
However, “they don’t know what they’re doing” is a common phrase in English that conveys a similar idea of someone acting without understanding the consequences of their actions. It’s not a direct quote from the Bible, but it shares the sentiment expressed in the biblical passage.

In the Dutch language “God vergeef het hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen” that phrase is originally from the Bible, specifically from the New Testament. In English, it’s often translated as

In the British Post Office Scandal, innocent subpostmasters were wrongly accused of financial discrepancies due to faults in the Horizon IT software used by the Post Office. The subpostmasters themselves had not committed any wrongdoing. This highlights a significant failure in both the implementation and oversight of the Horizon software, as well as in the response of the justice system to the situation. The innocent individuals affected by this scandal faced immense hardships as a result of these systemic failures.

It’s deeply troubling when the pursuit of justice goes awry, leading to the wrongful conviction and suffering of innocent individuals. Instances like the British Post Office Scandal highlight systemic failures that need to be addressed to ensure that the justice system fulfills its duty to uphold fairness and protect the innocent.

Police withheld evidence making man’s rape conviction unsafe, says UK court

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

 As already explained.

Please click this link. namey under the title

“Justice fails catastrophically: out of the frying pan into the fire” (in English and in Dutch).

The video ‘Wrongful Convictions – A National Disgrace’ under explanation, applies convincingly. Please listen to the video.



Subpostmaster Alan Bates was a key figure in the Post Office scandal in the UK. He was one of hundreds of subpostmasters who were wrongly accused of theft, fraud, and false accounting due to issues with the Post Office’s Horizon IT system. Bates and others faced financial ruin, criminal convictions, and even imprisonment as a result of these wrongful accusations.

Alan Bates, along with many other subpostmasters, faced disciplinary actions from the Post Office, including termination of their contracts, due to discrepancies in their accounts that were attributed to issues with the Horizon IT system. However, despite being accused of theft, fraud, or false accounting, Bates was never prosecuted or convicted for any criminal offense related to these allegations.

10 The court

9 UK Supreme Court: The Highest Court in the Land – Documentary


17 okt 2012

They are the UK’s most powerful arbiters of justice and now, for the first time, four of the Justices of the Supreme Court talk frankly and openly about the nature of justice and how they make their decisions. The film offers a revealing glimpse of the human characters behind the judgments and explores why the Supreme Court and its members are fundamental to our democracy.

The 11 men and one woman who make up the UK Supreme Court have the last say on the most controversial and difficult cases in the land. What they decide binds every citizen. But are their rulings always fair, do their feelings ever get in the way of their judgments and are they always right?

In the first 14 months of the court they have ruled on MPs’ expenses, which led to David Chaytor’s prosecution, changed the status of pre-nuptial agreements and battled with the government over control orders and the Human Rights Act.

They explain what happens when they cannot agree and there is a divided judgment, and how they avoid letting their personal feelings effect their interpretation of the law. And they face up to the difficult issue of diversity; there is only one woman on the court, and she is the only Justice who went to a non-fee-paying school.

10 The Crown Court

8 jul 2014
An introduction to the Crown Court, the different roles within it and how a trial at the court works.
From the glow of life to hell

In the justice system your life is over ‘in a blink of an eye’, ‘as quick as a snap of the fingers’. Of everything (including the examples in points 1, 2, and 9 on the home page), none of it could have occurred. Even not the British horror story of Jimmy Savile or the Sweet Deal of Jeffrey Epstein (Witness History on the homepage).

What is happening within the justice system: people who have been exonerated since 1989: 3 348 cases in the USA. But it takes an army to get out of prison as Ryan Ferguson, an exonerated one in the list in point 2, told.

Keep in mind the expressions from the bible; am I my brother’s keeper? In that moment someone has your life in his hands. In the justice system a small thing is enough to create a parallel world, abject, ruthless, pro forma, mandatory silence… cfr part 2 of the website (Are you faking data?).

In the above examples in the introduction from point A to L, it’s truly like in a caricature; you are not the person in the photo, you were not at that location, but at a sports event with more than 50,000 people, and your phone conversation was intercepted near this station. Yet, you find yourself in trouble until film footage emerges, recorded at the very place you were. Alternatively, the actual perpetrator could not be identified by a so-called witness because he was masked, so it is pointless to claim that a witness recognized you, and so on.

On the other hand, a decision cannot be made based on something one does not know, or creating an image of a person with an attitude and behavior that is not at all consistent with the person you are.

The reality we find ourselves in is a purely deceptive context that has nothing to do with justice. It’s what happened to John Bunn. He was at home sleeping at 4 o’clock in the morning, and, knowing he was innocent, he was imprisoned for 17 years as a result of corrupt cop Louis Scarcella (see the link to the first video: Top 7 Reactions Of INNOCENT Convicts Set Free). Similar incidents happened to the other 6 people in the video.

99 – 13 LOST – The Untold Story of the Thai Cave Rescue

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23 mrt 2020

Subtitles: Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian, German, English…


Tham Luang caves, June 2018. The Wild Boars football team are cut off by flash floods and are trapped a thousand meters below the surface inside the mountains of Chiang Rai, northern Thailand. An unprecedented rescue mission commences, which will last eighteen days and will tragically claim the life of Saman Gunan, an experienced Thai Navy Seal diver.

This documentary is exclusive footage shot during the rescue period as seen through the eyes of our diving team, Ben Reymanents and Maksym Polyjeka.

Divers had to overcome not only physical but also huge psychological challenges, which is why most of them gave up. In the end only two teams remained, the British team of John Volanthen and Rick Stanton and our team, though the Brits had begun having second thoughts. While the British team were considering leaving, Ben and Max successfully navigated and laid guide lines through the most difficult passages, driving forward the rescue which ultimately led to all the children’s survival.

Skills, luck and their refusal to give up was what it took to succeed when others had failed.


The Thai Cave Rescue lasted for 18 days.
Over 10.000 volunteers participated in the Thai Cave Rescue.

100 This Drug Saved 12 Boys…

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Stories from Below the Waterline

11 – Top 7 Reactions Of INNOCENT Convicts Set Free (Part 2)

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Reactions Of Innocent Prisoners Set Free Welcome to Courtroom This video is about wrongfully convicted inmates getting exonerated

2 The Life And Sad Ending Of Jeffrey Epstein

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18 feb 2024
Welcome to our documentary video where we delve into the life and controversial end of Jeffrey Epstein. This in-depth analysis covers Epstein’s rise to prominence, his connections with influential figures, and the dark secrets that led to his downfall.

Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat
is headed in the wrong direction.


So often it happens that something that should not have happened,

and indeed could not have happened, such as the examples in this point G. and in previous points,

the seriousness of the incident is sought to be minimized by portraying it as an exception.

However, when there is a pattern of negligence, repeated mistakes, or a lack of taking responsibility,

leading to something going wrong, becoming a direct disaster or a personal drama,

in such cases, as a human being, you cannot wash your hands like Pilate.

You cannot say it’s an exception. If one does so,

they are resorting to a cliché.

Can we empathize with the excruciating pain of 7 teenagers and young people and understand them?

  • shouldering the daunting challenge of being unjustly in prison,
  • for reasons they had nothing to do with,
  • due to a poor and unreliable justice system…
  • grappling with the incomprehensibility of this egregious miscarriage of justice orchestrated by a corrupt cop,
  • the depth and severity of the negative spiral of what innocents endure is simply unimaginable. It is beyond human comprehension. No words can encapsulate the unfathomable anguish and injustice they faced.
  • It is a perversion of justice, according the description in the Cambridge Dictionary. It is modern-day slavery.

‘It wasn’t against my will or anything’: How a rape case built over two years fell apart with a single text

Glynn Simmons took a long glance out the window of the car passenger seat as he drove with a friend along the freeway to Tulsa, Oklahoma. His gaze was fixated on the night sky, lit up with stars.

It was a sight the 70-year-old had not been able to witness for nearly half a century, after spending most of his life in prison for a murder he did not commit.

“It’s things like that … watching the seasons change, the foliage, simple things that you couldn’t do in prison. You couldn’t enjoy it. You couldn’t see it,” Mr Simmons told the BBC. “It’s exhilarating.”

Mr Simmons was released from prison in July 2023. In December he was declared innocent in the 1974 murder of Carolyn Sue Rogers. His is the longest known wrongful conviction in the US.

His sentence was vacated after a district court found that prosecutors had not turned over all evidence to defence lawyers, including that a witness had identified other suspects.

He was 22 when he and a co-defendant, Don Roberts, were convicted and sentenced to death in 1975, a punishment that was later reduced to life in prison.

Mr Simmons spoke to the BBC this week about his newfound freedom, his current battle with Stage 4 cancer and the hope that carried him through 48 years behind bars.

“Being innocent, it helps you to keep your faith,” he said. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t lose my faith, lots of times. But it’s like a rubber band – you expand and you return.”

A ‘conscious disregard of justice’

In January 1975 Mr Simmons was one of several people arrested at a party on separate “bogus robbery charges”, he said.

He was brought into a police station, where officers asked him to participate in a line-up for the murder of Rogers the month before, in a liquor store robbery in an Oklahoma City suburb. The murder of Rogers – who was working as a store clerk when she was shot in the head – has yet to be solved.

“I had just turned 21. I had no previous experience with the criminal justice system,” Mr Simmons said. “I didn’t know I had a right to an attorney, a right to refuse. I had no clue.”

Glynn Simmons wants to fight for criminal justice reform

A customer who was shot in the head during the incident was asked to pick out the murder suspect from the line-up just days after getting out of the hospital, Mr Simmons said.

She never identified Mr Simmons, he said. Instead, she pointed to different characteristics of at least three others in the line-up, according to Mr Simmons’ lawyer, Joe Norwood.

Still, Mr Simmons – who said he was in Louisiana at the time of the murder – was convicted and given the death penalty.

“I don’t call it a miscarriage of justice. It wasn’t a mistake. It was a deliberate act,” Mr Simmons said. “It was a conscious disregard of justice.”

It was 1975 in Oklahoma, when an atmosphere of racism was still palpable, said Mr Simmons, a black man.

Police “had a whole lot of cases on the books that weren’t solved, and there was a whole lot of pressure”, he added.

Black people are about 7.5 times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder in the US than white people, according to the National Registry of Exonerations.

There were days in prison when he “lost his mind”, he said. He had anxiety attacks, and as he grew older, it was hard sometimes to hold onto hope that his name would be cleared, he said.

“When you watch guys dying all around you all the time, you do the math,” he said.

There would be even more bad news for Mr Simmons. He was diagnosed with liver cancer just a year before being freed, his second battle with the disease.

He was put on a treatment waitlist but was not able to receive chemotherapy before he got out of prison. In that time, the cancer metastasized, he said.

“My struggle to be released intensified more than it had all the years before,” he said.

“You begin to lose faith. But for me it never lasts long.”

A bittersweet freedom

Since leaving prison and being declared innocent, Mr Simmons has experienced a whirlwind of emotions, the most powerful being gratitude, he said.

He spent Christmas with his son, three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

“It was beautiful. I had a ball. Everything we’ve been doing is a first,” he said.

Crystal Chatmon Glynn SimmonsCrystal Chatmon
Mr Simmons said knowledge of his own innocence helped get him through time behind bars

Still, his gratitude has been punctuated by feelings of bitterness over the decades of life he lost.

Mr Simmons said he had received no apology from the state of Oklahoma.

He left prison with no personal belongings or money for his basic needs and medical treatments.

Wrongfully convicted people who serve time in Oklahoma are eligible for up to $175,000 (£138,000) in compensation – about $3,600 for each year he served in prison, Mr Simmons noted.

He believes any compensation likely won’t arrive for years.

In the meanwhile, a fundraiser for Mr Simmons has raised $326,000, including anonymous donations as high as $30,000.

Mr Simmons wants to spend his new life of freedom sharing his story and working to reform a criminal justice system that saw an innocent man spend most of his life behind bars.

“That’s my inspiration for the future, trying to reach back and help some of the guys who are in the same position I was in,” he said. “We’ve got to do something on criminal justice reform. We need to really rethink how we do this.”

He plans to take time for himself too. Mr Simmons has already been to an Oklahoma City Thunder NBA game. He wants to travel the world.

“I’ve been to one extreme of incarceration,” he said. “Now I want to go to the other extreme of liberation.”

He is also trying to let go of resentments over his wrongful incarceration in order to make the most of his freedom.

“There’s been anger there for almost 50 years – anger, bitterness,” he said. “But you have to regulate it or it’ll eat you up.”

“What’s been done can’t be undone, so I don’t wallow in it.”

BBC – Glynn Simmons: Freedom ‘exhilarating’ for man exonerated after 48 years