Adolescents in Nepal perform a drama about child marriage as part of a global programme to help educate and end child marriage
Child bride
A very young bride, usually coerced or pressured into nuptials with a much older man in a conservative culture
12 Million Girls: Obama, Clooney and Gates tackle child marriage – BBC Africa
10 dec 2023
Around the world, more than 650 million women alive today were married as children. And each year, 12 million girls are married before they reach 18. Although Malawi outlaws marriage for those under 18 years, cultural norms and poverty means the practice persists.
BBC 100 Women visits the country to meet girls at risk and the grassroots organisations working to fix the problem – alongside three of the world’s most high profile humanitarians, Michelle Obama, Amal Clooney and Melinda French Gates.
1 Child brides face danger in Nepal
25 mrt. 2011
2 Married at 14: Syria’s refugee child brides | Talk to Al Jazeera
1 jul. 2018
Each year, childhood ends for an estimated 15 million girls around the world who marry before the age of 18, according to the International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW). South Asia has the largest concentration of child brides, but early marriage is a global phenomenon.
Girls living in poverty are more susceptible, and by marrying so young, research shows, girls perpetuate the cycle of poverty. UNICEF says they typically drop out of school and as a result, face poor job prospects.
The Syrian war has created a vortex of conditions, such as displacement and poverty as well as fears about the so-called honour and safety of girls that have prompted families to marry off their daughters.
From the onset of the Syrian war in 2011 to the present, child marriage has spiked from 15 to 36 percent in the kingdom. European countries such as Sweden and Germany, that have welcomed large numbers of Syrian refugees, are also grappling with a dilemma: permit child marriage or separate families.
Child brides commonly face domestic violence, restricted movement and are often not given a voice when it comes to making decisions in the family. No matter the justifications families give, the ICRW says, child marriage is “a violation of human rights and a form of violence against girls”.
3 The Child Brides Of Yemen (2014)
8 sep. 2016
“It’s destiny. People marry young girls all the time”, says the father of Jamila, who was sold into marriage aged 12 to resolve a debt issue. In one of the world’s most conservative countries, a strict interpretation of Islam dictates people’s lives. Poverty, mass unemployment, a culture of glorifying the beauty of young girls, lack of a legal framework, and increasingly, marriage tourism from the Gulf, makes the work of human rights advocates difficult. In Al-Qaeda’s last stronghold, child brides are a political issue. Abdelmalik al-Taji, a professor of Islamic Law, argues that it’s not a question of compassion nor a matter of protection for the girls, instead fixed minimum age for marriage “has been proposed by the UN who wish to impose their laws on the whole world”. According to him, when a body of a girl reaches maturity it is ready for marriage, even at the age of 10. Meanwhile, a doctor relates a case of a 14 year old who was rushed to the hospital on her wedding night. A case of severe bleeding caused by a tear in her vagina led to her death. Aisha, who describes her wedding night as the biggest shock of her life, drank rat poison to escape her abusive husband: “I wanted to free myself from it all”.
Pulsemedia – Ref. 6091
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
4 Child Marriage And Rape Is Still Legal In Yemen (2013)
1 sep. 2016
“He sexually assaulted me on the wedding night. His mother was holding me,” remembers Nujood. Traumatised, she sought refuge from her relatives but was turned away for fear of shaming the family. With no one to rely on but herself, she took a taxi to court where a judge, outraged by her story, granted her a divorce. But Nujood was lucky in a country which does not recognise marital rape as a crime and has no minimum marriage age. A reform to introduce it was blocked last year by Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood. “Islam doesn’t specify an age for marriage. Why make a problem out of nothing?” asks one member of Yemen’s parliament. Nujood is set on fighting child marriage in Yemen when she grows up; but with an estimated half of all brides aged below 18 and many families hoping to alleviate poverty with dowries, she faces a bitter struggle.
SBS Australia – Ref. 5951
Journeyman Pictures is your independent source for the world’s most powerful films, exploring the burning issues of today. We represent stories from the world’s top producers, with brand new content coming in all the time. On our channel you’ll find outstanding and controversial journalism covering any global subject you can imagine wanting to know about.
Must be seen
5 Child Marriage in India: Teenage Girls Forced to Marry
3 mrt. 2019
11 mei 2016
7 Protecting girls’ futures by ending child marriage – The Stream
8 Epidemic of Child Marriage in Bangladesh
9 jun. 2015
9 Child Brides in Nepal
8 sep. 2016
10 Stolen Dreams Broken Lives HD
21 mrt. 2022
15 aug. 2017
26 mrt. 2018
12 Child Marriage in Bangladesh: Too Young to Wed | 101 East | बांग्लादेश में बाल विवाह
15 jan. 2016
13 Mamoni’s Story: The Child Bride
15 Child Marriage
11 jul. 2019
SOC Films
Our third animated short-film from ‘Shattering the Silence’, entitled “Child Marriage”, is told through the eyes of a young girl, and follows the story of Mina, a child who is pulled out of school and married off at a young age. As the film progresses, we see the physical and mental toll that an early marriage can have on a child bride, and consequently the limited opportunities that lend themselves to women with no proper educational qualifications when marriages don’t work out.
Through resilience, determination and awareness, Mina is ultimately able to turn her life around when she approaches Panah – a shelter that not only takes both Mina and her daughter in but gives her vocational training.
Voiceover: Rabia Kiran Rajpoot
Illustrator: Hassham Shabbir
Producer/Scriptwriter: Eleyna Haroun
Co-Producer: Kulsum Ebrahim
Translations: Injila Hamesh
Sound: Sameer Khan
16 Child Marriage
27 mei 2019
17 Stop Child Marriage
18 LIKE SISTERS : Award winning short film on Child Marriage.
5 mrt. 2013
WINNER: Infocom-Assocham Award for Best Public Service Film.
Official Selection: Anim Arte Film Festival, Brazil
Finalist: GBV Festival, Mumbai.
Produced by CLIMB MEDIA
Childline Team: Nishit Kumar, Nipa Bhansali
Storyboard, Design & Direction: Prashant Shikare
Creative Producer: Kireet Khurana
Story screenplay: Tehzeeb Khurana / Kireet Khurana
Visual Direction : Raviraj Kumbhar
Animation Director : Vishnu Jadhav
Compositing : Arvind Shirke
Music : Ashish Jha / Pravin Jain
Sound design : Pranay Sane
Animation Producer : Nikhil Warwadekar
Exec. Producer : Raviraj Wade
19 “Muniya” Based on Child Marriage
29 nov. 2018
20 Come Together Preventing Child Marriage in India
2 jan. 2018
21 Life of an Early Married Girl (Fictional film on Mother and Child Health)
22 Child Marriage in India
26 apr. 2017
23 Did You listen to Your Child When they Told You About the Abuse?
17 nov. 2014
24 Child Marriage Survivors’s Experience 1
16 feb. 2016
26 One Night Bride…. documentry movie on girls trafficking
27 The Philippines’ Baby Factory | 101 East
18 jan. 2018
28 Child Marriage in Bangladesh and Nepal
29 From child, to bride, to mother in Nepal: Sumina’s story
9 feb. 2017
30 Jury Award: “Child Marriage: Let Me Breathe with my Dream” – Novera Hasan Nikkon, 20, Bangladesh
23 mei 2018
Jury Award recipient in the category of “Issues Illuminated” for the 2018 FILM YOUR ISSUE: Youth Speak Out, Leadership Listens. 20-yr-old Novera Hasan Nikkon from Bangladesh speaks out against child marriages in her country in her submission to “Film Your Issue.” “Film Your Issue: Youth Speak Out, Leadership Listens.”
“In Bangladesh child marriage is a strong social custom and has the fourth highest rate of child marriage in the world. Due to cultural setting, girls are regarded here as an economic burden and are expected to marry very young,” says Novera. “So, for millions of girls in Bangladesh, marriage comes so soon and the damage follows them throughout their lives. This has been the way of lives of girls of Bangladesh from generation to generation.”
Adds Novera: “There is no difference between a Boy and a Girl. Everyone has equal rights to build up his or her destiny. Girls are never Burden.”
“This film is a true story of a young girl named Sharmin Akhter who stood up against her child marriage arranged by her own mother and ultimately succeeded to stop it through a long struggle and become an icon in the society . Certainly, her heroic and victorious example of will encourage the girls to decide their own destiny while showing their parents a way to be supportive of their decision rather than regarding them as an economic burden.”
Novera is an undergraduate student at Jagannath University , Dhaka, Bangladesh . She has been attached with “Dhrupad Communication” since 2013 as an Assistant Producer/Director.
HeathCliff’s take: While it’s a traditional style of doc filmmaking, it’s a polished, accomplished piece of journalism merged with cinema from a 20-year-old that tells a story from the heart of things – a story that is shocking and exists in the world at this very moment.
31 Standing up to Child Marriage
2 mrt. 2011
32 Girls Not Brides: working together to end child marriage
11 okt. 2018
33 Népal : Mettre fin aux mariages d’enfants
8 sep. 2016
34 Why does the US have so many child brides? – BBC News
24 okt. 2017
35 Child Marriage Hasn’t Been Fully Banned In Any U.S. State (HBO)
10 feb. 2018
36 Child Marriage: Zimbabwe
37 – 13, and a Bride
10 jul. 2012
38 Married at 13, fighting for a divorce | UNICEF
25 nov. 2015
39 Girl forced into poligamy marriage – would you help?
30 okt. 2019
About OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network is the first and only network named for, and inspired by, a single iconic leader. Oprah Winfrey’s heart and creative instincts inform the brand — and the magnetism of the channel.
40 Child Marriage Around the World: Afghanistan — Bobogai
19 mrt 2009
We’re studying biological influences in social behaviour right now. We behave in different ways based on the stimulus in an environment, but regardless of that stimulus it has to go through the brain. That information is input into the brain, processed and encoded where you take that observation or what’s been perceived by the senses and you attached some meaning to it… either background knowledge related to the stimulus or a prior experience. You can find a value in that stimulus or have a memory that is similar. Based on whatever you’ve got for experience at that point, then, your resuting behaviour will be different from others, though somewhat expected in some situations.
In watching this video last night on tv, though, I sat perched on the side of my couch watching and as wrapped up in the show as I was I was more shocked at how much of a physical reaction I had in watching it. I was sick to my stomach watching and realized I had huge, crocodile tears forming in my eyes.
Now I knew this was all a set up, that it’s a simulated situation, and the input is very limited in this case… there’s no sense of touch or a physical closeness to the situation that would cause me to feel threatened or anxious but I felt it just the same. And why? Because when I encoded that information I was able to related it to other personal experiences where I’ve felt as threatened or conflicted in a moment.
Now to share this with my students this morning, I anticipated that they may get the shivers from parts of the video, but I guessed that they wouldn’t have as emotional a response as I had. I was right… they aren’t old enough to have witnessed things in life or experienced them themselves to understand and connect what they saw with the reality and magnitude of the situation.
That brain… it’s a wonderous thing!
41 Child Marriage Around the World: Afghanistan — Somaya
29 jul. 2019
42 ‘Afghan Men Brought Child Brides When They Fled Kabul’ I Sex Trafficking During Evacuation?
5 sep. 2021
9 mei 2019
43 Child Marriage Around the World: Pakistan — Qubra
29 jul. 2019
44 Child Marriage Around the World: Iraq — Shaima
6 aug. 2019
45 Child Marriage Around the World: USA — Katie
29 jul. 2019
46 Child Marriage Around the World: USA — Ashley
29 jul. 2019
47 Child Marriage Around the World: Honduras — Olga
29 jul. 2019
Living together outside of marriage is common among young Honduran women like her, says Olga Emelina Vásquez Pena. The 19-year-old says she moved in with her boyfriend when she was 17. Now, the couple share their home in the La Paz region with their daughter. Economics play a big role in normalizing such informal unions, according to Vásquez and her mother. “Divorcing here is very difficult and expensive,” the elder woman says. “Here, people are poor.”
48 Child Marriage Around the World: Mexico — Estrella
6 aug. 2019
49 Child Marriage Around the World: Indonesia — Rasminah
8 aug. 2019
50 Child Marriage Around the World: Tanzania — Mwanhamis
6 aug. 2019
51 No Mountain Too High – Ending child marriage in Nepal
16 nov. 2015
This film tells the story of 15-year-old Maya and her husband, Buddha in Nepal. Once married Maya was forced to drop out of school. Inaccessible by road, her village has received very minimal support following the April earthquake.
Young community volunteers in earthquake-affected areas have joined Plan International’s mobile team – and are determined to reach children and their families who have received little-to-no humanitarian support since the April earthquake.
Plan International’s mobile team learned that Maya wasn’t attending school and spoke to her, Buddha and his parents.
In September 2015, Maya was allowed back to school.
In the last six months, Plan International’s 59 mobile outreach teams have provided counselling support and disseminate life-saving information and key messaging to thousands of children and adults across earthquake-impacted areas.
Read Plan International’s latest report on why children get married and what we can do about it https://plan-international.org/acmi-r… #endchildmarriage
52 My fight to end child marriage in America
25 apr. 2019
3 okt. 2013
54 Ending child marriage – breaking the cycle of malnutrition | The Hunger Project
6 okt. 2015
55 Girls Not Brides: Traditions can change – ending child marriage
15 sep. 2011
Child marriage robs 10 million girls a year of their childhood. A harmful traditional practice, child marriage denies girls their rights to health, education and security.
56 Girls Not Brides: working together to end child marriage
11 okt. 2018
57 From child, to bride, to mother: Child marriage in Nepal
11 jan. 2017
58 Early marriage / Akuuta Nyenanga Ngikaru
9 okt. 2015
18 dec. 2015
60 Too Young to Wed: Rajasthan
9 dec. 2013
Keshanta, 16, wants to be a teacher. Rajyanti, 17, hopes to become a doctor. Laali, 15, isn’t sure just yet what she wants to be when she grows up. But she, like her classmates in a rural part of Jaipur in the Indian state of Rajasthan, is certain she doesn’t want to be a child bride. “My life would be ruined,” said Rajyanti, who at 16 resisted her parents’ efforts to marry her off. “I refused the marriage because I want to study and be something.”
Keshanta and Laali were 13 when their families pushed them to get married. Like Rajyanti, they refused, and, with the help of their teachers, persuaded their parents to let them continue their education.
In India, where 47 percent of girls are married before the age of 18—56 percent in rural communities like the one these girls live in—stories like these are few and far between. But programs aimed at educating and empowering girls are beginning to bear fruit, giving these girls the confidence to say “no” to early marriage, which, for many, would once have been a foregone conclusion.
Those advocating for an end to child marriage say it’s hardly a trend at this point, as India still has one of the world’s highest child marriage rates. In fact, an estimated 26 million Indian women between the ages of 20 and 24 were married before their 18th birthdays, and another 28 million will face the same fate over the next two decades if current trends continue, according to data gathered by UNFPA, the UN Population Fund.
And the dire health, economic and social consequences of child marriage extend far beyond the girls themselves, resulting in more infant and maternal deaths, physical and sexual violence and an unending cycle of poverty in many regions of the world, not just in India. Without intervention, the UNFPA estimates another 142 million girls around the globe will become child brides over the next decade.
“Child marriage is an appalling violation of human rights and robs girls of their education, health and long-term prospects,” said Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, the UNFPA’s executive director. “A girl who is married as a child is one whose potential will not be fulfilled. Since many parents and communities also want the very best for their daughters, we must work together and end child marriage.”
In India, there’s reason for optimism. In Haryana state, north of Rajasthan, a government program called Apni Beti Apna Dhan—Our Daughter, Our Wealth in English—offers parents a savings bond when a daughter is born that pays out only if she remains unmarried until after her 18th birthday. The International Center for Research on Women is evaluating the program to determine its impact on child marriage rates, a study that should be completed later this year. But anecdotal evidence suggests it’s helping delay marriage for some girls.
ICRW researchers recently examined 23 successful initiatives aimed at curbing child marriage around the globe. In addition to providing economic support to the girls and their families, strategies that worked best focused on educating parents and community members about the dangers of child marriage and providing girls with quality education and support networks.
Keshanta, Rajyanti and Laali have benefited from the actions of the Pehchan Project, run by the Centre for Unfolding Learning Potentials (CULP). The nongovernmental organization targets young girls—and even a few boys—who have dropped out of school or who have never attended, and brings them up to speed so they can attend mainstream schools. The group also has ongoing conversations with parents about the importance of keeping their children in school. More than 5,000 children in Rajasthan have benefited from the organization’s efforts over the last decade, according to Dr. O. P. Kulhari, the CULP secretary.
Because girls with no education are more than three times as likely to marry as children than girls who attend secondary school, CULP and other programs like it are instrumental in ending child marriage.
For Laali and her classmates, that means a future full of possibilities, all of their choosing.
“What do I want to do in the future in my life? I will study and be what God makes of me,” she said. “We study and we can be anything.”
Executive Producer: Stephanie Sinclair. Director: Jessica Dimmock. Photographer: Stephanie Sinclair. Cinematographer: Jessica Dimmock. Editing by Joshua Banville. Text by Edie Gross.
6 dec. 2013
62 Asmah’s Story: Too Young for Marriage | A Syrian Refugee in Turkey Films Her Life
11 okt. 2017
63 Meet A 15-year-old Teen Mom In The Philippines | THE VOICELESS #13
23 jun. 2019
64 Child Marriage: A Tradition Continues in Africa
28 dec. 2011
65 They tried to marry a 10-year-old girl – Ghana | UNICEF
25 nov. 2015
66 UNICEF USA: RL Grime – Always | #ENDChildMarriageNow
10 dec. 2015
Shot in Chad, ALWAYS, part of UNICEF’s #EndChildMarriageNow campaign, poetically dramatizes the dangers of child marriage, a practice common throughout Africa. In Chad, the country’s high child marriage rate ranks third globally, with 68% of girls married as children.
Scored to a haunting song of the same name by RL Grimes (a member of the Los Angeles music collective known as WeDidIt), ALWAYS offers two scenarios for the main character, a girl clearly forced into a child marriage. The first scenario begins with her death during childbirth. But the narrative then literally reverses course—moving backwards in slow motion through scenes of implied abuse and exploitation—to reveal what might happen when the same girl is encouraged to go to school rather than to marry.
Some hard facts lie behind this fictionalized account, according to a new UNICEF report released at the African Union Girls Summit in Lusaka, Zambia in December 2015. The report warns that the total number of child brides on the continent could more than double from 125 to 310 million by 2050.
The consequences for girls are disastrous. Child brides are less likely to finish school and obtain skills that could lift them out of poverty. Their own children are more likely to be extremely underweight, arrive stillborn or die soon after birth.
Early marriage can also kill the girl herself. Child brides are far more prone to fall victim to violence and to diseases like HIV/AIDS. Early pregnancy and childbirth are leading causes of maternal mortality.
For more information on the negative impact of child marriage on girls, visit UNICEF USA here: https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/sto…
Stay updated on how UNICEF’s progress in its campaign to end child marriage by following us on any of the sites below.
67 Child Marriage in Guatemala
22 apr. 2015
68 Child Marriage in Ethiopia’s Amhara Region HD
69 Girl forced into poligamy marriage – would you help?
19 mrt. 2009
We’re studying biological influences in social behaviour right now. We behave in different ways based on the stimulus in an environment, but regardless of that stimulus it has to go through the brain. That information is input into the brain, processed and encoded where you take that observation or what’s been perceived by the senses and you attached some meaning to it… either background knowledge related to the stimulus or a prior experience. You can find a value in that stimulus or have a memory that is similar. Based on whatever you’ve got for experience at that point, then, your resuting behaviour will be different from others, though somewhat expected in some situations.
In watching this video last night on tv, though, I sat perched on the side of my couch watching and as wrapped up in the show as I was I was more shocked at how much of a physical reaction I had in watching it. I was sick to my stomach watching and realized I had huge, crocodile tears forming in my eyes.
Now I knew this was all a set up, that it’s a simulated situation, and the input is very limited in this case… there’s no sense of touch or a physical closeness to the situation that would cause me to feel threatened or anxious but I felt it just the same. And why? Because when I encoded that information I was able to related it to other personal experiences where I’ve felt as threatened or conflicted in a moment.
Now to share this with my students this morning, I anticipated that they may get the shivers from parts of the video, but I guessed that they wouldn’t have as emotional a response as I had. I was right… they aren’t old enough to have witnessed things in life or experienced them themselves to understand and connect what they saw with the reality and magnitude of the situation.
That brain… it’s a wonderous thing!
Note: I don’t mean to violate any copyright by posting this video. I just can’t find a place where you’d be able to embed it into my class blog.
70 Stolen Childhood: Child Brides in Ethiopia
71 ‘Money wives’: the children sold to repay debts – BBC documentary
17 sep. 2018
72 Mariam from Togo escaped forced and early marriage
12 jun. 2015
73 It’s My Life – Girls Say No to Child Marriage in Africa
26 nov. 2015
74 End Child Marriage Now – Child Brides in Ethiopia
10 okt. 2012
75 Together: Ending child marriage in Zambia
4 dec. 2014
Mirriam is a 17-year-old who, like any other teenager, has ambitions and dreams. She wants to become a doctor. However, where Mirriam lives, child marriage and poverty threaten her chances of getting the education she needs and the future she dreams of.
Together: Ending Child Marriage in Zambia is a short documentary that asks what can be done to enable girls like Mirriam to avoid child marriage and fulfil their potential?
It tells the story of partnership, of how civil society activists, girls, traditional leaders, and the government are coming together to make sure that no girl is married as a child.
If a movement can gain momentum in a country where rates of early marriage are among the highest in the world, then perhaps we can pave the way for change not only in Zambia but far beyond.
Together: Ending Child Marriage in Zambia shows how by working in partnership we can put an end to child marriage in one generation, and ensure that every girl, like Mirriam, can have a bright future.
This film features the work of Girls Not Brides members in Zambia including the Forum for African Women Educationalists Zambia (FAWEZA), Population Council and YWCA Zambia.
About child marriage
Child marriage isn’t just about a wedding day; it holds girls back for the rest of their lives. It means that girls usually drop out of school and soon start a family. It denies them the opportunities that would create a better life for them and their family. It prevents them from contributing to their communities
* Every year 15 million girls worldwide are married under the age of 18.
* In Zambia, it is estimated that almost two in every five Zambian girls are married as children.
FInd out more about what you can do to help end child marriage at www.GirlsNotBrides.org
This film was produced by Fat Rat Films www.fatratfilms.co.uk
76 A Warrior’s Cry Against Child Marriage | Memory Banda | TED Talks
7 jul. 2015
77 Stolen Childhood; early marriages robbing young girls their future
29 jan. 2017
Deeply rooted cultural practices have continued to deny thousands of girls their education rights.
For hundreds of girls in Kenya early marriage steals their innocence, brings an abrupt end to childhood and a sudden plunge into the responsibilities of adult life. It often condemns them to lives of poverty, ignorance and poor health.
NTV’s Rose Wangui traversed 6 counties and reports on how the practice continues to violate the rights of the girl child, curtails her education, and sharply constrains her future.
Watch more NTV Kenya videos at ntv.co.ke and nation.co.ke.
Follow @ntvkenya on Twitter.
Like our page on Facebook: NTV Kenya.
Follow and Double tap on Instagram: NTV Kenya
Join Our Telegram channel: www.telegram.me/NTVNewsRush
78 Pakistan Still Struggles to Enforce Laws Against Early Marriage
22 okt. 2017
79 UNICEF works to convince communities in Pakistan to abandon child marriage
80 A storybook wedding – except for one thing | UNICEF
8 mrt. 2016
18 okt. 2014
82 A survivor’s plea to end child marriage | Payzee Mahmod | TEDxLondonWomen
6 jan. 2020
83 Child brides: How old is too young to marry? – Inside Story
16 mrt. 2013
84 Too Young to Wed: The Secret World of Child Brides
14 jun. 2011
Pulitzer Center
Every year, throughout the world, millions of young girls are forced into marriage. Child marriage is outlawed in many countries and international agreements forbid the practice yet this tradition still spans continents, language, religion and caste.
Over an eight-year period, photographer Stephanie Sinclair has investigated the phenomenon of child marriage in India, Yemen, Afghanistan, Nepal and Ethiopia. Her multimedia presentation, produced in association with National Geographic, synthesizes this body of work into a call to action.
Stephanie Sinclair’s images are featured in a story on child marriage in the June 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine.
How to help: National Geographic has compiled a list of organizations that encourage families to delay marriage and give girls an opportunity to reach their full potential.
In a related post Stephanie Sinclair shares the difficult experiences child brides face. She discusses the need for their voices to be heard and the challenges she faced as a journalist who witnessed their struggles and abuse.
Learn more: http://pulitzercenter.org/articles/ch…
Teachers can download a free lesson plan to support classroom instruction on this presentation: http://pulitzercenter.org/builder/les…
All comments are moderated. The Pulitzer Center does not delete comments on this site based on differences in point of view or disagreements. The Pulitzer Center deletes comments that are racist, sexist, homophobic, and otherwise intolerant. The Pulitzer Center staff reserves the right to delete comments that advocate or support unlawful violence or hatred. The Pulitzer Center also does not allow hate speech of any kind, ad hominem attacks, or the use of superfluous profanity.
85 Too Young to Wed | Nat Geo Live
31 okt. 2011.
About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.
Too Young to Wed | Nat Geo Live https://youtu.be/7c_zppPutQw
86 Child brides: How old is too young to marry? – Inside Story
16 mrt. 2013
87 TALK AFRICA: Africa’s child marriages
2 apr. 2016
88 “Early Marriage” – A Film about Early Marriage in Turkana, Kenya
25 aug. 2015
89 Child Brides Documentary
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4 mei 2016
more info:
This video was made for my AP English class and I just thought I should put it on my channel as I have not posted in a while, but I will start uploading soon. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, favorite, share, and comment any video ideas you have down below. I love you all to the moon and back!
Social Media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sstanchec
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90 Worth of a Girl: hope and survival of child brides
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11 feb. 2020
91 Cute Hatching Ostrich Babies Prank
18 mei 2020