Questions that matter – Professor Michael J. Sandel

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Discover ‘Questions That Matter’ with Professor Michael J. Sandel, exploring key ethical and philosophical dilemmas that impact our lives.

Is it always wrong to lie? Should there be limits to personal freedom? Can killing sometimes be justified? Is the free market fair? What is the righ thing to do?

Questions like these are at the heart of our lives. In this acclaimed book, Michael Sandel – BBC Reith Lecturer and the Harvard professor whose ‘Justice’ course has become world famous – gives us a lively and accesible introduction to philosophy. He helps us think our way through such hotly sontested issues as equal rights, democracy, euthansia, abourtion and same-sex-marriage, as well as the ethical dilemmas we face every day;

Justice invites readers of all ages and political persuasians on a journey of moral reflections, and show how reasonel debate can illiminate our lives.

Michael Sandel’s work is translated in 18 languages.

1 Discurso de Michael J. Sandel/ Speech by Michael J. Sandel

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Gepubliceerd op 24 okt. 2018

Discurso pronunciado por Michael J. Sandel, Premio Princesa de Asturias de la Concordia 2018, en la ceremonia de entrega de ese año. Leer discurso:

2 Justice, Equality, Inequality, and the Good Society – By Prof Michael J Sandel

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Gepubliceerd op 10 okt. 2017

Prof. Michael J Sandel, the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University, as a part of his Justice Lecture Series, addresses a public audience at the Nehru Centre in Mumbai

3 Economics and Societal Values and Beliefs – The Body Market

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Gepubliceerd op 17 jul. 2018

This is extracted from a video at this link: The Body Market | EPISODE 2 | What Money Can’t Buy with Michael Sandel

4 Michael Sandel – Nonprofit Ethics

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Gepubliceerd op 10 dec. 2010

5 Michael Sandel | Charla magistral Charlas del Futuro

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Gepubliceerd op 15 nov. 2016

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Michael Sandel – Profesor y filósofo político de la Universidad de Harvard – realizó una charla magistral.

6 What’s the Right Thing to Do? – Inkomensongelijkheid

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Gepubliceerd op 1 aug. 2017

In een tijd van toenemende ongelijkheid en groeiende weerstand tegen de elite, moeten we ons afvragen hoe een rechtvaardige samenleving omgaat met ongelijkheid in inkomen en welvaart. What’s the Right Thing to Do? vraagt filosoof Michael Sandel zich af in de vierde aflevering van het gelijknamige televisieprogramma van Human.

7 What’s the Right Thing to Do? – Privacy

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Gepubliceerd op 1 aug. 2017

Zou de politie tijdens een moordonderzoek de beschikking moeten hebben over het DNA van de inwoners van een land? Zou taxiservice Uber jouw reisgegevens mogen doorverkopen aan marketeers? Hoe gaan we in een tijd van DNA en big data om met privacy? Het is een van de meest urgente filosofische vragen van dit moment. In de vijfde aflevering van What’s the Right Thing to Do? van Human gaat filosoof Michael Sandell op zoek naar antwoorden.

8 What is philosophy’s place in modern life?

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Gepubliceerd op 23 apr. 2012

Political philosophy has to be engaged in life. Question: What is philosophy’s place in modern life?

9 Has science undermined the place of philosophy?

Gepubliceerd op 7 jul. 2011

Michael Sandel discusses the idea of the prestige of rigor and the relationship between philosophy and science.

11 Michael Sandel – Antidotes to Populism

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Gepubliceerd op 19 dec. 2017

To understand the rise of populism we need to engage and care about questions as dignity of work, uncriticized financialization of market driven economy, growing inequality, missing solidarity and the fear of immigration, says Michael Sandel: we need to disentangle the legitimate grievance underlying the populist revolt from its ugly sentiments and engage it seriously.

12 Michael Sandel: Populism, Trump, and the Future of Democracy

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23 apr. 2018

PLEASE NOTE: THIS VIDEO IS AUDIO ONLY. Like the triumph of Brexit in the UK, the election of Donald Trump was an angry verdict on decades of rising inequality and a version of globalization that benefits those at the top but leaves ordinary people feeling disempowered. In this lecture, renowned philosopher Michael Sandel argues that before mainstream parties can hope to win back public support, they should learn from the populist protest that has displaced them—not by replicating its xenophobia and strident nationalism, but by taking seriously the legitimate grievances with which these ugly sentiments are entangled. These grievances are not only economic but also moral and cultural; they are not only about wages and jobs but also about social esteem.


13 Michael Sandel fala sobre ética, justiça e futuro da democracia no Brasil

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Fecomercio SP
Gepubliceerd op 19 mei 2017

Professor de Filosofia Política da Universidade de Harvard, Michael Sandel conversa com o UM BRASIL sobre seu best-seller “Justiça”, em que debate “o que é fazer a coisa certa?” por meio de exemplos do dia a dia do cidadão comum. Em meio à crise de representatividade no mundo democrático, o filósofo analisa a situação política brasileira, defende a necessidade de reflexão sobre ética e justiça no debate público e alerta contra os riscos dos discursos extremistas.

Participa do debate, o brasileiro Renan Ferreirinha Carneiro, cofundador do Mapa Educação e estudante de economia em Harvard, que conta sobre a experiência de receber Sandel no Brasil para falar com cidadãos e lideranças públicas e debater o “jeitinho brasileiro”.

A entrevista faz parte da série “Diálogos que Conectam”, realizada pelo UM BRASIL em parceria com a Brazil Conference – evento realizado anualmente por alunos brasileiros da Harvard University e do Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Neste ano, a missão da Conferência foi proporcionar o diálogo entre as mais diversas lideranças do País a fim de criar debates produtivos na busca de consensos sobre o futuro do nosso país.

Para saber mais, acesse:

14 Believe: The Barack Obama Story


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Gepubliceerd op 29 apr. 2009

On the Potomac Productions presents “Believe: The Barack Obama Story.” DVDs of the film available at or 202-898-0899.
Highlights of the acclaimed documentary featuring interviews with President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and those who have known him from his early childhood to those involved in his historic political career, with filming across the nation including Hawaii, Chicago and Washington, DC.

15 Barack Obama Biography

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Gepubliceerd op 26 sep. 2012

The Choice, Part II, Barack Obama. A biography of the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee written and reported by Jim Heath.

16 Barack Obama – 1998 UIS Interview

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Gepubliceerd op 27 aug. 2013

University of Illinois Springfield Emeritus Professor Jack Van Der Slik interviewed Illinois State Senator Barack Obama on December 3, 1998 as part of the “Inside Illinois Government” television broadcast.

17 Barack Obama – Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance

Gepubliceerd op 15 apr. 2015

September 1995 – Book reading at Cambridge Public Library

18 FRONTLINE | Preview “Inside Obama’s Presidency” | PBS


16 dec. 201

Coming January 15th, 2013. As Barack Obama is sworn in for his second term, FRONTLINE takes a probing look at the first four years of his presidency. As Barack Obama.
Watch the full-length episode at As Barack Obama is sworn in for his second term, FRONTLINE takes a probing look at the first four years of his presidency. With.
Subscribe: President Obama said in 2012 that if the Assad regime in Syria carried out a chemical weapons attack, it would be a “red line” whose crossing would bring “enormous.

19 Victims Find Out Their Partners Are FBI Agents

4 apr. 2020

We don’t want to attack anyone, but how in love can you be if you didn’t realize your partner worked for The Bureau?
Welcome to the world-famous Just for Laughs Gags, we’ve been playing silly pranks on unsuspecting people in public and capturing hilarious reactions with hidden cameras.