A Contradiction in Terms

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Explore how contradictions in terms challenge conventional thinking. Discover how seemingly opposing ideas can coexist and provoke deeper understanding.

A phrase that contains words which have very different or opposite meanings

I think “working vacation” is a contradiction in terms.

Meriam Webster

A phrase that is confusing because it contains words that seem to have opposite meanings:

An honest politician – isn’t that a contradiction in terms?

Cambridge Dictionary

1 – Liam Allan – Behind the breakthrough: pressure and trauma

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6 jun. 2019

The publicity around Liam’s case was perhaps the single biggest corner turned so far in the fight against false accusations and police failures.
Liam’s fresh faced appeal gave him a media platform and showed his apparent confidence to the world. Few saw the trauma fears and difficulties that came with presenting his innocent student’s story to TV journalists, and dealing with the reaction.
Now well into the journey of organising a successful series of conferences on the “Innovation of Justice”, Liam’s promise, to never stop fighting to get some return to sanity in the processing of rape/sexual assault cases, has inspired hundreds and made his face well recognised across the world.
pushing this and the main film, “We Believe You” can help the raised awareness and to restore justice
please share. and join in the discussion at https://www.pigandcrown.co.uk/forum/

At minute 9: eventually go to prison
Gerry Monahan
Well done Liam for working to restore some balance to the current state of injustice for the huge growing number of falsely accused people.
I was falsely accused of rape in 2019 and I understand everything Liam went through
Thank you, Liam. (I can’t say more than this)
Kyle MacDonald
I was accused over 4 years again still a mess with no help
Ophiophagus H.
Why doesn’t this have a million views?
People need to find out who that chick is and blast her name for everyone to see
Criminal Justice Natters
I recently spoke to Liam Allan about his experiences in the criminal justice system, you can view it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kaylCpUH7Q&t=39s
The police investigate this case for a whole year and fail to find these crucial messages? That says something about what efficient investigators they are.
Patrick Graham
all police forces across the country – still doing this – as Mark Pearson points out – every time they are exposed as criminally perverse, they say “lessons will be learnt” – they never are.
Khan’s Clothing Blogs
Thsi happened to me but hopefully due to new evidence I can atleast press charges and clear my name
Patrick Graham
 @Khan’s Clothing Blogs  I wish you the best of luck – the police are extremely resistant to pressing charges against false accusers – because they are complicit at the very least themselves. and the CPS are as separate from the police as a foot is from a leg.

2 Liam Allan & Hannah Arkwright: False Allegations and Miscarriages of Justice

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1 mei 2021
Liam Allan and Hannah Arkwright both faced false allegations. In Liam’s case the police investigation led, after over a year, to trial for rape and sexual assaults. It was only on the second day of the trial that the police revealed that they had all the data from the complainant’s phone and were relying on a small number of text messages which they had disclosed.

They resisted disclosure of any of the other information found on the complainant’s phone, assuring Liam and the court that there was nothing of relevance. The judge ordered disclosure but gave only 24 hours for Liam and his defence to review the thousands of text messages.

In the short time allowed they found enough to show that the allegations had been without any foundation.
The case was immediately dropped by the prosecution.

Liam has no doubt that the police knew about the texts which proved his innocence but had persisted with the prosecution and non-disclosure.

Liam and Hannah have set up a thedefendant.org.uk as a website, with a helpline, to offer support to people involved criminal proceedings.

It is the only support service in the UK. Helpline number – 0300 124 5098; Opening times are Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 6pm-10pm Support email: support@thedefendant.org.uk Crowdfunder is
Outlaws 4 Justice
My name is Silbya and i am from Louisiana I have a true Domestic abuse case and he used criminal charges to help him get ahead in family court. I had both of the criminal charges dropped because they had nothing of any value to support the story. However the damage has been done in my Family court case. They had no desire to listen to the truth and ignored it. So in a criminal courtroom i was given more fair treatment than in Family Court. Luckily for me, i started to record everything after the 3rd false arrest even the family court trial. I was in that courtroom alone and knew i should make sure i had a true record of what was said. I am now getting ready to sue the men and women involved in this situation because i have no confidence in going back into a courtroom with people that have no value in morals or in doing their duty as a public servant.
It’s so scary how false allegations are so easily used by women. Why isn’t it illegal to make false allegations?

Gepubliceerd op 6 jun. 2019

Video: 26 minutes

Important from minute 12:45 on the video

From minute 12:45 until minute 18 is the clue of the story of Liam Allan on the video

At minute 13:15 There was a message: “it wasn’t against my will” 
At minute 12:45 Hit the roof

At minute 14:15 He doesn’t remember how he recorded this information
At minute 14:55 A prosecution barrister signed off, he knew
At minute 15:55 Maybe it is a different generation, Ctrl F and you tap in key words
At minute 16:20 Not one time the word rape
At minute 17 It would have been abandonedly clear to a neural person, even before I was arrested, I was innocent
At minute 17’40 Arrest someone before the evidence was even looked at
At minute 19 12 people 15 people at one point, they took a week off, there was no one at her side
At minute 20 I have never seen so much people in a public gallery
At minute 21:30 They want to go through, in spite there was proof that I was innocent
At minute 22:30 False accusations
At minute 24:15 There are gray aria’s
At minute 24:55 If you can’t live in harmonie
At minute 25:30 Accused

Liam Allan – Behind the breakthrough: pressure and trauma

At minute 0:30″ January 2016
At minute 2 Under arrest
At minute 3 This is wrong, from where does that come
At minute 4 To jump on it, this did not happen
At minute 4:50 5% is wrongful accused, 95% are real
At minute 5 Stay neutral
At minute 5:45 it is how you look at it, it is where it went wrong
At minute 6:30 being charged
At minute 6:55 it is 50 50, it is her word against mine
At minute 9 it was like I went camping
At minute 10:45 I was taking goodbye to 40 50 people, it became a never see you again meeting
At minute 12:25 13 counts of sexual assault

From minute 12:45 until minute 18 is the clue of the story of Liam Allan on the video

At minute 13:15 There was a message: “it wasn’t against my will”
At minute 14:15 He doesn’t remember how he recorded this information
At minute 14:55 A prosecution barrister signed off, he knew
At minute 15:55 Maybe it is a different generation, Ctrl F and you tap in key words
At minute 16:20 Not one time the word rape
At minute 17 It would have been abandonedly clear to a neural person, even before I was arrested, I was innocent
At minute 17’40 Arrest someone before the evidence was even looked at
At minute 19 12 people 15 people at one point, they took a week off, there was no one at her side
At minute 20 I have never seen so much people in a public gallery
At minute 21:30 They want to go through, in spite there was proof that I was innocent
At minute 22:30 False accusations
At minute 24:15 There are gray aria’s
At minute 24:55 If you can’t live in harmony
At minute 25:30 Accused

3 Innovation of Justice Conference, March 2019

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17 mei 2019

Non-profit campaign, Innovation of Justice, chose the School of Law and Politics as the location for their second conference, ‘Reviving the Criminal Justice System’. This video, filmed and produced by Red Beetle Films, explains more about the campaign which aims to bring practitioners, legal professionals and those who have been falsely accused and convicted of crimes, to discuss how the criminal justice system can be improved for the better.

2 Episode 1: Natters with Liam Allan – Criminal Justice issues, disclosure, sexual assault, trial

17 nov. 2020

This is an interview with Liam Allan. In 2016, Liam was arrested on suspicion of multiple rapes and sexual assault. These allegations were false. Liam joins us to natter about experience of the criminal process and it’s monumental failings. Liam also talks about his new criminal justice charity, aimed at making the process simpler for suspects accused of crimes.

“A contradiction in terms” is a phrase used to describe a situation or concept that contains conflicting or mutually exclusive elements. The key points of “a contradiction in terms” are:

  1. Conflicting elements: The concept or situation in question contains elements or components that are contradictory or incompatible with each other.

  2. Mutual exclusivity: The conflicting elements cannot coexist or be true at the same time or in the same context, as they negate or nullify each other.

  3. Paradoxical nature: The situation or concept may appear illogical, paradoxical, or self-defeating, as it defies common sense or logical reasoning.

  4. Linguistic expression: “A contradiction in terms” is a figure of speech used in language to highlight the inherent inconsistency or impossibility of a particular concept or situation.

  5. Examples: Some examples of “a contradiction in terms” could include “living dead,” “square circle,” or “honest cheat,” as these concepts contain elements that are fundamentally contradictory or incompatible with each other.

  6. Analytical tool: Recognizing and understanding contradictions in terms can be a useful analytical tool in critical thinking, problem solving, and communication, as it helps identify and resolve logical inconsistencies or fallacies in arguments or concepts.

In general, a “contradiction in terms” refers to a situation where two words or phrases are used together in a way that seems to contradict each other. For example, “jumbo shrimp” or “living dead” are considered contradictions in terms.

In logic, a contradiction refers to a statement or proposition that is both true and false at the same time, which is considered an error in reasoning.

4 Andrew Jenks speaks with Ryan Ferguson

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11 nov. 2013

Thank you Andrew for believing in Ryan and being a friend to him!!!! Praying for his release!
Debbie Moore
Thank you Andy for sharing Ryan’s story, and helping get the message out. God bless you.
You ARE going home soon. You WILL be home for Thanksgiving. We stand united with you Ryan.
Normally I won’t listen to things like these, but I’ve heard of this and I think that this case deserves a new trial. I signed the petition.
Grant Vander Laan
You are awesome jenks keep doin what u are doin
so happy to see him freed after all these years..yah!!!
Ashley Bean
Wear this tshirt around, so more people can support him! (50% of the proceeds will be donated to him on Fundly) http://teespring.com/ryanferguson
Dave Cromage
So will his co defendant be released also since there is no evidence linking him to the murder either?!
Mitch Fields
Hang in there it wont be long now…..The Lord has allowed your plight to help so many others in many ways………………
I don’t understand how this shit can happen to good people. The system in corrupt. Keep on fighting. 
Eddie E
HE IS NOW FREE!!  The Missouri AG has refused to retry Ryan’s case!!  Kathleen Zellner is on her way to get him from Jefferson City Correctional!!!
xiomana xoxoxo
I am working on a documentary on innocent people getting framed by police, its pretty common now they just want to nail anyone for unsolved crimes…not sure what the motive is but I will find out , going through the cases now for research, but I have so many its pretty overwhelming.

5 Liam Allan speech at Innovation of Justice Cardiff 2019

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1 Liam Allan speech at Innovation of Justice Cardiff 2019

Video: 20′ 31″

The first 15 seconds of the talk the recording is very weak.

Subtitles starts on 1’30”, it doesn’t work before.

Miscarriage of justice on minute 18’30”.


Gepubliceerd op 25 mrt. 2019
This was the speech made by Liam Allan at the innovation of justice Cardiff conference,
who was falsely accused of multiple rape and faced 12 years in prison and life on the sex offenders register.

A message from Liam:

  • So this was the full speech in Cardiff.
  • It’s tough to talk about things and it never gets easier, but if anyone has a loved one or someone they know going through this, then please show them this.
  • I am fighting, every day, with everything I have to help those that honestly feel so alone and isolated.
  • I will not give up, change will happen, but I need your support.
  • Whether you’re a member of the public, a politician, a legal professional or just someone who never knew miscarriages of justice were happening, please share this, follow innovation of justice, myself and my co-founder Annie Brodie-Akers on Twitter and help us help other people by spreading the word.
  • This is for the innocent.

This always will be. I hope to see everyone at the Sheffield and London events! We will announce tickets very soon so please, come along and share your story with us. Thank you for everything so far!

At the beginning of the talk Liam Allan told: I was suicidal at points.

He explains it during 4 minutes.

Painting Gorilla Prank

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23 mei 2011

Painting gorilla doesn’t seem very good at his art at first… but then he suddenly asks for HELP to be taken out of the zoo and brought back in the wild!