Drag Someone Over the Coals

Haul/Drag someone over the coals

To speak angrily to someone because they have done something you disapprove of

He was hauled over the coals for coming in late for work.

Cambridge Dictionary

1 Fujitsu employees ‘dragged over coals’ if they admitted issues with Post Office software | ITV News

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1 feb 2024

A former employee at a Fujitsu call centre who dealt with queries from sub-postmasters about the Horizon system told ITV News that staff would have been “dragged over the coals” if they admitted the software had problems.

Nate Orrow worked at Fujitsu’s Stevenage call centre for two years, between 2010 and 2012.

Speaking exclusively to ITV News, he said that when sub-postmasters were required to balance their accounts, the call centre would be “back to back for hours” with queries.

2 Government signed off on Post Office executives bonuses

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3 David Davis: ‘I don’t care if it bankrupts the Post Office’ don’t challenge the Postmasters

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7 jan 2024

“There should be no challenge. The appeal is made and it basically goes through on the nod.”

Neither the Post Office nor judicial system should challenge appeals by Horizon scandal victims seeking to overturn wrongful convictions says Sir David Davis, Conservative MP and former Brexit Secretary.

4 Post Office scandal: Britain’s worst miscarriages of justice

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18 jan 2024

From Hillsborough to the Post Office scandal, Sky News takes a look at some of the biggest miscarriages of justice in British history.

5 ‘What’s the answer?’ Post Office boss challenged over Horizon scandal during committee grilling

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16 jan 2024

The current chief executive of the Post Office was challenged over the Horizon scandal during an appearance in front of MPs.

Nick Read who joined the business in 2019 – after the worst years of the scandal – faced a series of tough questions from Liam Byrne.

The Horizon scandal saw more than 700 subpostmasters and subpostmistresses handed criminal convictions after faulty Fujitsu accounting software made it appear as though money was missing at their branches.

6 Brat Kid Frames a Ding Dong Ditch on Samaritan! – Just For Laughs Gags

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27 mrt 2011

Clever little kid is painting some guy’s door frame when he asks for some help… only to ring the bell and run away. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family.