign up for this. I knew she had to have an autopsy but this is remove her, remove this. She was 10 years old,” Villarreall told KLBK.
Villarreall adopted Elaina when she was one year old. Elaina suffered most of her life from the effects of Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Villarreall said she was told that because of the syndrome, an autopsy needed to be done, but she never agreed to organs being harvested.
36 Skewer Danger Prank
7 aug. 2016
Filmed in Montreal, Quebec Welcome to the world-famous Just for Laughs Gags channel, where we pull public pranks on unsuspecting Montreal residents and tourists.
Lina Dmer
4 jaar geleden