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When Truth is Twisted: Justice in Crisis
This webpage delves into the unsettling reality of how truth can be distorted, justice derailed, and innocent lives devastated. Through detailed accounts, powerful videos, and reflective analysis, we examine cases where fairness was abandoned and the consequences were catastrophic.
From the near-miss of wrongful conviction in the Liam Allan case, to the controversial handling of the Duke Lacrosse scandal, these examples highlight the flaws within justice systems and the alarming ease with which truth can be buried.
Explore the stories, such as prosecutor Jerry Hayes exposing “sheer incompetence,” or the Queen herself questioning systemic failures. Dive into expert perspectives like Harvard professor Garry Gray’s discussion on trust and ethics, and discover how human error, bias, and mismanagement create a spiral of destruction.
This collection of stories, texts, and videos aims to confront uncomfortable truths about justice and accountability—and to challenge us all to demand better.
Wanneer de Waarheid Verdraaid Wordt: Rechtvaardigheid in Crisis”
Deze pagina onderzoekt de verontrustende realiteit van hoe waarheid kan worden verdraaid, rechtvaardigheid ontspoort, en onschuldige levens verwoest. Aan de hand van gedetailleerde verhalen, krachtige video’s en reflectieve analyses laten we zien hoe eerlijkheid wordt opgeofferd en welke catastrofale gevolgen dat heeft.
Van de bijna-mis van een onterechte veroordeling in de zaak Liam Allan tot de controversiële afhandeling van het Duke Lacrosse-schandaal, deze voorbeelden onthullen de tekortkomingen van rechtssystemen en hoe gemakkelijk de waarheid kan worden begraven.
Ontdek verhalen, zoals hoe aanklager Jerry Hayes “pure incompetentie” aan het licht bracht, of hoe de Koningin zelf kritische vragen stelde over systemische fouten. Verdiep je in deskundige inzichten, zoals die van Harvard-professor Garry Gray over vertrouwen en ethiek, en zie hoe menselijke fouten, vooroordelen en wanbeheer leiden tot een spiraal van verwoesting.
Deze verzameling verhalen, teksten en video’s daagt ons uit om ongemakkelijke waarheden over rechtvaardigheid en verantwoordelijkheid onder ogen te zien—en beter te eisen.
You have to do what you have to do
When you are surprised by something, you automatically think about it.
In the case of the false accusation against Liam Allan, there was no blame or question of guilt.
It was on the DVD, which was in the file before police action against Liam, that nothing was wrong.
(Ctrl-F with a search term was sufficient).
As a criminology student, Liam kept in touch with the investigations and even then the DVD was not viewed…
When prosecutor Jerry Hayes asked on the third day of the hearing if there was a DVD, the the responsible officer did not tell the truth!
The whole thing has nothing to do with justice anymore.
Procecutor Jerry Hayes called it ‘sheer incompetence’.
Even Theresa May had to answer a question in the house of commons.
When someone is such a law-abiding citizen, you can’t imagine him having a run-in with the law.
Even if there is not a case against such a person, yet it is still easy to create a false image!
Justice is wrong and mismanaged, as you will see from a range horrendous examples on the first page of this website.
Justice suffers shipwreck.
Justice is the vehicle for inconsistencies and a spiral of destruction.
Ditto when one acts like a blind or perilous person, that it is almost inevitable that justice crashes, with irreversible consequences (as is evident throughout this website).
Justice creates a crowbar to do completely wrong things.
It happens that entities within the judiciary have no idea what they are doing.
The Liam Allan case is the simplest example, it is black and white, and nevertheless it came very close to a wrongfully conviction, as the prosecutor Jerry Hayes put it!
Wanneer je verbaasd bent over iets denk je automatisch na.
Bij de valse beschuldiging van Liam Allan was er geen schuldvraag.
Het stond duidelijk op de DVD, die in het dossier zat vóór actie van de politie tegen Liam, dat er niets aan de hand was. (Ctrl-F met een zoekterm was voldoende.)
Liam hield als criminologiestudent contact met de diensten en dan nog werd de DVD niet bekeken.
Wanneer procureur Jerry Hayes de derde dag van de zitting vroeg of er een DVD was, zeiden de diensten niet de waarheid.
Het geheel heeft niets meer met justitie te maken. Jerry Hayes benoemd het als ‘sheer incompetence’. Zelfs Theresa May diende een vraag te beantwoorden in the house of commons.
Wanneer iemand niet kan in aanraking kan komen met justitie, er zelfs geen zaak is tegen je, toch kan men moeiteloos een fout beeld creëren. Justitie wordt fout en verkeerd aangestuurd, zoals je vaststelt in de voorbeelden op de eerste pagina van deze website.
Justitie lijdt schipbreuk.
Justitie vormt het middel tot ongereimdheden en een spiraal van destructie.
Idem wanneer men als een blinde of hachelijke te werk gaat, dat het bijna niet anders kan dan dat justitie crasht, met onomkeerbare gevolgen van dien (zoals blijkt doorheen de hele website).
Er ontstaat een breekijzer om compleet foute dingen te doen.
Het gebeurt dat entiteiten binnen justitie geen besef hebben waar ze mee bezig zijn.
De casus Liam Allan is het eenvoudigste voorbeeld, het is zwart wit en niettegenstaande, het heeft geen haar gescheeld of er was een fatale afloop.
Ignoring all the red flags
1 Judge rules police can be held liable in Ryan Ferguson case
18 jan. 2017
The Queen’s question: “If the problem is so widespread why anyone noticed it?”
The director told the Queen: at every stage everyone was so blinded
In een video van Harvard professor Garry Gray Trust in research – the ethics of knowledge production – stellen we vast dat een wetenschapper een mens is en ‘compromises’ kan maken en niet noodzakelijk ‘independent’ is.
2 Accused Lacrosse Players Talk: CBS News
13 okt. 2006
3 O’reilly Nifong Duke 88
4 Duke Lacrosse Parents
21 feb. 2007
15 jaar geleden5 Coach Pressler on ESPN2 First Take
6 Lacrosse players sue Duke
26 jul. 2012
7 The president of Duke University offers an apology for the handling of the Lacrosse scandal.
State prosecutors determined in April the accuser’s story was a
lie, and North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper called the
three players innocent victims of Nifong’s “tragic rush to
Nifong was disbarred in June for more than two dozen violations
of the state bar’s rules of professional conduct, including
withholding results of critical DNA tests, and resigned from
Duke University President Richard Brodhead
apologized Saturday for not better supporting the men’s lacrosse
players falsely accused in last year’s highly publicized rape
Brodhead, speaking at the university’s law school, said he regretted Duke’s “failure to reach out” in a “time of extraordinary peril” after a woman accused three players of raping her at a March 2006 party thrown by the team
8 Eye To Eye: The Seligmanns On The Duke Case (CBS News)
13 apr. 2007
9 Jack Ford | Media Coverage of the Duke Lacrosse Case
2 jan. 2020

10 Eye To Eye: The Finnertys On The Duke Case (CBS News)
13 apr. 2007
11 Presumed Guilty: Due Process Lessons of the Duke Lacrosse Case
14 Ethics Lessons Learned in the Duke Lacrosse Case
2 jan. 2020
15 Duke Lacrosse Victory – Complete Innocence!
11 apr. 2007
16 How The Met Police Have ALWAYS Been Corrupt
17 Fix Our Broken Criminal Justice System
29 okt. 2015
Unfortunately, real life doesn’t much resemble carefully crafted murder mystery fiction, where the bad guys always trip up in the end and the good guys always go free.
Nor are defense attorneys always dedicated (or even competent), or prosecutors always serving the cause of justice.
A 23 year long study conducted by the University of Michigan Law School and the Center on Wrongful Convictions at Northwestern University School of Law, released in 2012, documented more than 2,000 cases of the miscarriage of justice during that time, while admitting there are likely many more that have slipped through the cracks.
The causes for these failures of the criminal justice system boil down to bad lawyering, crooked or incompetent forensic science, and witness misidentification (often mistaken identity) or just plain lies.
For example, the sad case of Randall Dale Adams highlighted issues of prosecutorial malfeasance and perjury during his original 1976 trial that got him sent to death row for the murder of a Dallas police officer during a routine traffic stop. Adams’ execution was stayed just three days before it was carried out when the Supreme Court determined procedural issues in the trial raised questions of reasonable doubt. Documentary filmmaker Errol Morris investigated the case while making the film The Thin Blue Line, and discovered new evidence of Adams’ innocence. Randall Adams was finally freed after twelve and a half years in prison in 1989.
Listed here are 10 outrageous cases of injustice. No one really knows how many there really are, but one estimate from the UM study puts the figure at 5% of all convictions. It could, the researchers admit, be higher. In several of these cases there are further aggravating factors of pure prejudice – antisemitism in the notorious Dreyfus Affair, and racism against African-Americans in others. Which would provide yet another avenue for the gross miscarriage of justice having to do with the jury rather than incompetence or fraud from forensics investigators, malfeasance of lawyers and prosecutors, mistaken eyewitness accounts or simple lies – perjury.
The sad case of Randall Dale Adams
Documentary filmmaker Errol Morris investigated the case while making the film The Thin Blue Line, and discovered new evidence of Adams’ innocence.
Randall Adams was finally freed after twelve and a half years in prison in 1989.
Randall Adams would have never been freed if this documentary hadn’t been made.
18 The Thin Blue Line
23 mrt. 2010
19 The Thin Blue Line Trailer
13 aug. 2012

After graduating from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson heads to Alabama to defend those wrongly condemned or those not afforded proper representation.
One of his first cases is that of Walter McMillian, who is sentenced to die in 1987 for the murder of an 18-year-old girl, despite evidence proving his innocence. In the years that follow, Stevenson encounters racism and legal and political maneuverings as he tirelessly fights for McMillian’s life.
20 JUST MERCY Official Trailer
4 sep. 2019
21 From the 60 Minutes archives: The true story behind “Just Mercy”
9 jan. 2020
From the 60 Minutes archives: The true story behind “Just Mercy” – Blog
22 Jamie Foxx Reveals His Deeply Personal Connection to ‘Just Mercy”
9 jan. 2020
Walter McMillian
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walter “Johnny D.” McMillian (October 27, 1941 – September 11, 2013)[1] was a pulpwood worker from Monroeville, Alabama, who was wrongfully convicted of murder and sentenced to death. His conviction was wrongfully obtained, based on police coercion and perjury. In the 1988 trial, under a controversial Alabama doctrine called “judicial override”, the judge imposed the death penalty, although the jury had voted for a sentence of life imprisonment.
From 1990 to 1993, the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals turned down four appeals. In 1993, after McMillian had served six years on Alabama’s death row, the Court of Criminal Appeals reversed the lower court decision and ruled that he had been wrongfully convicted.
The controversial case received national attention beginning in the fall of 1992. Bryan Stevenson, McMillian’s defense attorney, raised awareness on the CBS News program 60 Minutes. Journalist Pete Earley covered it in his book Circumstantial Evidence: Death, Life, and Justice in a Southern Town (1995).[2] Stevenson featured this early case of his career in a TED talk and in his memoir Just Mercy (2014). This was adapted as an eponymous feature film, released in 2019. Jamie Foxx portrays McMillian and Michael B. Jordan stars as Stevenson.
All kind of unthinkeble failures are possible and will happen e.g.:
23 The Perfect Heist | FULL EPISODE | The FBI Files
10 jul. 2021
Season 6 Episode 7: A bank vault was blasted into from the ceiling, and over $2 million in valuables was missing. Agents were able to track down one of the robbers’ friends and attempted to use him as bait to reel in the crooks.
The FBI Files is an American docudrama that takes a look behind the scenes of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s crime laboratory.
Real FBI cases are recounted through reenactments and interviews, due to the sensitive nature of the show, viewer discretion is advised.
Melissa warner
4 jaar geleden