1 A Political Phenomeno
2 Obama And The Presidency
3 The Personal Transition
4 Campaign Comeback
5 President Barack Obama, Part One
6 President Barack Obama, Part Two
7 President Obama, pt. 1
8 President Obama: Notre Dame Commencement
9 Students for Barack Obama
10 The Road We’ve Traveled
11 Barack Obama: Barbershop
12 A Firefighter, a Postal Worker, a Veteran, and an Educator Have Dinner with Barack
13 First Lady Michelle Obama Answers Your Questions
The First Lady answered a few questions you all sent her via Twitter—check out what she said about her role models, hopes for her daughters, tips for getting kids to eat healthy and more.
14 Barack in the Virginia Rain
15 President Obama’s Full Speech from His Final Rally – Des Moines, Iowa
16 Barack Obama: Closing Argument (Full Speech)
17 Barack Obama: Our Moment Is Now, full speech
18 President-Elect Barack Obama on Election Night
19 What Happened When Obama’s Inauguration Drew Record Crowds
20 Jay Shetty’s Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS | One of the Most Eye Opening Speeches
21 Can I get your Number!?
18 mei 2021