A whole or complete situation, including all the things that it affects, not just one part of it.
It’s important we don’t lose sight of the big picture when we make these decisions.
Macmilan Dictionary
The expression “the wider picture” typically refers to a broader or more comprehensive perspective or understanding of a situation, issue, or topic. The key points associated with this expression include:
Comprehensive view: “The wider picture” suggests the importance of taking a comprehensive or holistic view of a situation or issue, rather than focusing solely on isolated details or narrow viewpoints. It emphasizes the need to consider various factors, contexts, and perspectives to gain a more complete understanding.
Contextual awareness: The expression implies the recognition of the broader context in which a situation or issue exists. It suggests that understanding the wider picture involves taking into account the surrounding circumstances, background information, historical context, and other relevant factors that may impact the situation.
Big-picture thinking: “The wider picture” emphasizes the importance of big-picture thinking, which involves looking beyond immediate details or short-term considerations and considering the long-term implications, broader trends, and overall strategic direction. It encourages a more strategic, forward-thinking approach to problem-solving or decision-making.
Avoidance of narrow-mindedness: The expression also implies the need to avoid narrow-mindedness or tunnel vision, and to be open to different perspectives and viewpoints. It suggests that considering the wider picture may involve being receptive to diverse opinions, being willing to see beyond one’s own biases or assumptions, and being open to new information or perspectives.
Enhanced understanding: Ultimately, “the wider picture” suggests that gaining a comprehensive and contextual understanding of a situation or issue can lead to better decision-making, problem-solving, and overall comprehension. It encourages a more holistic, inclusive, and open-minded approach to understanding complex situations or issues.
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2 De Rijdende Rechter – Autoschade op een parkeerplaats (08-10-2001)
9 okt. 2021
1. Kamerbeek exploiteert sinds juni 2000 een te Roermond aan de Godsweerdersingel gelegen parkeerterrein voor auto’s, dat is afgesloten met een slagboominstallatie. Het betreft hier betaald parkeren.
2. Op 17 september 2000 heeft Massij bij het verlaten van dat parkeerterrein schade opgelopen aan zijn auto. Hij is toen met zijn auto in aanraking gekomen met twee boutjes, die waren bevestigd aan het paaltje, waarop de slagboom rust. Bedoelde boutjes staken ongeveer 1 centimeter uit.
3. De door Massij geleden schade beloopt ƒ 881,25. Kamerbeek heeft desgevraagd geweigerd deze schade te vergoeden.
Hoorzitting: 15 december 2000
Plaats hoorzitting: Roermond
Datum uitspraak: 30 december 2000
Plaats uitspraak: Hilversum
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The big/bigger picture
The most important facts about a situation and the effects of that situation on other things:
In my political work I try to concentrate on the big picture and not be distracted by details.
Cambridge Dictionary
Big picture
1 Informal The main film in a cinema programme, a feature film; (more generally) a major, big-budget film.
2US Usually with the. A broad overview of a situation, issue, or problem; a wide perspective or appraisal, especially regarded as an effective way to identify essential features or evaluate overall aims and strategy.
Oxford Dictionary
Richard Starsouski
5 jaar geleden