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Explore Madagascar: unique wildlife, breathtaking landscapes, and rich culture.

1 Baobabs, réservoirs de vie à Madagascar

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4 jul. 2018

Des baobabs ont été transformés en réservoirs d’eau dans le plateau Mahafaly. Cette immense étendue calcaire du sud-ouest de Madagascar n’offre ni eau de surface, ni lac permanent, ni rivières. Il abrite près de vingt mille habitants, qui appartiennent aux ethnies Mahafaly et Antandroy. Plusieurs centaines de baobabs ont ainsi été transformés en de précieuses citernes et sont devenus essentiels pour la survie des populations locales.

Réalisation : Stéphane Corduant
Production exécutive: Mada-movie
Production : Cirad et FSP Parrur, 2015

Une documentaire HD exceptionnel (28:30 minutes) 

Au sujet de la vie extrêmement difficile

2 MADAGASCAR – Un monde caché

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In première gegaan op 23 feb. 2020

Découvrez un documentaire unique sur l’île de Madagascar. Le résumé d’un voyage de 15 jours dans l’est du pays. Des expériences extraordinaires partagées avec les locaux et des paysages à couper le souffle auxquelles on ne s’attendait pas.

Dans ce voyage nous cherchions à connaître la vraie définition du mot “Bonheur”, c’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons décidé d’aller à la rencontre des villages les plus éloignés du pays.
Souvent critiqué, Madagascar a aussi de nombreux points positifs très peu mis en avant.
On souhaitait alors mettre en lumière la beauté de cette île et laisser de côté les points négatifs le temps d’un instant.

// Production, réalisation & montage: JC Pieri
// Assistant réalisateur & pilote FPV: Julien Oliva
// Agence locale: Mahay Expédition
// Partenaires: Aéroport Marseille Provence & Air Madagascar

Vous pouvez soutenir notre voyage retour du 1er au 15 avril 2020 qui consistera à aider une école primaire dans un village du canal des Pangalanes ainsi que l’association Akany Avoko dans la ville d’Antananarivo venant en aide aux enfants en danger de la capitale.

// Lien de la cagnotte //…

Découvrez les photos du voyage sur Instagram:

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Un grand merci à tous de votre soutien et vos nombreux partages de la bande annonce.
En espérant que ce documentaire vous plaise.

Musiques via Epidemic Sound

3 Latitude Malgache – Vola mina. Une famille en or – Madagascar

19 mrt. 2011

Toute la série : Latitude Malgache – Vola mina. Une famille en or – Madagascar
Le sol de la province de mahajenga contient énormément d’or. Toutes les techniques, aléatoires ou éprouvées permettent aux mineurs de trouver le précieux métal. Le village d’Antanimbary reste désert toute la semaine. Les mineurs n’y viennent que le dimanche, jour du marché, pour vendre leur or et faire des réserves de nourriture. Parmi ces chercheurs d’or, une famille accepte de guider Cédric et de lui montre les techniques employées pour récolter l’or dans leur mine. En chemin crocodile, serpents, iguane et oiseaux sont observés. Au fond de la mine mesurant plus de vingt mètres, chacun s’affaire à la tâche qui lui est assignée. Germain taille le filon à la masse, tandis qu’Odile… #Madagascar #découverte #Volamina

4 Madagascar : Film Sambava-Andapa

11 feb. 2016

Émission TV Zone Australe ( Antenne Réunion ) Serge Marizy et Virginie Baret sur Sambava et Andapa en collaboration avec l’Office du Tourisme de la Sava

5 MADAGASCAR – Le Petit Train de la Côte EST

14 mei 2012

160 Km à 15 km/h de moyenne !! Poumon économique de cette région. Un bain de foule avec la population Malgache. Un voyage exceptionnel !!

6 le Gweta à Madagascar XonYqcd4rlQ

30 apr. 2018

Le Gweta chanté et dansé par par Donalio et Hervé ! Près d’Ambanja à Andranomandevy, ils n’ont pas d’électricité, pas d’eau courante, mais il veulent à tout prix que leur danse fasse le tour du monde !

7 Madagascar, le petit train des Hautes Terres

8 Vivre a Madagascar-4.mp4

13 feb. 2012

Lémuriens en libertés- de village en village- un train pas comme les autres – vivre avec les Malgaches

9 Madagascar et les Pangalanes

10 Vanilla Thieves Of Madagascar (Full Documentary) – BBC News

19 aug. 2018

The robberies are often violent. There have been dozens of murders in Madagascar linked to vanilla. Several communities have tried and failed to get protection from armed police. Some have taken the law into their own hands. Villagers say in a nearby village, a machete-wielding crowd descended on five suspected gangsters – hacking and stabbing them to death.
The killings have yet to be solved by the police. Locals say there is no will or capacity in the police forces to investigate the vanilla thefts – or the mob justice that sometimes follows.

11 MADAGASCAR-De Tana au Lac Itasy, Geiser, Chutes de la lily

17 okt. 2013

Promenade à Antananarivo, au Lac Itasy. Paysage des hauts plateaux

12 Madagascar (Documentary, Discovery, History)

28 jul. 2015

Take a behind the scenes peek into the lives of liner crew members and discover the pleasures of a life spent at sea.
Stop Over will take you on prodigious trips across the most marvelous oceans and rivers of the world. Travel with us as we explore not just the waters of the world, but also the mythical cruise ships, legendary liners, magnificent sailboats and fascinating traditional vessels that take us from place to place.
Board the Queen Elizabeth 2, the Royal Clipper, Le France/Le Norway, the Sun Boat II, the “Classica”, the Vat Phou, the Bolero, the Wind Song, the Grigoriy Mikheev icebreaker and the Silver Cloud among many others.
Travel from Southampton to New York, Gao to Mopti, Aswan to Abu Simbel, Dubai to the port of Muscate, on the famous Incense Route of the Desert Cities in the Negev.
Produced by NIGHT & DAY.
Al Cd
As a scientist and bioengineer, I’ve always been impressed by Madagascar, regarding it as one of the world’s great “living laboratories.” There are many species of fauna and flora that are indigenous exclusively to the island including over 3 dozen species of lemur. There are also coffee plants whose beans decaffeinate naturally, and trees whose wood is termite-resistant. It’s also home to the periwinkle plant whose extract (vincristine) has been used to effectively treat cancers. We cannot allow deforestation and other ecologically related problems threaten to destroy this place; it may very well have the cures to many diseases and conditions.

13 Miners miss out on lucrative gains from Madagascar’s sapphires

1 okt. 2019

Most of the world’s sapphires come from Malagasy soil. Extracting these precious stones out of the nation’s mines is a delicate and dangerous task. Moreover, it’s foreigners, not miners, who benefit most from the work. The stones are sent to Sri Lanka or Thailand to be carved – a process that increases their value tenfold – while the Malagasy miners get only the price of the rough stone.

14 Guerilla Sapphire Mining – Ilakaka, Madagascar

9 mrt. 2015

Ilakaka in the centre of the arid, southern plains of Madagascar is a product of an explosion in Sapphire discovery and trade. In 1998 this sleepy town had a population of 40 villagers but now numbers close 60,000. Labourers have migrated in from across Madagascar and traders from around the globe. Madagascar’s sapphires resemble those from Sri Lanka as the two islands were once part of a single geological structure that was torn apart by plate tectonics. Concentrated by ancient rivers and alluvial deposits these stones are now found at a depth of 20-50m below the surface of the desert landscape..
Small, guerrilla mines account for the high frequency of fatalities in the region. Exploratory wells are sunk vertically down, upto 50m, until the sapphire rich gravel is reached. Men, spoil and gravel alike are hoisted and lowered down the wells by make-shift log and rope winches. The mines are dug simply with a sharpened piece of steel rod but without any installation or reinforcement they are liable to collapse. Boys as young as 12 are killed by cave-ins or asphyxiate in the tunnels.

15 Madagascar’s illegal sapphire mines

24 jul. 2017

Indris – the largest lemurs – are native to Madagascar but their existence is threatened by illegal sapphire mining. Since late last year more than 40,000 miners have descended on the island.

16 Madagascar’s Vanilla Gold Rush

31 jan. 2019

Vanilla Slice: Prices for vanilla have skyrocketed in recent years, with some offering a 500% increase in buying prices. As a consequence, a gold rush has begun as farmers scramble to capitalise on the price increase.

17 Why is vanilla so expensive? | The Economist


15 mei 2019

In recent years, natural vanilla has sometimes been more expensive than silver by weight. Vanilla farmers in Madagascar are cashing in—but violence, theft and volatile markets are threatening their prospects.

Read more here:

From ice cream to cakes and even perfume, vanilla is the go-to flavour the world over. In recent years the price of natural vanilla has shot up. At one point it was more expensive than silver by weight.

80% of the world’s vanilla is grown in the perfectly suited climate of the north-east region of Madagascar. It’s the country’s primary export crop. For the farmers, like Beni Odon, life is far sweeter when the vanilla price is high.

In 2014 vanilla was $80 a kilo. Three years later it was $600. Today it’s around $500. The price rise is due in part to global demand. The trend of eating naturally means that food companies have shunned synthetic flavouring in favour of the real deal. Beni and the other farmers are cashing in.

But things can change very quickly. Price fluctuations affect producers of agricultural commodities everywhere but vanilla is particularly volatile. In just a few weeks the price can jump, or plummet, by over 20%

Liberalisation is one reason for such movements. The Malagasy government once regulated the vanilla industry and its price. But now the price is negotiated at the point of sale which makes for a freer market but a more volatile one. It’s also a tiny industry. A single cyclone can knock out the entire crop within Madagascar. It’s also a difficult and delicate crop to grow.

The growers have to contend with another problem. Thieves are targeting the vanilla crops. Some farmers have resorted to harvesting the beans before they’re ripe but this produces a poorer quality vanilla and ultimately pushes down the price.

The combination of deteriorating quality and high prices is having an effect. The vanilla price bubble may burst. Big buyers that provide vanilla for the likes of Häagen-Dazs and Ben & Jerry’s are now working directly with farmers in a bid to gain greater control over quality. Other companies have started to look elsewhere for their natural vanilla. Indonesia, Uganda and even the Netherlands are growing the crop. For a century Madagascar has enjoyed a near-monopoly on vanilla. But this industry may be in line for a radical overhaul.

18 Meet those getting rich off vanilla in Madagascar | Foreign Correspondent

1 feb. 2019

Vanilla hustlers in dusty streets. Vanilla brokers in vanilla-built palaces. Vanilla crops threatening rare lemurs’ jungle homes. On a wild ride through Madagascar, Adam Harvey finds there’s nothing plain about vanilla.

19 The flavorful story of vanilla

2 aug. 2020

With so many of us staying at home these days and spending more time in the kitchen, vanilla sales, of all things, are booming. Correspondent Seth Doane travels to the island of Madagascar – which supplies 80% of the world’s vanilla – to learn more about the extraordinarily colorful (and sometimes unsavory) story of a familiar spice, and why this valuable cash crop can be worth more by weight than silver.

20 Madagascan Vanilla Trade Controlled By Chinese Businesses

2 mrt. 2015

Chinese Vanilla – How Chinese entrepreneurs have taken control of Madagascar’s Vanilla trade, and what this means for the local.

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Madagascar, the world’s main source of vanilla, has seen traditional farming methods upset by a recent craving for the spice in China. While the Madagascan government stands by, Chinese profiteers wreak havoc on the trade.

Vanilla was introduced to Madagascar by French colonisers in the 19th century, which brought cheap Chinese labour to the farms. Papa Be is a 66-year-old descendent of this first wave of Chinese immigrants. Like his father before him he practises artisanal methods and takes pride in his crop. But his trade is a precarious one. “As growers, we’re in the palm of those who have all the money – the owners and the buyers”, he explains. Now his homeland has discovered a taste for vanilla, which has led to a surge in demand for the spice. Enter a second wave of Chinese immigrants. The new arrivals are business people who control the wholesale buying and export of the spice and profit from cheap local labour. A lack of contracts with workers makes it easy to fire disobedient employees. “That’s how you manage workers here”, says Cindy, an investor who moved to Madagascar with the second arrival of Chinese immigrants in the 1990s. For President Rajaonarimampianina, who came to power in a military coup in 2009, the unpopular Chinese newcomers are a necessary evil. He needs foreign investment: “Our markets are completely open, and that means China too”, he says.

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21 Deadliest Journeys – Madagascar: Dicing With Death

In première gegaan op 12 aug. 2020

In Madagascar, “rosewood” is at the heart of everyone’s desire. For illegal loggers, the last trees in the country are the main source of their income; coveted trees are the last on earth. In Masoala, a villager leads a team of five lumberjacks, the “festy festy”, “les petits malins”. For 5 euros a day, they have to face the torrential rains, mud, mosquitoes and oppressive heat. They have to descend from the mountain a log of nearly 500 kilos for three days. A grueling journey. To transport “the rosewood” safely, these men risk their lives in the rapids. This is the most dangerous moment in transport. Before they can use canoes, carriers must pass the rapids with rafts. The logs are then sent to China. In Madagascar, poverty drives thousands of peasants to the south of the island, “Ilakaka”, the largest deposit of sapphires in the world. For ten years, this Malagasy “Eldorado” has attracted students, the unemployed, taxi drivers, a whole population of underprivileged people who come to seek their fortune. As far as the eye can see, the ocher earth has been dug by hand , a multitude of manholes approximately 1 meter in diameter. Ilakaka, anyone can try their luck, all it takes is a shovel, a pickaxe and a lot of luck. To find precious stones, a miner goes blind down the well, digs, fills buckets that another man brings to the surface by a rope. All that remains is to pass this land through a sieve to hope to find the precious stone. It’s simple, but dangerous. Problems arise as soon as the shafts are a dozen meters deep and the miners decide to dig the galleries horizontally, without shoring. In this Gruyere that the region has become, collapses are very frequent and, regularly, minors do not come to the surface!
Director: Daniel Lainé, David Geoffrion


18 dec. 2014


23 Madagascar Unearthed: Gemstones of the Malagasy

30 jul. 2015

Follow geologist/gemmolgist, Charles Lawson, as he travels throughout the exotic lands Madagascar. Experience the variety of aspects of the Malagasy gem trade from mining, to cutting and even jewellery production.
For more information and to see the spoils of this trip and many others, visit:

24 Children Labor For Pennies Mining Mica In Madagascar | TODAY

18 nov. 2019

Mica is found in every car, plane and cell phone. But a year-long NBC News investigation reveals the shocking human cost of mining the mineral. Senior investigative correspondent Cynthia McFadden takes TODAY to the mica mines of Madagascar.
About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series.

25 Illegal Gold Panning – Ranomafana, Madagascar


9 mrt. 2015

Families pan sediment for gold in the Namorona River close to Ramonofana National Park. The sediment is mined in his village close to the river-side. In 2011 the price of Gold peaked at E1379.09 per oz and in the same year 50 hectares of primary forest were destroyed by mining. The sediment in the river water causes further damage downstream.

26 Abandoned at birth: the cursed twins of Madagascar | Unreported World

26 nov. 2017

The cursed twins: In this Madagascan town, twins are abandoned at birth because they’re thought to be curses on their families.
This Unreported World classic first aired in May 2014, when Kiki King went to the island to find out more.
This Unreported World episode was first aired on Channel 4 on 09/05/2014.

27 Madagaskar: aanval op het Rode Eiland | De wegen van het onmogelijke


28 Les mines de saphirs de Madagascar

22 feb. 2019

En 1999 on a découvert le plus grand gisement de saphirs quasiment à même la surface du sol sur l’île de Madagascar. Ce film nous raconte la vie de la mine, ceux qui ont fait fortune et ceux qui espèrent encore le faire.

29 Mines de saphir, 12 ans après

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24 feb. 2019

La fortune ou la mort les attendent peut-être au bout de ce tunnel sombre étayé par quelques planches. A dix mètres sous terre – une terre aride et inhospitalière – des milliers de mineurs jouent chaque jour leur vie pour découvrir la pierre bleue qui pourrait les sortir de la misère. Nous sommes retourné à Ilakaka, 40 000 habitants, eldorado du saphir situé au sud de Madagascar. Il y a douze ans, Ilakaka ressemblait à un bidonville déposé dans un décor de mauvais Far-West. Les mineurs dépensaient leur maigre fortune en filles et en alcool. Les acheteurs étrangers ne sortaient leurs liasses de billets que sous escorte armée. Ferdinand, 10 ans, s’était improvisé négociant en pierres précieuses. Il nous avait présenté sa petite amie, Olga, 12 ans. Olga vendait ses charmes dans les bars d’Ilakaka. Que sont-ils devenus ? Ont-ils fait fortune ? A quoi ressemble aujourd’hui la vie dans ce Far-West, douze ans après le début de la ruée vers l’or bleu ?

30 Madagascar on the brink of “climate change famine” – BBC News

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28 aug. 2021

Madagascar is on the brink of experiencing the world’s first “climate change famine”, according to the United Nations.
It says tens of thousands of people are already suffering “catastrophic” levels of hunger and food insecurity after four years without rain.
The drought – the worst in four decades – has devastated isolated farming communities in the south of the country, leaving families to scavenge for insects to survive.
Lurking Arachnid
Madagascar government looks rich and corrupt AF
Finn Lawler
its crazy the contrast between people in rags starving to the chief of staff sitting in a decked out office
Patrick M
It’s ok. Canada has the carbon tax to offset climate change. Madagascar can purchase some of our carbon credits to offset their situation. Humans are a joke.
Jihad Fighter
Always interesting to see countries starving right next to Africa which host 30% of the worlds arable land
No mention of the mass deforestation on Madagascar?
Bernard Almighty
I’m Stepping over bodies on my way to work because of climate change here in the UK 🇬🇧 and the whole experience is just truly heartbreaking and horrifying 😪💔 Pray for the uk 🇬🇧 🙏🏼
The Koch brothers don’t give a damn about this
whatever you do, dont end up in prison there
Ronaldo Stevens
I hate to say it but why have 8 kids if there’s scarce food?
Wholesaler Gal
New Living Translation And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins. Hebrews 8:12
E. Normus
Climate change funding makes as much sense as Peter Griffin’s cloud insurance
Ajhay Eustace Bonaobra
This is breaking my heart. 😔
prakyath kumar
World’s first climate change famine? What about Syria and Yemen? Civil wars were preceded by 10 year draught.
Casey Pollard
This is so sad when u see celebrities spending 85 million on a damn house and 1 million would feed and help all these people for a long time
Theweatheris Aokay
I think in poor country where survival is hard and harsh especially for children, women should be supply with birth control. It’s hard to watch children being born with the lack of food. 😕
Seb 2021
This is so sad. I hope we can learn before its too late. i still have hope but i understand by the time we fix it the damage will be huge life and this world wont be the same. prayers to the family and the affected and the millions potentially billions to come next.
Ben Germain
Africa has become quite a wealthy continent now, i’m sure they can think of something to help……..and no Bob Geldoff isn’t getting involved this time.
Al De Niro
Nothing to do with the population quadrupling over the last 50 years?
Gaming Tonight
But isn’t the Coronavirus more important?!
Jen-Yueh Hu
Should have sent them some of those potatoes lying around at the start of the pandemic.
Noel Genoway
8 children?? Excuse me!!
Brain Dane
Madagascar has famines all the time. It’s not uncommon.
el sa
What is the government doing?No roads,no government aid?
Jesus saves
Something needs to be done, no one today should be living like this
Hasnt Oxfam been in Madagascar for years 🤔, but now its climate change 🙄
Patrick C
The uh oh stinky time to eat the rich is coming to a town near you
All critical comments are being BBC The big brother of Prop A Ganda.
remember this in 50 years, kids. when every extreme weather situation was attributed to climate change. nothing is more sciency than media-promoted anecdotes. there is a broad consensus in the scientific community on the evidence of manmade temperature increase. on the evidence of manmade extreme weather events…not so much
b34V15 heh
Good, they keep killing all the native wildlife that lives there (like boiling up lemers to eat). Maybe someday zero people will live in Madagascar
Maxine McFarlane
Someone send them some clothes and food. America wastes 40 percent of its food!!
Günther Gartenmann
it’s totally unacceptable that so many people are still relying on subsistence farming.
Gerry geko
Send lots of money and that will fix the climate??
The climate likes to move it move it!!
All critical comments are being BBC the big brother of propaganda.
Clayann Said
They should leave,their natural resources are gone
Robin. Verne
We understand lies…the issue is and has always been child sex trafficking in the country. As for food…quit destroying crops.
It’s so easy for them to deceive the masses and pull off psyops in countries like these whilst exploiting the people. It’s sickening.
Mary Kinuthia
Hebrews under punishment.
charlie akin
Climate change said over and over doesn’t make it so . Climate is cyclical not static. In time it will return.
Jakob Raahauge
On the brink? Waay passed that point
Jama Ducaysane
That’s people very poor I am sorry 😢
hello everybody❤️
…sad story, but given how big Joe Biden’s heart is, he will bring them to the USA… BTW, are cHiNa, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen, and N Korea going to pitch in too ?
salman Ali
This news saw in BBC Hindi Please
A. Soslanoff
Lies lies lies…could,probably,possibly,may be-blah blah f off
Andy F
No one cares what the UN has to say
Dr Sakman
Move them all to the U.K. cause apparently we love taking refugees
Jean Raphaël
The Malagasy government is yo be blame. Israel has been able to achieve much in agriculture through innovative technologies. What are the Malagasy government waiting for. Seek help or is it one of those government, specialist in big talks but as far as action is concerned, it’s nil….0 action….
The thumbnail looks like Kim kardashian and Kanye west kids lol
Justice Citizen
Yeah BBC blame climate change, while the Republic of Madagascar government “officials” live in a life of luxury. Every country has it’s poor, blaming climate change for the governments unwillingness to drill wells in remote locations is just pandering to the Green Grift.
Vegard Baisgård
I’m not surprised. Madagascar was full of jungle or forrests before. But they have cut down everything.. I mean.. look it up, and see pictures from the past and how they destroyed they’re ecology over the decades… This is what happens when all the trees are gone. Just a dessert, a wasteland.. but hey, mahogni wardrobes are beautiful, ey?
Lots of loud people in the comments.
Hour Bee
We need to organize flights to bring as many of them here as we can.
And last year we threw away tons of potatoes because they would’ve been too expensive to transport.
Alexander Rodger
What a good thing Jeff Bezos is launching rockets into space – that will be really helpful to these starving children.
She looks really well FEED!!!
Caradog Freichfras
There have been famines and droughts for all of human history. Now suddenly they will attribute every natural disater to climate change.
Bec Jam
Plant tress as much as possible all drought will decreases
“Madagascar is on the brink of experiencing the world’s first “climate change famine”, according to the United Nations.” I call bullshit. “The drought – the worst in four decades” meaning there have been worse. I want to see the science showing that this drought is not just a bad drought and is actually related to climate change and is not just part of a normal cycle.
Jesus Christ died for sinners including you, on the cross with his own blood for your personal sins, repent and get saved or perish with the lost wicked world. God’s word is coming to pass, it will only go downhill
Dan Hattaway
Lisa Shaw, BBC reporter,… and vaccine victim,….R.I.P.
The earth and weather works in cycles
david jacobs
In other news, the Nigerian, paralympic synchronised swimming team has been disqualified after admitting 2 of their quadriplegic amputee team members were in fact sea lions .
Sir Jimmy Savile
Why do they have more and more children there then if they can’t feed everyone…
Eyad Alhalabi
Male, born in 1981, is called Malik Al-Masry, mangolo a resident of Damascus. He works as a drug dealer in secret. As for the public, he works in a company that sells beauty products in Damascus in cooperation with officers working in the Political Security Division in Damascus. He owns a bank account in Europe in dollars in Belgium and Holland, and possible elsewhere, and bought European citizenship for freedom of movement between Damascus and Europe via Lebanon,
Kevin Hwang
We need private companies that do vertical gardening to be paid by Madagascar’s government. The UN could lend them money. Vertical gardens can use up to 90% less water. These could eventually be expanded into aquaculture systems for freshwater fish. It would offer a good chance for university researchers to get involved, private companies to develop infrastructure, and give job experience to the starving Madagascar population. A Madagascar population that can start feeding itself can hopefully show the rest of the world how traditional agriculture is water and land intensive. Traditional agriculture wastes a huge amount of resources on water and also contributes to deforestation. This could be an opportunity for companies to make money and politicians to gain influence. … Won’t happen though. Those children will starve and die.
Tim Foster
More bollocks climate crap.

31 Skunk In A Box

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6 apr. 2011

Sounds like a kitty in a box but turns out it’s actually a stinky skunk. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!