The soldier who sees the camera at 8:23 and sticks his tongue out is an absolute legend lol My gran’s aunt was at the trials, she was one of those people who typed out what is said in a court. How i wish i could go inside her mind to see what she was thinking during all this.
The weight loss and cognitive ability anecdote was very fascinating
Goering looks like a villain in a James Bond film
This guy is literally more educational than the History Channel. Not even joking!
Thank you Mark Felton for honest and accurate history lessons.
Dr. Mark, The man, A PhD, The best historian on the Tube!
118 kg. is 260 lbs. If Goering had weighed 392 lbs., he’d have looked like a bowling ball.
If he did have the last laugh it must still have been a pretty hollow one. For a man used to such opulence, chomping a glass vial of cyanide as your final meal, in a dank stinking prison cell, probably not the glorious end he’d always imagined. Great video as ever Mark, thanks.
As usual, another excellent piece dealing with contemporary history. Someone, I think, said that this channel is what the History Channel aspires to be and I wholeheartedly concur with that.
My grandparents used to lived across the street from Army Staff Sergeant Darrell Johnson, a World War II veteran. I had in fact, volunteered alongside him with a lot of VFW functions while i was in JROTC in high school. His daughter happened to be my 11th grade US history teacher and it was through her I found out that SSG Johnson was one of Goering’s assigned guards during the Nuremberg Trials and he was in fact, the soldier who discovered Goering dead in his cell from suicide via a cyanide capsule. He refused to discuss it with me personally but acknowledged he was indeed there and acted as a transport for many of the officers on trial, so I would say her story holds water Its weird how small the world can be sometimes.
Mr Felton, you have been an absolute joy to listen to especially throughout this lockdown . Thanks for all the content ! X
“No enemy bomber can reach the Ruhr,” he assured them. “If one reaches the Ruhr, my name is not Göring. You can call me Meyer.” Hermann Meyer
Mark, you instincts are good. My uncle was one of the American guards for Herman Goering at Nuremburg. He told me LT Wheelis got the poison to Goering. But felt that Wheelis did it without knowing. When I first asked about the incident. He said, ” I’m just damn glad I wasn’t on duty that day”. He didn’t mention any of the other suspects. He said the LT’s relationship with Goering made everyone uncomfortable, but he was an officer.
You have done an outstanding job with all the footage – this is what should be taught in schools
I discovered this channel on Monday, I subscribed within a few minutes and have shared everything. Brilliantly researched and edited. This should be a Netflix staple.
Even the very little available “mainstream” stories of this topic I found interesting but MAN, the level of details down to the cell layouts! How does one go to find stuff like this. I’m sure lots and lots of reading will eventually yield results but thanks for such interesting content.
These videos are amongst the best in the world on the topics they cover. They’ve become a primary source for me. Bravo to Mark Felton and all involved in their production.
Nothing like some Mark Felton quality in the morning. Looking forward to finishing this video! Absolutely adore and love the amount of research you condense into these brief yet detailed lectures!
It’s interesting that Robert Jackson was admitted to the bar through a combination of reading law with an established attorney and attending law school. He is the most recent justice without a law degree to be appointed to the Supreme Court. Jackson is well known for his advice that, “Any lawyer worth his salt will tell the suspect, in no uncertain terms, to make no statement to the police under any circumstances,” and for his aphorism describing the Supreme Court, “We are not final because we are infallible, but we are infallible only because we are final.” Jackson developed a reputation as one of the best writers on the Supreme Court and one of the most committed to enforcing due process as protection from overreaching federal agencies.” -Wikipedia
Please say I’m not the only one who binge watches these on my free time?
When you’re watching Mark Felton in history class you know school’s gotta step their game up
Mr. Felton, my neighbor who is stilling living was an MP at the trials. His mind is not what it used to be but he had some stories. Thanks for the videos.
Mark Felton documentarys are just brilliant and full of details, every time! I can’t get enough. Thank you, keep healthy and get a happy Easter Celebration.
I’ve been waiting for a documentary like this for a LONG time. I’m glad you made it, Dr. Felton! Thank you!
Mark, this makes me wonder, are there any accounts of how the SS officers reacted seeing their own men guarding the outside of the courthouse? That would have been interesting to see… “YOU! You’re supposed to be in prison for insubordination!” “Ja! But I am not wearing a uniform of the Reich any more and ze allies offered me a job instead of a firing squad!” 😀
I think Dr Felton has made an error regarding Goering’s weight. He says that when Goering was captured, he “weighed 392 pounds, or 118 kilos”. 118 kilos, which is what Goering’s weight is listed at on his paperwork when he was imprisoned (copies of his “Detention Report” can be found online) is actually 260 lbs, or 118 kilos x 2.205= 260.145 lbs. Goering was obese to be sure (the Germans called him “der dicke Hermann”- fat Herman- for a reason), but at 5’8″ if he weighed 392 he would have been far, far more obese than he appears in any photo of him I’ve ever seen; he’d barely be able to walk at that mass. Moreover, Dr Felton points out that Goering lost 60 lbs while in prison prior to his trial, and if he weighed 392 when captured, that would mean he still weighed well over 300 lbs at his trial. He simply doesn’t look that heavy in any trial photo. In fact, he looked relatively svelte at his trial (many reporters at the trial commented on this), or at least consistent with a 260 lb man who lost 60 lbs to bring him down to around 200 lbs. Interestingly, I found a copy of the Detention Report that listed his weight as 118 kilos on Quora, and the person who posted it there also erroneously converted 118 kilos to 392 lbs. Is that the source of Dr Felton’s error?
Great video as usual. It’s always interesting to hear about Herman’s Göring and other German officials who committed atrocities
Not just convincing analysis, but great narration too. The Mark Felton channel is a treat!
I love these moni-documentaries. Well researched and delivered. Nice one Mark. Hope you read this and get encouragement. I also like the visuals, but they don’t force me to watch them to understand the story. That way i can just listen and still understand on my commute to work.
Glad I stumbled across this channel, definitely one of the better more informative channels on history.. thank you for the video mark
Hitler’s sinister secretary! lmfao. I love this channel. Thank you for all your time and effort put into creating this awesome channel!!!
you always cover more and more about the worlds most interesting era
Your work to bring these topics to awareness is impeccable.
His death isn’t mysterious at all! He got an unsupervised guard to bring a can of hand cream from his things being stored which had a capsule hidden in it. For that Goring gave the GI a pair of fine leather gloves.
I watch this channel because it’s absolutely the most factual and interesting… period. This is history that should be kept alive as long as humans inhabit the Earth.
The one thing that makes this YouTube or different from all the other ones, is his presedence , fact, and practicalities. You can go on channels and listen to them talk about history, but none of them can talk about history and such depth as Mark and still be completely non-partisan and factual. It’s extraordinary and immaculate.
Mr.Felton after doing two tours of Germany I enjoy all of Germany rich history. Your videos are just so well done. Your to good for Netflix or even history channel. Thank you
As a History major, I truly love how you present the history.
I really enjoy Marks videos. They are well thought out and entertaining
There are many questions we will never know. But the biggest one is “who tf dislikes a Mark Felton video?”
My father worked as a translator for the Russian victorious power in the process. He was a very good friend of Göring, his piano got his first wife who was a piano teacher in Poland. His contact with Göring couldn’t be more cordial when the Russians took over the watch.
I would pick Jack also. His son admits that his father was very proud of the watch and wore it the rest of his life. Also, him and Goering had become quite close according to most involved. His son stated in an interview recorded sometime in the early 2000s that his father Lt. Wheelis often admitted that Goering might have tricked him and eventually made a death bed confession to giving Goering the capsule.
“Flirtatious brunette, named Mona.” That sentence is so flexibly intriguing and simultaneously vague, it could be the punchline to the beginning paragraph of almost any hardboiled detective novel… “It was raining hard outside, hard enough to wash the trash right outta the gutter. Then in she walked. Dangerous, silky, steaming. The smoke from her Lucky Strike rose slowly and effortlessly in slim ghostly tendrils, crawling up to the dark ceiling to gather and curl like a cat bedding down for a nap. If I live to see a hundred candles on a cake, I will never forget that moment she looked me in the eye. A flirtatious brunette, named Mona……”
When he was born the mid wife handed him to his mother and she said he is either going to be a very famous leader or an infamous criminal.True story.
Dr. You are amazing! Thank you for all this wonderful footage and history.
Goering was resourceful. No doubt he had multiple “lines” for cyanide pills.
My Great-grandfather’s division managed to capture Goering. 36th Infantry Division, aka the Texas Division. He died before the capture, but I still feel somewhat prideful of that fact.
I agree with your sentiments and take on the situation. Seeing as he had two capsules, it’s plausible that a combo of situations are true here but he almost assuredly got one from the Wheelis. Some people have a hard time imagining it but it’s very easy when you remember that soldiers are just people. You’re bored and you have a gregarious prisoner – a famous prisoner – that you have to watch all the time? It’s easy to imagine a soldier striking up a rapport with the prisoner. Further, he may have been the kind of person inclined to find a man like Goering fascinating. In a way, it would be easy to imagine a scenario where Wheelis had his ego fluffed by Goering and being able to fulfill a seemingly innocent request made wheelis feel good, feel useful to Goering, prove he is a man that can do things, etc. It happens. There are tons of instances of prisoners getting female guards pregnant, guards becoming friends to the point of an almost Stockholm Syndrome with prisoners, etc. People very easily fall into a mentally that allows these relationships to occur and, again, Goering was giving him gifts while trading stories about hunting, fortune, etc. What would it hurt to get Herman his hair cream?! A man can have his hair cream, ffs! Haha
Dr. Mark: just the best report on Goring I have ever seen. No surprise at all that you have 1.2 million subscribers. Thank you for your hard work in producing your videos. Before this I saw your video on Hermann’s train, which amazed me.
As interesting as all your videos are and extremely well researched, I find your pronunciation of Nuremberg very strange. It always seems that English speaking experts trying to speak German with precision go rather out of their way to pronounce German like experts and offer strange pronunciations. Nonetheless, your presentations are superb. Congratulations!!!
Fantastic job Mark, on breaking down the various educated guesses, something I often wondered. Thanks!
This channel is what the History Channel should be
I am fascinated by the courtroom scenes, looking for someone I know. Brison D. Gooch, my professor at Texas A&M, who attended that trial in person. He helped write the history books for German students after the war.
Hi Mark excellent info here about Goering here . Could you make one on SOE and especially F Section in WW2 – especially about Henri Dericourt (Double Agent) and the Prosper Network – run by Francis Alfred Suttill DSO (born, France, 17 March 1910 – executed, c. 21 March 1945).
My grandmother’s cousin was a guard of Goring during the Nuremburg trials. It is believed that he and his guard force provided him the cyanide capsules.
I love this channel, Mark Felton has some of the greatest content on youtube
Excellent. From interviews I’ve seen, it seems everyone one of Goring’s guards has some kind of story and souvenir from him. He was a charmer, schemer and a very cunning man. No doubt he could sell snow to Eskimos. For further information, I can recommend the Harvard report written that is now declassified. Many illuminaries in the mental health field produced an assessment of Hitler. One major conclusion was that Hitler would likely suicide.
I’m always amazed at the level of detail Mark puts in his videos! The footage and old videos along with the precise accounts, just amazing.
Just when I think my knowledge of World War II is getting pretty comprehensive, Mark Felton shows me that I know nothing. Irrefutable facts from inexhaustible research, and highly plausible and difficult to refute theories based on that research. Incomparable military history videos, and this one is no exception. Well done once again Dr Felton!
I wish history was this interesting when I went to school. Mark you deserve a medal of your own for what you do to educate us all. Respect and pleas keep them coming.
Hermann was so eccentric a fascinating character ive read up on him. Him taking command the Red Barons Squadron during the first great war was always interesting to me great video love Dr.Feltons channel have turned several friends on to it
Thank you for this neutral report about historic events. They are hard to find because there are so few…
1. I swear, that sound effect was so chilling at the end. 2. If Mark Felton is putting his money on a theory, I would, too. Totally likely that guard would have handed over such an innocuous thing as a pot of cream. Also, mistakes happen.3. How did he get to bring his luggage to jail? For chrissake!
I would like to add a comment if I can? I am a paramedic by trade but after I became older I went back to college and became a History/ Communications Major. I would like to say that you taught some aspects of this video that I was unaware of and that is a Major Big deal to me and I would like to say. Thank you!
Someone like Mr Mark Felton is missed in Germany. Serious, interesting, time witnessing material. Unfortunately I m far better in reading English than in understanding it. Simply said – in my Country with my mother tongue I don t know anyone to be recommended as you. Might be one day it will be possible to see your awesome videos with subtitles. Good job anyway
You’ve kept my sudden resurgent interest in WW2 history afloat almost all by yourself. Keep up the work, mark.
Your detailed, no-nonsense analysis of historical events is excellent!
2021 here. Im almost 70 years old and was born in Australia , my mother was in the German Airforce as groundcrew at 16 years of age. I am so moved both by what was done by the Nazis in the war and what was done to them after the war. That was 76 years ago. Thankfully it will end with me as my children only know what a beautiful and loving Oma they had.
Mr. Felton now almost at 1Mill Subs!! Good for you sir!! You well deserve it! BTW, I think it’s quite humouring… One day I watched one of your videos. Then later went over to my grandfather’s house and heard that same specific opening music playing from a video he was watching on his phone!! 
For those interested the below is Görings suicide notes. He wrote two. It’s hard to find online (as is anything that portrays the Germans as actual human beings). The first is in two parts, the first address to his pastor/priest and the second to his wife. The second letter was a general letter to the world. First letter: “Nuremberg, October 11, 1946 Dear Pastor Gerecke! Forgive me, but I had to do it like this for political reasons. I have prayed long to my God and feel that I am doing the right thing. (I would have let them shoot me.) Please comfort my wife and tell her that this was no ordinary suicide, and that she can rest assured that God will still gather me up in his great mercy. God protect my dearest ones! God bless you, dear pastor, evermore. Your Hermann Göring. — My only sweetheart! Upon mature consideration and after profound prayers to my God, I have decided to take my own life and thus not allow my enemies to execute me. I would always have accepted death by firing squad. But the Reichsmarschall of The Greater German Reich cannot allow himself to be hanged. Moreover, the killings were to be carried out like a poor taste spectacle with the press and film cameras there (I assume for the newsreel pictures). Sensation is all that matters to these people. I however, want to die quietly and out of the public eye. My life came to an end the moment I said my last farewell to you. Since then I have been filled with a wondrous peace and I regard death as the final release. I take it as a sign from God that throughout the months of my imprisonment He allowed me the means to free myself from this mortal coil, and that this means was never discovered. In His charity, God thus spared me the bitter end. All my thoughts are with you, with Edda, and all my beloved friends! The last beats of my heart will mark our great and eternal love. Your Hermann.”
Second letter: I find it tasteless in the extreme to stage our deaths as a show for sensation hungry reporters, photographers and the curious. This grand finale is typical of the abysmal depths plumbed by the court and prosecution alike, pure theatre and coercion from start to finish. All a rotten comedy to them. I understand completely that our enemies want to annihilate us, whether out of fear for what we might say, or hatred. But it would have served their reputations better to do the deed in a soldierly manner. If they’d have shot me I would never have taken this measure. However, I will not play around with their little game. I myself shall be dying without all this “sensation.” Let me stress that I feel not the slightest moral obligation to willingly submit to a death sentence by my enemies or those of my beloved Greater Germany. I proceed to the hereafter with joy and regard death as the final release. I shall hope for Gods mercy. I deeply regret that I cannot help my comrades – particularly Field Marshal Keitel and Colonel General Jodl – escape this macabre death spectacle as well. The entire rigorous effort to stop us from doing harm to ourselves was never motivated by concern for our welfare, but purely to make certain that all would be ready for the ‘big sensation.’ But, Ohne Mich (count me out). Yours sincerely, Herman Göring
Marvelous video, Mark. I doubt Wheelis knowingly participated in Göering’s suicide. Keep in mind that he was a drug addict and secreting drugs is just what he did. I doubt Lt Whellis knowingly aided Göering in his suicide. Thank you so much.
If you haven’t watched the Nuremberg trials in their entirety I highly recommend it. Morbidly fascinating to hear them answer for themselves.
A friend of my family was a colonel in the US Army and commanded a front line infantry regiment under Patton from June of ’44 until the end of the war. His regiment was heavily involved in the capture of the Cotentin Peninsula including Cherbourg, and the subsequent advance across northern France and into Germany. His regiment then assisted in the occupation of Germany for several months after which he was sent to Nuremberg as a staff officer for a period of time leading up to the trials. He spoke to Goring several times and played chess with him on at least one occasion. I was a young man at the time he was a friend of the family (1980’s) and on one occasion I talked to him about his war experiences. Although I was very interested in history in general and WW2 specifically, unfortunately in retrospect I didn’t know enough about the war to ask him a lot of specific questions that I would now love to ask. Among the first questions I would now ask would be about his experiences with Goring and his theory about Goring’s death. He and his wife (a military nurse in WW2) were in their 80s at the time but were still very mentally sharp. They said they were surprised that anyone of my generation (early 20’s at the time) was interested in hearing about the war. They said that in their experience most young people had no interest in the subject so they tried to not “bore” anyone with it. Their house was like a museum of WW2 artifacts and memorabilia. I am so glad I got to meet them, but I will always greatly regret not talking to them far more than I did.
Mark Felton is a great narrator and story teller. He is also capable of finding and presenting interesting photage.
Imagine being a guard. Spending your four hour shift staring through a slot in the door! 
BRILLIANT work, sir! As a WW2 fanatic that watches and has watched everything I can find on the subject… I thought I knew it all… but your videos bring even more.. I will watch every single one.
Well Done Mark. Your So Good At Presenting Even Herman Göering Would Think Your A Good History Man!
Thank you so much for your well researched details of what transpired during the war which unfortunately claimed the lives of many
Your videos are well researched and narrated. I am learning more about this history by watching them. Thank you for posting.
Goering was intelligent, I’m sure he had no problems manipulating young enlisted men and officers.
Has anyone else noticed the soldier at 8:24? he is putting something in his pocket and looks at the camera and sticks his tongue out! lol. Another fine video Mark. These Mark Felton episodes deserve a Nobel Prize.
Love to here about the most curious deaths of many war personalities!
Thank you for going out of your way to make such quality work Mr. Felton. Many around the world wish the best for you!
“Flirtatious brunette, named Mona.” That’s how it all goes downhill
118 kilos is 260lbs. Not sure how Mark Felton imagined Goering weighed nearly 400lbs when he was captured. At 5’8″ and 400 lbs Goering would look like the Michellin Man.
The moment I saw Mark Feltons name on this I knew it would be the best bio on Goring we could watch and was very pleasantly correct, Thank you for posting we sure didn’t get too much truth while growing up at least not from our history books.
Mark, keep up the good work! Love this channel 
Mark is the best. Thank you for the effort you put into these videos.
George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said “We learn from history that we do not learn from history.” “To be independent of public opinion is the first formal condition of achieving anything great.” “What experience and history teaches us is that people and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.”
Can you please do a video on Albert Goering, just discovered his story and would love to hear you tell it.
JUST IN TIME…was having Felton withdrawals and it was rough, man.
Mark, your work is remarkable and we are very lucky to have such a wonderful library to access here on YouTube. I always look forward to learning something new. Thank you.
Very nicely done. I watch your videos with distinct interest and am pleased by it’s detail and carefully selected facts. You don’t judge, just give evidence and allow for a comprehensive view of the situation. That is real journalism. Very good. (y)
Love your videos mark! Better than anything you could get watching cable. I’m addicted!!! Keep up the great work!!
Isn’t it crazy how they signed autographs for ppl?? I find that so interesting
My uncle was at the trials as a guard and talked about seeing Goring and others. He did not know how he got the cyanide.
The best history documentary channel around. Dr. Felton is an engaging and stimulating writer and narrator, the videos are of exceptional quality and make fascinating watching. I am hooked.
Marks channel finally smashing it and getting the subs it deserves, love it Mark
Imagine working out, eating right, kicking a pill addiction and starting to live your best life, just in time to be sentenced to death.
Just found this channel, it’s fascinating. I’ll work my way through Dr Felton’s videos. Excellent.
I’m surprised he was treated so well by the Americans…there is an interview here on YouTube with Goering’s American jailer…and he considered Goering a near genius….and very manipulative. He spoke perfect English.
My great grandfather was Hermann Göring’s guard and Göring gave my grandad some mother of pearl opera glasses that are still in my family somewhere.
Outstanding research as always – thank you
“Fitness is my passion” – Hermann Göring
Love the videos, which are historically accurate and concise. Keep up the excellent work!
Goering spoke perfect English, a fact that he cleverly concealed and exploited. He had months to plan his own suicide. It wouldn’t have mattered much in the end whether or not Goering had a cyanide capsule in his possession the whole time of his confinement. He probably had concurrent schemes in play all aimed at procuring cyanide. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone on the allied side slipped him a pill. He never wanted war with Britain or the Soviet Union and had even tipped off the allies about the planned date of the attack on Russia, a fact not widely known, even today. Point being, Goering had people on both sides that were sympathetic to him, for differing reasons.
Mark, I love your documentaries! @ 2:34, please recheck the math on Gorings weight. 392 pounds is approx 178 kilos. From pictures of his arrest, my guess is Hermann was approx 118 kilos. Approx 260 pounds. Still, a fatted man. A close family member of mine actually guarded this guy as a MPO. He got the guys SS dagger and a tone of other stuff. Long gone now though.
Excellent clip Mark, full of important facts.
Göring lost weight spectacularly in prison after the war Göring apparently bought the cyanide capsule from someone, as he also had a gold pistol, he also gave it as a gift to one of the guards who guarding him. Or, through his senior political connections, he could even arrange to get a cyan capsule instead of a rope Otherwise, the cyanide capsule could not get into the prison However, Heinrich Himmler also mysteriously also fell victim to cyanide capsule poisoning instead of hanging, he probably bought his own death or was able to arrange it thanks to his high-ranking political position.
Keep up the amazing work, Mark. We love it!
Great story I love your stories and visually impaired myself so I can sit down and just listen to your stories all day I look forward to listening to a couple more of them tonight
One of his guards g him the cyanide I seen a video by the head guard at Nurenburg. Hermann was very intelligent and charming and all his guards loved the man. He basically got anything he wanted.
The one of the things i can relate to Göring to myself is trying to get the last laugh and put up a fight in trial even though i knew i would be executed in the end.
I’ve been reading Phillip Kerr’s great crime novels, which give pretty good historical background into Nazi German administration. Great history videos, love the airplane ones especially.
I came across this channel recently, I wish I knew about you earlier to learn so much. You are rich, accurate and unapologetic about tour content. Thank you. I have subscribed.. wish you all the best…
I have learned from you 90 times more than my history teacher. U are the best Mark

Mark, the main takeaway from this video for me is that good Ol’ Herman off’d himself. The who, how, and other details are moot points at this time. Great video!
I’ve always accepted the theory that Lieutenant Jack G. Wheelis unwittingly gave Goring the poison. The other theories seem a bit outlandish and overly complicated. If Goring got the last laugh, it was a Pyrrhic victory.
8:46 the thoughts that must be going through this mans mind right now…how he never saw himself. Whatever his remaining share of life was he skipped himself all the way to the end. not anyone would like to go down in history and close the stories of their lives with total human disaster and that no one saw you worthy to continue breathing air. On the contrary, they hunted you down and turned your lights off. Doc, even my most stuck-up, know-it-all associates love your stuff. THAT is saying something. Keep going, you are on a great trajectory. Deservedly so, if that doesn’t seem too ass-kissy.
The poise and restrain it must have taken not to kill smug nazis during these trials is commendable.
He admitted it was in the Nivea cream jar, which he had before he was captured. Even if he bribed an American guard, which was incredibly unlikely, the average guard would have no way to get hold of a cyanide capsule.
I appreciate these uploads! Thank You! It’s amazing to me all the information, and films in every one!
Mark felton was such a great motivation for me on my youtube journey,I am glad I was motivated by this man
@22:00 My dear Dr Felton, a hearty round of applause for that excellent bit of showmanship – that image and expression has been burned into my brain pan. Many thanks 

Hermann was eccentric. I’m sure he probably had some fierce WW1 air storys, from his younger times. Crazy mean from war, and I’m sure he had his reasons. Those eyes though .
Very good. Felton’s voice reminds me of my favorite British war documentarian that seems to be on every history channel series there is.
2:04–2:05 Scene of his disarmament reveals Göring’s choice of his personal pistol. Decades ago, I have read he was carrying an American revolver Smith & Wesson M-10 Military Police. Not Walther or Luger(supposedly his favorite). I finally got a chance to sight it myself. Thank you Mark Felton for your program covering this particular topic. I understood that Goring had ingratiated himself with one of his guards that gained him access to a jar of cold cream that was in his possession when captured. In the Coldstream he kept his cyanide capsule that he later used after he was sentenced to hang. I also read that when he was captured he had two suitcases: One with clothing and one full of pain medication which was also the cause of his weight. I can’t seem to find the book now that I read many years ago but the fellow who wrote it displayed MANY souvenirs from clippings of nooses that were labeled from each hanging to Eva Braun’s Purse! I beleive the watch you spoke of was also pictured.
Could you make a video about the Norwegian “Police troops” that was trained in Sweden during WW2?
Excellent documentary. Thank you for making these Sir.
Another factor worth considering is that there were more than a few of the allied troops (including Patton) who did not like, or agree with, how the Germans were being treated.
Don’t forget that Hermonn G had a brother who was the opposite of him . He signed his letters with his last name and no one dared to cross him
Man this was awesome, thanks Mr. Felton.
Thank you for the historical content.
Mark Felton presents facts. Imagine if students could acquire credits for watching this instead of politically minded instructors.
Mark deserves every single penny he’s making with these videos.
Interesting video. Personally, all of them should have been sentenced to life in prison and allowed to write there memoirs… this would have been more valuable historically, than any of the conspiracy theories and would have closed those annoying references…as you said, the simplest answer is the most logical. One theory, I suspect, is that covert recordings were made, if not by the US, by the other allies, of these characters… More to come I think.
Excellent oratory skills and well presented.
It amazes me that some of these people were so anxious to confess to treason.
Weight loss and sharper mind – damn, I need to get on that Goring diet!
To me, his face at 13:14 shows someone who would never change his mind about what he did or what he would like to continue doing. Him trying to get into his guards’ heads is also very telling and creepy, that he still considered himself in charge, if not a puppet master. 21:19 “…the guards were soldiers and not policemen…” Very good point. The only thing that beats a Mark Felton video is a Mark Felton video that’s reposted by him!
Wow..fantastic video. Absolutely fascinating presentation and delivered so skilfully. Thanks so much for posting.
If you look at Goering’s death photo it looks like he is winking (one eye is closed). I heard Stivers took that as Goering winking at him like he, Goering, was getting the last laugh. Saw this on a PBS documentary. They said Goering was cocky and bragged about his rank and prestige. He was promptly told he was a prisoner and his former rank meant nothing.
I think hanging is probably more instant if it’s done right, especially given Goring’s bodyweight. Cyanide poisoning is no walk in the park (breathing difficulties, seizures, vomitting and cardiiac arrest over some minutes.) I think he chose it to avoid the indignity of being seen (and probably filmed) at the end of a rope.
I find it a bit strange how the guards would easily befriend the prisoners because they we’re bored or perhaps how charming some of the prisoners are. Like you mentioned, the guards were soldiers and not police, its likely that they lost friends during the war and of course certain biases soldiers commonly have due to propaganda.
“We are left with the disturbing vision of Hermann Göring pooping out a cyanide capsule” – Mark Felton 2020
Wheelis own son said in an interview a few years back, that he believes that if his dad wasn’t there that Goring would have been hanged.
I always heard that goring asked for his jacket from his uniform cause it was cold…and the Nazi uniform contained a button that could be opened and contained a cyanide tablet
Excellent and well researched videos. Mark Felton, have you written any books about WW2.
I actually think Stivers has the most convincing story. It lines up eerily with von dem Bach Zelewski’s confession, and it’s pretty strong circumstantial evidence that Bach Zilewski had another one that was from the same batch.
Robert Jackson was such a poor prosecutor that Goring ran rings around him. Jackson’s deputy, Maxwell-Fyfe a British barrister, had to take over and did a much better job.
“If you win, you need not have to explain…If you lose, you should not be there to explain!”
Love the sinister, super villain music at the end with him and that snide smile on his face. Looks like they got the idea for Dr. Evil from him. Cheers Mark, thanks!
Imagine times where you are scared to read another book or be a good student. Whether this was really in their heads some looks were more obvious than others…
Now I’m obligated to watch this again
Albert Speer claims in his memoirs that he had always had his cyanide capsule hidden in the toothpaste, not only in the Nürmberg but even in Spandau prison. As he had a strained relationship with Göring during the process, this may be more or less plausible support for the version number 1, I reckon.
It’s people like Mark Felton that make Y.T. so special and why I never bother with t.v. anymore 🙂
This is absolutely brilliant work. Brilliant research.
What an interesting and accurate documentary. Very well presented. Thank You making this film.
9:59 Felton says, “American Speak”. Despite the serious academic tone, Dr. Felton never fails to throw tongue in cheek shade. Excellent video. I have always favored Wheelis as the culprit, although this was the first time I had heard of the jar of Nivea, which explains how Goering kept it hidden all that time. You would think that a man as driven and thorough as Andrus would have developed a system of training and rotating the cadre of guards to reduce the stress and keep them from becoming overly familiar with the prisoners, but hindsight is always 20/20.
Never seen never heard before. Amazing compilation and conclusion. Thank you. Thank you YouTube.
I never knew the nazis knew magic. I would love to know where I can find more information about this. After all, you only speak about history without being bias…right?
Speer the gentleman, here we go… It’s amazing how someone as atrocious as Speer comes off favourably all the time just because he’s surrounded by people even worse than him.
As a Polish I love to watch your channel. So much facts and history. Fantastic channel
This channel has been a major discovery for me in the recent weeks. Watched many vids by now, all superb, but this1 was the most interesting.
I’ve been to the Nuremberg trial room – its still an active court! Recommend the visit along with the rally grounds and documentation centre and the city in general.
My question is this: If the metal container for the ampule had been in the jar of cream wouldn’t cream residue be all over it in some amount? Thank you Mark for your work.
Many years ago, my father met in Venezuela a former US soldier who said he was for a while a guard of Göring. He was dismissed from the duty because he disliked Göring and once hit him. According to this former guard, the person who brought the poison was Göring’s wife, who was allowed to bid farewell to her husband close by and even to kiss each other. The former guard said that he would never allowed them to get so close as to touch each other.
my mentor, Dr Ilse Dronberger, was a translator at the Nuremburg war trials, and wrote quite an indepth book on Max Weber.
It’s interesting that in the drop down text box above it says that Mark Felton was an author and had penned a book entitled “Castle of the eagles” which was going to be turned into a movie. The Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton movie “Where Eagles Dare” is about them entering and freeing an American prisoner from a castle high in the mountains whose only access (supposedly) is via a cable car. In the movie, the castle’s name is Schloss Adler, which is German for castle of the eagles. The movie screenplay was adapted by Alistair MacLean, from his own novel. I wonder if Mark Feltons book was the basis of MacLean’s novel.
if a movie is ever made about Hermann Göring as a fighter pilot, Michael Fassbender should play him. They have the same determined look, jaw, and killer instinct.
3:55 Minor error: Robert H. Jackson was not the Chief Justice, but one of the 8 Associate Justices of the Supreme Court Amazing work, is there anything about german tank crew being interviewed by any chance?
It’s pretty adorable that Herman Göring was permitted to bring his various creams and ointments. I wonder if he was also allowed to wear his kimono while living as a prisoner.
Mark how do you come across all this information? Excellent channel. 
I remember reading that some believed the poison was encased on the underside of his ring which apparently wasn’t noted in his file
It’s interesting that Göring in the photo at 21:51 seems to be wearing one of his former suits. It’s obviously ill-fitted and it shows that he lost a lot of weight. Usually, in movies, oversized suits are usually worn by clowns – that is, both circus clowns as well as people out of their depth. I wonder how conscious these decisions were on the prosecution’s part. It definitely reeks of a mind game! Whereas I have not yet watch this clip here (but I will), I thought it was a well know fact ever since the 1940s that an American prison guard gave Herr Göring the death capsule.
just for a little clarity – dying from cyanide poisoning isn’t painless or peaceful. From what I learned during my training as pharmaceutical technician, it causes extreme pain which can also be seen in the horrified facial expressions of the people having died from it. So it’s not quite correct to say that Göring chose the “easy way out” or a “painless death”, and I think neither was this what he wanted to archieve. It was a matter of pride; he didn’t want to be executed by the enemy by hanging like – as you said yourself – a common criminal.
I would love to know what happened to his gold watch. And how did Wheelis die? Seems to have been young at the time. Any idea Mark? Another superb video!
“suit casing” (putting things in your rectum) has been done for ages in prison to smuggle things. Either that or a bribed guard.
Fantastic documentary as usual!!! 1 guy with a computer produces much better documentaries than the entire history channel. By the way, most of them had “mysterious” deaths. Also Also Mark Felton 2024
I don’t know about you folks but I think this Hermann guy was a real piece of work.
Congratulations to Hermann for successfully escaping the vindictive gang of would be murderers.
I immensely enjoy the history you have shared
According to Erhardt Milch, in his book “The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe”, it was Goering’s own mother who smuggled a Cyanide capsule to him.
Holy mackerel!! I picked the Wheelis theory as well !! Excellent documentary, Mark.. Thank you for doing this research..
I’m curious about these cyanide capsules that a lot of people used for suicide in wwii. Were these common items? Could you get them at the pharmacy? Or were these special equipment for officers alone. If yes, when were they issued and to whom?
„Das einzigste Motiv, das mich leitete, war heiße Liebe zu meinem Volk, sein Glück, seine Freiheit und sein Leben. Dafür rufe ich den Allmächtigen und mein deutsches Volk zum Zeugen an.“[ Göring
I don’t understand how a person could wear his watch after all that he had been an accomplice to, how they could just see it as some kind of trinket or even gift is genuinely beyond me. Why on earth would you want anything to do with him at all.
First Class Doc, much unseen footage. Mark Felton should have his own TV channel.
Dr felton, i was watching AHC about Tojo and saw you were there! Never knew you did other shows other than YT. Great stuff!
Mister Felton , I have watched many videos of yours with confrontations between american an brittish tanks against german tanks . How about fights between T 34-85’s and Panthers or IS 2 and Tigers and so on ? (excuse my bad english , it is not my first language )
I worked with a man who was an Estonian guard at the Nuremberg trials Ray Karov. He told me a young American lieutenant was fraternizing with Göring. and allowed him access to his luggage and that he obtained a cyanide pill.
You should start your own TV series on Netflix Your videos are way much better than Discovery/History Channel
Excellent as always Mark. Thank you i appreciate it
Hermann goring ran rings around most of what the judiciary could throw at him, then successfully at the very end further humiliated the authorities by cheating the noose by cleverly obtaining a cyanide capsule while in captivity. Put simply Hermann goring was an extremely intelligent man who outsmarted his captors, and in the end had the last laugh.
I would like to see a whole trial with translation so I can read for myself what was their excuses for killing so many people
When you mention, “giving him the painless way he desired” I had to do a little research on that doubting it would be painless and indeed after I read what happens it hardly seems painless, more like drowning but dragged out for longer than it takes to drown. fk that lol–also apparently with the same extreme pain of being out of breath all over your body? There’s different accounts but none of them sound painless. He probably knew this and it was more about him being in control of his death I’m guessing.
Goring would be greatly impressed by your documentary and home work preparing it.
Dr. Felton, I’d love some detailed reporting on the SA.
I don’t buy for a second he was 5’8” 390lbs. That would make him 330 on the stand after losing 60lbs on the ally supervised diet. He looks about 200lbs tops on the stand. 5’8” 390 is very rotund.
In my town, a local restaurant (Sills cafe Layton Utah) has a pic of the owner Mr.sill handcuffing Guering at the end of ww2.
How do you have so much unknown knowledge to the second world war I have studied it for years . Amazing
I have a question: if guards were stationed at each prisoner’s door, peering into their cells at all times, how did no one see Göring retrieve the catridge from the cream jar, break it open to get the cyanide capsule that he then popped into his mouth? Or did they see it but were not quick enough to stop him?
Geoffrey Lawarence: “the international military tribunal sentences you to death…..” Georing: “of course” Geoffrey Lawrence: “… hanging….” Georing: “WHAT???”
This is why you don’t want to fall into enemy hands.
A family friend who had a photographic memorie was brought in to sketch / paint him during the trials before his death. He was adamant he wouldnt hang
Knowing quite a bit about prisons and how prisoners do things I have my own theory that is supported by the the facts. If the cyanide was in the cream why go through the hassle of putting the glass packaging into a cartridge ?? It would be perfectly fine in the cream, less conspicuous without the cartridge, and actually less likely to break since it would not bounce around in the cartridge. Not to put to fine a point to it, but there is a reason they do cavity searches in high security prisons, and a cartridge would be pretty good to transport something that way, and having something made up of thin glass up there would be too risk due to the way the body moves. As for the cream, again do not wanna go into too much detail, but you want some kind of lube to uuh get it in there.
Seeing this just reminded me of the famous Goebbels quote… “One man can tell one lie, one time… And no one will believe him”… “But the same man can perpetuate that lie, and hammer only two or three key points every time he tells that lie… And EVERYONE will believe him”. Kind of what we’re being subjected to now, huh? Looks like History DOES REPEAT ITSELF.
Hermann Gorings life is fascinating even before ww2. He was a pilot in ww1 and was injured then became addicted to the morphine derivative. I understand Gorings displeasure at being hanged as his means of death sentence. Because he was a career soldier. But the Allies were in no mood for sympathy after all the lives lost because Germany wanted to drag this conflict out for a horrible duration. But whether it’s Sadam Hussein on the scaffolding or Hermann Goring in a cold damp cell in that moment before they are executed we are all reminded of mans mortality no matter what heights you may reach in this world.
brilliant pilot and ww1 Ace, got wounded, got hooked on morphine, went to sh*t, lived in hes own dream world.
The problem with the conclusion drawn is the unlikely hiding place of the cream in the luggage. That is to say, there are many better places to hide a capsule in luggage than cream, regardless of the type of cream. Great video though. Even though I disagree with the conclusion, I really appreciate the thoroughness of the work.
This was a very interesting video. Thanks for making it. Could you do one on Rudolf Hess’ death? My understanding was there was some suspicion it wasn’t self-inflicted.
7:25–7:45 “Innocence until proven guilty,” is the proper phrase. Though unless there is such evidence that he said it in a different manner, we’ll have to assume the words used are those of the British narrator. This was an incredible video! I immediately watched this following the 3 hr movie of the trials with Alec Baldwin playing the lead prosecutor
Imagine letting him give a gold watch to a guard! hahaha Not sure how I feel about the war trials … it’s not like anyone was going to get off, and it’s hard to believe they were fair trials. For sure they were monsters, but lots of people are monsters. I guess they just wanted them dead and out of circulation so they couldn’t be figureheads. I’m not sure what else they could have done really.
honestly, as long as they die on or before the date of execution, what does it matter if it is by rope or by poison? The end result is the same isn’t it? They were sentenced to death, and they died before their execution date, I don’t call that failure, I call that expediency. It would have been one thing if he managed to flee to Argentina and live under the name Hermano Gorina and lived out his life in luxuary, dieing at the young ave of 96.
I heard he tried loosing weight one time. He tried jogging, but kept running into beer halls.
My father in law guarded General Goring for one day, and one day only. He said he spoke perfect English and was a gentleman.
I was under the impression dying by cyanide poisoning was extremely painful for a period. Like you’ve just done extreme full body wind sprints.
For those intrested in further reading “The Nuremberg Trial By John & Ann Tusa” is excellent
Mark I must say your pronunciation of the German is simply the best amongst historians…. it simply irks when people cannot say Luftwaffe or Würzburg …. kudos for you 

I read that the soldier who was friends with Goering, never advanced in rank after this fiasco.
I actually met the Dr. who pronounced Goring dead. He also pronounced the other Nuremberg defendants.
Interesting documentary but I don’t know about Goering having the last laugh, the obviously got some pleasure out of outwitting his enemies and preferred to die via poison than on a gallows, but cyanide poisoning is not a fun way to go.
Dr. Felton this is one of your best. Please continue.
In her autobiography Mrs. Goering wrote that an “angel” brought him the cyanide
He also understood and spoke English so had time to consider his answers while the questions were translated to German for him unnecessarily.
I’ve always speculated that Göring really didn’t care that much about racial matters or even politics in general. He was just a playboy who found a way to live a glamorous life in the Reich.
This is a brilliant channel I wished my history teacher was even half as knowledgeable
12:15 i don’t think that I could straight faced deny the devil himself the right to end his own life. so yeah i can see this being the most plausible option. Future Felton: “What Became of Hermann Göring’s Watch?”
Mark thanks for these videos! Im super facinated by the war!
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Henry David Thoreau.
There is definitely a chance that he had it with him when he arrived. I mean, the old “Prison Wallet” comes to
Those guards had to stand still for 2 hours at a time – what a job that would have been.
Interesting conclusion. My bet was on the guard that met the strange girl and her friends.
My ringtone is now the Intro music to your excellent videos, Dr Felton. The wife said I spend so much time watching them. ;o)
True! I support your theory on this matter, Mark.
I think if vets from 3rd Armour or 101st or 82nd or 1st Army or 3rd Army, were guards, instead of “recruits” things would have been different. As I said, this is one of your best. And they are all excellent.
If I had to pick from the suspects given, I would have to pick the private that met the mysterious girl. He was young, naive, and seemed like he could’ve been more easily manipulated
It is true – that it is not right to judge someone through his appearance! But at the same time I firmly believe that man’s appearance reflects everything about his nature and personality. By having said that I am dare to express my feeling about him. He is not the type to have that kind of tragic and disgraceful end – I just feel sorry about him that he found himself in a situation where mass murder took place under his command by being under pressure of Evil force. I still believe he is not the type in nature to commit that kind of “Evil Work”, but he got forced to be part of it. Do forgive me to express to him – God bless his soul! That is the way I feel about his colleagues. There are times Evil forces someone to do things just like an Evil.
9:22 We Americans sure loved that Alcatraz aesthetic back in the day lol. Edit: Also noticed the dislikes are currently exactly at 999. Your video is absolute perfection, Mark. Even the dislikes work for you! Nein nein nein! Lol This video once titled “Hermann Göring’s mysterious death”
Love this channel & The History Guy is really good too.
it tells you exactly how it was done in Irvings biography.
There is an interview with Eda Goring. In the interview die admits that a person gave the poison to Hermann Goring in the prisont
Well to be honest I’m glad Goerring died, have you ever seen someone die from cyanide? It’s absolutely horrific, he wanted a clean death and when he didn’t get that he decided to do it himself and actually ended up giving himself an even more horrendous less dignified death. That’s the irony in this.
He may have cheated the hangman, and had the last laugh, but he still answered for his crimes.
A relative of mine in the US army was head of the women’s prison at Nuremburg. She was sent to tell Gorings wife that he had died.
“the machinery of democratic justice proceeds…” You know, guys, to me today this sounds scarier – after being born in the Cold War and having lived during the totalitarian communist rule in Bulgaria… And later on, having lived during the past “democratic” decades of mafia terror in Bulgaria… My home land – I think it is no wonder I developed hobbies like watching otherwise good and beautiful channels, like David Hoffman’s YouTube station and Mark Felton’s!
He looked like a different man when he was off the opiates
Göring’s mind got sharper as he lost weight but his uniforms started to wear like loose pajamas. He might have used both U.S. soldiers to unwittingly bring him cyanide ampules: one or two concealed in the cream jar retrieved from the storeroom, a third concealed in the pen. It has been written there was an unused ampule in the jar after his suicide, and another unused one in his garments. The third was the one he used to take his life. In the end Göring must have weighed 330 lbs which would have made his hanging quite a spectacle if it had proceeded as scheduled.
392 lbs = 177kg. 118kg = 260 lbs. Judging by height, he looks closer to the latter. Also, speaking as a former addict, he was low-rent as hell being addicted to DHC.. in his position he could have had much better drugs. Any wonder he made such an abortion of the Nazi air campaigns. He lost them the war.
7:12 „…might escape justice by killing themselves…“ So, commiting suicide is injustice, being killed by others is justice. Ok, thanks for the clarification. At 3:09 you state that his mental alertness after being given a healthy diet and weaned off of drugs, “actually backfired on the Americans.” I submit to you sir that nothing about his capture or death was a “backfire”. The allies wanted him dead…and that is exactly what they got. 8:23 the us soldier sticks his tongue out at the camera lmao That height and weight the man should have been a perfect sphere.
Goodness me, his IQ was one less than my only test…and an ex of mine. In 1983, we both secured 139, but on totally different disciplines.
kind of way too many “mysterious” deaths at the time, one might think there were some others involved
Unless weighed in his full uniform, with all the medals and accouterments, the man in the pictures said to be 5′-8″ in height could not have weighed 392 lbs.
Goring became friendly with one of the guards. The guard was American and evidently, the guard and Goring shared an interest in hunting. This guard delivered some of Goring’s possessions to his jail cell. One of those possessions hid a cyanide capsule that Goring used for his suicide.
The other video Mark made about him is pretty amazing if you haven’t seen it yet.
This is kind of off topic but at 8:20 you can see the third man walking out of the gate showing his papers to the guard stuck his tongue out to the camera
I was not expecting to see that It’s the second theory. He got it delivered. Wheelis is is the guilty one; “hunter to hunter”. IMO.
Not so mysterious. A guard by the name of Herbert Lee Stivers came forward & seemingly solved the mystery back around 2004 or so. While we will never know for certain, his recollection seems to more closely fit the circumstances than others. He sounds really gullible but people weren’t as cynical as we are today. .
Nuremberg Trial Lawyer, Robert Jackson – “The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated.” Project Paperclip – “Hold Our Lowenbrauen”…
Thanks. Fascinating ! Also shows magnetic personality of Goering. He was an aristocrat.
allow me to say the quality of your videos are outstanding.
Hé was the biggest thief of WW2 he stole valuable paintings and other valuables
This guy’s face matches his voice perfectly
I agree….Mark Felton should replace the entire History Channel…which has proven itself to be a subtle, yet decidedly left-wing propaganda piece. This piece on Goring has been nothing short of first class. Well done, Mr. Felton!
Mark, the great story teller
Why would any guards have been given a key to the room containing the prisoner’s belongings? That alone is a colossal failure and mistake on the part of the person in charge of the prison.
7:47 “The prison was dark, extremely cold during the winter, and dank” Dang I wish all prisons were DANK Thank you Mark, for teaching us history so not to be repeated
Guards were told to stand at the position of “Parade Rest”.
Mark: Death YouTube: YOU CAN’T SAY THAT! Mark: Demise YouTube: Understandable, have a great day Mark: You know what? I like “death” better YouTube: NANI?!
Definitely subscribing, very well done!
You have a great voice for documentaries well done 
A był taki wielki i przy samym wodzu. Każde zło ma karę.
Regarding Görings cream: The mentioned Nivea cream would’ve most likely been skin cream. I don’t believe Nivea ever made hair cream. Nivea is a brand of white cream still produced today.
These senior German like goring knew how to get away, and they stood for what they believed in
“his GLOATING letter” – LOL. I want to hear more about that.
Dang your research is impeccable. Many thanks.
Goering amongst many other things seems charismatic and humerous, if you met him at a social event and had no clue who he was you would perhaps enjoy his company
He had a hell of a life until the end of the war.
This is what we need more of in today’s world; calm, deliberate and detached examination of the FACTS and best available evidence. It’s not possible to always have all of the answers but in my view, it’s much better to accept that than to grasp at ridiculous ideas with absolutely zero chance of being true. The most likely solution is usually the correct one and Mr. Felton obviously believes that too! Well done once again!!!
The escaped the hangman’s noose, he took the easy way out, or so he thought, in the end he stood before the ultimate judge
Plottwist every story is true Hermann Göring receved 3 capsules of cyanide.
There’s no way he weighed 400lbs,that’s 180kg. Someone got the maths wrong, 118kg is 260lbs. That’s still pretty chunky if you’re only 5′ 8″.
I wonder what was said when Hess was seen by the other Nazi leaders at the trials, to hear that conversation priceless
Goering cannot have been both 394 lbs and 118 kg because they are 2 different weights. 118 kg is approximately 260 lbs, or 394 lbs is approximately 179 kg.
The Cyanide Pill was hidden in the the last meal he requested: 3 helpings of Sauerbraten, a plate of Schweinshaxe, 2 generous servings of Rinderroulade, 19 Bratwurst, and a Giant Side dish of Sauerkraut, totaling a rather unhealthy 13,698 Calories.
Göring disappeared along with the gold that was on it’s way to Switzerland from Hungary. Watch the film ‘Brass Target’
I liked the mysterious music at the end of this episode; recycled from the Haunted Bomber episode. Nice touch.
All these men would have been better off kept alive Imagine all the information that could have been learned from these men…
I would have had the accused standing for hours on end and the guards seated behind them!
Goering was admired by the American Soildiers whom guarded him, it was the top brass that needed to make an example of him at the behest of the soviets mainly.
Steivers seems likely, the autographs where to verify targets and access to the prisoners, he was scouted out and used his story fits the techniques used. I would say steivers
History is always written by victors. You don’t know the other side of the story.
You have incorrectly calculated his equivalent daily morphine dose. Dihydrocodeine is approximately 10 times weaker than morphine. If he was taking DHC that equates to 320mg morphine daily he would be dead very quickly, even with a high tolerance, and by ‘quickly’ I mean within hours. He was taking a dose that equates to between 26 and 32mg morphine daily, which is still extremely high and possibly lethal in some patients.
Thank you, interesting…..quite a time at World War’ s end……… frankly, maybe some Justice has been “ served”…. Lots of confusion and people involved……
“The prison was dark, extremely cold in the winter and DANK”
MARK FELTON….simply perfect!
In the many jails across the US, the inmates frequently possess contraband, including drugs (of any kind,) weapons (Shanks or shivs,) and…cell phones. All are “Tucked,” “suitcased,” or “Keistered,” which is all the same thing…
Goering stood 5’10” in WWI, according to German records, the same as Hitler.
I feel like I know more about World History than American History because of these videos.
Its hard to fathom how a group of people could be so equally eviil
Funny how things would ve been different if he had put the energy he showed in Nuremberg into directing the Luftwaffe….
Great upload/documentary, as usual from Mr Felton
One of the charges…. ‘waging a war of aggression’. What other kind of war IS there? 
I’ve quit drugs and lost weight – I’ve never felt so healthy. What are we doing tomorrow?
Remarquable travail. Bravo et merci.
I can’t even stand still for more than 30 minutes
these guards mustve been suffering lol In another place and time, Göring might have become a very successful Hollywood producer….
All of your videos are very well put together with a lot of information. Thank you!
Sometimes you just have to read your script back while watching the video material, ya know? he obviously was not near 400lbs, and he obviously did not cut his weight to low 300s. If you look at that footage and think that is a over 300lb man up on that stand …….. idk what to tell ya lol. If its about history, and you cant get the story straight, why lead to more misconceptions about said history? Good vid quality anyways, been binge watching quite a few of your vids! Lets hope to see less issues like this in the next videos!
Can anyone else imagine him asking for the pot of cream by saying that it would help with chaffing of the hangman’s noose?
I just love the old footage. The quality of the video footage with Hermann Göring is just amazing.
I think Colonel Klink delivered it. He always seemed like a smart guy.
After listening to Mark I will never be able to say aluminum the same way I did before.
Could Herman Gerings’ diet be somehow revealed to the world ? He does indeed show a remarkable improvement, bona fide rise in IQ level. Too bad he did not get the idea some years earlier.
Mr Felton, I love your videos, and I think I’ve watched them all. However I got a question. Why is it so that some of your videos has its comment section turned off? That goes for many of your uploads like your video ”Hitler’s Arab & Black Soldiers” for instance. We all know youtube’s censoring is out of this world. Thats why I prefer using bitchute instead. However your videos dont violate youtube’s policy. So some clarifications as to why the comment section has been turned off would be appreciated. I think all of these stories and issues brought up should be open for discussion. Thanks.
12:17 notice how the dollar bill back then is a ” silver certificate” back then. Unlike today our bills are “notes issued by Federal Reserve” My now deceased great grandfather Kenneth Fulkerson was one of the guards of Hermann Goring. I have no way to prove this in a Youtube comment section but according to him Hermann had a gold watch in his cell with him and did not have this watch with him on the day he took his own life, it was strongly believed at the time that due to his friendliness with the guards, he was able to trade his watch for a cyanide capsule.
Outstanding video and presentations.
It’s oddly satisfying to see Nazi ego get crushed. Imagine thinking you’re gods and later end up in a tiny courtroom awaiting sentencing. They must’ve all felt dizzy trying to make sense of the reality.
You can tell this story 6 ways till Sunday and I’ll always watch it.
I wish I was smart as him. 130 IQ, the man was a genius.
2:32 Had to play that back a couple times. Eyes just about bulged out of my head. 118 kg is only 260 pounds. If he was 392 pounds he’d be EXXXXXTRA thicc. So much suffering caused by that evil regime/ideology. People must study this history so it’s never repeated. It is astounding one of the most advanced nations at the time, Germany, fell victim to this dictatorship. People must always be vigilant.
Something about the phrase “The Hitler gang” makes me laugh.
If only the allied war criminals had also been tried there would have been some semblance of justice at Nürnberg. The fire bombing of civilians in Germany and Japan, and the needless use of nuclear bombs went unmentioned. Shame that future historians will document.
Another great video…. Thanks for posting!
I was not aware that Goering knew good English . I thought he only knew his mother tongue German and perhaps Swedish .
At 2:31, Mark says that Goring weighed 392 lbs or 118 kg. 118 kg is 262 lbs. Goring doesn’t look like he is 392 lbs, or 173 kg – a prodigious weight. He would be looking just a tad bit more corpulent. The only thing that i am guilty of is that i thought i had rights in the courtroom- Charles Manson.
7:40 “Prisoners are to be treated as innocent until judged by the court” something we dont really practice these days sadly Bless this channel and you for creating it mark
This is so educative and entertaining… Wonderful channel
2:30 I think 392 pounds are 177 kg, not 118. In my opinion, Göring didn’t look like 177 kg, more like 118 kilos. But 118 kg are ~ 260 pounds. I’m confused… Goring was well-liked before the war in Germany. My mother was living in Germany up to August 30, 1939, the population smilling used to refer to him affectionally as our Herman. i suspect the poison was supplied by the British as a kindness. My freind Willybalt a young boy in Wien Ostmark while with other boys was walking past and they saw Herman in his garage, Herman encouraged and bekond them to come into his Garage, and talked to them. He had an Adler motor vechile on blocks (rubber was in short supply and the tires were removed for the war effort). The garage contined a lot of empty Beehives and Herman being a prankster threw a mouse at the boys. Herman had a great personility and left a great impression whoever came in contact with him. He was completely different to the old gang. However the downside Goring was a drug addict.
What an unjust world. Some bastards get justice but then others like Stalin and Mao never got theirs.
I’d like to point out a potential mistake: the figures regarding his weight seem completely improbable. He was fat as a cow, yes, but a person weighing 392lbs who was only 5’8″ tall would weigh the same as the HEAVIEST NFL player in history, Aaron Gibson, despite being one foot shorter. If he lost a meager 60lbs, he’d still weigh a whopping, morbidly obese, 330lbs. My guess is that weight figure was more like 275 before the weight loss, and 215 after.
He wasn’t 392 lbs or anywhere close to it! 118 kilos is 260 lbs. Its obvious from the footage of him after his arrest that he is not anywhere close to weighing 392lbs. That’s would be like a contestant off “the biggest loser”. I wonder what else in this video is inaccurate?
“A painless way out”? Painless? Perhaps. But far from pleasant. The noose would have been far more merciful. A split-second of free-fall followed by an instant death. The cyanide on the other hand gave the “human” piece of scheiss minutes of horror — his diaphragm unable to work, the air in his lungs stifled, the carbon dioxide in his blood increasing (CO2 is the reason for the “suffocating” feeling, NOT the lack of oxygen — which is the reason airplane pilots are trained to immediately don their O2 masks when pressurization is lost because unconsciousness will come without warning and with no “I’m suffocating!” sensation). As someone who almost died due to pulmonary edema combined with pneumonia, I can attest to having endured “only” 40 seconds or so of abject terror before blacking out while on my way to the hospital, even though I could draw air into and out of my lungs. No, the fool fooled himself, and got to spend his last minutes alive in unspeakable horror before finding himself in “Valhalla’s” sub-sub-sub-sub-sub basement.
Am I the only one who finds the whole “honorable death method” utterly ridiculus? Why would death by poisoning or fire squad be more desireable than hanging?
Brilliant. You should make a video about Himmlers arrest.
“Goering may have secreted a cyanide capsule in his rectum.” Thanks. A visual that I could have done without.
This channel should be mandatory for all students of all ages studying history
Been bingeing these. thank you for looking up prounsciations
5:49 I had a bit of a James Bond flashback for a second there. Never occurred to me that Goering was a Dr No lookalike. MARK FELTON documentaries are the ABSOLUTE BEST . THANKS Mr FELTON.
He never had just 1 guard at Nuremberg, they were a rotated crew. There were 3 Germans and 1 American who could have gotten him the poison. He was as sharp as a blade but utterly without any moral compass.
Proud to say I’m related to my late late uncle Goering..
Do a history lesson on the “Eisenhower’s Death Meadows’ …go on Mark, you can do it?
“Had his day in court” “Machinery of democratic justice” What a crock!
Very good stuff here. I think we will actually never know the true answer.
It was unprofessional to permit personal relations to develop between the guards and the prisoners.
This is deep history……only known to us who listen to this!
“He weighed 392 pounds, or 118 kilos..” Well that doesn’t make any sense now does it
What is the video he references that covers the mission to grab Göring? Does anyone have a link to it?
Well if his “last laugh” was taking the cowardly way out… I’m okay with that… some laugh… 
The person who disliked this is a conspiracy theorist who thinks he escaped to Argentina to live with Adolf in obscurity 
I discovered so much in this presentation Thank You
love your work mark keep it bud
The dramatic music at the end killed me. So unexpected lol. Great video!
I don’t know how they can find the time to squabble with each other (arresting people etc.) when the enemy is right at their doorsteps.
A German spy got in and gave him a way out of the hangman. A Samurai’s death.. You take your own life .. A soldier’s death.
Our history teacher in high school in Brooklyn maintained that the capsule was concealed behind an artificial belly-button.
An I.Q. of 138 – a cunning bastard! Prisoners with ample time on their hands are adept at manipulating their guards – particularly if they have spent a lifetime practicing their craft. It is surprising who gets coerced – particularly if one throws a sex or love interest in the mix.
Mark Felton: Goring loved cream. He amassed several different variety. Comment section: Of course he loved cream. Just look at him! 
Great videos dude keep it up.
I’m friends with his great grand nephew. Significant regret is the theme in his family
Damn, this guy walks into Walmart 2020, I’m going to know right away he is a Nazi….. terrifying.
Are those lights on the cell doors? In the closed door pictures you can see the slot open on the door with the light behind. The pictures taken outside the cells you can see the same object but from the guard side. What is it?
Thank you for the information and pictures.
that was Goering’s actual voice? and I thought that commedant from hogans heroes was just putting on a goofy accent I didn’t think he was basing it on Goering
“The disturbing vision of Hermann Göring having had the last laugh” not the least disturbing seeing a hero die the way he chose to.
Mr Felton your work ethic is astounding
Subtitles for the German would be much appreciated 
You got that weight conversion way wrong there Mark..392lbs (177kg) is not 118kg. I assume the 118kg part is correct and not the 392lbs?
He seems like a good guy but Evil as the devil I guess heroin addicts are messed up but Christ he was insane
What a guy Göring. Tried hard to succeed Hitler and blamed him profusely once Caught.
Wouldn’t all of Goring’s belongings be documented and itemised, being such a high profile case, if it was the hand cream, you would think there would be a discrepancy noted after his death.
Keep up the good work Mark
Let’s be honest….if any of the Soviets were accused they probably did it
The gi who was watching him had the keys to the property room and he told him he wanted to give a case to the lawyer who represented him, he gave the gi a pair of gloves and got his cream who had the vile init
Damn he hit ’em with that “Yes.” 80 years before it was in fashion
The guard rotation only began after sentencing once those who had sentences other than death needed to be guarded. During the Nuremberg trials and executions the guards were strictly under American control. At least the major war criminals. We even made sure they were hanged by army standard which often was too short a drop. We knew this but we like the dancing. It makes watching executions more entertaining.

In 1945, Stuart and Budd Schulberg were sent to Europe to gather film evidence of Nazi crimes. The two brothers were part of a special OSS unit. The material they gathered was eventually put to use prosecuting top Nazi officials at Nuremberg.
On November 20, 1945, the Nuremberg trials against prominent members of Nazi Germany began. Twenty-four major war criminals and seven organizations stood trial for crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing crimes. Following the main trial, a series of twelve additional military tribunals for war crimes were held against Nazi elites such a politicians, diplomats, doctors and businessmen.
There have been a number of films about Nuremberg, but this documentary takes a novel approach. It explores the trial process from a personal angle via the fascinating story of Budd and Stuart Schulberg. The two brothers were assigned by the OSS to gather film evidence of the Nazis’ crimes. They travelled to war-devastated Europe in 1945, and spent four months hunting for pictures and movie footage. They amassed hundreds of hours of archival footage, much of it recorded by the Nazis themselves and stored in secret locations.
Well-known figures from the film industry such as director John Ford worked with the Schulberg brothers to edit the footage. The result was several films, which were shown in the courtroom during the Nuremberg trial, the most important being “Nazi Concentration Camps” and “The Nazi Plan.” Their films would have a lasting impact on the collective perception of Nazi crimes.
But there was another film made during the trial. One which is far less well-known. United States Chief of Council Robert Jackson commissioned Stuart Schulberg, the younger of the two brothers, to film the actual trial. The plan had been to release the documentary in American movie theaters in 1948 under the title “Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today”. However, it was withdrawn in the post-war United States, when reconciliation with Germany took precedence, and when there was a new public enemy, the Soviet Union.
For almost 60 years, the film of the trial lay forgotten. Then, in 2003, Stuart’s daughter Sandra Schulberg took up her father’s work. She successfully gathered, sorted and restored the film reels. This documentary sheds light on previously unknown aspects of this historical turning point.
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