The Wrong System

Therefore, conscience refers to an action based on knowledge, or judgment.

Therefore, conscience refers to an action based on knowledge, or judgment.

Choose the wrong system and you either steer by hand or return to port!
Si vous avez fait un mauvais choix, il ne vous restera qu’à barrer vous- même ou qu’à rentrer au port !

There is something very wrong with a system that allows a one billion dollar policy decision to be made by way of […]
Il y a quelque chose qui ne tourne pas rond du tout lorsqu’un système permet que l’on prenne une décision stratégique de l’ordre […]

[…] and found that a power wire was connected to the wrong relay, allowing the system to give less restrictive signals than it should have.
[…] qu’un fil qui l’alimente est raccordé sur le mauvais relais, ce qui permet au système de donner des indications moins restrictives qu’elles doivent l’être.

Dictionnaire anglais-français

Fake Surveyor Prank

17 mrt. 2011

A surveyor guy asks people to hold onto his measuring tool and then gets switched out for a dummy. Now let’s see how long they will wait.