Human understanding

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Discover insights into human understanding,
exploring how we perceive, interpret,
and make sense of the world around us through cognition,
culture, and communication.

1 Michael Sandel – Where Do Our Natural Rights Come


Gepubliceerd op 12 aug. 2015

In this video, Michael Sandel teaches a lecture at Harvard University on natural rights and the arguments of John Locke. Check out the entire video here:…

2 Michael Sandel – How Are Our Rights Inalienable?

Gepubliceerd op 16 aug. 2015

Inalienable rights, argued by John Locke and echoed by the founders of the United States of America, is the concept that the natural rights given to us by Nature or by a Creator are not to be changes or infringed upon by anyone, not even yourself.
In this video, Michael Sandel talks about the arguement made by John Locke to help us understand what is meant by Inalienable Rights.

3 Whats Fair? Equality, affirmative action, and meritocracy by Prof. Michael J. Sandel

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Gepubliceerd op 20 sep. 2017

Prof. Michael J. Sandel is an American political philosopher and a political philosophy professor at Harvard University. In this Infosys Prize lecture, he talks about equality, affirmative action, and meritocracy. This lecture is a part of Prof. Sandel’s ‘Justice Series’ of lectures

4 Michael Sandel at Human After All conference 2014

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Gepubliceerd op 12 apr. 2014
In recent decades, market values have crowded out non- market norms in almost every aspect of life—medicine, education, government, law, art, sports, even family life and personal relations. Without quite realizing it, we have drifted from having a market economy to being a market society. Is this where we want to be?

Should we pay children to read books or to get good grades? Should we allow corporations to pay for the right to pollute the atmosphere? Is it ethical to pay people to test risky new drugs or to donate their organs? What about hiring mercenaries to fight our wars? Auctioning admission to elite universities? Selling citizenship to immi- grants willing to pay? This discussion takes on one of the biggest ethical questions of our time: Is there something wrong with a world in which everything is for sale? And if so, how can we prevent market values from reaching into spheres of life where they don’t belong? What are the moral limits of markets?

Introduction: Robert Johnson
President, Institute of New Economic Thinking

Presenter: Michael Sandel
Professor of Government, Harvard University

Discussant: Chrystia Freeland
Member of the Parliament of Canada, Toronto Centre

Minute 31

Minute 42


5 Lecture in Memoriam Krzysztof Michalski (full version)

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Gepubliceerd op 11 apr. 2013

The power of vision and the gift for narration — that were the two qualities that characterized Krzysztof Michalski, the doer and the thinker, the most. In his memory, Michael Sandel, Professor of Government at Harvard University and member of the IWM Academic Advisory Board, gave a Lecture on Solidarity, introduced by Cornelia Klinger, at MAK Vienna on April 5.

6 Who Needs Truth? An Evening of Politics and Performance

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Gepubliceerd op 13 mrt. 2018
If news can be fake and facts have alternatives, how are we to know what’s true anymore? Does a post-truth politics tilt toward tyranny?

Join the Aspen Institute and The Cooper Union in association with The Public Theater’s Public Forum for an event featuring Harvard Political Philosopher Michael Sandel leading a debate on the truth in our society.

Sandel will be joined by poet Elizabeth Alexander; actors Danny Burstein (Fiddler on the Roof); Brandon Victor Dixon (Hamilton); John Lithgow (The Crown); dancer, actor and recent Kennedy Center Honoree Carmen de Lavallade; immigration activist and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, and others, who will set the stage with thought-provoking readings and performances

At minute 42: Professor Michael Sandel

7 – 2015 Kellogg Lecture on Jurisprudence: Justice, Neutrality and Law

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Gepubliceerd op 8 feb. 2016

Michael J. Sandel delivered the 2015 Frederic R. and Molly S. Kellogg Biennial Lecture on Jurisprudence. The lecture focused on such questions as whether the law should affirm certain moral judgments, or be neutral on moral and spiritual questions.
Speaker Biography: Michael J. Sandel is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University, where he has taught political philosophy since 1980. Sandel’s writings on justice, ethics, democracy and markets have been translated into 27 languages. His legendary course “Justice” is the first Harvard course to be made freely available online and on television. It has been viewed by tens of millions of people around the world, including in China, where Sandel was recently named the “most influential foreign figure of the year” by China Newsweek.

For transcript, captions, and more information, visit…


8 Redefining Happiness | Street Philosophy With Jay Shetty

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Gepubliceerd op 15 sep. 2016

Motivational philosopher Jay Shetty urges us to redefine happiness.

9 Door-to-door Prank – Giant Speed Bump

24 sep. 2013

Just like insurance salesmen, we decided to go door-to-door with this prank (except our product is much much better)! Construction workers install a MASSIVE speed bump in people’s driveway and give them a massive bill. Victims go inside to call someone who can help them, but when they return outside, the speed bump magically disappears. Gags are filmed in Québec. Originality, authenticity and joie de vivre…