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Explore a society in tatters, covering a range of justice-related issues and the challenges facing modern institutions.
In tatters
(especially of cloth) Badly torn
Her clothes were old and in tatters.
Badly damaged or completely spoiled
After the newspaper story appeared his reputation was in tatters.
Cambridge Dictionary
Slavernij is volgens de christelijke code niet zondiger dan het dragen van mooie kleren,
terwijl een ander in flarden is, het eten van een betere maaltijd dan een buurman, of
het genieten van gemak en overvloed,
terwijl onze medemensen lijden en gebrek hebben.
1 The moment the penny fell down
IN SHORT: the Sanda Dia case
Sanda Dia, a 20-year old student from Edegem, was in his third year of civil engineering at the KU Leuven, when he wanted to join the student club Reuzegom. For this, he had to participate in an extreme hazing. A hazing that would eventually become his death.
On the second day, Sanda and two other shafts had to dig a hole in Vorselaar, where they then had to sit down. There, they got buckets of ice-cold water over them, had to eat all kinds of dirty things and had to drink a lot of fish sauce.
Finally, in the course of the evening, he was taken to hospital. But no more help was forthcoming and he died two days after the hazing.
IN HET KORT: de zaak-Sanda Dia
Sanda Dia, een 20-jarige student uit Edegem, zat in zijn derde jaar burgerlijk ingenieur aan de KU Leuven, toen hij lid wilde worden van de studentenclub Reuzegom. Daarvoor moest hij deelnemen aan een extreem doopritueel, op 4 en 5 december 2018. Een doopritueel dat uiteindelijk zijn dood zou worden.
Op de tweede dag moest Sanda samen met twee andere schachten een put graven in Vorselaar, waar ze vervolgens moesten gaan inzitten. Daar kregen ze emmers ijskoud water over zich heen, moesten ze allerlei vieze dingen eten en moesten ze heel wat vissaus drinken.
Uiteindelijk werd hij in de loop van de avond naar het ziekenhuis gebracht. Maar daar kon geen hulp meer baten, twee dagen na de doop overleed hij.
2 How much is your soul worth?
1 Inside the court case that ended in the humiliation of Prince Andrew | 60 Minutes Australia
20 feb. 2022
When the judiciary itself is the cause of aberrations, as in the Jeffery Epstein affair.
The judiciary could have intervened correctly 15 years earlier instead of doing the ‘sweet deal’ with billionaire Jeffery Epstein, which allowed the event to run its course unchecked.
Wanneer justitie zelf oorzaak is dat er aberraties kunnen ontstaan, zoals in het Jeffery Epstein achtig gebeuren.
Justitie had reeds 15 jaar vroeger correct kunnen ingrijpen in plaats van de ‘sweet deal’ met miljardair Jeffery Epstein waardoor het gebeuren ongebreideld verder zijn gang kon gaan.
3 Canadian First Nation Residential Schools
2 Canadian Residential Schools: The Survivors & Their Descendants
Residential schools have left a horrible legacy that survivors, communities and families are still struggling to overcome and heal from to this day.
Residentiële scholen hebben een afschuwelijke erfenis achtergelaten die overlevenden, gemeenschappen en families tot op de dag van vandaag met moeite te boven komen en waarvan ze moeten genezen.
3 Hidden History: Residential Schools – Gord Downie, Many Elders & Survivors Speak (HD)
8 feb. 2018
I claim no ownership of any of the clips used…and employ my borrowing of them with respect and thanks. No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me…, nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of this video.. It is meant for all.., to teach, discuss, inspire and inform…
Fair use policy applies for all material used in this video.. and the main song version is also cleared on the You-Tube Music Policies Page for fair use, with no restrictions.
I thank *ALL North-American Residential School survivors..; Grandfather.Chiedf Dan George.., Grandfather/Chief Phil Lane Jr.; Chief Justice Elder Murray Sinclair..; Grand National Chief Perry Bellegarde.. ; the family of Chanie Wenjack..; Pine Ridge residents..; ABC..; Democracy Now!..; ICELAND.., RISE..; CBC.. ..with more thanks above to Wicapi Omani “Walks Among the Stars” (Gord Downie)… ..and to all the other brothers and sisters involved… in the push for positive and peaceful change on Mother Earth…. who contributed photos, music and video clips in this video.. All is borrowed with much respect and thanks.. Nothing is monetized by me.. There is also credits given, at the end of the video..
Many Blessings & Thanks.. Miigwetch!
May the healing continue.., the truth shared… and apologies given..
– Greg Jaguar Bird – 2018
*Set video to 720p HD, for best viewing.

Stolen children – Survivors talk about what it was like to be sent to Indian day schools
Please watch this video
A moving and insightful look into the history, operation, and legacy of the federal Indian Boarding School system,
whose goal was total assimilation of Native Americans at the cost of stripping away Native culture, tradition, and language.
4 The Belgian colonial history
King Leopold II and the Congo Free State
Please click this link – some video’s about an unknow history
The details of the 19th-century colonial exploration and exploitation of the Congo under the infamous King Leopold II of Belgium were kept hidden.
On February 5, 1885, Belgian King Leopold II established the Congo Free State by brutally seizing the African landmass as his personal possession. Rather than control the Congo as a colony, as other European powers did throughout Africa, Leopold privately owned the region
Leopold II and the Congo Free State
Presenting himself as a philanthropist eager to bring the benefits of Christianity, Western civilization, and commerce to African natives—a guise that he perpetuated for many years—Leopold hosted an international conference of explorers and geographers at the royal palace in Brussels in 1876. Several years later he hired the explorer Henry Morton Stanley to be his man in Africa. For five years Stanley traveled up and down the immense waterways of the Congo River basin, setting up trading posts, building roads, and persuading local chiefs—almost all of them illiterate—to sign treaties with Leopold. The treaties, some of which appear to have been subsequently doctored to Leopold’s liking, were then put to use by the Belgian monarch.
His most important legacy, however, remains the human catastrophe that the rubber forced-labour system brought to the Congo – a heritage that continued to echo in that region more than a century after Leopold’s death.
De details van de 19de-eeuwse koloniale exploratie en exploitatie van Congo onder de beruchte koning Leopold II van België werden verborgen gehouden.
Op 5 februari 1885 stichtte de Belgische koning Leopold II de Onafhankelijke Congostaat door de Afrikaanse landmassa brutaal als zijn persoonlijk bezit in te nemen. In plaats van Congo als een kolonie te besturen, zoals andere Europese mogendheden in heel Afrika deden, bezat Leopold de regio voor eigen rekening.
Leopold II en de Onafhankelijke Congostaat
Leopold, die zich voordeed als een filantroop die de voordelen van het christendom, de westerse beschaving en de handel naar de Afrikaanse inboorlingen wilde brengen – een vermomming die hij jarenlang volhield – was in 1876 gastheer van een internationale conferentie van ontdekkingsreizigers en geografen in het koninklijk paleis te Brussel. Enkele jaren later huurde hij de ontdekkingsreiziger Henry Morton Stanley in als zijn man in Afrika. Vijf jaar lang reisde Stanley op en neer langs de immense waterwegen van het Congobekken, zette handelsposten op, legde wegen aan en haalde plaatselijke stamhoofden – die bijna allemaal analfabeet waren – over om verdragen met Leopold te ondertekenen. De verdragen, waarvan er sommige naar Leopold’s smaak werden aangepast, werden vervolgens door de Belgische vorst in gebruik genomen.
Zijn belangrijkste nalatenschap blijft echter de menselijke catastrofe die het systeem van dwangarbeid op rubber in de Kongo teweegbracht – een nalatenschap die meer dan een eeuw na de dood van Leopold nog steeds in die regio doorklinkt.
5 Slavery
4 The Shocking Story Behind Slavery’s Most Famous Photograph
15 jun. 2022
he story of Gordon.
Gordon also known as “whipped peter” was a black slave in America who escaped from a Louisiana plantation in March 1863 after he was nearly whipped to death.
The image of Gordon’s scarred back from whipping remains one of the most visually arresting depictions of slavery. The photograph opened the eyes of millions of people to the horrors of the slave trade in the Southern United States.
The photo was famously known as the scourged back, it became one of the most widely circulated photos of the abolitionist movement during the American Civil War and remains one of the most famous photos of that era.
5 The royal family: Slavery, colonialism and race
6 America’s First Museum Dedicated to Telling the Story of Slavery | The New Yorker
17 feb. 2016
7 America’s Great Indian Nations – Full Length Documentary
24 jun. 2013
6 Flawed regimes
I have believed in a lie for 40 years: I’ve probably been taken away from my family, kidnapped, taken against my parents’ will, says Rune Renato Hansen, who so far has thought he was found homeless on the street.
Imagine discovering that your surname, first name and date of birth are all lies? That your family is not your real family?
Hundreds of Argentineans born during the dictatorship of General Videla, from 1976 to 1983, have faced this horrifying discovery.
Hundreds of Chileans adopted abroad have learned that they were trafficked. Investigators believe thousands of children may have been taken from their parents during Chile’s dictatorship.
A platform for Chilean Adoptees, all over the World
The little passbook is the only item Rune Renato Hansen has from Chile. Here is also the name of the orphanage, which has since been linked to thousands of illegal adoptions. Photo: Thomas Nielsen – TV2 EAST
Stel je voor dat je ontdekt dat je achternaam, voornaam en geboortedatum allemaal leugens zijn? Dat je familie niet je echte familie is?
Honderden Argentijnen die tijdens de dictatuur van generaal Videla, van 1976 tot 1983, zijn geboren, zijn met deze afschuwelijke ontdekking geconfronteerd.
Honderden Chilenen die in het buitenland geadopteerd zijn, hebben vernomen dat ze verhandeld zijn. Onderzoekers denken dat duizenden kinderen tijdens de Chileense dictatuur bij hun ouders zijn weggehaald.
7 Poverty
Felipe Gomez Alonzo: Eight-year-old Guatemalan boy who died at US border had flu, autopsy shows
The United States is set to overhaul how it handles illegal migrants after a young boy and girl, both from Guatemala, died while in US custody in December.
Their deaths coincided with a spike in the number of young migrant families apprehended at the border. Many of them come from Guatemala.
To find out what is driving young families to the US, the BBC’s Patricia Sulbarán went back to the village of one of those children, Felipe Gomez Alonzo.
Felipe’s father took his son to the US-Mexico border after hearing rumours that parents and their children would be allowed to migrate to the US and escape the poverty in their homeland, the boy’s stepsister said.
De Verenigde Staten zijn van plan de behandeling van illegale migranten te herzien nadat in december een jongen en een meisje, beiden afkomstig uit Guatemala, in Amerikaanse hechtenis om het leven kwamen.
Hun dood viel samen met een piek in het aantal jonge migrantenfamilies die aan de grens worden opgepakt. Velen van hen komen uit Guatemala.
Om uit te zoeken wat jonge gezinnen naar de VS drijft, ging Patricia Sulbarán van de BBC terug naar het dorp van een van die kinderen, Felipe Gomez Alonzo.
Felipe’s vader nam zijn zoon mee naar de grens tussen de VS en Mexico nadat hij geruchten had gehoord dat ouders en hun kinderen naar de VS zouden mogen emigreren om te ontsnappen aan de armoede in hun thuisland, aldus de stiefzus van de jongen.
8 Thousands of migrants make journey through Mexico to US
8 jun. 2022
9 Faces and stories behind the surge of unaccompanied minors at US border
8 The sky is the limit

Windsor Castle: Queen Elizabeth II’s favourite royal residence
If you take away extremes in bad human behaviour, you still need the human ability to deal with something in a meaningful way.
What is the right thing to do? (Harvard Professor Michael Sandel).
The House of Windsor, with gigantic castles and unimaginable domains, travelling all over the world and a life without restrictions.
You notice that they are still only human, despite their ‘Life of Privilege’.
They too have no better understanding of life to be an example to society.
It makes you think, it is strange considering the discrepancy with that of child labour, street children and all the pain for the haves not e.g. in point 6 above
Als je extremen in slecht menselijk gedrag wegneemt, is er nog altijd het menselijk vermogen nodig om op een zinvolle manier met iets om te gaan.
What is the right thing to do? (Harvard Professor Michael Sandel).
Het Huis Windsor, met gigantische kastelen en onvoorstelbaar grote domeinen, reizen over de hele wereld en een leven zonder beperkingen. Je merkt dat het nog steeds alleen maar mensen zijn, ondanks hun ‘Life of Privilege‘.
Ook zij hebben geen beter begrip van het leven om een voorbeeld te zijn voor de maatschappij.
Het zet je aan het denken, het vreemd gezien de discrepantie met kinderarbeid, straatkinderen en al de pijn voor de armen bv hogerstaande video in punt 6
. The boy who died chasing an American dream – BBC News enz.
9 Way to look at your life and rethink just how lucky u are not to be in this situation
Is this the most dangerous job in the world?
Inside a ship graveyard in Bangladesh
On the muddy shores of Bangladesh, the world’s old cargo ships and tankers are discarded and left for poorly paid workers to dismantle in shocking conditions.
Hundreds of cargo ships and tankers are discarded, pulled apart to have the steel recycled to build infrastructure across the country.
But as reporter Tim Noonan found out, it’s a task fraught with danger.
Falling metal debris, asbestos, amputation and death – it’s all in a day’s work for the men, and sometimes children, who work in the ship graveyards of Bangladesh. They dismantle retired ships to recycle the raw materials for the nation’s infrastructure. Reporter Tim Noonan got a rare look at what happens inside one of the yards, and the lack of safety for the workers.
And it’s not just adults putting their lives at risk for just 47 cents per hour – children are also commonly found working in these dangerous fields.
This story originally aired in 2013.
11 Bangladesh Factory Collapse: Who Deserves the Blame?
25 apr. 2015
It’s one of the most jaw-dropping sights of the modern world.
For as far as the eye can see, along a stretch of coastline in Bangladesh, hundreds of mammoth supertankers lie beached on the sand. This is where the world’s ships come to die. Tim joins the thousands of workers, some of them.
In Bangladesh, men desperate for work perform one of the world’s most dangerous jobs. They demolish huge ships in grueling conditions, braving disease, pollution, and the threat of being crushed or stabbed by steel sliced from the hulls.
Where Ships Go to Die, Workers Risk Everything | National Geographic
Het is een van de meest verbijsterende uitzichten van de moderne wereld.
Zover het oog reikt, liggen langs een kustlijn in Bangladesh honderden mammoettankers aangespoeld op het zand. Dit is waar de schepen van de wereld komen om te sterven. Tim voegt zich bij de duizenden arbeiders, sommigen van hen.
In Bangladesh voeren mannen die wanhopig op zoek zijn naar werk een van de gevaarlijkste beroepen ter wereld uit. Ze slopen enorme schepen onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden en trotseren ziekte, vervuiling en de dreiging te worden verpletterd of verwond door staal dat uit de romp is gesneden.
Where Ships Go to Die, Workers Risk Everything | National Geographic
10 Is this the most dangerous job in the world? Inside Bangladesh’s ship graveyards | 7NEWS Spotlight
12 The rickshaw-wallah people | SLICE
17 mei 2022
We’ve met the rickshaw-wallahs: the men that pedal all day on these steel-framed tricycles weighing over 100 kilos. These people are trying to survive just by the force of their muscles…
Extract from the documentary: “People of the world – The rickshaw-wallah people”
Direction: Jean-François Bordier
Production: MC4
SLICE wants to fill up your curiosity!
Accessible to anyone from anywhere at any time, this channel is your weekly dose of short docs about curious facts, discoveries, astounding info, unusual stories, weird, fun and instructive. Be smart, have a slice!
10 The Rights of the Child
A child without a childhood
14 Emmanuel Macron to ‘Spider-Man’ hero: ‘Can you tell me what happened?’ | ITV News
A young Malian migrant has been granted French citizenship after a daring rescue of a four-year-old child left dangling from a balcony. 28 mei 2018
15 Geen verblijfsvergunning voor Mauro
Big disappointment in the Netherlands. Eighteen-year-old Angolan Mauro Manuel will not receive a residence permit. Mauro has been living with a Dutch foster family for eight years, speaks fluent Dutch and plays football with the local club. But now that he is an adult, he cannot legally stay in the country anymore. 1 nov. 2011
16 No happy Christmas for Manila’s street children
David Walliams Visits Kenya | Sport Relief 2012
Whoever dislikes this video is a fool, obviously don’t care about these people that basically live hell whilst you’re at home stuffing faces, drinking and sleeping on a bed.
These kids want schools and want to work when they are older and actually get paid all the best to them over in Kenya.
18 Selling Children│WHY SLAVERY?│(Documentary)
In première gegaan op 7 dec. 2020
We believe free access to information is a human right.
To combat unequal access to information THE WHY produces & donates documentaries to underserved countries and distributes them on a sliding fee scale to other broadcasters around the world.
17 Most Dangerous Ways To School | NEPAL | Free Documentary
6 sep. 2015
11 You can’t judge a book by its cover
Please enjoy: a unique wake-up call, a wonderful song and a unique person
One may expect the judiciary to act with honesty and dignity.
That they raise their eyebrows when something is not right and that the real question is answered.
In other words, that they do not allow themselves to be led astray.
Van justitie mag men verwachten dat ze eerlijk en waardig te werk gaan. Dat ze de wenkbrouwen fronsen wanneer er iets niet klopt en dat de echte vraag beantwoord wordt.
M.a.w dat ze zich niet laten met een kluitje in het riet laten sturen.
Please listen to this video (2 minutes) carefully with the subtitles on.
Walking in their shoes
14 years they went through hell.
Thirty-nine former sub-postmasters who were convicted of theft, fraud and false accounting due to the Post Office’s defective Horizon accounting system have had their names cleared by the Court of Appeal.
Negenendertig voormalige onderpostmeesters die waren veroordeeld wegens diefstal, fraude en valse boekhouding als gevolg van het gebrekkige boekhoudsysteem Horizon van de posterijen, zijn door het Hof van Beroep vrijgesproken.
19 Postmasters accused of theft have convictions overturned | ITV News
Back to menu IMPORTANT CONTENT 24 apr. 2021
The Post Office prosecutions “irreparably ruined” the lives of scores of sub-postmasters causing them to lose their jobs, homes and marriages, the Court of Appeal heard last month.
De vervolgingen door de posterijen hebben het leven van tientallen onderpostmeesters “onherstelbaar geruïneerd”, waardoor zij hun baan, huis en huwelijk hebben verloren, zo heeft het Hof van Beroep vorige maand gehoord.
Conscience must respect truth.
The conscience will make false judgments when it fails to acknowledge the truth about things.
Het geweten moet de waarheid eerbiedigen.
Het geweten zal verkeerde oordelen vellen wanneer het de waarheid over de dingen niet erkent.
12 To make a fool out of you
- The spontaneous helpfulness abused as in the candid camera below ‘Heavy Box Helpers Gag’ is a metaphor of fooling someone.
- How the judiciary can fall into the trap and how deception can arise and result in a malfunctioning justice system. It is clarified below in 3 very beautiful candid camera recordings. Please click the links and enjoy
- Ditto for the very natural candid camera recordings under the links ‘a bag of tricks’ and ‘Make a fool of somebody’.
20 Heavy Box Helpers Gag
4 mei 2011