A Red Flag

Een waarschuwingssignaal dat wijst op een potentieel probleem of bedreiging die nader onderzoek rechtvaardigt.

Page Descreption

Understand what constitutes a red flag in various contexts,
from relationships to business,
and learn how to identify
and address potential issues early on.

A flag used as a sign of danger:

You’re not allowed to swim when the red flag is flying.

Cambridge Dictionary

1 Life After My Lockdown | Raphael Rowe | TEDxWarwick

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25 mrt 2021

Raphael Rowe tells the story of how he spent 12 years in prison for murder and robbery – crimes he did not commit. After over a decade of psychological trauma, Rowe explores the power of hope in the darkest of times. Having eventually being found to be not guilty, he was released from prison, and dedicated his life to criminal justice reform. The talk goes on to argue that despite the tragic events of the pandemic, hope is crucial to carry us through to better times. Raphael Rowe is an investigative journalist who works with the BBC, Netflix and Back The Brave. He is best known as the presenter of the Netflix docuseries ‘Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons’, and also works on ‘The One Show’ and ‘Sunday Morning Live’. He is the author of the memoir and autobiography ‘Notorious’. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

2 UK Exclusive: Behind The Scenes with Netflix Star Raphael Rowe | Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons

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It’s finally here, folks: The Spencer Lodge Podcast goes to the United Kingdom! Kickstarting this exclusive series is a fascinating interview with none other than Netflix documentary sensation, Raphael Rowe – the host of the award-winning documentary, Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons. From Prisoner to Presenter, Raphael Rowe shares his heart-wrenching story and goes into the gruesome details of his 12-years behind bars, after being convicted for a murder he did not commit. Throughout this episode, Raphael talks about the prison system, why certain people end up in prison, and why prisoners need more compassion. Raphael also takes us through the most traumatic time of his life, sharing the impact his time in prison had on him and his family, how he recovered his life after being released, and how he became a Netflix documentary star. Tune in to listen to Raphael’s story, learn more about his foundation and discover what really goes on in the world’s toughest prisons.

Discussion points:

03:15 Reliving Raphael’s trauma
05:30 Does poverty lead to criminality?
06:30 Why people end up in prison
08:00 Types of prisoners
09:35 About Raphael
18:50 The campaign Raphael’s release
25:05 The impact it had on his family
35:55 Life after prison
49:00 Why prisoners need compassion
52:00 About Raphael’s Netflix show, Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons
01:03:05 About the Raphael Rowe Foundation

3 The Global Prison Paradox – Raphael Rowe & David Skarbek

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In première gegaan op 28 okt 2021

In his memoir, Notorious, Raphael Rowe details the twelve years he spent wrongly incarcerated for crimes including murder. After overturning his convictions in 2000, he became the first person of mixed race with dreadlocks to report for the BBC. Rowe is now the host of Netflix’s docuseries Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons bringing his understanding of the physical and emotional scars prisons can inflict on human beings from high tech lockdowns in Greenland to the dangerously overcrowded and underfunded prisons of the Philippines and South Africa. Rowe will be in conversation with David Skarbek, author of The Puzzle of Prison Order: Why Life Behind Bars Varies Around the World. Called “An illuminating work of much interest to students of crime and punishment” by Kirkus, Skarbek’s book digs behind the scenes of global prisons, studying the balance of power and hierarchy behind bars and how that affects prisoners.

Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons materials used with permission of Raphael Rowe. Title slide images from xiaoyi from Pexels and Ichigo121212 and Jody Davis from Pixabay. Intro music is Tequila Moonrise – Sunburnt Werewolf. Transition music is Humanfobia – Pastel Goth Ghost from Freemusicarchive.org

4 Raphael Rowe.

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11 jun 2019
Raphael Rowe was born and brought up in south-east London and he joined the BBC in 2001 as a reporter for the radio news programme, Today.

Raphael Rowe.

9 dec 2015

Please listen and watch to more video’s by

Raphael Rowe

Raphael Rowe is a British journalist and television presenter who gained attention for being wrongfully convicted and subsequently exonerated. Here are key points about his wrongful conviction:

  1. Arrest and Conviction:

    • In 1990, Raphael Rowe, along with two other men, was arrested for the murder of Peter Hurburgh and the attempted murder of his daughter in a violent attack in Surrey, England.
    • Rowe and his co-defendants were convicted in 1992 and sentenced to life in prison.
  2. Investigation and Trial:

    • The prosecution’s case relied on circumstantial evidence, including alleged eyewitness accounts and the defendants’ supposed association with a criminal organization.
    • There were concerns about the reliability of the evidence presented during the trial.
  3. Claims of Innocence:

    • Rowe maintained his innocence throughout the trial and during his time in prison.
    • He consistently argued that he had been wrongly convicted based on flawed evidence and a lack of a fair trial.
  4. Journalism Career:

    • While in prison, Rowe developed an interest in journalism and worked towards becoming a journalist.
    • He wrote articles and produced documentaries from inside the prison, highlighting issues related to wrongful convictions and the criminal justice system.
  5. Appeals and Exoneration:

    • Rowe and his co-defendants pursued multiple appeals over the years, presenting new evidence and arguing that their convictions were unsafe.
    • In 2000, the Court of Appeal quashed their convictions, citing concerns about the reliability of the evidence.
  6. Compensation and Aftermath:

    • After his release, Rowe continued his career in journalism and became known for his work on criminal justice issues.
    • He also pursued compensation for the years he spent wrongfully imprisoned.
  7. Advocacy for Criminal Justice Reform:

    • Raphael Rowe has been an advocate for criminal justice reform, speaking out about the flaws in the legal system and the potential for wrongful convictions.

Rowe’s case serves as an example of the challenges in the criminal justice system, including issues related to evidence, witness testimony, and the potential for wrongful convictions.

5 What the VW scandal means for diesel cars – Newsnight

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Regulators around the world and Volkswagen’s shareholders have now clocked the seriousness of the crisis that started enveloping the company. The admission that it had installed so-called “defeat software” on some of its cars to cheat US emissions tests has escalated, spreading to countries beyond the US and potentially to companies beyond VW. Here’s our Technology Editor David Grossman report, and Evan Davis in discussion with Professor David Bailey from Aston University.

Some general information about the Volkswagen (VW) scandal and its implications for diesel cars.

In September 2015, it was revealed that VW had installed illegal software in their diesel vehicles, which allowed them to cheat emissions tests. The software was designed to detect when a vehicle was undergoing emissions testing and to reduce the emissions output to meet the required standards. However, during normal driving conditions, the vehicles emitted up to 40 times more nitrogen oxide than allowed by law.

The scandal had significant implications for VW and the wider automotive industry. VW was forced to pay billions of dollars in fines and compensation to customers, and several high-level executives were indicted and sentenced to prison. The scandal also led to increased scrutiny of diesel emissions and a shift towards electric vehicles.

The scandal highlighted the importance of emissions testing and regulation and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the automotive industry. It also raised questions about the environmental impact of diesel cars and their role in the transition to a more sustainable future.

6 German auto giant Volkswagen caught lying on a spectacular scale | 60 Minutes Australia

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Gepubliceerd op 16 sep. 2019
(2015) Volkswagen is right in the middle of a corporate scandal of epic proportions. The German auto giant has been caught lying, on a spectacular scale. 11 million of its ‘clean’ diesel engine cars were equipped with software deliberately programmed to cheat pollution tests. A blatant con that is highly illegal. In Australia, 10 Volkswagen models have now been suspended from sale, and 77-thousand vehicles face recall at the very least. Volkswagen’s ruthless drive to be world number one, hid a dirty secret – diesel engines that couldn’t deliver on high performance and still meet environmental standards. Michael Usher goes inside the Volkswagen lie, and meets the small band of engineering students who’ve brought a giant to its knees.

7 Simon Brodkin Epic Prank Sabotaging Volkswagen Motor Show After Emissions Scandal! | All 4

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Simon Brodkin (Lee Nelson) sets up a major prank for Sir Philip Green by renaming his super yacht the “BHS Destroyer”

8 System Failure: The Boeing Crashes | Fault Lines

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16 okt. 2019

When a commercial airplane crashed off the coast of Indonesia in October 2018, global aviation authorities were shocked.

The aircraft was a 737 MAX, one of the newest models of US manufacturer Boeing.

And then when a second MAX dropped out of the sky in Ethiopia in March 2019, investigators said they believed that software on the airplane played a role in both crashes.

With 346 people dead and the MAX now grounded, aviation authorities around the globe have asked what went wrong, how the US certified the aircraft in 2017 and how oversight failed. Families and investigators are still searching for answers.

A former Boeing engineer who worked on the plane, and asked to remain anonymous, recalls that the design and testing of the 737 MAX took place amid immense commercial pressure.

“Cost pressure and time. Time pressure was the biggest impact, biggest driver … [There was] immense pressure on getting the airplane to market as soon as possible,” he told Fault Lines.

“On the 737 MAX there was constant pressure to not change anything. From a cost perspective, change costs money. The business side drives the culture.”

Captain Dennis Tajer from the Allied Pilots Association believes “the system failed”.

“The system is Boeing, the FAA, other oversight areas from within those groups,” he says. “What’s the measure on that judgment? These crashes. It’s that simple: the system failed. It failed our passengers, it failed the globe.”

Fault Lines traces what led to the two plane crashes and asks if US aviation regulators have allowed the industry too much control over safety.

“System Failure: The Boeing Crashes | Fault Lines” is a documentary by Al Jazeera English that examines the causes of two crashes involving the 737 MAX, which occurred in October 2018 and March 2019, killing a total of 346 people. Here are some of the key points from the documentary:

  1. Design flaws in the 737 MAX: The documentary explores how Boeing rushed to develop the 737 MAX to compete with rival Airbus, resulting in a flawed design of the aircraft’s software and hardware.

  2. The role of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): The FAA, which is responsible for regulating and certifying new aircraft designs in the United States, is criticized for delegating some of its responsibilities to Boeing, leading to a conflict of interest that compromised safety.

  3. Lack of transparency and accountability: The documentary reveals how Boeing failed to disclose information about the 737 MAX’s design flaws to pilots and airlines, and how the company resisted calls for a grounding of the aircraft following the first crash.

  4. The human toll: The documentary highlights the stories of the victims of the two crashes, including the families who lost loved ones and the pilots who were unable to prevent the accidents despite their best efforts.

Overall, “System Failure: The Boeing Crashes | Fault Lines” presents a comprehensive and critical analysis of the factors that led to the 737 MAX crashes, calling for greater transparency, accountability, and safety measures in the aviation industry.

The key points associated with the topic of “7 ‘red flags’ voor fraude en corruptie” as referenced from various sources are:

  1. Lack of ethical leadership: Ethical and unethical leadership can influence the occurrence of fraud and corruption within organizations. Unethical leadership behaviors such as abusive supervision, lack of integrity, and poor role modeling can increase the risk of fraud and corruption (Brown & Mitchell, 2010; Hannah et al., 2013).

  2. Organizational culture: The ethical culture of an organization, including its values, norms, and practices, can impact the likelihood of fraud and corruption. An unhealthy organizational culture that tolerates or even encourages unethical behavior can be a red flag for potential fraud and corruption (Duchon & Drake, 2009; Kaptein, 2008; Schein, 1992; Straathof, 2009).

  3. Lack of proper documentation or incomplete records: Insufficient or incomplete documentation and records can indicate a higher risk of fraud and corruption. Lack of transparency and accountability in financial transactions and records can be a red flag for potential fraudulent activities (Nelen & Nieuwendijk, 2003).

  4. Unexplained or irregular financial transactions: Unusual or irregular financial transactions, such as unexplained increases in expenses or revenues, discrepancies in financial records, or frequent and large cash transactions, can signal potential fraud and corruption.

  5. Non-compliance with internal controls or policies: Failure to comply with internal controls, policies, and procedures, such as bypassing approval processes or overriding system controls, can indicate a higher risk of fraud and corruption.

  6. Conflicts of interest: Conflicts of interest, such as employees or executives engaging in activities that may compromise their objectivity or integrity, can be a red flag for potential fraud and corruption.

  7. Whistleblower complaints or allegations: Whistleblower complaints or allegations of fraud or corruption made by employees or other stakeholders should be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly, as they can indicate potential fraudulent activities (Read & Rama, 2003).

Please note that these are general examples and specific red flags for fraud and corruption may vary depending on the context, industry, and jurisdiction. It’s always recommended to seek professional advice from legal, financial, or compliance experts for accurate identification and mitigation of fraud and corruption risks.

In a concise manner:

  1. Lack of proper documentation or incomplete records.
  2. Unexplained or irregular financial transactions.
  3. Non-compliance with internal controls or policies.
  4. Conflicts of interest.
  5. Unusual lifestyle changes or disproportionate assets.
  6. Lack of segregation of duties.
  7. Whistleblower complaints or allegations.

■Referenties• Brown, M. E., & Mitchell, M. S. (2010). Ethical and unethical leadership: Exploring new avenues for future research. Business Ethics Quarterly, 20, pp. 583-616. Geraadpleegd op 12 oktober 2016, van https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/business-ethics-quarterly/article/ethical-and-unethical-leadership-exploring-new-avenues-for-future-research/073D6C535E7D86680F9C15E3E95C9E9D

• Duchon, D., & Drake, B. (2009). Organizational Narcissism and Virtuous Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 85, pp.301-308.

Hannah, S. T., Schaubroeck, J. M., Peng, A. C., Lord, R. G., Treviño, L. K., Kozlowski, S. W. J., Avolio, B. J., Dimotakis, N., & Doty, J. (2013). Joint influences of individual and work unit abusive supervision on ethical intentions and behaviors: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, pp. 579–592.

Kaptein, M. (2008). Developing and Testing a Measure for the Ethical Culture of Organizations: The Corporate Ethical Virtues Model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29, pp. 923-947

• Nelen, H., & Nieuwendijk, A. (2003). Geen ABC. Analyse van rijksrecherche-onderzoeken naar ambtelijke en bestuurlijke corruptie. Den Haag: Boom

• Read, W. J., & Rama, D. V. (2003). Whistle-blowing to internal auditors. Managerial Auditing Journal, 18, 354-362. Geraadpleegd op 12 oktober 2016, van http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/02686900310476828

Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational Leadership and culture. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Straathof, A. J. M. (2009). Zoeken naar de kern van cultuurverandering. Delft: Eburon

Treviño, L. K. & Weaver, G. R. (2003). Managing ethics in business organizations: social scientific perspective. Stanford: Stanford Business Books

9 Epic Old Man – Armored Vehicle Bandit

28 apr. 2011

Sneaky old man in wheelchair steals money from an armoured vehicle. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra cachée la plus comique de la télé!


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