
Having more than one layer

1 Daens – Making Of

19 feb. 2013

De Making Of Daens 1993

The term “multi-layered” generally refers to something that has several layers or levels. The key points of a multi-layered system or concept depend on the context, but here are some general ideas:

  1. Complexity: Multi-layered systems are often more complex than single-layered systems because they have more components that interact with each other.

  2. Hierarchy: In a multi-layered system, the layers are often organized in a hierarchical manner, with each layer having a different level of abstraction or function.

  3. Redundancy: Multi-layered systems often have redundancy built in, meaning that there are multiple components that perform the same function or provide the same service. This can help improve reliability and fault tolerance.

  4. Scalability: Multi-layered systems are often designed to be scalable, meaning that they can be easily expanded or contracted to accommodate changes in demand.

  5. Interdependence: The layers in a multi-layered system are often interdependent, meaning that changes to one layer can affect the behavior of other layers.

  6. Specialization: Each layer in a multi-layered system may be specialized to perform a specific function or task, allowing the system to handle a wide range of tasks and services.

Overall, a multi-layered system or concept is one that is composed of multiple layers or levels, each with its own set of functions and interactions with other layers. This can help to create complex, scalable, and reliable systems that are capable of performing a wide range of tasks.

2 Live life before Leave life ..

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5 jan. 2020

Live life before Leave life …

“Multi-layered” typically refers to a concept or system that has multiple layers or levels. Here are some key points that may be associated with a multi-layered concept or system:

  1. Complexity: Multi-layered systems tend to be complex, with multiple levels of interactions, dependencies, or components. This complexity can provide depth and richness to the concept or system.

  2. Hierarchy: Multi-layered systems often have a hierarchical structure, with different layers or levels organized in a hierarchical manner. Each layer may have its own unique characteristics, functions, or properties.

  3. Abstraction: Multi-layered systems often involve abstraction, where higher-level layers encapsulate or abstract the details of lower-level layers. This allows for modularity and separation of concerns, where each layer can focus on its specific functionality.

  4. Interconnectivity: Layers in multi-layered systems are often interconnected, with interactions, feedback loops, or dependencies between different layers. Changes in one layer can impact or propagate through other layers, leading to system-wide effects.

  5. Flexibility: Multi-layered systems can be flexible and adaptable, as changes or modifications can be made at different layers without necessarily affecting the entire system. This allows for scalability, customization, or evolution of the concept or system over time.

  6. Emergent Properties: Multi-layered systems can exhibit emergent properties, where the behavior or characteristics of the system as a whole arises from the interactions or dynamics between its layers. These emergent properties may not be predictable or evident from the properties of individual layers.

  7. Holistic Understanding: Understanding multi-layered systems often requires a holistic approach, considering the interactions and dependencies between different layers. An integrated understanding of the system as a whole, rather than just focusing on individual layers, is necessary to grasp its complexity and functionality.

Overall, the key points of “multi-layered” revolve around the complexity, hierarchy, abstraction, interconnectivity, flexibility, emergent properties, and holistic understanding of systems or concepts that have multiple layers or levels.

3 Patrick Haemers: L’autre vérité

23 apr. 2013

In mei 1989 werd de beruchte gangster Patrick Haemers gearresteerd in Brazilië. Deze documentaire werd niet zo lang na de arrestatie gemaakt. Het bevat interviews met onder andere Patrick Haemers en Denise Tyack.
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4 Paul Vanden Boeynants: een premier van 63 miljoen

8 jul. 2015

De ontvoering van de flamboyante en controversiële politicus-zakenman Paul Vanden Boeynants (VDB) was het begin van een affaire die overal in België op verbazing en ongeloof wordt onthaald.
Het gerecht tast aanvankelijk volledig in het duister. Het eerste echte contact met de ontvoerders komt er op 30 januari via mijnheer ‘Léon’. ‘Léon’, – naar alle waarschijnlijkheid Patrick Haemers -, belt Jean Natan op, een relatie van Paul VDB. De eis is een losgeld van 63 miljoen BEF. De onderhandelingen gebeuren los van de politie. Op 10 februari overhandigt Jean Natan in Genève het gevraagde bedrag. Drie dagen later wordt VDB door zijn ontvoerders vrijgelaten aan het station van Doornik. De gijzeling is voorbij.
Later wordt Patrick Haemers, een sleutelfiguur in de ontvoering, samen met zijn vriendin in Brazilië aangehouden. Op 19 april 1993 begint het proces tegen de bende. Een kleine maand later pleegt Haemers zelfmoord in zijn cel. ‘Een premier voor 63 miljoen’ reconstrueert deze ontvoeringszaak. Het archiefmateriaal wordt aangevuld met exclusieve beelden, reconstructies en gesprekken met bevoorrechte getuigen.
Een documentaire van Dirk Leestmans. Bezoek de website »

5 Patrick Haemers Interview Part 1

18 okt. 2009

Arrêté au Brésil en mai 1989, Haemers est extradé vers la Belgique un an après. Le 14 mai 1993, pendant la période précédant son jugement, il est retrouvé pendu dans sa cellule de la prison de Forest après l’échec de l’évasion de Philippe Lacroix…

6 Patrick Haemers – Interview Part 2

18 okt. 2009

Arrêté au Brésil en mai 1989, Haemers est extradé vers la Belgique un an après. Le 14 mai 1993, pendant la période précédant son jugement, il est retrouvé pendu dans sa cellule de la prison de Forest après l’échec de l’évasion de Philippe Lacroix…

7 Patrick Haemers – Interview Part 3 fin

18 okt. 2009

Arrêté au Brésil en mai 1989, Haemers est extradé vers la Belgique un an après. Le 14 mai 1993, pendant la période précédant son jugement, il est retrouvé pendu dans sa cellule de la prison de Forest après l’échec de l’évasion de Philippe Lacroix…

8 VTM Nieuws 29 mei 1989: arrestatie Patrick Haemers, met interview (deel 1)

30 okt. 2011

In dit nieuws van maandag 29 mei 1989, gepresenteerd door Dany Verstraeten, staat de arrestatie van topgangster Patrick Haemers in Brazilië centraal, samen met diens vriendin Denise Tyack. Patrick Haemers was berucht om zijn vele overvallen in de jaren ’80 en de ontvoering van oud-premier Paul Vanden Boeynants kort daarvoor. Ook werd hij gelinkt aan de beruchte Bende van Nijvel, maar dat is nooit bewezen.

9 Don’t Talk to the Police

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20 mrt. 2012

Regent Law Professor James Duane gives viewers startling reasons why they should always exercise their 5th Amendment rights when questioned by government officials.
Download his article on the topic at….

10 Angry Optician Slaps Clients, Target Practice, Cop Kicks Dog Prank