A Skewed Impression


1 an opinion, piece of information, result etc that is skewed
is incorrect, especially because it has been affected by a particular thing

or because you do not know all the facts

The media’s coverage of the election has been skewed from the very beginning.

2 something that is skewed is not straight and is higher on one side than the other
SYN crooked
The picture on the wall was slightly skewed.

Page Description

Explore ‘A skewed impression,’
an insightful examination of how perceptions are formed and distorted
in modern society.

Slachtoffer Rik gebruikte spreekrecht: “Ik wil ogen laten openen” – RTL LATE NIGHT/ SUMMER NIGHT

23 aug. 2017

RTL 4 komt met het programma Spreekrecht, waarin slachtoffers aan het woord komen die hun spreekrecht gebruiken in de rechtszaal. Rik Derwig vertelt wat hem is overkomen en waarom hij gekozen heeft om zijn spreekrecht te gebruiken.
Bekijk de hele aflevering op: http://www.rtlxl.nl/#!/gemist/rtl-lat…
In deze video: Angela Groothuizen

Best Cat Pranks

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20 jul. 2014

These cat pranks are simply purrrrrrrr-fect!