How we learned to stop an out of control president
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Explore the events leading to the fall of President Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal. Understand the key moments and their impact on U.S. politics.
The Fall of President Richard Nixon and The Watergate Scandal
The Watergate scandal remains one of the most infamous political crises in American history, ultimately leading to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974. What began as a break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters unraveled into a far-reaching conspiracy, exposing corruption at the highest levels of government. This page presents 40 videos that delve into the key events, investigations, and repercussions of the scandal, providing a comprehensive look at how political power was tested – and ultimately held accountable.
De Val van President Richard Nixon en het Watergate-schandaal
Het Watergate-schandaal is een van de beruchtste politieke crises in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis en leidde uiteindelijk tot het aftreden van president Richard Nixon in 1974. Wat begon als een inbraak in het hoofdkwartier van de Democratische Partij, groeide uit tot een omvangrijk complot dat corruptie op het hoogste niveau blootlegde. Deze pagina bevat 40 video’s die de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen, onderzoeken en gevolgen van het schandaal belichten en een diepgaand inzicht bieden in hoe politieke macht op de proef werd gesteld – en uiteindelijk ter verantwoording werd geroepen.
The key points of the fall of President Richard Nixon and the Watergate scandal include:
Break-In at the DNC Headquarters: On June 17, 1972, five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C. They were found to have ties to Nixon’s re-election campaign.
Initial Cover-Up: The Nixon administration initially attempted to cover up its involvement in the break-in. High-level officials were implicated in obstructing justice by trying to prevent the investigation from revealing the administration’s role.
Investigative Journalism: Journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post played a crucial role in uncovering the scandal. Their reporting, based on information from a source known as “Deep Throat” (later revealed to be FBI Associate Director Mark Felt), exposed the depth of the administration’s involvement.
Senate Watergate Committee: In 1973, the Senate established a special committee to investigate the Watergate affair. Televised hearings brought the scandal into the homes of millions of Americans, increasing public awareness and concern.
Revelation of the Tapes: It was revealed that Nixon had a tape-recording system in the White House that recorded many conversations. These tapes became central to the investigation.
Saturday Night Massacre: On October 20, 1973, in an event known as the “Saturday Night Massacre,” Nixon ordered the firing of special prosecutor Archibald Cox, who had been appointed to investigate the scandal. This led to the resignation of the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General, causing a public outcry.
Supreme Court Ruling: In July 1974, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that Nixon had to release the tapes. The tapes provided undeniable evidence of Nixon’s involvement in the cover-up.
Impeachment Process: The House Judiciary Committee adopted articles of impeachment against Nixon for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress.
Nixon’s Resignation: Facing certain impeachment and removal from office, Nixon announced his resignation on August 8, 1974, effective the following day. He became the first U.S. president to resign.
Aftermath and Pardoning: Gerald Ford, who succeeded Nixon as President, granted him a full pardon on September 8, 1974, for any crimes he might have committed while in office. This was a controversial decision intended to help the country move past the scandal.
These points encapsulate the major events and implications of the Watergate scandal, which led to the unprecedented resignation of a U.S. president and had a lasting impact on American politics and public trust in government.
The Watergate Burglary, and the Fall of President Richard Nixon
Early in the morning of June 17, 1972, several burglars were arrested inside the office of the Democratic National Committee. located in the Watergate building in Washington, D.C. But this was no ordinary burglary. It set in motion a chain of events that would convulse Washington for two years, lead to the resignation of a U.S. president Richard Nixon and changes American politics forever.
Watergate : the men who led Nixon to the fall | SLICE EXPERTS
1 The Final Report: Watergate (National Geographic)
8 jan. 2017
2 Dark Days at the White House: Watergate and Richard Nixon — ABC News
7 jul. 2015
ABC News newscasters and reporters included in this video are Frank Reynolds, Ted Koppel, Sam Donaldson, Tom Jarriel, Harry Reasoner, Howard K. Smith, Bill Gill, David Schoumacher, and Bill Zimmerman. If you’re a Forensics Files fan, you’ll recognize narrator Peter Thomas’s voice.
From the VHS Tape: “The story of the President at the center of the Watergate Maelstrom, his near impeachment, his last dark days at the White House, and his sudden resignation in disgrace.”
A part of the “ABC News Great TV News Stories” VHS series — watch more at https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH…
00:00 Intro
01:38 Jan. 20, 1972 – State of the Union
02:24 June 17, 1972
02:51 June 22, 1972
03:01 Aug. 29, 1972
03:38 Oct. 10, 1972
05:20 Interlude (1972 election and indictments)
06:17 Feb. 7, 1973
06:31 March 26, 1973
07:52 April 17, 1973
09:39 April 19, 1973
11:02 April 30, 1973
13:13 May 14, 1973
14:22 May 18, 1973
16:21 June 25, 1973
23:46 July 20, 1973
25:16 July 21, 1973
26:31 July 23, 1973
28:44 Interlude (Saturday night massacre)
29:27 Oct. 22, 1973
30:42 Oct. 23, 1973
31:05 Oct. 26, 1973
32:02 Nov. 7, 1973
32:24 Nov. 15, 1973
32:40 Nov. 17, 1973
33:35 Nov. 21, 1973
35: 11 Nov. 26, 1973
35:25 Jan. 15, 1974
36:50 Jan. 30, 1974 – State of the Union
37:31 Feb. 6, 1974
37:54 Feb. 25, 1974
38:14 Interlude (Haldeman/Erlichmann/Mitchell indictments)
38:30 March 6, 1974
39:50 Interlude (Tapes and transcripts)
40:50 May 1, 1974
41:41 May 9, 1974
43:10 Interlude (Nixon travels)
43:39 July 24, 1974
44:04 July 26, 1974
46:27 July 27, 1974
47:25 Interlude (House committee — impeachment)
48:03 July 31, 1974
48:44 Aug. 2, 1974
48:57 Aug. 5, 1974
50:56 Aug. 8, 1974 – Nixon announces resignation
56:44 Aug. 9, 1974 – Nixon leaves the White House
58:35 Epilogue
59:24 May 8, 1980 – 20/20 interview with Nixon excerpt
3 The Fall of US President Richard Nixon | Nixon In The Den | Timeline
3 feb. 2017
4 What I learned investigating Nixon, and why it matters now | Bob Woodward | TEDxMidAtlantic
20 jan. 2017
5 Richard Nixon: The Biggest Scandal in American History
29 jul. 2020
6 Never Give Up: The Richard Nixon Story
18 jul. 2015
7 Reputations: The Secret World of Richard Nixon, Part One (BBC, 2000)
12 aug. 2016
8 Reputations: The Secret World of Richard Nixon, Part Two (BBC, 2000)
12 aug. 2016
9 New Nixon Secrets from the White House Tapes
18 apr. 2015
10 The Last of the President’s Men with Bob Woodward Alex Butterfield and Michael Bernstein —
18 dec. 2015

11 Summer of Judgment: The Watergate Hearings
21 nov. 2015
12 Summer of Judgment: The Impeachment Hearings — PBS (1983)
10 okt. 2015
13 Inside Watergate – Symposium at LSU’s Manship School of Mass Communication
14 jun. 2012
14 Watergate Episode 1: “Break-In,” Discovery Channel, August 7, 1994
18 nov. 2015
15 The Mysteries of Watergate
29 mei 2010
16 Bob Woodward reveals Nixon secrets from White House aide
13 okt. 2015
17 John Dean “The Nixon Defense”
12 aug. 2014
18 The Impact of Watergate: Why Should We Care?
15 aug. 2013
17 jan. 2012
20 The Real Watergate Scandal: Collusion, Conspiracy and the Plot that Brought Nixon Down
Live gestreamd op 27 okt. 2015
21 Episode 1: The Break-In | Watergate | American Scandal | Full Episode
21 mei 2022
Don’t miss the full season of American Scandal: Watergate! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…
Episode 1: The Break-In
President Nixon’s reelection campaign hatches a plan. It’s dangerous and risky. But it could secure a victory in the upcoming election.
You’re listening to American Scandal from Wondery! Discover more from Wondery here:
Series Description
Every scandal begins with a lie. But the truth will come out. And then comes the fallout and the outrage.
Scandals have shaped America since its founding. From business and politics to sports and society, we look on aghast as corruption, deceit and ambition bring down heroes and celebrities, politicians and moguls. And when the dust finally settles, we’re left to wonder: how did this happen? Where did they trip up, and who is to blame? From the creators of American History Tellers, Business Wars and Tides of History comes American Scandal, where we take you deep into the heart of America’s dark side to look at what drives someone to break the rules and what happens when they’re caught. Hosted by Lindsay Graham.
In this season of American Scandal, Lindsay Graham dives deep in to the major political scandal of Watergate involving President Richard Nixon’s administration’s attempt at covering up their hand in the break-in of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Headquarters Watergate Office Building in order for Nixon’s re-election; Nixon’s eventual impeachment read: United States v. Nixon; the release of the Nixon White House tapes; using the FBI, CIA, and IRS as political weapons; the kidnapping of Martha Mitchell; and the role of media and the public in it all.
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22 Episode 2: The President’s Decision | Watergate | American Scandal | Full Episode
22 mei 2022
Series Description
Every scandal begins with a lie. But the truth will come out. And then comes the fallout and the outrage.
Scandals have shaped America since its founding. From business and politics to sports and society, we look on aghast as corruption, deceit and ambition bring down heroes and celebrities, politicians and moguls. And when the dust finally settles, we’re left to wonder: how did this happen? Where did they trip up, and who is to blame? From the creators of American History Tellers, Business Wars and Tides of History comes American Scandal, where we take you deep into the heart of America’s dark side to look at what drives someone to break the rules and what happens when they’re caught. Hosted by Lindsay Graham.
In this season of American Scandal, Lindsay Graham dives deep in to the major political scandal of Watergate involving President Richard Nixon’s administration’s attempt at covering up their hand in the break-in of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Headquarters Watergate Office Building in order for Nixon’s re-election; Nixon’s eventual impeachment read: United States v. Nixon; the release of the Nixon White House tapes; using the FBI, CIA, and IRS as political weapons; the kidnapping of Martha Mitchell; and the role of media and the public in it all.
23 Episode 3: The Fifth Man | Watergate | American Scandal | Full Episode
23 mei 2022
Episode 3: The Fifth Man
Woodward and Bernstein uncover a shocking revelation about President Nixon’s chief of staff. But when their story is published, the reporters find themselves backed into a corner.
You’re listening to American Scandal from Wondery!
Series Description
Every scandal begins with a lie. But the truth will come out. And then comes the fallout and the outrage.
Scandals have shaped America since its founding. From business and politics to sports and society, we look on aghast as corruption, deceit and ambition bring down heroes and celebrities, politicians and moguls. And when the dust finally settles, we’re left to wonder: how did this happen? Where did they trip up, and who is to blame? From the creators of American History Tellers, Business Wars and Tides of History comes American Scandal, where we take you deep into the heart of America’s dark side to look at what drives someone to break the rules and what happens when they’re caught. Hosted by Lindsay Graham.
In this season of American Scandal, Lindsay Graham dives deep in to the major political scandal of Watergate involving President Richard Nixon’s administration’s attempt at covering up their hand in the break-in of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Headquarters Watergate Office Building in order for Nixon’s re-election; Nixon’s eventual impeachment read: United States v. Nixon; the release of the Nixon White House tapes; using the FBI, CIA, and IRS as political weapons; the kidnapping of Martha Mitchell; and the role of media and the public in it all.
24 Episode 4: A Cancer Within | Watergate | American Scandal | Full Episode
24 mei 2022
You’re listening to American Scandal from Wondery! Discover more from Wondery here:
Series Description
Every scandal begins with a lie. But the truth will come out. And then comes the fallout and the outrage.
Scandals have shaped America since its founding. From business and politics to sports and society, we look on aghast as corruption, deceit and ambition bring down heroes and celebrities, politicians and moguls. And when the dust finally settles, we’re left to wonder: how did this happen? Where did they trip up, and who is to blame? From the creators of American History Tellers, Business Wars and Tides of History comes American Scandal, where we take you deep into the heart of America’s dark side to look at what drives someone to break the rules and what happens when they’re caught. Hosted by Lindsay Graham.
In this season of American Scandal, Lindsay Graham dives deep in to the major political scandal of Watergate involving President Richard Nixon’s administration’s attempt at covering up their hand in the break-in of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Headquarters Watergate Office Building in order for Nixon’s re-election; Nixon’s eventual impeachment read: United States v. Nixon; the release of the Nixon White House tapes; using the FBI, CIA, and IRS as political weapons; the kidnapping of Martha Mitchell; and the role of media and the public in it all.
25 Episode 5: The Smoking Gun | Watergate | American Scandal | Full Episode
25 mei 2022
Episode 5: The Smoking Gun
President Nixon fights the release of his secret tapes. But with the country thrust into a constitutional crisis, Nixon has to make a gut-wrenching decision.
You’re listening to American Scandal from Wondery! Discover more from Wondery here:
Series Description
Every scandal begins with a lie. But the truth will come out. And then comes the fallout and the outrage.
Scandals have shaped America since its founding. From business and politics to sports and society, we look on aghast as corruption, deceit and ambition bring down heroes and celebrities, politicians and moguls. And when the dust finally settles, we’re left to wonder: how did this happen? Where did they trip up, and who is to blame? From the creators of American History Tellers, Business Wars and Tides of History comes American Scandal, where we take you deep into the heart of America’s dark side to look at what drives someone to break the rules and what happens when they’re caught. Hosted by Lindsay Graham.
In this season of American Scandal, Lindsay Graham dives deep in to the major political scandal of Watergate involving President Richard Nixon’s administration’s attempt at covering up their hand in the break-in of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Headquarters Watergate Office Building in order for Nixon’s re-election; Nixon’s eventual impeachment read: United States v. Nixon; the release of the Nixon White House tapes; using the FBI, CIA, and IRS as political weapons; the kidnapping of Martha Mitchell; and the role of media and the public in it all.
26 John Dean on Watergate: “If we don’t learn the lesson, democracy’s in trouble”
4 jun. 2022
27 The Last of the President’s Men with Bob Woodward Alex Butterfield and Michael Bernstein —
18 dec. 2015
28 What Was Watergate?
1 apr. 2022
29 Donald Trump and Richard Nixon: The similarities between two U.S. presidents
15 jan. 2018
30 The big problem with comparing Trump to Nixon
12 mei 2018
Trump and Nixon are similar in a lot of ways: they both faced major FBI investigations, were accused of obstructing justice, lashed out at the media, and oozed raw sexual charisma. Some pundits look at those similarities and assert that, like Nixon, Trump will also face impeachment.
But Nixon never had Fox News. As trust in mainstream media has collapsed over the past 40 years, the amount of conservative media has exploded. And sources like Fox News have spent months casting doubt on the FBI and the Mueller special investigation.
Without a uniting narrative in the media, it’s unlikely Trump will face impeachment or that Republicans in Congress will be the ones to hold the president accountable for his actions, regardless of what Mueller ultimately finds.
On Strikethrough, Vox producer Carlos Maza explores the challenges facing the news media in the age of Trump.
Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what’s really driving the events in the headlines.
31 From Trump to Nixon: “Watergate” Film Explains “How We Learned to Stop an Out of Control President”
7 okt. 2019
32 Trump is sounding a lot like Nixon during Watergate
11 mrt. 2019
33 “Conspiratorial Mindset”: From Nixon to Trump, Lessons for Jan. 6 Hearing 50 Years After Watergate
15 jun. 2022
34 TERUG IN DE TIJD: Watergate, het schandaal dat leidde tot het aftreden van Nixon
22 okt. 2014
35 How the Watergate scandal changed Washington
12 jun. 2022
36 The Legacy of All the President’s Men
9 mei 2012
37 Bob Woodward: ‘I’m Convinced’ That Donald Trump ‘Conspired In A Criminal Way’
7 jun. 2022
38 Nixon & The Watergate Scandal Documentary
39 The Seedy Underbelly Of The American Presidency | Destination: White House | Timeline
21 mei 2022
40 “Watergate: The Secret Story” – 1992
9 apr 2017
CBS News special that aired on June 17, 1992 – the 20th anniversary of the Watergate break-in. Recorded off air, WHDH-TV, Boston. Commercials included.
In première gegaan op 28 mrt 2023
Watergate: The Secret Story (1992)
On July 23, 1973, an aide to President Richard Nixon secretly taped all conversations in the Oval Office, making it possible to find out who was telling the truth. A battle for the tapes began immediately, and Nixon appointed Archibald Cox as a special prosecutor to investigate. On June 17, 1992, a CBS News special aired, and Mike Wallace later released a DVD about this event.
41 Who Solved Watergate?
42 Horny Artist Prank
6 apr 2015
10 apr. 2011