The Shocking Truth about Justice

In afwezigheid van effectieve wetten en toegewijde handhavingsinstanties neemt frustratie de overhand.
De dierlijke neiging van de mens steekt zijn kop op en leidt tot jungle-justitie.

1 The case Liam Allan is a simple example that shows we are dealing with

‘Justice is a jungle’ 

It is a wild and dangerous place.

Destructive like a predator towards its prey,

or pure arbitrariness like a dictator.

(As we see in the examples in point 2 on the homepage.)

You can’t imagine it, someone can lie through their teethfor no reason

to put the blame on someone about something that never happened

and where nothing is wrong – with evidence on file

in order to disrupt or destroy someone’s life overnight.

Such a thing is no longer justice.

The question that needs to be asked beforehand is:

what is actually going on here?

It is the enigma of faulty human behaviour
(like a predator or dictator),
on an ordinary human who has done no wrong.

What is the trigger that leads one to shatter the lives

of people who have done nothing wrong,

in e.g. the ten first cases on the home page?

(Liam Allan and the list of nine in point 2)

It is the hard question that applies to every particle of the entire website!

2 Opening the eyes for the evils of justice

To summarise

3 Raise Eyebrows – What’s the right thing to do?

Truth Be Told 

“Truth be told” is an idiomatic expression that is commonly used in English. It typically serves as a preface or introduction to a statement or revelation that the speaker believes to be honest, sincere, or candid. The key points of the expression “Truth be told” are:

  1. Honesty: The phrase suggests that the speaker is about to reveal information that they believe to be true, without embellishment or deception. It implies a sense of candidness and sincerity in the forthcoming statement.

  2. Authenticity: “Truth be told” conveys a sense of authenticity, indicating that the speaker is about to share genuine information or express their true thoughts or feelings.

  3. Introspection: The phrase can also indicate that the speaker is about to disclose something that may be personal or introspective, revealing a deeper truth or insight about themselves or a situation.

  4. Clarification: “Truth be told” can also be used to clarify a point, emphasizing that the forthcoming statement is accurate or factual, and should be taken as such.

  5. Emphasis: The phrase can be used for emphasis, drawing attention to the importance or significance of the statement that follows, as if to say, “Pay attention, because this is the real truth.”

Overall, “Truth be told” is a phrase used to introduce a statement that the speaker believes to be genuine, honest, and accurate, often with a sense of personal authenticity or introspection.

Juste pour rire – Régiment gai, gai, gai

28 nov. 2012

Ce régiment de l’armée est vraiment incroyable. Il fait un entraînement gai, gai, gai à l’extérieur en jouant à saute-mouton, se donnant de petites tapes sur les fesses et s’embrassant sur la bouche! Tout ça devant les spectateurs crampés, bien assis sur leur banc de parc.
Une présentation de la chaine vidéo YouTube officielle de Juste pour rire les gags. Bourrez-vous la face des meilleurs et plus drôls gags de caméra cachée jamais tournés.