Falsely accused

Falsely adverb

​Wrongly; in a way that is based on something that is not true or not correct

To be falsely accused of something

Patients may falsely believe that screening prevents cancer.
She falsely claimed to be a fraud victim.
He was assaulted and falsely imprisoned.
​in a way that is not real or sincere
She smiled falsely at his joke.

Oxford Dictionary

Valse beschuldiging

Vertaald uit het Engels

Een valse beschuldiging is een claim of bewering van wangedrag die niet waar is en / of anderszins niet wordt ondersteund door feiten. 

Valse beschuldigingen staan ook bekend als ongegronde beschuldigingen of ongegronde beschuldigingen of valse beschuldigingen of valse claims. 

Wikipedia (Engels) Originele beschrijving

A false accusation is a claim or allegation of wrongdoing that is untrue and/or otherwise unsupported by facts. False accusations are also known as groundless accusations or unfounded accusations or false allegations or false claims. Wikipedia

Mr. Gerard Spong – Theatercollege ‘In Vertrouwen’ – Zedenzaken

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26 feb. 2019

Mr. Gerard Spong vertelt in zijn theatercollege over de verschillende facetten van het strafrecht. Met de discussie over MeToo kan een item over misdaden tegen de zeden niet ontbreken. Mr. Gerard Spong in Nederlandse theaters te zien met zijn theatercollege. Meer informatie over de voorstelling vind je op onze website: www.dgtheater.nl Credits: Breadhead Media

1 I Didn’t Do It: Jamie Nelson’s Story (Crime Documentary) | Real Stories


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25 jan. 2020

Jamie Nelson was wrongfully convicted of rape by a woman who went on to accuse more than 30 other men of assault or rape.
The ordeal cost him his 3 children, who were seized from their mother and adopted while he was in jail.
Miraculously, when the documentary aired, the children recognized their baby pictures and found their parents on Facebook.

2 Black Teen Falsely Accused Of Stealing iPhone, Caught On Camera | TODAY

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28 dec. 2020

At a hotel in New York City, the teenage son of prominent jazz musician Keyon Harrold was unjustly accused of stealing a woman’s iPhone, and the troubling incident was caught on camera. NBC’s Kathy Park reports for TODAY.
About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series.

3 Teen and family speak out after woman falsely accused teen of phone theft l GMA

29 dec. 2020

Grammy-winning artist Keyon Harrold recorded the woman confronting his 14-year-old son at the Arlo hotel in New York City, and posted the footage to Instagram.

4 Woman Who Called Police On Black Girl Selling Water To Go To Disneyland Comes Under Fire | TODAY

25 jun. 2018

A white woman in San Francisco is coming under fire on social media after a video of her calling the police on an 8-year-old black girl selling water outside her home went viral, prompting calls of racism. The girl was apparently selling water to raise money for a trip to Disneyland. The woman, who claimed the little girl did not have a permit, is now defending herself. NBC’s Miguel Almaguer reports.
About: TODAY brings you the latest headlines and expert tips on money, health and parenting. We wake up every morning to give you and your family all you need to start your day. If it matters to you, it matters to us. We are in the people business. Subscribe to our channel for exclusive TODAY archival footage & our original web series.

5 Woman Arrested Who Falsely Accused Black Teen of Stealing Phone at NYC Hotel | NBC New York

8 jan. 2021

The woman who was seen on video falsely accusing acclaimed jazz musician Keyon Herrold’s son of stealing her phone in a New York City hotel last month has been arrested outside of Los Angeles, police said. NBC New York’s Katherine Creag reports.

6 Innocent man sent to jail for rape by his own fiancé | 60 Minutes Australia

Gepubliceerd op 8 apr. 2019

On 60 MINUTES Liz Hayes investigates the terrifying case of the innocent man falsely accused by his fiancé of violent sexual crimes. How the woman he loved fooled police into believing she was a victim when in fact she was an evil liar.
For forty years, 60 Minutes have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Allison Langdon, Tara Brown, Charles Wooley, Liam Bartlett and Sarah Abo look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes.

7 He Said, She Said | Testifying at a Sexual Assault Trial

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Gepubliceerd op 23 nov. 2015

A special report from the fifth estate on sexual assault and what it’s like to take to take the stand against an accused.
Click here for the full story: http://www.cbc.ca/1.3331192

8 Students accused of rape may be unfairly punished.

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Gepubliceerd op 10 dec. 2014

Journalist Emily Yoffe explains possible civil rights infringements in an effort to combat campus sexual assaults.

9 Student accused of rape sues university, federal government

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Gepubliceerd op 25 apr. 2016

College student claims due process violations; Legal panel weighs in on ‘The Kelly File’

10 Presumed Guilty: Due Process Lessons of the Duke Lacrosse Case

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Gepubliceerd op 9 jun. 2014

11 Rape charge dropped against USC student after video surfaces

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Gepubliceerd op 7 aug. 2017

Armaan Premjee was charged with rape in early May after a night out at an off campus bar, but he says security video from the night of April 1st taken from Banditos proves he’s innocent. MORE: http://www.foxla.com/news/local-news/…

12 Ex-Sacred Heart student pleads guilty to false rape claim

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Gepubliceerd op 8 jun. 2018

A woman gets one year in jail after pleading guilty to making false rape allegations against two Sacred Heart University football players; the attorney for the men accused reacts on ‘The Story.’

13 Man wrongly accused of rape speaks out one year later

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Gepubliceerd op 26 nov. 2014

FORT COLLINS, Colo. – Police found inconsistencies in the story of a Fort Collins woman who claimed she was raped soon after she reported the crime, according to a police interview obtained by 7NEWS.

Katherine Bennett, 21, was eventually convicted for lying to Windsor Police when she claimed Dustin Toth kidnapped and raped her. Last year, Toth, now 26, spent the day before Thanksgiving in jail.

That same day, Bennett was called in for questioning.

“Right now the statements I’ve been given don’t match evidence,” the investigator told Bennett, adding that Toth could spend 30 years to life in prison for the crimes she accused him of.

“There are some things that aren’t exactly clear to me and might not be exactly true,” Bennett told the investigator. “But did he violently rape me, yes.”

When the investigator continued to bring up problems with Bennett’s story she said, “It’s fine, I’ll drop all charges.”

Toth’s police interview from that same day shows him breaking down and crying. He explained to police he was friends with Bennett from work and they had consensual sex.

Bennett, engaged at the time, went to the hospital and claimed she was assaulted. Her fiancé was also interviewed by police.

Toth said Wednesday that, one year later, his life still feels out of his control.

“Bennett changed her story more than once, and that’s the only thing that saved my life,” Toth said.

The Army National Guardsman was fired from his civilian job and couldn’t find another for nearly six months. He said he’s been behind on his car payment ever since, and is fighting to keep the car from being re-possessed.

He said emotional pain rivals those financial problems.

“I feel like I’m incapable to actually trust a woman again,” Toth said. “I try to every day; I want to.”

He said he finds healing in sharing his story.

“The more I put myself out there, the more I feel a little bit better that the truth is being put in perspective,” Toth said. “Giving me the opportunity to share — it gives me an opportunity to clear my name because I still don’t think it’s clear.”

7NEWS was unable to reach Bennett for comment. She was sentenced to 35 days in jail, then electronic monitoring and probation. This week, a judge granted her request to serve her probation in Illinois with her family.

14 Woman In False Rape Case Goes To Jail

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Gepubliceerd op 13 apr. 2011

A woman who lied to a grand jury about being raped by her ex-boyfriend went to jail Wednesday night, Cincinnati court officials said.

15 Watch 20 20 on ID S03E29 Steubenville Scandal

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23 jan. 2017

They knew exactly what they were doing. They recorded it too. Oh yeah you didn’t know, so tell me would you laugh if it happened to your daughter, sister? They do know the line they just don’t care. Stop blaming teen culture like it is something else’s fault, stop enabling rapes. Make them accountable. They know right from wrong, if not they would be locked up in a mental hospital for society’s safety.
Kasey Lynn Hernandez
I’m sorry those two boys are not dumb they knew exactly what they were doing!!!!???… And I believe that coach should get in trouble as well!!!!
Luciérnaga Patagónica
0:36 he’s crying because he knows he’s going to jail and nothing good will happen there…
Dennis Cassley
MICHAEL NODIANOS… LOOKING GOOD, BUDDY!!!!  If I was that poor girl’s father, I’d punch you in your laughing, smirking face…

16 NEW DETAILS Attorney of John Doe Expelled for Alleged Amherst College Rape

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Gepubliceerd op 18 jun. 2015
The lawyer for a former Amherst College student who claims he was expelled after being falsely accused of rape in 2012 weighed in on “The Kelly File” tonight.
The plaintiff, listed in court filings as John Doe, says he was expelled because administrators wanted to show they were tough on sex offenders.
Trace Gallagher reported yesterday in a “Kelly File” investigation that Doe’s attorney, Max Stern, discovered text messages from the accuser which suggest not only did he not attack her, but it appears she may have sexually assaulted him.
Stern said his client is not interested in “prosecuting” the accuser.
“We are simply interested in getting relief for this man who was a wonderful student,” Stern shared. “He was a first generation citizen of the United States, he was doing so well at Amherst, the world was his oyster.”
Stern said in a six week period of time his client’s future was in “complete ruins.”
“He suffers from shame and embarrassment, he’s depressed, he doesn’t sleep at night,” Stern added.

17 Accused Lacrosse Players Talk: CBS News

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Gepubliceerd op 13 okt. 2006

Ed Bradley of “60 Minutes” speaks with Hannah Storm about his exclusive interview with Duke University lacrosse players accused of raping an exotic dancer. The interview airs Sunday, Oct. 15. Brought to you by CBS News

18 One False Accusation, Half a Life Behind Bars

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Gepubliceerd op 31 okt. 2018

Reintegration back into society after spending, at times, up to half on your life in prison is one of the biggest hurdles for exonerees. We document Gregory Counts’ experience reintegrating after being falsely accused of gang rape and serving 26 years in prison.

19 Mark Pearson On Being Wrongly Accused of Sexual Assault | This Morning

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Gepubliceerd op 8 feb. 2016

Subscribe now for more! http://bit.ly/1JM41yF
Broadcast on 08/02/16 Mark Pearson, a man who was falsely accused of sexual assault, is today a free man but says more needs to be done to protect the falsely accused.

20 Mark Pearson ICMI16 London (Corrected Version)

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Gepubliceerd op 14 aug. 2016

Interview with Mark Pearson at ICMI 2016 in London UK. Mark was falsely accused of sexual assault in London UK after brushing past a famous London actress. Mark was forced to endure a full trial despite proof of his innocence, which should resulted in the charges being dismissed or even prevented charges from being laid in the first place.

Mark spoke about his ordeal at the International Conference on Men’s Issues in London, UK, in July 2016.

Links and References:


Waterloo Station
By mattbuck (category) – Own work by mattbuck., CC BY-SA 3.0,


Mike Ryan
The accusation game used to go on in London in the 1700s, in public parks. A woman would engage a man in conversation, on some pretext, and then suddenly accuse him of sexual assault – and demand money to secure silence. These female criminals used to target middle-class men in the their late twenties and above. They targeted guys not too young, because a young guy might act rashly and would anyway be more likely to be defiant, as young guys think they will always win. They chose middle-class because the poorer class guy would not have any meaningful money, and a rich guy, especially an aristocrat, would have the power to get her beaten up, or killed. My personal theory is that this crime, which became widely known, as more and more women cashed in on it, gave rise to a cynical attitude towards rape accusations, which took root by the mid 1800s
This enrages me. A fucking mad world.
David Kessler
Why does he allow the false statement that Rolf Harris was imprisoned “when there was no evidence” to go unchallenged? This troubles me.
Johnny Wayne
The last domino to fall will be to deny the accused the right to a fair trial by jury. I firmly believe this day is coming.
Fred Hubbard
He cooperated with the police. Never do that! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGGXjlIxEgs He keeps having flashbacks. This is so hard to watch.
Souad Faress should be serving time.
Brave guy. Hope he gets justice.

21 How to Survive a False Accusation

Gepubliceerd op 29 aug. 2016

22 Dealings with False Accusers

23 Why false accusations are so easy

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Gepubliceerd op 24 okt. 2016

Why are women so quick to throw false accusations of rape? Are they actually evil? Or do women simply think rape accusations are no big deal?

24 The First Rule of Surviving False Accusations

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Gepubliceerd op 11 mrt. 2018


Rule 1: cut off contact with your false accuser.
Rule 2 : cut off contact with your false accuser
Rule 3 : Don’t apologise
Rule 4: Cut off contact with your accuser’s collaborators
Rule 5: Measure your friends, and relatives (those who don’t have your back have got to go)
Rule 6: f the accusation was precipitated by a known event – such as a fight, or a break up. Get a written statement from every person who was witness to that event
Rule 7: Write your own factual accounting of that event as well – and keep your opinions out of it.
Rule 8: write a complete and linear accounting of your accuser’s story. (this is the hardest and most painful step)
Rule 9: Buy a new phone (with a new number and sim card)
Rule 10: keep your sleep, eating and activities as close to your existing routine as you can – so you don’t fall off the grid of your life, and slip into suicidal impulses.

25 She wants to screw you

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Gepubliceerd op 8 mrt. 2015

Have a question you want addressed? Email me at john@canadiancock.org

26 – 19-Year-Old Fights to Be Taken Off Sex Offender Registry

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Gepubliceerd op 13 okt. 2015

Zach Anderson had consensual sex with a girl he met on a dating app who told him she was 17, but she was just 14.

27 – 20-year-old removed from sex offender registry

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Gepubliceerd op 20 okt. 2015

An Indiana man faced with spending more than two decades on the sexual offender registry has just been taken off the list. CNN’s Kyra Phillips reports.

28 Father Falsely Accused Of Sexually Abusing Daughter – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

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Gepubliceerd op 24 mrt. 2017

In the 1990s, a little girl accused her father Brad Pitman of sexually abusing her. In an interview with the child, she also said the abuser was “dark” and a stranger. Despite his declaration of innocence, Pitman had his parental rights terminated. 20 years later, authorities matched the palm print from the crime scene with one belonging to Joel Market.

29 Innocent men sentenced to life in prison

Gepubliceerd op 26 jun. 2012

Innocent men sentenced to life for a crime they did not commit.

30 Falsely Accused and Convicted

Gepubliceerd op 21 mei 2013

Thomas Kennedy and Audrey Edmunds share their stories of spending time in prison for crimes they did not commit.

31 Jo Yeates’ wrongly-accused landlord Christopher Jefferies speaks exclusively to ITV News

Gepubliceerd op 28 okt. 2011
Before Vincent Tabak became prime suspect, Jo’s neighbour Christopher Jefferies was arrested by police.

Although innocent he was vilified by the press and portrayed as creepy and lewd.

Speaking exclusively to ITV News Mr Jefferies described it as the “most difficult time of my life”.

“A lot of [police] time and attention was taken up with me…It’s absolutely clear that the focus should have been elsewhere,” he said.

On the way treated by the media, Mr Jefferies said “reading [reports about me] in such a concentrated and pointed form for the first time was very upsetting indeed.”

“There was an entirely foreign personality that was being foisted on me.”

32 Falsely Convicted: Life Sentence for the Wife Strangler | Real Crime


26 sep. 2019

Make sure you subscribe to get your regular crime fix: youtube.com/c/RealCrime
In 1988, Ronald Dalton’s wife was pronounced dead at a hospital after choking on cereal. A pathologist conducted an autopsy and concluded that she had been strangled.
Dalton was found guilty of the 2nd degree murder of his wife and sentenced to life. He served 8.5 years waiting for an appeal. With a new lawyer, he won an appeal and was set free after experts agreed that she was not strangled.
From Struggle For Justice
Content licensed from Canamedia
Any queries, please contact us at: realstories@littledotstudios.com

33 Teacher falsely accused of having sex with student

4 dec. 2012

A real-life soap opera plays out in the public eye … the nightmare story of Jodi Barrus.Her picture-perfect life as an Iowa history teacher was shattered when she was falsely accused of having sex with a student. It destroyed her marriage, her friendships and nearly her career. She was found not guilty, but is paying a price.Watch as Barrus tells HLN’s Dr. Drew her story. For more informaton please visit http://www.hlntv.com/video/2012/10/11…

34 🇮🇩 Indonesia’s Justice System | 101 East

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28 feb. 2012

Indonesia prides itself on being a democratic nation, but critics say that its justice system does not reflect the country’s progress.

Riddled with corruption and incompetent investigative procedures, trials and sentences are often deemed unfair.

Wealthy or politically influential suspects are often able to buy themselves out of a trial, while poorer suspects face abuse in prison.

This week on 101 East we look at Indonesia’s justice system, and ask if the punishment fits the crime.

35 Most Awkward Creepy Salesman Prank

28 mei 2011


Mattress salesman invites customers to lie down and try out the beds he is selling. This particular creepy salesman likes to lie down next to the boys so he can close and properly explain all benefits of his great mattress. Once the victims are nice and comfy, he takes off his jacket and leans in close, going in for a cuddle while discussing his new product and thoroughly creeping everyone out.

A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!