Ethics Lessons Learned in the Duke Lacrosse Case – Blog

Benjamin Unruh
I don’t think that Duke University has any right to talk about the ethics in this case based on how they acted…
13:50 Disbarring him isn’t anywhere close to an adequate punishment. He should spend the next 20 years cooling his heels in prison, and then end his life starving on the streets as a pariah. He attacked not only the falsely accused victims, but our entire justice system, and he did it for personal gain in the full knowledge that he was committing fraud.
mehmet rasim inceoglu
Duke and Ethics Lessons. Is this the name of a comedy routine?
Turd Ferguson
There was no statement from Duke Law at the time supporting the Duke players or questioning the ridiculous claims of the accuser. The Durham police knew from the beginning that the accusation was BS but Nifong proceeded anyway.
Scott Spooner
Young Men should never attend Duke University. Never.
One thing I’m for sure: I will NEVER send my kids to study at Duke University, even if they get a full scholarship.
Gare Reeve
People (mainly liberals, but also people like Nancy Grace) who rushed to judgement on this case were so eager to push it out of the public eye that they failed to ask Law And Order Conservatives which of the following scenarios was more likely: 1: That NiFong had never deliberately railroaded an innocent person in his entire career before now, and decided to start with defendants who could afford lawyers capable of mounting a very vigorous defense (cue Tony Stark: “Not a good plan.”). 2: That NiFong had gotten so used to railroading poor people in his district (including a large percentage of poor black defendants) that he forgot that it’s not so easy to do when your intended victim can afford a good lawyer. I can’t help but think that a good opportunity to get bipartisan support for more accountability for prosecutors was wasted.
Mohammad was illiterate
The lesson is simple investigate fully then lay charges if there are any to go forward with.
Did lawyers learn anything? NO! They didn’t!
Ethics lesson? Word? Aren’t 50 or so of the Group of 88 still associated with Duke? None of whom apologized for contributing to the Lacrosse team? I understand that only one member of the Duke Law program was part of the 88, however its kind of dense.
Why didn’t the players insist on a polygraph on day one ? They offered, the cops said no. Big mistake.
I’m surprised that there are still letting people comment on this sham, insane, and disgusting piece of American jurisprudence history.
Legal ethics at Duke ? In Durham ? YGBSM !!!!!
billyum braskey
“Learned” ??? It’s worse now.
Ethics Lessons Learned in the Duke Lacrosse Case: None.
Gyesung Rhee
Shameless duke’s professors, it’s sickening !!
A generation ago. Not relevant now. Anyone else here now upset like I am ? We don’t have innocent until proven guilty now in 2020. Right??
Why are you all so cheerful? Whats funny about your failures as an organisation?
For ten years I have known duke is shyte, I have spread the word against duke for that long, and will continue.
D Tetreau
I suspect they learned nothing. No matter what any of these people say.
Terry Rodbourn
What we owe know why so many modern colleges are students are magory young white women!
Don”t have the 1st amendment anymore, chump.