Page Description
Explore strategies for ‘Addressing the Elephant in the Room,’
tackling difficult issues and fostering open, honest communication.

The expression “elephant in the room” is a metaphorical idiom in English for an important or enormous topic, problem, or risk that is obvious or that everyone knows about but no one mentions or wants to discuss because it makes at least some of them uncomfortable or is personally, socially, or politically embarrassing, controversial, inflammatory, or dangerous.
The expression “an elephant in the room” is a common metaphorical phrase that describes a significant and obvious issue or problem that is being ignored, avoided, or overlooked in a situation or discussion. The key points of this expression include:
Obviousness: The issue or problem being referred to is significant and conspicuous, akin to having an elephant present in a room. It is something that is hard to ignore due to its size, but is often left unaddressed.
Avoidance: The expression implies that despite the issue being apparent, it is being deliberately avoided or ignored by those involved. It may be uncomfortable, sensitive, or difficult to confront, and people may choose to ignore it or pretend it does not exist.
Lack of acknowledgement: The phrase highlights that the problem is not being openly discussed or acknowledged, and is often brushed aside or overlooked in favor of more comfortable or less contentious topics.
Awareness: The expression also suggests that the issue is known or recognized by those involved, but for various reasons, it is not being openly acknowledged or addressed.
Significance: The “elephant in the room” is usually a significant issue that has the potential to impact the situation or discussion in a meaningful way, and addressing it may be necessary for effective communication or problem-solving.
In summary, the key points of the expression “an elephant in the room” include the obviousness and significance of an issue, its deliberate avoidance or lack of acknowledgement, and the potential impact it may have on the situation or discussion.
1 The hidden and unhidden strings attached
“BBC employees lied and used fake documents to obtain the interview with my mother, made lurid and false claims about the royal family which played on her fears and fuelled paranoia.”
Prince William said: 20 mei 2021
This image is the representation of an issue when obvious mistakes are made witin, causing untold pain on people who have done nothing wrong.
The justice system is used as a cover-up.
A wrong, a faulty or broken justice system.
Something that is tolerated, an erroneous fuctioning of justice, as illustrated in the examples on this web page and throughout the website, over een period of time of almost 100 years. Starting with The Scottsboro Boys in 1931. Video 1 The Scottsboro Boys
it is incomprehensible that a crowbar is used to do clearly wrong things instead of discussing and resolving the issue.
When you are so at fault as a con man in the system, are you still a human being? Is this still a society?
Dit beeld is de weergave van een kwestie waarin duidelijke fouten worden gemaakt, die onnoemelijk veel pijn veroorzaken bij mensen die niets verkeerd hebben gedaan.
Het rechtssysteem wordt gebruikt als dekmantel.
Een fout, een gebrekkig of gebroken rechtssysteem.
Iets dat wordt getolereerd, een foutieve rechtspleging, zoals blijkt uit de voorbeelden op deze webpagina en op de hele website, over een periode van bijna 100 jaar. Te beginnen met The Scottsboro Boys in 1931. Video 1 The Scottsboro Boys
Het is onbegrijpelijk dat een breekijzer wordt gebruikt om duidelijk verkeerde dingen te doen in plaats van de kwestie te bespreken en op te lossen.
Als je als oplichter in het systeem zo in de fout gaat, ben je dan nog een mens? Is dit nog een samenleving?
2 Pilate washes his hands
The Post Office Wrongful Convictions Scandal
- More than a decade since her family’s life was torn apart, Marion Holmes is still angry.
- “I will never forgive the Post Office and I will never forget,” she says. “They ruined our lives.”
- Marion’s husband Peter was a victim of what has been called Britain’s biggest miscarriage of justice.
- He was a Post Office manager wrongly convicted of stealing £46,000 from his own branch.
- The former police officer’s reputation and health were broken.
How is it possible that The Post Office organized such a large-scale cover-up?
Please watch these BBC Panorama videos
It is unthinkable
and unimaginable
that such a thing could happen!
The meaning of Pilate washes his hands
1 Post Office part 1 on The One Show
20 dec. 2014
2 Post Office part 2 on The One Show
21 dec. 2014
3 The Post Office Horizon scandal – In conversation with Nick Wallis
Back to menu. IMPORTANT CONTENT Listening recommended Must ***
3 A Candid Camera-like Event
Royal Mail’s lawsuit against its employees, the Postmasters, is the definition of ‘A Perversion of Justice’.
When computerising the post offices all over Britain with the new software ‘Horizon’, it was immediately known from the postmaster’s reports to the Helpdesk that there were bugs in the software, as explained through all the videos on the webpage:
The Post Office Wrongful Convictions Scandal
That Royal Mail dodges its responsibility and reverses the situation and looks for the easiest way to prosecute the Postmasters for theft.
The ‘Red Line’ has not only been crossed, it is leaning towards a Candid Camera type of event.
The website contains over 500 short candid camera shots of about a minute and a half in length. (There is one on almost every web page).
No matter how astonishing and unreal the event may be, it is seen to be similar to a real situation.
There was not only ‘No Crime’, the postmasters had not done anything wrong and they were not the object of the problem that transactions were lost and the postmasters were left with cash deficits of tens of thousands of euros, which they were contractually obliged to make up themselves.
In the process, Royal Mail repeatedly told lies to every postmaster who had cash deficits, namely that he was the only one for whom this occurred.
This case is a clear deliberate abuse of justice by a mastodon ‘Royal Mail’ to crush innocent people.
4 Justice is brittle and fragile
It is the weakness of the system, the problem is not whether someone is guilty or innocent, when you are dealing with a very reliable person and you see what happened in the way the case was handled.
The Post Office Wrongful Convictions Scandal illustrates and highlights how susceptible the justice system is to deception and how easily a jury can fall into a trap.
In the Netherlands, there is a similar large-scale thing Dutch government resigns over child benefits scandal
Justice is a dangerous weapon that can be abused without restraint.
Procecutor Adam Foss puts it this way: I came out as a prosecutor expected to do justice, but I never learned what justice was in my classes – none of us do. None of us do.
Legal psychologist Nopen says not everyone is fit to interrogate someone.
It illustrates the expression: ‘because it was easy’ used when a wrongful conviction case is broken after decades.
For example after 16 years of work of an innocent project in the case of Anthony Ray Hinton who spent 30 years innocent in prison!
A kind of justice that relies on Indian stories, staging a senseless display as if it were a banana republic, not less nor more. It simply does not amount to anything. A wrong justice, like a wrong war.
Justitie is broos en breekbaar
Het is de zwakte van het systeem, het probleem is niet de vraag of iemand schuldig of onschuldig is, wanneer je te maken hebt met een zeer betrouwbaar persoon en je ziet wat er gebeurd is in de manier waarop de zaak behandeld is.
Het schandaal van de onterechte veroordelingen door de posterijen illustreert en belicht hoe gevoelig het rechtssysteem is voor bedrog en hoe gemakkelijk een jury in de val kan lopen.
In Nederland is er een gelijkaardig grootschalig iets De toeslagenaffaire (ook wel kinderopvangtoeslagaffaire of toeslagenschandaal)
Justitie is een gevaarlijk wapen die ongebreiteld kan misbruikt worden.
Procureur Adam Foss formuleert het als volgt: I came out as a prosecutor expected to do justice, but I never learned what justice was in my classes – none of us do. None of us do.
Rechtspycholoog van Nopen zegt dat niet iedereen geschikt is om iemand te ondervragen.
Het illustreert de uitdrukking: “omdat het makkelijk was” die wordt gebruikt wanneer een zaak van onterechte veroordeling na tientallen jaren wordt opgelost.
Bijvoorbeeld na 16 jaar werk van een onschuldig project in de zaak van Anthony Ray Hinton die 30 jaar onschuldig in de gevangenis heeft gezeten!
Een soort justitie die steunt op indianenverhalen, het opvoeren van een zinloze vertoning alsof het een bananen republiek is, niet min noch meer. Het stelt gewoonweg niet voor. Een foute justitie dus, zoals een foute oorlog.
4 – The top 5 leading causes of wrongful convictions
5 Wrongful Convictions – A National Disgrace
1 sep. 2017
5 Am I my brother’s keeper?
A saying from the Bible’s story of Cain and Abel. After Cain had murdered his brother Abel, God asked him where his brother was. Cain answered, “I know not; am I my brother’s keeper?”
There is an intrinsic abuse of justice when everyone knows the reality of a case. A 7-year-long procedure, including two unjustified appeals in cassation, then refusing to give your DNA as evidence. Only when the court imposes a fine of 5,000 euros per day for further refusal, the proof that everyone already knew will come.
6 Engine Blow Out Prank
4 apr. 2011