Page Description
Explore the controversial arguments and tactics used to defend the indefensible. Delve into thought-provoking analysis and hidden truths.
If you say that a statement, action, or idea is indefensible, you mean that it cannot be justified or supported because it is completely wrong or unacceptable.
His action was indefensible.
She described the new policy as ‘morally indefensible’.
That cannot be defended or excused because it is morally unacceptable. indefensible behaviour.
The Prime Minister was accused of defending the indefensible.
When Justice Goes Wrong: Exploring Misconduct and Reform
This webpage is a deep dive into the troubling world of prosecutorial misconduct, wrongful convictions, and the broader challenges of justice in practice. Through a collection of impactful videos, interviews, and expert discussions, we explore the systemic flaws and the human stories behind them.
From extended interviews like “Prosecutorial Misconduct: Attorney Brendan Sullivan” to thought-provoking talks such as “Think Like a Lawyer | Adam Lange | TEDxGrinnellCollege”, each video sheds light on the complexities of the legal system and the critical need for reform.
Whether you’re here to learn, reflect, or take action, these resources will help you understand how justice can sometimes falter—and what it takes to defend the indefensible.
Wanneer Rechtvaardigheid Faalt: Misstanden en Hervormingen Onderzocht”
Deze pagina biedt een diepgaand inzicht in de verontrustende wereld van justitiële dwalingen, onterechte veroordelingen en de bredere uitdagingen binnen het rechtssysteem. Met een verzameling indrukwekkende video’s, interviews en deskundige analyses wordt het systeem blootgelegd en de menselijke verhalen erachter belicht.
Van uitgebreide interviews zoals “Prosecutorial Misconduct: Attorney Brendan Sullivan” tot inspirerende talks zoals “Think Like a Lawyer | Adam Lange | TEDxGrinnellCollege”, werpt elk fragment licht op de complexiteit van het rechtssysteem en de dringende noodzaak tot hervorming.
Of je nu hier bent om te leren, te reflecteren of actie te ondernemen, deze bronnen helpen je te begrijpen hoe gerechtigheid soms tekortschiet—en wat er nodig is om het onrecht verdedigbaar te maken.
1 Prosecutorial Misconduct: Attorney Brendan Sullivan Extended Interview
27 mrt. 2013
2 Prosecutorial Misconduct
27 sep. 2021
Wesley Boston
I wish I had your help and my caseI’ve been incarcerated now for four years for a crime the government knows I didn’t commit. I have proof that the government knowingly hid evidence and that the agent framed me for a crime committed by a cooperating informant. I have video and audio of this and I presented it to my attorney yet he did nothing.
3 BostonTalks Investigates: Prosecutorial Misconduct
31 mei 2016
4 Common Ground on Conviction Review
26 apr. 2017
5 Case in Point podcast: Wrongful Convictions
7 feb. 2017
6 “How to Read a Case” with UVA Law Professor Anne Coughlin
23 sep. 2015
7 Think Like a Lawyer | Adam Lange | TEDxGrinnellCollege
10 dec. 2018
8 Ex-Pope admits errors in handling of abuse cases – BBC News
9 feb. 2022

“Politiek taalgebruik … is ontworpen om leugens waarheidsgetrouw te laten klinken en moord acceptabel, en om een schijn van degelijkheid te geven aan zuivere wind.”
9 Starmer’s greatest speech? Tories stunned into lethal silence by extraordinary oratory
31 jan. 2022
The moral compass is what binds people, what unites people.
This is the topic of the website.
The speech in the video is unanimously praised in the bog in the ‘Read more’ below the video and is called the greatest speech ever given in the House of commons.
An excerpt from of the speech to the House of Commons, which the Tories stunned into lethal silence.
Mr speaker he gleefully treats what should be a mark of shame as a welcome shield. But prime minister the British public aren’t fools. They never believed a word of it. They think the prime minister should do the decent thing and resign. Of course he won’t because he is a man without shame. And just as he has done throughout his life, he’s damaged everyone and everything around him along the way. His colleagues have spent weeks defending the indefensibly. Touring the tv studios parroting his absurd denials. Degrading themselves and their offices. Fraying the bond of trust between the government. Fraying the bond of trust between the government and the public, eroding our democracy and the rule of law. Margaret Thatcher once said the first duty of government is to uphold the last. If it tries to bob and weave and duck around that duty, when it’s inconvenient then so will the governed.
Mr speaker to govern this country is an honour not a birth right. It is act of service to the British people, not the keys to a court to parade to your friends. It requires honesty, integrity, a moral authority.
Meneer de voorzitter, hij behandelt wat een teken van schaamte zou moeten zijn, vrolijk als een welgekomen schild. Maar premier, het Britse publiek is niet gek. Ze hebben er nooit een woord van geloofd. Ze vinden dat de premier fatsoenlijk moet zijn en ontslag moet nemen. Natuurlijk doet hij dat niet, want hij is een man zonder schaamte. En net zoals hij zijn hele leven heeft gedaan, heeft hij iedereen en alles om hem heen beschadigd. Zijn collega’s hebben weken doorgebracht met het verdedigen van de onverdedigbare. Rondtoerend in de tv-studio’s om zijn absurde ontkenningen na te praten. Zichzelf en hun kantoren vernederen. De vertrouwensband tussen de regering verbrijzelen. De vertrouwensband tussen de regering en het publiek wordt aangetast, onze democratie en de rechtsstaat worden uitgehold. Margaret Thatcher zei ooit dat de eerste plicht van de overheid is om de laatste te handhaven. Als het probeert om die plicht te omzeilen, als het ongelegen komt, dan zullen de geregeerden dat ook doen.
Meneer de voorzitter, dit land regeren is een eer en geen geboorterecht. Het is een daad van dienst aan het Britse volk, niet de sleutels van een hof om mee te pronken voor je vrienden. Het vereist eerlijkheid, integriteit, een morele autoriteit.

Als de woorden niet kloppen, is dat meestal omdat de waarheid niet in de vergelijking is opgenomen.

Je kunt het onverdedigbare niet verdedigen – alles wat je zegt klinkt egoïstisch en hypocriet.
10 John Major launches scathing attack on Boris Johnson: ‘The PM broke lockdown rules’
10 feb. 2022
11 PM’s adviser boasted ‘we seem to have got away with’ party as Sue Gray report released | ITV News
25 mei 2022
12 Downing Street Chief of Staff ‘shocked’ about ‘disrespect’ to cleaning staff
26 mei 2022
13 Boris Johnson: The Life of Boris | Power
4 dec. 2017
14 Boris Johnson: ‘The boy who wanted to be world king’ – BBC Newsnight
24 jul. 2019
16 – 294 The Five Laws Of Stupidity
23 aug. 2017
17 = Ex-Pope Benedict XVI admits false statement during abuse probe testimony | DW News
24 jan. 2022
Former Pope Benedict XVI has apologized for providing false information during a probe into sexual abuse in his old Munich archdiocese, his secretary said in a statement on Monday that was posted to the Vatican News portal.
The statement, which was given to the German-language Catholic News Agency (KNA), said the false information was not given “with ill intent.”
Instead, it was blamed on an editing “oversight” that occurred with Benedict’s written testimony to the inquiry.
The former pope, 94, had told the inquiry he had not been present at a 1980 meeting discussing a case of a pedophile priest. He has now confirmed that he did attend the meeting, but insisted that no decision had been made there about reassigning the priest to pastoral duties.
Benedict was “very sorry” for the mistake and hoped that it could be forgiven, said the statement, adding that the former pope would give an explanation for the error at a later date.
Ex-Pope Benedict XVI admits false statement during abuse probe testimony | DW News – Blog
New report exposes former pope’s inaction on child sexual abuse
21 jan. 2022
Report accuses former pope Benedict XVI of inaction in four sex abuse cases
21 jan. 2022
18 Made in Chinese labor camps | 60 Minutes Archive
28 jan. 2022
19 Innocent man labelled a paedophile by British newspaper | 60 Minutes Australia
4 mrt. 2022
20 Corrupt Mailman Opens Letters!
8 mrt. 2014