My mother, heavily pregnant with me, was due to get on this ship but missed it due to being late and had to get on the next ferry. I was born on 19th March 1987, had she not been late that day, i likely wouldn’t have been.
Might I recommend the sinking of the Sewol Ferry. Corruption and cowardice led to hundreds of passengers, mostly high school students, losing their lives. I’ve only seen a handful of people cover it and it’s without a doubt one of the saddest stories I’ve ever heard.
Pulling crushed or waterlogged bodies out of a ship a month after they drowned must not have been a pleasant experience. I hope the search team are okay after what they must have seen.
My boss was on that boat as a child. Lost his father and sister. We just happened to be talking about his wedding and he said that none of his family were there. I asked why. He then told the most absolutely tragic and terrifying story. Absolutely insane.
The most frightening part of this story is how easily a judge could decide that nobody had to go to jail.
My dad helped out in the rescue for passengers as his boat was entering when the ship capsized so they stopped to help get survivors off
Complacency is such a dangerous, and totally preventable, killer.
“Judge told the jury not to convict anyone.” Can I get an explainer on that, please?
as a survivor who was there the night of the capsize i’d like to thank you for a spot on facts documentary.i feel so sorry for mark stanley. les sable ect. like iv always told people when they ask what was it like .i always said that no one set out to kill over 200 (because there is evidence more died that night than the official number of dead ).mark stanley died last year.he was only in his 50’s the guilt he must have felt afterwards .My hart has always gone out to him. R.I.P. TO ALL WHO PERISHED AND ALL MY OTHER SURVIVORS.XXXX
The last bodies weren’t retrieved for a month. Imagine your daughter was on that ferry and you saw in the news what had happened, but her body was still there for a month on the boat, in the water, decomposing, and there was nothing you could do. What a cruel thing.
Don’t know what was more chilling, the first-hand account of the capsize, or the judge ordering the jury to acquit everyone involved. These big corporations literally get away with murder.
It took a while for the ship to be moved. The Herald of Free Enterprise was still in the water during August 1987, as I passed it on a ferry on my way out of Zeebrugge.
“floors become walls, walls become floors” damn
I don’t understand why they didn’t pump out the extra ballast they took on to load. That was obviously a huge contributing factor as well
I know this is an older video but i’m so glad I’ve found your channel I’m very interested in learning about these events but it’s hard to find videos that don’t contain commentary and filler if that makes sense? You go straight to the point and I love your narration. Keep up the good work!
This is heartbreaking. My condolences to the families of the lost.
I was booked to sail on this ferry, along with my Mum, step dad and baby brother. Due to an issue with swapping my stepdads car number plates from US military to German to import his car (we were returning to live in the UK but he was employed as a civilian with the US military) we had to delay moving back by 3 days. We sailed on The H.o.F.E. sister ferry, passing The H.o.F.E. as we did so. I think the angels were looking down on us that caused the delay, I’d hate to think what would have happened otherwise. The sinking stays with me to this day, it’s something I will never forget. R.I.P. to all the souls lost that tragic night and following day.
Wherever you are, look at exits – including windows, and think “what if I gotta get out of here ?”
My friend was on this he told me the whole story and one thing that sticks with me is when the ship was on its side he was using chairs to smash windows on side of ship that were now the ceiling , desperately lifting people through the broken window to stand on top of ship to wait for help . Rip all that died
“Here is an account of the incident from survivor, Simon Oswald…” *Rolos Christmas Commercial*
Much respect for using correct maritime lingo and giving these stories the gravity they deserve. You never revel in such gross loss of life and always tell the story in an impartial way without passing judgement. I am also impressed by how you refuse to go through the standard youtube rigmarole of asking for likes and subscribers, even though it probably hurts you metrics. In these videos it would not be appropriate. You have earned yourself a subscriber today.
A similar incident that you could possibly look into is the sinking of the Philippine ship, MV Princess of the Stars. The ship was allowed to sail through bad weather because the authorities were confident it would withstand heavy rain. Unfortunately, the typhoon, causing the bad weather, unexpectedly changed course making its path intersect with the ship’s course. Because of the typhoon, it took rescuers 3 days to reach the scene. It took 2 more years for the wreck to be cut open to access more bodies. The image of the ship’s bow, sticking upwards from the water while the rest of the ship was invisible, was very haunting.
I’ve known quite a few ferry workers over the years having grown up in Dover and they all tell tales about the drinking culture of the staff on those ferries. Staff received massive discounts on booze and often got very drink before or after their shifts. It was the done thing amongst the lads that worked there, and new starters were often ostracised if they didn’t join the drinking culture. Seems mad now, but it was just the way it was back then.
1500 new subs overnight? Someone has figured out that youtube algorithm! You deserve all this success!
This was 6 days before I was born, my father was in the merchant navy and so was my mother and both worked on the Herald but due to being pregnant with me and so close to due date she was not working. My father lost his life this day, they said it was probably due to the fall but ultimately would have drowned if he was knocked out. My mother said David Lewry the captain at the time is my god father and I do remember getting birthday/Xmas cards from that name as a kid. But… What a sad and so very avoidable day, thank you for the full and to me raw details about this. And rest in peace to all those who died on the Herald. You will not be forgotten.
Sounds like the judge received some compelling “evidence” in his bank account from the ferry company and felt obligated to order the acquittal of everyone on trial.
Prior to the Spirit class of ferries, of which the Herald of free enterprise was the second of three, ferries all had a visor type bow door, which was clearly visible from the bridge. On these ships, the outer bow doors slide aside, and are completely invisible from the bridge. Townsend Thoresen chose not to install indicator lights on the bridge, either due to cost, or oversight. As background, I worked for Townsend’s for a number of years, and knew the layout of the Spirit ships like the back of my hand. I worked on the Pride’s maiden voyage. I’ve never forgiven them for the friends I lost, or the hell they put people through. The second mate should have done time, and so should whoever approved the design of the ship. IMHO.
Why in so many of these cases are the people responsible absolved? I find that very disturbing.
This reminds me of the MS Estonia, although the cause of the flooding and nature of incident was totally different, the Estonia also sank in a VERY short amount of time after its bow clip came off, exposing the car deck to the waves. Those people had no chance; either your in a place where you can escape, or that’s it nothing can be done pitch black and world turned upside down. RIP to all of those who died this way.
My uncle used to be a diver and did maintenance in the area. He once told me “if you knew what was going on beneath the surface with those ferries, you’d never get on one again”
“Here’s an account from Simon Osborne…” Ad starts playing. “Tired of paying too much for your prescriptions?” Wait…what?
This is the best channel I’ve come across in ages!, its weird when a channel as good as this is hiding away despite me watching similar stuff for years!, Youtube needs to sort out it’s recommendations, the quality of this content and narration is undeniable!
My Dad lost two of his friends/colleagues in this disaster. The ferry was renamed Flushing Range, and apparently it was used for a while in Taiwan before it was scrapped.
If you;re wondering why you never heard much about this ship or any ship from the same company after this? thats because they quickly changed their name to? P&O Ferries.
I was engineer on a ro-ro frequently visiting Zeebrugge. We used to call those T-ferries an accident waiting to happen. Every time they left they did so full speed astern with their bow wide open, every goddamn time. Then a 180 degree turn just inside the breakwater and then full speed ahead out. We never, ever removed one single mooring line before every light on the bridge turned green conforming ramps and ports closed and locked. And we only carried cargo.
You know I never blame someone if they forgot to his switch or turn of valve and it causes a disaster because simple things like that can be missed. But I mean you had to knowingly open those tanks and fill them up. How can you just forget that they were opened and filled? That’s just straight-up negligence.
Have been in aircraft cargo operations for years. Cargo door closure (and locks down) has to be verified personally by 3 people, separately, who have to sign off on paper. Missing signatures in an audit is an immediate failure. There is an indicator in the cabin, but indicators fail, so double and triple in this case checks are required. Very simple. Why this approach isn’t required in ferry operations is very strange to me. Same thing happened in the Estonia disaster.
My mom was supposed to be on the boat to go and meet my dad, but was late and missed it. I cherish her and my dad everyday. Love your family, always.
I remember watching this unfold on TV at the time. Such a horrendous tragedy. RIP to those who lost their lives.
My mother and grandparents were on this ship a couple of weeks earlier. It was much calmer weather then. My grandpa recalls going down to the car deck shortly after departure to get something from his car. He noticed that the doors were still open… This was apparently normal practice
Of all the disasters I’ve heard about on this channel I’d say this one is the most blatantly avoidable
They tried to sell the ship, with a “You can repair her!”… Uh huh, why don’t you yourself then? Sells for scrap Thought so.
The narration on these vids is CRISP. Really nice.
The thing is, if I was caught asleep at work I would be sacked, so how the fk do these ppl who have very important jobs and peoples live’s in their hands get away with this crap, and as for the hearing what a waste of time that is. What’s the point if you can get away with peoples lives and their deaths through negligence, and no punishment. That’s done my head in that has
The most depressing part of the videos such as this one is the fact that the company/corporation responsible is ALMOST NEVER punished. Their greed, their incompetence – ultimately rewarded. They can keep on cutting corners and promoting incompetence. They know they won’t go to jail.
I remember this happening, I was so worried my friend was on board, I have always been nervous about getting on a ferry after this.
I can’t even imagine what this would feel like for everything to change in a matter of seconds and to be literally flung across a steel structure with 0 warning…
You and That Chapter are two of the best channels on this site. I cannot get enough of it! Thank you for all you do!
As a fan of these “horror stories” – an editor and VO artist —-BRAVO. Love your channel. Excellent research, too – in all your videos. Hard to find these days
The Herald of Free Enterprise was towed to Sloehaven (harbour) in Vlissingen after being refloated. I didn’t know it was there and saw a ship in the harbour, I think they painted over the name but it was still visible. It was quite a shock to suddenly see this ship in which a lot of people had lost their life.
FH: “An eight-story ferry…” Me: That seems way too tall FH: “… capsized.” Me: Oh.
“The Herald of Free Enterprise” cost hundreds of lives due to carelessness and the pursuit of profit. A bit too poetic.
These stories fascinate me. I’ve been on the water, and it’s a lonely feeling to be out there, no help in sight. I live near the Pacific Ocean and won’t go past the beach. That water is so powerful.
I could literally feel the Squat Effect as you described it. You’re an amazing narrator
I really love your channel. You deserve x1000+ more subs & I look forward to see it happening.. Thank You for all your hard work.
“ A judge ordered the jury to acquit all concerned”. How nice of him – I bet he’d have had another view if any of his family were on board. Just typical of the lousy judicial system. Why bother wasting time, money and effort in having a jury if some muppet is going to overrule it anyway. Stinks of bribery and corruption at the highest level.
I always remember the story of the Herald, eventhough I wasn’t even alive back then, because it really had an impact on Belgium. We didn’t think something like this was possible in our small coutry.
I went on the ferry that went after this. My parents didn’t want my brother and I to worry so didn’t tell us until we were getting off in Belgium.
I was working that night on the Free Enterprise 6 as a chef, also coming back from Zeebrugge. My 2 brothers where also on 2 other Townsend ferries coming from Zeebrugge too. I’ll never forget as our Captain announced over the crew tannoy system that one of our ferries had capsized just outside the harbour. No name of the vessel was given, so i didn’t even know at that time if one of my brothers was on the boat that sunk. We were around 30 minutes ahead of the FE8, yet a discussion had been made to carry on with our journey rather than turn around to offer aid. We were told to resume passenger services and not to mention what we knew. so for almost a further 4 hours we tried to carry on as if nothing had happened, yet many of us had family and friends working all over the fleet. Luckily when we arrived in Dover it was the end of our shift, so i was able to drive to my Mums house in Folkestone, it was only when i arrived that i actually knew both of my brothers were safe, but with the news of it being the FE8, told me that i had indeed lost many of my colleges or rather friends, that worked in the galley of the ship (none survived). I said goodbye to almost 20 friends that night. The next few weeks after was very painful for all the crew as we passed by the FE8 six times a day, seeing the boat on its side. I lost my cool one day with around 30 passengers on deck, all taking photos of the capsized ferry, calling them vultures. For which I received a Captains logging (3 and you’re out). Yes i deserved it as i wasn’t professional enough, but it was so hard seeing that 6 times a day, day in day out for a month. I’ll never forget that night, nor will i forget those friends and passengers that lost their lives. Thank you for covering this, however i do feel you left out so much, but then even i know that much was covered up .it is what it is. So thank you.
Geeze, I remember this on the local news. The doors being wide open was the one thing that stuck in my memory, and I recall seeing that ferry on it’s side photo for the next couple of days.
The ferry Estonia also sank very quickly, which is still a bit a mystery to this day , but at least we know the causes of the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster . With lessons learnt .
I remember this being huge news. Such a sad event, terrifying too.
“…the case quickly collapsed when the judge ordered the jury to acquit all concerned parties.” Wait, WHAT?! Since when does the judge get to tell the jury who to charge and who to acquit?! That defeats the entire purpose of having a jury to begin with! “Thank you, jurors, for hearing this case… Have you come to a verdict? Well, guess what? Turns out it doesn’t matter, because you’re all going to acquit the defendants anyway!” What the hell was the point in even having a trial to begin with? So the judge and the lawyers could run off with a fat paycheck while the charged parties walked away scott-free? What a joke!
I was on that ferry in 1981 as a young boy travelling with a school party to Zeebrugge. Its unfortunate and deeply sad that these catastrophes happen to enact change in safe operation. Like all the plane crashes in the past have now led to very few in this age. luckily we learn lessons and dont repeat
I remember this disaster so well. Absolutely horrendous and so heartbreaking for all involved.
I was on Townsend Thorensen ferry in the early eighties (can’t remember the ship’s name) crossing to the other side of the channel. The only memory I have of that trip was the ‘horror’ as the ship neared the port. I was on the car deck waiting to board our coach and the bow doors opened some way from port. Seeing the vast expanse of sea so near so close right in front of us was very scary indeed, something I have never forgotten til this day. Apparently, bow doors were opened early to help with the turnaround times of the ship arriving and leaving the ports. The disaster would have happened sooner or later. The eighties as a whole saw a whole host of tragedies. From Piper Alpha in the North Sea, King’s Cross tube, Clapham Junction, Bradford Football stadium, Hillsborough football to name but a few. So many died.
My Father survived this disaster due to fog in Belgium on its way to the ferry, he came late and missed it. So came late can save your life sometimes.
I came across on the same ship a few months before just after the new year. Some of the crew were clearly drunk and I witnessed a shouting argument between one of the deck officers and a deck hand. Bad attitude was everywhere and I certainly didn’t get the impression the ship was well operated, I suspect that this general state of bad discipline led to the eventual disaster.
the music in these videos is haunting and ominous, yet eerily calming–which just adds to the overall horror of these tragic stories
ah, another great episode! good job
“The Judge ordered the Jury to acquit all concerned”.. wait, what? I’ve heard of corruption but how can this happen in such an obvious case of neglect?
Glad I’m not alone in my new obsession. Thank you for these beautiful tributes, I’ve needed you. 
I lived in the same village as Mark .. he was a lovely lad and was used as a scape coat for others
My grandad was on this ship, never met him, he died before I had been born. He was a lorry driver, and probably asleep while it happened. Years later my grandma got dementia and eventually her memory reverted to thinking he was still alive. We’d visit her in the nursing home and she’d ask us where he was, and say she’d excited for him to come home. Was definitely not expecting to see this come up on a channel I had just been binging, has changed my reaction of watching these from interested to sad.
You might want to cover MS Estonia disaster, especially since the new Swedish investigation is out.
I remember when this happened. The negligence of leaving those doors open was astounding.
Binge-watching and came across this video. Insane to think something like this happened a mere 35 minute drive from me and I have never heard from it before. Very informative videos.
I’m addicted to your channel. Haven’t stopped watching since I started like a few days ago. Lol
Thanks for the contribution. I was booked on the ship for the next morning and got the news by radio. It was a peculiar feeling taking another ship and seeing the location the next day….
That’s quite a “whoops” on Stanley’s part.
One of the worst cases of Murphy’s Law and “You had one job!” I’ve ever seen. So many deaths because of one man’s (well, two) negligence.
I always love watching all your videos. You just have one of those voices, almost like the narrator of Forensic Files. I could fall asleep watching your videos from your voice alone, instead I’m so fascinated by what you’re talking about.
I was on a ferry arriving in the early morning fog a month after this event and the most eerie scene ever of this boat on its side. It’s was complete silence and shock.
Just found your channel and I’m binging all your videos. Sad as they are thank you for bringing attention to them. I’ve never heard of most and if we do not learn from past mistakes we are bound to repeat them.
I’m very impressed with this content
Just found this channel and I’ve already watched 15 videos. These are awesome. Thank you! Edit* I should say. Your VIDEOS are awesome. These situations are not.
I remember a YouTube video explained that the bow doors being open wasn’t the be all and end all. Other factors including the ship’s ballast tanks being filled to lower the bridge to help people disembark at Zeebrugge plus the speed of the boat making the waves rise were among other factors.
I remember this so vividly. Only 10 at the time, it really shook me.
I just discovered your channel and have been completely addicted! Awesome work!
The remaining body’s were taken off a month later, holy shit that’s long
I remember this so well and how shocked everyone was that this could happen in relatively calm water so close to port. Just a little mention that ‘boatswain’ as mentioned at 6.59 in the video is pronounced ‘bow sun’ in the same way as coxswain in pronounced ‘cox on’.
♥️ your videos!! They are such historical treats!! Educational & entertaining….a sometimes, challenging duo….keep up the marvelous work with the utmost high standards!!!
Seeing this all over the news as a kid made me hyper vigilant of departure procedures on boats and planes I got on.
A week before the ship sank, my parents were on board travelling to Zeebrugge, on their way to Holland for a weeks holiday.. As the ship left harbour (Dover) the doors were open while it went out too sea. The doors being left open was therefore a common practice on this ship, as time of leaving harbour was obviously more important than safety. Ultimately the captain is responsible for all operations on a ship, but there should have been several people sent to prison after this sinking.
This channel reminds me of another similar channel called “Horror Stories”. Both have great content.
This channel deserves to blow up, amazing vids and interesting cases!
I vividly remember watching the heavy coverage of this tragedy back in ’87.
I remember this day very well. I had just toured Europe with a band and we were booked on to the ferry to return home. We were held up and missed the ferry.
I remember going on a townsend thoresen ferry to france a couple of months after the zebrugge disaster. It’s hard to imagine what it would have been like for those passengers in that disaster. I guess ladders might have been very handy for people to escape when it capsized but ferry companies don’t expect their vessels to capsize onto a sandbank I guess
Great channel, Great content! Been binging your videos all day. Keep up the great work!
I remember this tragedy like it was yesterday. As a kid I was fascinated by ships and the sea, in part due to news coverage of the discovery of the Titanic a few years before, and my childhood bedroom was filled with scale models of ocean liners. So the news images of this massive red ship laying on her side stuck with me, as did the accounts of the events of that night contained within an edition of the Reader’s Digest that my Mum picked up later that year. The Herald tragedy wasn’t the first times TT ro-ro had capsized – five years earlier, the smaller European Gateway rolled onto her side with the loss of six lives: The Herald was one of a series of horrendous disasters that seemed to follow in quick succession throughout the mid-late 1980s – Bradford City fire, the Herald, Heysel stadium, Kings Cross fire, Piper Alpha, Kegworth, Clapham, Lockerbie – every other week, images of destruction and massive loss of life. Punctuated by IRA bombing campaigns (particularly in the run-up to Christmas) and urban unrest as Thatcher’s policies began to bite, all set against the omnipresent threat of nuclear annihilation, contrary to rose-tinted reflections of the decade by people who either weren’t born or were too young to remember it, the 80s were in many ways quite a scary time to be growing up in the UK. There’s a fascinating video of the entire salvage operation on YT. One of the first times a large vessel had been righted and refloated whole, it cemented the reputation of the Dutch company (Smit Tak) who carried it out as one of the premier marine salvage operations in Europe.
i remember that story very vividly from my youth. My teacher told us many horror stories of the rescue mission he was asked to attend to, due to his position as a rescue officer in the army.
loved this video…its one of those maritime disasters that is VERY much overlooked There is two incidents that I think you may want to look into (that I could help in researching if need be, as I collect lots of material in relation) 1. Moby Prince and Agip Abruzzo collision and fire in 1991 (Italy) 2. KMP Tampomas II fire and sinking in 1981 (Indonesia) These two disasters both have some of the most horrifying stories to come from the disasters, and even more horrifying photos taken in the aftermath for Moby prince 140 people died (leaving only one survivor from the ferry) and 400+ died in the tampomas disaster, but many others were smuggled aboard and the actual number of dead is unknown
I remember this so clearly and one of my second cousins lost his life on this. It completely devastated his parents. Quite soon after this happened, a friend of mine went on the same route on a school trip and took photos of the Herald of Free Enterprise as it was still there, on its side. What a horrific disaster it was.
People have the right to be Stupid But they often Abuse the Privilege.
I remember this well, we were travelling on The Pride of Free Enterprise the same night. Coming home was daunting after what had just happened
This has to be the most addicting channel I have ever found.
These are sooo addicting – suppose to be driving home right now with my grocerys but instead I had to watch a couple episodes sitting here in the parking lot lol- and the dark hip-hop theme song is soo good !!
I remember this happening and being shocked that no one was held to account whether it was crew members or company owners for the wilful negligence here.
My brother in law was on this as a school boy on a school trip. He had to jump from the ship into the water and broke his leg.
I’ve been binge watching your channel half the night…because I can’t sleep. Makes sense.
i hope they start posting more often i love these!
The music you use in the background of these videos sticks in my head after the videos. It’s so effective
Zeebrugge is not pronounced as “Zibrukke” but as “Zaybrugge”, the “g” sound is hard to find a equivalent of in English, but it’s kinda like the ch in loch. 🙂
My grandad was a truck driver and was ment to go aboard but he was 5 minutes late luckily being late saved his life rest in peace all who died that day
This was like a series of failures leading to one giant failure. So sad for the families of the victims
Very informative and respectful watch. Heartfelt condolences. Reading through the comments though, I’m surprised how many people were on the ship, as there are a hell of a lot of people who knew people who missed this sailing, as is claimed…..!
Yeah I’m not riding on any ship named “Herald of Free Enterprise”. May as well just be named “Herald of Safety Violations”.
You’re well on your way to a million subscribers: I can’t see any stopping you now.
Yikes!! All of those poor passengers!!
How does routine, maritime, actions/things you do every (damn) day and are getting paid for: turn into a horrifying and ghastly loss of life, my god!! Excellent video I’ve never heard of this Maritime disaster before, wow. 
They said it was “inofficial common practice” to depart with the car deck doors open to vent remaining exhaust gasses from the vehicles.
I love ur content! Found you in my recomendations and am so happy for it 
You are THE man!!!! Love the narration! Enthralled by every story. SUPER SUBBED!!!!!
I was only five years old, but remember very well the images of that capsized ferry.
Knew one of the drivers that perished in this. Terribly sad
It actually required people dying before someone thought having indicators on the bridge for whether the BOW DOORS where closed might be a good idea. The stupidity of humans never cease to amaze.
My GP was studying in a hospital on the south coast when she was young, and she was asked to help with the rescue attempt. She was on the rescue helicopters etc… she said there’s not a day that goes by without her thinking about it.
This is something that has always stuck with me. I wasn’t even 10 at the time. I have the Let It Be charity record.
My family lived in England at the time, and we had been on this ferry weeks before this happened on vacation with a lot of families from our Army base. My parents still talk about the fact that, upon boarding the ferry, all of the kids/families scattered, which would have made it impossible for them to round my sister and I up and get us to safety had it happened when we were on board.
I like that you added “in peacetime”
Missed getting on that ship by half an hour .was in the booking office in zeebrugge waiting to get a ticket .when thay said it was full and I would have to get the next sailing at 22.00 .decided to go to Calais instead .were I heard that it had sunk .very very lucky to be alive .
After watching this, I feel like an episode about MS Estonia would be worth considering.
8:36 I can tell you for fact that in Autumn 1987, the Herald was stored at Grand Canaria. I was on a cruise aboard P&O’s S.S.Canberra at the time, and we moored right next to it! Everyone was morbidly fascinated by it, as the disaster had only happened a few months earlier in March, and it was still within the news cycle. It was moored with its heavily damaged, (previously)submerged side toward us, and the Townsend Thoresen logos and ships name were all painted over in the same red as the hull – to try and disguise what it was. However, the Herald of Free Enterprise lettering was raised – so it was still obvious as to what we were looking at. A Ghost ship. Chilling and thought provoking indeed.
I remember it well. Mark Stanley never tried to distance himself from his responsibility. For that and his actions in trying to save others – respect.
i was wondering when i’d come across a video from this event my grandfather worked with civil protection and had to remove bodies from the site, it changed his life forever we rarely talked about it but i could feel his pain whenever it was mentioned
Ah yes, the famous practice of leaving the bow door open while sailing
Every time I get on a plane or boat (which is relatively common, since I am from the UK which is only accessible by air or water), I plan my exit, observing all doors, all walkways, all windows. I am usually mocked for this by friends and family, but I will never stop doing it.
when I see this video, it all came up again. I was missing the ferry on that day about 10 minutes due to traffic jam. I was quite angry about 10 minutes too late after 8 hours driving. So what, get the next one. I sat in the waiting area of the ticket hall when a steward informed the passengers that the habour will be closed for reasons, but he do not told us why. I ask the woman at the counter what about my next ride. She reply I shall try to get a ferry from Oostend. Arrived In Oostend, bought a ticket, boarding the Ferry and than I saw the desaster on TV in the bord restaurant. I couldn´t believe what I saw. What a tragedy.
I don’t know why but ocean disaster’s always are more fascinating to me, maybe it’s the complete helplessness to it but it always seems very interesting to see how or if rescues are possible.
Left with the question….. Why were those charged with negligent or corporate manslaughter acquitted by the judge? Not saying that they should or shouldn’t have been, but would be interesting to know why that order was given in this case.
I travelled on that ship on a few school trips in the 80s. I remember hearing about the sinking. 🙁
I think it was 60 seconds from disaster that featured this in an episode that highlighted this ship and its sister ship had both crossed the channel successfully with the bow doors open. Reconstructions also looked at how far water would reach on the boat depending on what speed the boat was traveling in similar sea conditions. If it had got out the harbour before any problems developed it likely would have made it safely to England without issue
Remember being at school when this happened. I think the bow doors were faulty/left open.
I actually have a 1970’s photograph on my husband and myself on the ferry deck of ANOTHER ferry from Dover to Calais as it left port, with its bow doors wide open. Listening to this video explains why the ferry capsize at Zebrugga but it it seemed to be the norm to leave port with them open as close them as they left.
I misses that crossing ,by 2mins ,,, so had to drive over my hours , to another port…. the rest is history……
“rather than get a longer ladder they just gently sank the ship closer to the ladder for the second floor” Bruh
i was 6 when it happend and back in the day before internet, smartphones etc . . . the only thing you could do to see a disaster was to actual go and see it. like many belgians, we went in the weekends to zeebrugge to see the ship on it’s side and see what they where doing. stil a weird thought though to think a lot of dead people where inside the ship at that time
I just found your channel today and I love your storytelling style. Can we request stories?
I remember hearing a story about someone made themselves into a human ladder and let some of the passengers climb over them in order to try and escape
“here is an account from survivor, Simon Osborne” Taco bell ad: “Wanna know a secret?”
“A judge ordered the jury to acquit all concerned.” WOW, it really was “FREE enterprise.”
This is the first Fascinating Horror video to use the now legendary Glass Pond music that we the fans of this channel know and love.
Incredible, Thank God for that sandbar it landed on under it! For that would have been a very devastating loss! RIP to the ones who did perish
one or two relatively simple things missed that can cause so much terror and destruction. it’s insane.
I remember this or something like this on “Seconds Before Disaster”
May they rest in peace…was unaware of this,and feel so badly for all on the ship.With so many harrowing deaths in our world,…I wonder that we can find Faith.
You’re great man. Keep it up. You’re one of the best true crime channels out there.
I don’t know if its just a change in engineering practice since these events, but as someone working as an engineer now, I cannot imagine such a glaringly obvious failure mechanism not even having a warning light or siren.
My dad actually rode that ferry shortly before this incident while studying abroad in Europe
Worked with a guy who was on it and survived. He barely spoke about it to us,but I know it cost him his confidence and eventually his wife and kids he split from due to PTSD I guess you’d call it these days.
I have an extremely clear memory of seeing this on the news when I was 6 The way the boat was on it’s side freaked me out
Found this channel today. Been binge watching ever since. Can’t get a thing done. Awesome content, great research done well done. Subbed. Thanks 
I remember this well as a child, I’d actually travelled on the Herald a few times before the accident and had been down to the car deck and remember seeing the doors wide open, it was a common thing. The company changed to P&O and her sister ships had their names changed.
I’m surprised you haven’t done a video on the MS Estonia yet, a very similar ferry disaster.
I had a friend who’s mum and dad died on this 
Well, I definitely remember this, although details about the cause are new to me. I guess that the Estonia is up next…
Two things. #1 the ferry looked top heavy to me on first view; seeing it on its side with its shallow underside confirms that feeling. #2, as already mentioned in posts, did anyone ever investigate that judge who ordered the jury not to convict? He sure as hell sounds bought off to me.
I remember this disaster well. Following this, the company was rebranded P&O Ferries. Living in Ireland I regularly use ferries to England or Scotland. If you’re one of the last vehicles to board, you’ll often see those bow doors being closed longer before departure, and if you’re one of the first, you’ll be sat in your car after the ship has docked watching the doors open. It was widely reported at the time that it was common for ferries sailing the English Channel to disembark with the bow doors open, just to gain a few minutes in journey time. Thankfully that culture has long gone.
It was good to find out about the other factors. Another valuable post. ♡
It looks like a top heavy houseboat, completely unsafe anywhere other than being tied securely to a dock. Poor maintenance and epecially poor design is also apparent. The corporate mentality is to ignore crucial safety issues, and then when something goes wrong their asses are usually covered.
You give me “Horror Stories” channel vibes and I love it 
I love that sudden acquittal at the end of the “show trial”. Some people at the top apparently felt threatened.
This is the first ‘news’ I ever remember (I was 6). I distinctly remember seeing the capsized boat on the TV and it really spooking me that something bad had happened. I still get creeped out by sinking boat stories.
I remember this so well …it scared me so much especially when I went to Ireland
The people who had to recover those month old water logged corpses must have been braver than any u.s marine.
This is insane. As a Belgian myself born in ’95 I didn’t know of this disaster. Called my father over who has vivid memories (used to be a marine at Zeebrugge) of it. Thank you for this video, my heart goes out to all the people who lost their live that day.
I suggest covering the Sewol Ferry Tragedy. Such a tragic loss of life that could’ve been prevented at so many turns.
I find your narration to be quite relaxing.. your voice is calm, The cadence of your voice is a melodic masterpiece.
You managed the whole narration without saying Townsend Thoresen once!
“Here is an account from a survivor” Ad: HAVE A TRISCUT
This disaster contributed directly to the start of my audio-visual business, when I was asked to record the 14 or so sessions of the resulting Inquiry at the Lloyds Register of Shipping in London. I was not allowed to sit in on the meetings, but required to sit in the hallway outside the meeting chamber, whilst a member of staff I trained ran the tapes and 16x mic system.
Clearly the judge was well paid for his ruling.
worked as a deckhand on a ferry in 82, I could see that they were death traps if water got onto the car deck. our crew cabins were a deck below the car deck, I always had in mind the fastest way up to the boat deck if we took on water. Before this I worked on cargo ships.
7:58 – ”The judge ordered the Jury to acquit all concerned”……sounds very much like corruption to me. Very fishy.
Oh water,, always so threatening.. taking lives and so destructive. Yet who are we without water and it’s beauty
This tragedy happened when you was at school in Brighton. (Aged 14) One of my school friends, his brother and parents were onboard, my friend and his brother survived but he sadly lost their parents. I will always remember the story he told me: They had gone to France on a day trip and had boarded the ferry for home, they had gone to the restaurant for a meal but my friend and his brother didn’t like anything on the menu so his dad gave them some money to go and get a burger from the bar on deck. When tragedy struck my friend and his brother were thrown into sea and ultimately rescued, his parents sadly drowned in the restaurant with many others. The boys went on to be raised by their grandparents…. A very sad time 
I’m addicted to you channel. Thank you for bringing me horror and joy
I’ve used TT on the channel crossing and i find it hard to believe the crew forgot to close the main loading doors on the vehicle deck . I would have thought there would be some kind of alarm system in place.
I remember the joke on the school playground at the time was “roll on, roll off, roll over”. I was too young at the time to understand how horrible that was
Another ship disaster caused by human negligence, and they got off. No justice for the victims. 
M/S Estonia would be perfect for this series
I lived in Belgium at the time and Zeebrugge was our holiday spot. We would see TT ferries taking off form port all the time with bowel doors wide open! I seemed like routine to leave with bowel doors open and only close them when already at see. We always questioned this and then the disaster happened.
This is an amazingly well-done video. You should cover the MV Sewol disaster next- to me, it is by far the most horrifying maritime incident ever to occur. I think you would do it great justice.
Very interesting, I have read many accounts and diagnosis of this disaster and the later salvage. And this is first I heard of a ballasting change becuase of a change of port, that I recall. Most/all just mention there was no car deck door lock indicator on the bridge and IIRC the deck boatswain, and captain was negligent in the face of heavier seas than normal and another sailor was drunk and sleeping. And the compnay was negligent in their overall operations. But the condtions for the trim, new to me. Sunk in less than 4mins from leaving the doc? the captain , company , and certain crew were totally responsible for such negligence.
I have only been really scared twice in my life. The first time, a co-worker talked me into joining her when she needed a few hours for her pilot’s licence. She didn’t scare me, it was being up in a tiny, single engine plane that scared me…like being on top of the world’s tallest building and standing on the uppermost part of the roof. Second time? Taking a ferry. We were only making a river crossing while inside a small, single level, car ferry. But being what seemed less than a foot about the water’s surface…well, all that I could think of was the many stories of ferries sinking and the loss of life.
6:57 He looks like an actor that’s playing a character in a movie based on a true story.
When my mum worked for Access back in the 80’s, two of her colleagues (a married couple), were on the ferry on the evening it capsized. Thankfully they both survived the disaster.
I sailed on her about 8 months before the disaster, it took 3 hours to get the vehicles off in zeebrugge once it was docked as the doors would not open, i remember members of the crew constantly hitting the hydrolic rams with huge mallets and hammers in the hope of releasing them, i remember my dad saying he had a bad feeling about that ferry.
I was a toddler when this happened, but it would occasionally be bought up on TV as I was growing up. I remember I had a train set with a car wagon that said “not to be used past Zeebrugge” and it always reminded me of people talking about this
As a Merchant Mariner myself I can tell you what we do on the water is sooo dangerous. RIP to all the fallen
I still remember this and it was so so sad for all concerned 
” I thought you closed the bow doors. Well I thought you were going to close them ” . No accountability sank that ship. And that is criminal. But I guess the judge didn’t think so. So much for British justice.
The more of your videos I watch the more is apparent that barely any justice is served. No matter the casualties there are barely any consequences for the people in charge. It’s mind boggling
“Judge told the jury not to convict anyone.”… After which he retreated to his newly purchased Swiss Alpine mansion to live a life of luxury ever since.
Who would have thought that a boat called the ‘Herald of Free Enterprise’ would end up being a perfect metaphor for capitalism
If this channel has taught us anything, it’s that the 1980’s were full of gnarly disasters mostly caused my human.
I was going to school in England at the time. Our class was set to take a yearly trip to France. This happened not long before our trip, and i, an excited 10 year old, decided not to go on the trip because of this incident.
Incredible how a ship of this kind had no automatic warning linked to the doors allowing the ship to start its journey in such a dangerous condition.
I was on the Herald the previous week. My blood ran cold when I watched the TV photos of the unfolding disaster. I couldn’t swim then and still can’t so God help me if I had travelled a week later. My mother worked for the ferry company and knew most of the crew. Those that survived were never the same again.
Oh I remembered this one as soon as you said that guy who was supposed to shut the doors overslept and missed his job hehehe…
I remember this very well we had just got bck from France and Belgium wk before Dover to Calais crossing Took me over 25 years again before I went on another ferry Too many memories that scared the life outta me
7:20 it’s the duty of the regulators, manufacturers, and operators to carry out critical failure analysis and require sensors, indicators, redundancy, and operating procedures
The 80s were a tough decade for engineers for real tho
Not one person was held accountable for hundreds of deaths? Amazing.
You’d be hard pressed to find a more 80s name then “Herald of free enterprise”.
A couple I knew and greatly admired as a child, who were just engaged and on on a pre marriage trip, died that day. 
I went on the Herald of Free Enterprise in the Summer of 1985 on a day trip between Dover to Calais. Horrifying what happened just a few months later.
Has he done the Chicago River Eastland Ship Disaster? My Great Grandpa was on the Eastland when it flipped and his buddy was crushed by furniture. It was pure luck that he survived and I was eventually born. In 2004 I moved into a building at 324 S. Racine Ave that had been used as an emergency morgue because they had nowhere set to keep the bodies. It was weird to live above a funeral home turned restaurant that had a direct connection to a Disaster that a family member lived through.
I wonder if during that time they had dive teams that would search for bodies, bc most of the time a pocket of air will form underwater and a person will be trapped in there, presumed dead. So hopefully they looked before the months before they got the ship out of the water
Could you do the Estonia and Scandinavian Star ferry disasters? They were terrible losses of life and I’d like to see how you would cover them. Well done on this video.
This is right near my home… I had honestly completely forgotten about this incident. Interesting you brought it up
I never knew this. My family visited Zeebrugge a few years after that, naturally spending time on the beach.
There seem to be so many deaths in these situations because the crew say ‘go back to your cabins it will be ok’. If I hear hear that I’m straight up onto the deck and lifeboats!
Going somewhere where I will have to take a ferry between an island and a peninsula Me: “gee, let me see what I can find to needless terrify myself about this seemingly normal thing”
You and Top 5’s have become my favorite channels.
I remember this disaster so weĺl. It was a major incident in my childhood and I remember the story featuring on the news for days
The only lesson from all these videos is that no matter how many people die, no body ever gets jail time.
I remember this one as it happened on UK news. Horrific! But after working in P&O Stena Line & knowing a some crew from the Hengist beaching as well the word in the business was the boatswain (pronounced bosun!) not closing the doors was where the blame lies. Kipping in his bunk after a piss-up. Along with open car decks. Of course, without subdividing the car decks you can get more cars & trucks in. Plus it speeds up the loading & unloading. Roll on / roll off is quicker without sea tight doors to open and close. It comes down to profit & negligence. Calling a bosun a boat swain is a crime nearly as bad though! 
I’m almost certain I have been on this ship as a little kid within the few years before this disaster happened, or at least one of its sister ships. Since watching the news reports about this disaster, every time I board any kind of ship, I always look for escape routes and am reluctant to enter any area that seems difficult to escape from within a short time. It probably wouldn’t have helped on this ship given how quickly it all went wrong, but at least it’s something.
R.I.P Jackie Reader truly often in my thoughts 

Lmao “the Harold of free enterprise” fitting
a ferry that used to serve a route very close to me got moved over to the dover – callais route quite recently, getting replaced by blue star 1. the other ferry is isle of inishmore.
Remember it well on the news it was very sad.In 1996 went on the sister ship when it was with P&O and got told onboard that it had been cut in half and another section had been added to make it longer.Just thought of the herald when the coach drove onto the ferry.
It’s always music to my ears when corrupt businessmen get the big stick of the law
It’s almost as if that judge took a payout from the company. Ordering everyone to be acquitted, on what basis?
When people have to do something repeatedly they become complacent and start taking things for granted.
I’m honestly surprised they were cavalier enough to leave the ballast in a ro/ro
So the passengers were “plunged into darkness” and this contributed to their deaths but no change to internal lighting systems? Chairs, tables, and other massive items were not secured causing many passengers’ deaths directly but no change to how these items are installed in ships or ferries…kinda makes you go WTF?!?
As soon you said they filled the ballast tanks to lower the ferry I said, “and then they emptied them, right?” Aaaaand… of course they didn’t.
I remember this aged 11. The reporters were reporting from a beach with the capsised ship in the background for weeks.
Fun Fact: This is the first video he used the song “Glass Pond” by Public Memory for the background theme. The less you know!
My friend lost his parents on this ship. We went to France a week later on her sister ship. We were terrified.
Hard to believe that the captain and officers graduated from an accredited Merchant Marine Academy.
I was 9 at the time, but I remember hearing about it on the News. It was a horrible disaster honest and disgusting to think that they got away with it without being prosecuted.
Would you possibly do a video for the Sewol Ferry incident 
The psychological effects on the survivors must have been horrific
I always tremble at the thought of going on a boat, why am i doing this to myself ;-;
Hey great video as always, i remember this so well as some of my family we’re using that transport but thankfully they were on it at different time, once again they’re Totally at Fault, we suffer but they just say “Oh Well” n get on with it, I Hope they All have Severe Nightmares every night til Death, keep up the good work your doing. XxX

Damn, the crew really shit the bed on this one, and then rolled around in it for the night.
Pretty much a real-life ‘Poseidon Adventure’.
Extremely well narrated without dramatising background music which in some documentaries completely takes over blocking out the narrator.
“I thought I was going to die”. That’s a fair assumption at that point.
So one man was asleep and the other guy was “this is not my job” and just left? And there were no consequences for all those deaths? That’s just outrageous.
I’d love you to do one of these for the Costa Concordia disaster!
Love the resident evil type music !
This whole thing made me think of the Titanic, just on a smaller scale.
“Judge ORDERED the Jury to acquit all involved” What was the point of the jury in the first place then?
I spent several months in the UK a year after this happened, and my British friends cynically called this kind of ferry not Ro-Ros— “Roll on, roll off”— but Ro-Ro-Ros— “Roll on, roll off, roll over.”
I remember that it was my choice to decide the school’s hymn that morning. I chose ‘For those in peril on the sea’. It shook me when I later learned of the disaster.
Was it a British Judge who ordered the jury to acquit? If so I hope to never find myself at the tender mercy of the UK law system.
The ship being named the “Herald of Free Enterprise” feels disturbingly appropriate.
I was a boy, twelve years old and was on the beach right after it happened. The bags , shoes and so on where al on the beach. I’m glad I did not see a body but the atmosphere was really frigjtening. After the Harald was re floaded she was for a short while in the port of Vlissingen, as a boy I sailed with my parents close to the wreck in the harbour. It was a dissaster I will not forget. I wish the all the people that stayed behind all the strength
Can you please also do an episode about “The sinking of MV Sewol”. A fieldtrip gone wrong with hundreds of deaths. Mostly students
I was 9. It was tragic. Piper alpha was the year after. Britain seems to remember our war heroes but not our workers.
I went on that ferry 3 weeks earlier couldn’t believe it when my dad was showing us it on the news
While the Boatswain and First Officer were certainly negligent and deserve blame the Captain also shares in the blame. The Captain of a vessel is always ultimately responsible for anything that occurs on his or her vessel.
i sailed on the Heralds sister ship The Pride of Free Enterprise in 1982 (dover to calais). Shortly before coming into Calais we were told over the tannoy that the ship would be reversing into port and we would have to reverse off the ferry due to the front door being inoperative. When we went down to get into our car we went past the doors only to see they were badly damaged and gap of about a toot was visable.Afterwards we found out that on the previous trip the ship rammed into the loading ramp and ripped open a section of the doors but she kept sailing. That was the last time i went on a ro-ro.
What disgusts me is how so many of these disasters end up in court, yet those responsible seem to get a slap on the wrist at best. It’s only after masses of people die that any changes are made. 

Very interesting video. I didn’t know about the extra water ballast.
what a waste, it’s amazing how bad that one side got even though it wasn’t really capsized for long.
it’s pronounced “bosun” [boatswain] love the content by the way! just discovered you
Could you do a video about Scandinavian star. Ferry caught on fire in the middle of the night, and loads of people died.. The ferry even caught on fire multiple times within days
I remember this so well people were sobbing in public in Dover
It’s always rushing and being careless that causes these awful problems 🙁
No need to over enunciate, you’re clear enough already 
I remember this even I was very little. Debris and shoes on the beach.
As usual, it takes a horrific disaster to force changes / improvements / regulations which should have been in place from the beginning.
I made 7 crossings on MS Herald of Free Enterprise in January / February 1987 as I was moving back to the UK from Germany with the last journey one week before the disaster. I remember hearing about this a week later – I couldn’t comprehend until later how lucky we were that we had been on that very ship so many times before. I used the Townsend Thoresen line and that ship so many times over the years as it was my preferred route.
I sometimes have to watch these videos to remind myself why I don’t go onto boats anymore
Would love if the video was like 40 minutes of information cause I never even heard of this
I was living in the Netherlands in September 1987 and I remember seeing this vessel in vlissingen sloehaven ..believe it was eventually renamed ‘flushing range’ and scrapped was on Dutch TV
With every damn boat disaster there’s seemingly always corruption involved. Especially cruise ships
Wait…a judge can “order” a jury to acquit?! 
Adding to the tragedy is that they had a type of promotion at that time, so there were a lot of families with young children on board. Families who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford this kind of trip.
I remember this on the news, I was 10.
There should be a channel, which focuses on the absences of justice in the world. That’s more of a horror story.
It’s crazy how tugboats are so much smaller than the ships they haul.
I won’t forget. It dominated Dutch news for weeks. I remember this very clearly it had 3 countries in mourning for weeks. I was 17 at the time and there were English, Belgians and Dutch on board, because for some reason it was cheaper to go to Belgium and take the boat from Zeebrugge instead of Hoek van Holland (in the Netherlands itself). I went a year later to Great Britain, from Hoek van Holland and stayed on deck for 4 hours before I dared to go inside. I had a wonderful vacation btw
Then in 1994 we had the MV Estonia, which was even worse. RO RO ships do have their inherent risks and cannot be operated lightheartedy.
Only GOOD thing came out from this is that the ship itself, bogs down for good
Sailing with the Bow Doors open was common practice amongst Ro-Ro Ferrries back then. What caught THOFE out that evening was the delay in the Port. They then sped up to try and claw back some time. This in turn, along with all the other incidents meant that water easily flowed into the Car Deck. The Court Case collapsed due to TT in the process of being bought by P&O.
“MS Herald of Free Enterprise” pretty ironic name for a disaster
Later that year my parents and I travelled by car ferry from our home town if Dun Laoghaire in Dublin Ireland to Holyhead in Wales with sealink . The captain made an announcement that the bow doors were confirmed closed
myself and my brother doubled man a truck, we came up from italy and missed that ferry by 20 min’s, the doors were left open as we know, this practise was supposed to stop after this incident, we caught ferries very often, the practice was still happening long after this happened, rush rush rush.
Imagine being a rescue person sweeping a boat full of month old corpses that have been rotting in the water the whole time. That’s terrible.
So, these guys will be charged and convicted for their negligence? Judge: Good guess, but actually no.
Just found your channel. My mum and step dad were on board her sister the pride of free enterprise travelling to France at the time of this disaster
I guess Estonia will be coming up soon. I would wait a year or so untill the latest investigation is done.
I remember this so well.. How the bloody hell can you forget to shut the doors.. Dreadful complacency..
I think I remember this accident ? Take care ! Peace
from Welland Ontario Canada 
Just found you. Binge watching. Thanks for the content. Excellent name. I think it was the Hyatt at the time. Can you cover the hotel walkway collapse in Kansas City, MO…? Many years ago
My uncle worked on the spirit of free enterprise god bless those who died on the herald my love from Scotland 

What comes out of many of these tragedies is that nobody is held accountable…
These videos are like a lesson on how to get away with mass murder: Start a corporation with potentially life-threatening operations, be grossly negligent, create a grossly negligent culture, save money where you can, especially when it involves safety measures, and generally just not give a fuck about people or protocol.
Judge “orders” a jury to aquit? That’s Fked up 
Well, that was odd . . .i got to the part where a survivor was to give their harrowing account and, unbeknownst to myself, an ad kicked in and im wondering what having a coffee has to do with the incident but okay, its his tale and he can tell it however he chooses . . . .
This is a certified MV Estonia moment.
How can that judge find no one at fault?!! What if his family had been on the ship~~would he still rule the same way?!
When coworkers bitch and moan about rules and regs at work I always send them the link to this channel and tell them to watch a few videos because this explains the need for procedure and mandatory rules much better than I can….
I remember this on the news.
3 mistakes were made at the same time each of the 3 may have been made a 100 times befor. It was not a freak accident they all happened at once it was very likely to eventually happen as long as those mistakes were alowed to keep happening.
Do we know why a judge ordered charges to be dismissed?
I guess a certain judge walked out of that court case significantly richer…
It would be nice that you make a vid about the sinking of the ferry Estonia, which caused the death of 852 people and the Swedish governement trying to cover up the real reason of the disaster
Great video. Very sad. I worked in a similar industry where sleeping on the job, people taking drugs, poor ethics etc. were common practice! Cannot believe it happens but it does. Disgusting on every level, especially in bloody ferry’s! RIP all.
I recommend doing the duck boat disaster that happened in Branson MO a few years ago. I think it was summer of 2018. Not nearly as many people died, but it was still very tragic. After it happened it became clear that not only should the boat not have been on the water at that moment, but most of the people that drowned could have been avoided, I think several kids drowned too. Just awful. My family and I live in Kansas City MO. Brandon is about a 3 1/2 hour drive. We go there at least once a year for a quick vacation. My dad and brother had been on a duck boat before. It really hit home for me when it happened.
All of a sudden everyone been on that ship or missed it lmfao
This wasn’t the first TT ferry to capsize. In December 1982 the European Gateway capsized just after leaving Felixstowe when it collided with another ferry, as it was mostly used by truck drivers there were only about 70 passengers and crew, but even so 6 people lost their lives.
Thanks for the detailed “why’s” That way people learn from terrible errors
You should make one about the Estonia sinking. Similar type of ship, and over 800 people died.
By the grace of god, I missed the ferry crossing that fateful Friday night, as I was caught in Traffic, lots of military lives lost. RIP
Wait – why would a judge demand a jury to acquittal all parties involved!? WTF!
This is one of very earliest memories i was 6 years old when this happen and very years i was telling people about the big ship on its side.
I remember this well our school trip had just came bck from France the wk before / totally scared me for life took me 25 years to go bck on a ferry
I would have thought a Captain would be ultimately responsible for a final check that everything is shipshape before departure out to sea. Like an airplane pilot’s checklist before take off, they DON’T ASSUME that everything has been done ok by others. They confirm it is true. “Front doors closed? … yes or no … I ain’t going nowhere till I know they are closed”.
This is super similar to the MS Estonia’s sinking
Interesting story mate I travelled on that ferry as child three months before this disaster
The crew were all sloshed was the story in my nearby village at the time. Mark Stanley was asleep because he was drunk.I don’t know if that’s true. He did move away for a time as I recall as he was targeted. a The judge wasn’t bribed as some have alluded in the comments. The court couldn’t explicitly convict anyone because they were tried as individuals. There was deemed to be no intentionality and no individual act of negligence could be identified as causing the sinking,rather there was a combination of factors for which no individual could be held responsible. They weren’t all bad ,a kid I played golf with was only a couple of years out of school and was one of several crew given awards for bravery in rescuing people. The corporate manslaughter offence did not exist and was brought in because of this to make named staff and directors collectively culpable. Took them a few hundred years to get round to it . Watch it fail in relation to any prosecution over Grenfell Tower.
I remember this
Wow, corrupt judges, there’s a shocker. How infuriating this whole incident was.
I’m sure you’re right about the survivors never forgetting, but I’m not sure about the idea that the larger world as a whole won’t. Unfortunately, there’s just such a large amount of tragedies that happen that you… really can’t remember all of them, even though folks like you are out here trying to carrying that flame.
I don’t understand how the judicial system works in the UK, where I assume the charges were pressed. That said, it is baffling to me that a judge can “order” a jury to return a nonguilty determination. I don’t think any system is perfect, but this strikes me as a deep imperfection in that legal system. I guess the victims were not considered worthy of consideration in the court of law. They have my sympathy.
Wow there’s a lot of folk on here who just missed this ferry
Imagine being responsible for this
First time watching one of your videos it was very well done liked and subscribed.Cheers
Brilliantly told. Pure terror. RIP to all those poor souls .
Out of this incident came the International Safety Management Code, a collaseul change in shipping.
You know what if I was in the court at that time no matter the consequences I would have got up and ask the judge who paid you off?
The structure of corporations themselves means there will always be “a disease of sloppiness and negligence” present. The fact that people weren’t held accountable demonstrated this further, as the inherent bureaucracy in such a structure is too often taken as a valid excuse for why disasters occur.
When you hear about some of the things they do for practical reasons in these videos……oof! It’s just common sense 101 and is so cringey 
I was on this boat with my family only a week before the accident I recall my Nan god rest her soul saying to my mum how she wanted to get of the boat as she felt she was on a floating grave she always had a sixth sense she was genuinely petrified I was only about 11. We went to Belgium from Dover and had to come back on a jet foil as this very boat had problems. You can imagine the shock when this sunk. Never forget it.
What was the court’s reasoning in dismissing the criminal charges?
All ro-ro ships had the habit of starting the voyage with the car deck nose open. They were trying to air the car deck, that’s what I’ve heard. After Estonia sank in 1995 the whole nose was welded closed on this type of ships.
Even then, the ship looked like a floating shoe box. I wouldn’t trust a ship like that for a second.
My Brother and I sailed on her with The Boy Scouts a year to the day before the disaster.
Consider myself as a very lucky person as i was on board a couple of days before the disaster !
I never could understand why checklists never took root in shipping like they did in aviation. Yes, they’re periodically ignored or done sloppily, but they almost inevitably end in some kind of tragedy when they are, which has taught the industry painful lessons with stark reminders.
I think it’s important to note that Mark Stanley (R.I.P) was exhausted after working non-stop for over 18 hours or so. He went to his cabin for what he intended to be a short break. It’s no wonder the poor guy fell asleep. He never got over the guilt of it. Relatives of victims did forgive him, but he never forgave himself.
So, was the judge part owner of the company or was it a straight up bribe?
Although a terrible disaster, one of the things that happened that went in some people’s favour was the ship capsizing on the sand bar. I hate to think how many more people would have died if it hadn’t. 193 people was too much as it was. A totally avoidable incident. That makes it even worse.
Curiously, Herald of Free Enterprise’s sister ship Pride of Free Enterprise had sailed under the very same circumstance in 1983 – assistance boatswain didn’t close the bow doors because he was asleep, she did not sink.
It looked eerily top-heavy to me.
Terrible tragedy and thankfully one from which lessons were learnt. But they are always learnt too late of course. However a strange side story of utter fate comes from this harrowing and tragic episode. A school local to me had been in Germany on an educational visit. On their way back to their ferry, the coach had suffered a puncture and the delay either repairing that one, or getting a new tyre, meant they got to the harbour, a matter of minutes too late to be permitted for embarcation. They stood furious on the dock side watching their ferry sail without them, knowing it would mean a several hour wait for the next one and cause utter chaos back at their school, for the parent’s scheduled to pick them up. Then they watched in utter horror, as the vessel they should have been on, lurched and turned over in front of their horrified eyes. They should all have been on the Herald of Free Enterprise. Fate.
You know what I think the judge was bought. There is no way everybody should have gone not punished.
Me and my family should have been on that ferry, but my dad decided he would be too tired to drive home once we got back into the UK so cancelled and made alternate arrangements…. Fate? Maybe?
I want to know why the judge ordered the jury to acquit.
A judge can order a jury to make a certain judgement? That would the jury system useless, why bother? That’s a farce.
Do the Glanryde Bridge collapse in Wales. Simon Penny was 14 when he died trying to save the driver of the train.
I wonder how much that judge was paid to convince the jury not to charge anyone.
You should cover the Sewol if you haven’t already.
The first time I heard of this disaster was in a TV series called Seconds from Disaster.
Respect to the Belgian people and the emergency services who organised the rescue etc. The Belgians are a good people, I’ve visited the country often and they have my utmost respect. Not forgetting all the other rescuers and recovery divers etc who worked tirelessly in harrowing situations to recover the living and the remains of the dead. A terrible tragedy.
I remember this case. I felt cold thinking of all those poor people.
After this tragedy I remember that prick Lord Nicholas Ridley guiding a piece of legislation through the lords joking it would be fine as he” didnt have the bow doors open. ” 
How many casualties? I must have missed that detail.
How is it in many of these there proves so much acquittal and zero accountability? Appalling.
“Most deadly sinking of a British ship in peacetime in more than 50 years.” Did the British learn NOTHING from the Titanic?! 
I saw someone comment about the fact that there was an ad after “here is an account from a survivor”, I thought this was a bad joke but nope. “here is an account from a survivor…” BUICK AD PLAYS VERY LOUDLY
I wonder how much the company paid that judge for that outcome?
How the hell does a judge order a jury to acquit?
Wait hold on, a judge ordered the jury to acquit everyone? Why??
What kind of weird-ass judicial system did Belgium have (I hope past tense!) where a judge can ORDER a jury to acquit a defendant? WTAF?
“Instructed the jury to acquit”? Why have a jury?
I remember this very well but never knew the truth till now it’s like a horror movie u couldn’t even make it up 
What about dis allowing the fairy to go faster than a certain speed if the doors are open
You should do the Estonia disaster. It’s similarly tragic. 852 dead
I remember this on the news, I was 8
Um, maybe it’s just a coincidence that I’ve seen so many of them, but for some reason I’m seeing an odd pattern of British tragedies where despite there being some individuals obviously at fault for the tragedy, nobody gets punished for it in the end for one reason or another… Is there a reason for that? Or is it just a coincidence that I’ve seen videos or read about numerous British tragedies where this happened?
“Well, the front fell off…”
I cant help but wonder how much of a bribe was paid to the judge to acquit the company? Im sure it was a LOT less then the cost of being responsible for all those deaths.
An example of “free enterprise” indeed.
My farther was to board this boat but at the time he just passed his driving test and my mother was scared for him to travel alone so early after passing so she made him postpone the trip.
The company trying to sell the ship as sailable just goes to show how little they gave a damn about what happened.
On the contrary: everything will be forgotten. And much sooner than you think
My father used to be part of the crew of the Herald, but fortunately he transferred off before this event took place.
The 80s was just one disaster after another after watching these episodes
Good to see you properly read and understood the MAIB report. Do the El Faro disaster sometime maybe?
RIP all Those that were lost
It was long before I ever got the chance to experience travelling on a “Ro-ro” ferry because my family weren’t yet wealthy enough to go on regular cross channel holidays to the continent, but when we eventually did I remember how shocked I was that we were leaving port with the bow doors open . They were probably closed very soon after and the boat probably wasn’t sitting low in the water like The Herald of Free Enterprise was that fateful day , hence why I’m still here to write this that I’m wrighting right now.
My nana was supposed to be on that ship but due to getting lost on the way she missed it.
That sounds absolutely terrifying shit
This doesn’t look like the Grey’s Anatomy episode…
You should do a video on Scandinavian Star!
My Uncle Peter Still was chief diver on a Royal Navy mine sweeper in the English Channel that day. He and his team were the first divers to start pulling bodies from the overturned hull. He did recover many corpses and will never forget that day. He received a Queens Commendation medal for Bravery afterwards. He’s still alive and doesn’t talk about it much. RIP
Remember to close the bow doors.
Why has it taken me so long to find this channel?
Everyone’s trying to design a boat that floats, I just want one designed around not sinking ya know what I mean?
All can imagine is the judge walking away with a bag in each hand marked with this$$$$
I hope Stanley had a good nap…
Wrong information : after repair it was renamed as : Flushing Range
local boat to me and knew some of the crew that were lost, corporate greed killed them as was common practice to sail with the doors open to get more trips in , it was never “if” it happened but “when”, crew took the blame RIP all of you lost souls 🙁
My Godfather died on this ship before i was even born, RIP everyone 

Oh this is new. I was under the impression it was a story about a boat from 1800 or early 1900. Then I go to grab my phone and see the video showing a colour photo. Crazy this happened when boats are safer then they were like 100 years ago. Well I guess the same could be said about the Titanic during it’s time. Same thing. Human error
Never knew half of the reasons
So what did you do this weekend…? Went down a rabbit hole called Fascinating Horror
great stuff!
I was on that ferry a week to the day before it sank.
How about a story on M/S Estonia? Or is there one already? Sank on 28. of September 1994 on international waters between Tallinn and Stockholm. Over 800 casualties.
There are several fools posting here saying that the judge was bribed. No, the judge instructed the jury to acquit due to insufficient evidence. Instructing a jury thus is common in English courts. Making mistakes is not necessarily evidence of manslaughter.
This is terrifying
You should do a story on the bus tragedy in the town of Towner colorado in the 1930s
a judge ordered the jury acquit ?!
I knew 4 people who died on the ship and someone i know lost both their mum and dad that night.
Corporate manslaughter convictions are very rare in the UK. Companies are protected by the bar for convictions being set very high.
Just a note: the ship did not capsize, it did not roll upside down. In fact, the ferry was lucky enough to settle on a sandbank, which prevented the ship from completing the roll. This saved many lives as it allow people to escape.
they filled the ship with water and then didn’t drain it oh my god and then for some reason a door wasn’t closed when it should have been oh man this is such a disaster of negligence it’s terrifying how quickly it happened 🙁 you never expect such a huge thing to move so fast.
A colleague of mine was supposed to be on this ferry, but missed it because of a traffic jam.
If you are looking for another maritime disaster might I suggest the Eastland. It capsized in the middle of downton Chicago.
Clasic RoRo-desaster. Never enter any of these unless you absolutly can’t avoid it.
Lol. “At around 6.29pm on the 6th of March 1987 .. “ Not around 6.28, nor around 6.30 but within 30 seconds either side of of 6.29 …
That judge is as guilty as the door guy and the XO, then.
It’s frustrating how these accidents in retrospect are so predictable after just the first 1:30 of info. They had to do something unusual to load the cars and then allowed that unusual state to continue to exist. There it is! Well, and leaving the door open. The door open, on a boat. The door to the water, left open, on a boat. After allowing the out of the ordinary situation to continue to exist.
The fact that a disaster caused by the greed and laziness of the operating company of a ship called the “Herald of Free Enterprise” doesn’t escape me here… Regulation and safe practice laws save lives.
No ir was reported at the time that sailing with the bow doors open was a common management tactic for quick turnaround and the sailor who was responsible for shutting the bow doors was a management scapegoat
The dim-witted judge who ordered the acquittal should have instantly lost his job …. permanently.
Does anyone else remember that BBC showed “The Poseidon Adventure” the following week?
A lot of people had been careless, foolish or incompetent but none had broken the law as it then stood. Interesting that the ship was lower in the water than normal, not heard that before. Finally, as a pedant, please note that “boatswain” is pronounced “bosun”.
Finally, I found a use for the Speed Up button on You Tube…. Could he talk any s l o w e r ?? ZZZzzzzzzzz
So a judge orders the jury to acquit everyone then the company attempt to sell the ship….just one final callous twist to the tragedy
Apart from the Judges decision being a terrible travesty I also think the owners trying to sell the ship for repair and re use is beyond the pale.
At the time I thought the name prophetic. And so it has proven to be.
You really need to bring back the eery music you used in your early videos.
Pls post as much as u can!!
i remember that happening it was a real scandal at the time
ahh like ground effect but in water, that makes sense, but I never would have thought of that
i remember this shit show. Massive negligence and incompetence. In fact, there was a period in the late 1980s where there seemed to be lots of accidents , like all companies just got really lazy.
Is there a maritime disaster that doesnt involve multiple screw ups?
Imagine living with the fact that you killed hundreds of people because you forgot to close a couple of doors.
At the time the Sun newspaper was running contests or promotions for people to travel for next to free on this death trap and do their shopping…Very sad…
This video has been going for 4 minutes and i have already seen 4 adds. LOL this shit is insane!
Am I the only one surprised that heavy items, like the fruit machine, were not bolted down?
Ground effect doesn’t only happen on air. Water is a fluid so the principle os just the same…but unlike racing cars, this is not what you want it to happen…
Did he just say Boat Swain? Come on mate, everyone knows it’s pronounced bosun – bo rhymes with no, and the sun is pronounced as son in mason. Same with coxswain
You should cover the sinking of MV Sewol. It will make a very good story.
My best friend and her family consisting of her mother and father (my godmother and god father), her grandma, and two uncles and a cousin were on that ship. We were 13 at the time. I was in Switzerland visiting my family and she and her family had participated in a £1 Sun Newspaper offer to visit Belgium for the day. She was was the only survivor out of her entire family. What had happened was that Lisa, my friend, shortly after they had boarded had been asked to stay with the luggage in the bar as the others made their way to the duty-free shop. Moments after the boat capsized and the lights went out. Lisa does not recall who saved her but said a man dragged her along with him to safety. Jackie, her mother, was a trained lifeguard and a story went around, which we can not confirm, is that she help save two people before going back for a third but was never seen again. Sadly after that Lisa, quickly turned to alcohol and went from one foster family to another until she ended up in a foster home. The worst thing I remember was the other kids at school being so heartless, and when she cried – which was often – they would tell her to stop pretending. I don’t think they quite understood what had just happened to her and the full extent of her loss. 13 year olds can be really REALLY nasty. She later on, once she was old enough to receive the money (which I presume was compensation, by that time we had lost contact) moved to the Seychelles but did not find comfort there so moved back (to the UK). I just thought that someone might like to know about some of the passengers on board and what happened to them and the 13 year old girl who had just lost her (almost) entire family.
“Boatswain” is pronounced “Bows-un”…
What reason did the judge give for the order to not convict anyone?
I work in the Harbour of Zeebrugge, older colleagues sometimes talk about this disaster
Not having an indicator on the bridge for this is almost as criminal as the operators.
I think you’d do good job covering South Korea’s Sewol Ferry disaster
sailing the ship to taiwan would be spooky
It’s always very easy to be “wise after the event” when these sorts of disasters occur but why such a simple thing like the bridge alarm to tell if the bow doors were still open wasn’t fitted from Day 1 frankly beggars belief !! 

How to avoid this happening again. Employ Phillipino crew. I work on ships by the way. You don’t want Brits Ill tell you that.
Why do I always watch this type of videos late at night
What’s the point of court if a judge can order the jury acquit them??
The series of mistakes is mindboggling
Once again the court system protecting corporations! If you or I did anything that killed over 100 people we would never walk freely again!!
I take a ferry like that every day. It’s my worst nightmare and I really shouldn’t be watching this! 

this is similar to the MS Estonia sinking.
Wait a minute– the judge ORDERED these jackholes to be acquitted!? He better be glad it wasn’t someone I knew on that ferry, or he’d be hanging like a Christmas ornament from the nearest telephone pole the next day.
Wow . The Corporate Criminals got away with it again . Who would have thought ?
I ♡this information videos
Up to 40 lives were saved by a truck driver from Ireland in this disaster. Larry O’Brien used a fire hose to pull himself to a broken porthole window and climb onto the side of the capsized ferry. When he realised that he was the only one outside and he could still hear the screams from inside, he began to call into the porthole and guide people to the escape route he had used, pulling them out when the got to him. You can read about his account of the event in an article from the Irish Times:
I like it when the narration doesn’t start off with exactly how people died/how many people died. The slow build of information, putting the pieces together as they come, really heightens the horror of the impending doom. “The loading platform wasn’t high enough.” Uh oh… “They decided to make the boat sit lower in water.” Oh, geeze… “They didn’t return the boat to it’s normal buoyancy before leaving.” Oh, no… “They left the lower deck open.” No, no, no…
I didn’t realize how quickly a ferry could capsize. I’m kinda terrified now because I love ferries.
The car decks are still open with no wateright doors thwartships.!
OF COURSE it’s a roll on-roll off, those things are goddang nightmares. More like “Roll on, roll over”, what shitty boats.
IMO, Mark Stanley had little blame. Anyone can sleep in accidentally; It happens. Ultimately, it was the First Mate – responsible for checking if the doors were closed – that gave the order to leave, the one with more to blame. He was the one factually on duty and setting the whole thing in motion. Most of the blame lies with the company for not enforcing checklists during departure. Afterall, Mark Stanley could also have died from natural causes and not closed the doors for that reason, and it would also have led to the accident. However, if the First Mate had died from natural causes, either before going to or while being on the bridge, they probably wouldn’t have left at all.
the doors were open because the person who had to make them laugh, they are normally open for ventilation, but because the ship had to pump extra water because the platform in Belgium had a lower light than in England, so water came in
What’s the freaking point of a jury at all if a judge can demand they acquit?! What??!!
There are a lot of big maritime disasters in all of history.
Like most words ship related that make no sense- “boatswain” isn’t pronounced how you think it should be. It’s pronounced “bosun”. Just a quick correction to an otherwise great video.
I think two of my mother’s friends were on the ship, they sadly died
Can you do the Sewol Ferry in South Korea
The owners attempted to sell her for repair… This shows whart a bunch of complete scumbags were running that company!
A judge ordered the jury to acquit all concerned? Sounds like the democrat controlled sewer called Washington Dc.
The SS Eastland disaster killed more than four times as many and it did so while being tied to a dock in the Chicago River. Like the Zeebrugge, it rolled over on its side.
The Estonia Ferry Disaster (1994) was horrible too… 852 passangers died. It happens because they neglected maintenance.
Needed Iron Man that day
A sad story well told .
A “disease” of sloppiness!? How sloppy do you have to be to earn that adjective!?!?
Am I the only one who thinks that the assistant boatswain looks almost exactly like Dean Stockwell?
But for the grace of God. R F A Regent. Replenishment At Sea, training a few times. An aged R N destroyer? There was a close thing to disaster,, when the two ships struck but didn’t hear what was result of the outcome. Damage obvious. Ready now to arrive at the beautiful shore, Saved to not be condemned since I still fail, but Jesus is the Befriender. He’s return imminent. No Lifeboat on Noah’s Ark be willing to do God’s will, St Peter said “Command me to get outta the boat!” This world is not my home! Did you know who won the vote? The Elect. Correct theology Trump’s big Pharmacology. Christ didn’t come to condemn the world but to save those who recognise that banner unfurled at Calvary! Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!
Why hasnt the Oakland Warehouse fire been covered yet?
Please do a video on the sinking of the Estonia ferry, far worse than this sinking.
got an ad asking if my “cruise had been capsized?”…
How in the world was NOBODY reprimanded for this? There was specifically 2 people in charge of the GIGANTIC door. One was asleep, and the 2nd just said “the other guy will do it” But no charges? I hope that judge never sleeps, he doesn’t deserve to.
There were two sister ships to Herald of Free Enterprise Spirit of Free Enterprise and Pride of Free Enterprise Scrapped in 2012 & 2015 respectively.
Enquiry was launched??? Close the bow doors Stanley!!!! Maybie pump out the water before you move also. Ridiculous. Maybie the judge got paid off. Honestly.
RIP to All those who lost there Lives on this Ferry Of Course it Was human error I think they should of both checked the Doors before leaving port, I Can’t believe that they got Away With Murder So Sad my Prayers Go out to the Families who Lost A Family Member.
Why didn’t the empty the ballast tanks? How they forget something like that since they had just filled them?
Ro-Ro ships by its principle are already pretty dangerous. Having a bow door is really just asking for trouble. That’s not including that they are carrying passengers. But I guess profitability is more important than safety for them. Between she starts to take in water to she finally rest on the sandbar, it only took 90 seconds. They didn’t stand a chance.
Thank you for the English Closed Captions!
Thank you for sharing
Herald of Free Enterprise – Corporate malfeasance. The irony.
I hear about lots of ferry sinking especially overseas
Hey Judge! Did your acquittal order bring the dead back to life?
You should do a video on the south Korean ferry
Another instresting ferry disaster is the sinking of M/S Estonia 1994. It had 989 passengers, 852 people died and only 137 survived.
It tried to leave in a huff, and capsized in a minute and a huff.
Just found your channel Subscribed interesting stuff
I don’t know how on so many of these terrible stories caused by negligence know one ever seems to ever be held responsible for the deaths of people.
Have you considered covering the sinking of Costa Concordia?
How much was the judge paid? Has he been given a life sentence?
Nobody’s ever convicted 
Who narrates these? It sounds SO like a Radio One (uk) guy
I should have been on that ferry but got a puncture and missed it by 45 mins
6:57 Looks like a burnt-out, failed ’80s actor…
Who got to that judge, and how do we make them pay?
Brown envelopes to the judge then!
Why did the judge do that? He should be sacked, I hope private claims were made.
Could you do a video on the MV George Prince Ferry Disaster?
What’s the point of a justice system that shrugs its shoulders and lets people walk away free? Why even have rules if we refuse to enforce them! What’s the point then!
This is a little bit of a weird question but I wonder how much it was sold for..? I didn’t realise it was so small… That’s what she said..
So they sunk their own ship. Brilliant 
The entire board of directors should have been jailed for this. Hearlds of Free Enterprise indeed
As usual, the corporation bought the judge out. Money talks, bullshit walks.
Like in your video with the train disaster….. if you are in charge of others lives and well being….make sure you don’t make mistakes.
why do people always seem to get away with this, or get really light sentences?
Interesting thank you
, subscribed
When you talked about the account of a surviver YouTube played an Ad for mayonese…
There was a wreck in America that took 800 lives because, after the Titanic sailed with a shortage of lifeboats, the vessel was retrofitted with enough for a full voyage. However, the vessel normally rode high and when it was boarded by employees for a picnic it took on too much extra weight on tip. It rocked back and then forth as people finished boarding. Moments later it capsized completely. To add to the tragedy, the life vests passed out were rotten. Most of the passengers died, some of them were entire families
Eastland disaster in Chicago Illinois summer 1915 would be a good episode to review. Titanic is famous but the Eastland bears repeating.
most regulations are sadly… written in blood
To think that you could be sitting at a bar and have your last drink be cold/salty Seawater
You can order a jury to aquit someone?!!
For some reason the name Harold equate to corruption lol
That’s BS that those people were acquitted!!
“Zubrgge” is how all dutch people heard that
Always writing safety regulations in blood.
Wow so these guys killed killed a bunch of people with their negligence and got off scott free because a judge said “eh,don’t worry about it” and keeps still believe in the justice system
My dad was on this ferry a week before this happened
I was actually booked on this ferry for this sailing but didn’t go because I had flu, I instead watched it on TV and thought there but by the grace of God go I!
i was on her 1 week before and always think if the guy who worked in the duty free shop with a massive afro made it out
a MONTH after the wreck the bodies were recovered. wow.
Can’t believe they tried to sell it. That’s wild
Anyone else find the ship’s name ironic? Free enterprise seems to be a big killer of innocent people in the pursuit of profit
A lorry driver went to the police several weeks after the accident and confessed that he has smuggled a female hitchhiker and she was in the back of his lorry. He was shown no mercy and went to prison.
The absorbing bulldozer latterly peep because switch endogenously earn forenenst a adventurous half-brother. auspicious, hot huge citizenship
my dad told me about this one. it was violent
Maybe a bit too recent still, but the sinking of MV Sewol in 2014. Yet another truly tragic event…
One of my sisters was supposed to be on that ferry that night she went over to france on a school outing but she ended up getting food poisoning and had to spend the night and next day in a French hospital….how unlucky or lucky in her case that she got food poisoning which stopped her getting on that ferry…we couldn’t believe it
Didn’t uncle albert follow it on to hull and back?!…
Stanly Catchadoorian…You were supposed…to be watching…THE DOOR!!!!!
What a complete fiasco. Multiple operation errors by crew no doubt poorly paid and de-motivated with senior crew members passing the book.
My self and my family went on that in 1980.
The Herald of Free Enterprise, the spirit of capitalism. How fittingly ironic. Almost as ironic as the free enterprise in space shuttle.
This disaster made the titanic look like a walk in the park compared to this…!!
I read somewhere that she was lost on route to India to be scrapped, repaired and put to sea, no record or photos exist to prove she was broken up. God rest those poor souls.
I remember it in the news…
I come for the intro music. I stay for the story.
Brilliant situational awareness. What doors? You talking to me?
A minute and a half. You cant prepare for that.
You don’t begin ‘active service’. That is to do with military operations. You just begin service.
I kinda like the intro / outro
Boatswain is pronounced “bo-sun”. I know, I hate it too
My parents were booked on this crossing. The only reason they didn’t take it was that my brothers car had an engine fire that day and needed to borrow there car as he had something important the next day, so they cancelled. I was in a bar and watched the news on the TV thinking they were on it, so rushed home to find them there.
A judge ordered acquittal.. why, afraid of a corporate riot?
Amanda sent me here to watch this after my ferry trip.
Trying to sell her saying she could be repaired and sail again
aye okay
the 1980s where one of the worst decades of the 20th Century, first this then clapham, then lockerbie
Please do any video on the skyway bridge in Florida The 1980 disaster
Not pumping out a ballast tank , noob mistake ……….. I’ve worked on trawlers for 20 years , that would see you thrown over the side if we lived .
I am honestly very surprised you don’t have more followers
The guy responsible for this disaster had to be drunk and/or high.
With a ship name like that, what else would you expect?
Power corrupts, that’s why you can’t let a judge make their own decisions.
Had to put the video on 1.25 to make it tolerable as was so slow
Do a video on the MS Estonia
“On the Sikth of Mahch”.
Of course nobody was punished, we live in a society of no accountability, have for decades and will continue to do so.
Sounds like the judge was on the take.
Of all the world’s worst jobs, recovering bodies from submerged and pitch black shipwrecks must be up there amongst the most harrowing, especially after a month in the water. You’d need to be a special kind of human being to be able to deal with that.
Can you do a video on Estonia?
Ferry captain needed. No education beyond pre school accepted.
ive been hooked by these, but many of your videos, like this one, you say “At around 6:29pm on the 6th of March 1987″….that is an exact time, so using the word around makes no sense! just an unsolicited critique. i subscribed though!
Was so confused seeing something about Zeebrugge on my page sdgdfdg I’m from Brugge. Weird I’ve never heard about this
Good pronunciation of “Zeebrugge”, not exactly right but good enough. The g sound is soft like ch sound in the word “cholera”, then it would’ve been perfect. This is a very well known accident and any Belgian from a certain age knows about this accident.
Shtrongest… lol Brits are funny
My dad was the head diver that let the team to pull out all the dead bodies. It took them 6 weeks in horrific conditions and the things they found and saw….my dad was never the same
Why did the judge give the order to acquit?
Who paid the judge off!!!?
why did the judge instruct to acquit?
My dad was British Amry and he told me a lot of military used this ferry and died, the next ferry service the squadies turned up in snorkels and flippers.
Omg, how scary!
In soviet Sea, insurance company scams you.
Its infuriating that in almost all cases of gross negligence.. Nobody gets actually punished. While on even smaller cases… when corporations are not involved.. the law slaps with the harshest sentences known to man.
A lot of crazy shit happened to people in 86 and 87
Bruh zeebrugge is in Belgium and I Live in Belgium 
Good channel Mr. Fascinating Horror
[Pronounced “bow-sn” not “boat-swain” despite the spelling.]
It seems like Britain had it hard in the 80s as far as disasters. Clapham Junction, Pan Am 103, Herald of Free Enterprise, AND Margaret Thatcher all in one decade. 
This disaster caused the introduction of the shipping equivilent of a fdr (flight data recorder) for large commercial ships so if something like this happened again what was on the radar, said on the bridge or radio was recorded.
Why the hell wasn’t everything bolted down.
More videos please
It is pronounced “Zee bruje” not “Zee bruggah”.
Great narrator creepy music but love it
My grandad missed this ferry
I should have been on the ferry. But our coach arrived too late and rather annoyed, we saw the ferry pull out of dock. Disgruntled sometime later, we heard of the disaster via friends aft sering the news. Rest in peace
Please to the Estonia ferry disaster!!!
Why would a judge do that?
And nobody was held accountable. Surprise!
Gawd what a complete ferry
Ad before this: Cruise ship 
If I hear one more person say they were late or the barrier come down and there was no room for them I will vomit in there face. 

Herald of Free Enterprise. Think that over.
A death caused by a drunk driver will get you 20 years in prison. But if you kill 100+ in a ferry noting happens.
Wonder how much they got for the scrap
Hmm most of the cases involved in UK there’s nobody was to blame or the people were acquitted. I came to think that the justice system there are very lax.
The Captain bore no responsibility for the “accident” ? Did he survive? Isn’t the Captain ultimately responsible for the safety of his ship?
Why is it in so many of these tragedies no one actually faces any punishment when responsible?
Of course nobody was charge in the court….why would a corporation have responsibility to anyone when they can just pay off the judges.
I like this creepy music best.
What the Mafia is for. Quietly arrange for the guilty to be killed in the night.
I came back for the music
So the judge got paid off
Roll on, roll off, roll over ship
Kinda reminds me of the costa concordia
Such an unnecessary loss of life.
…. so im here from the luxor ballooning accident video, and i just got an ad FOR HOT AIR BALLOONS. I get it, algorithm and all, but jeez
The judge dismissed the jury andcacquitted the 7 senior heads?????? What the hell?
You sound like Greg James off Radio 1
My suggestion is to just stay at home. If you can. I love this channel and I like this video
It was my understanding that the vessel was not scrapped but sold to an African country the name of which I can’t remember, and is still in service as a ferry to this day.
Proverbs 18:9 !
Wonder how much it cost to buy off the judge……….
God bless all the victims of this terrible accident
Nobody prosecuted? That judge was smoking the bad shit…
A friend’s son died.
No watertight bulkheads??? Why tf not? We figured that one out after the Titanic
What an appropriately named ship. This is free enterprise. A glamorous disaster.
Do the SS Estonia
Dutchy here. The pronunciation is zey-BRUH-guh.
I hope that judge who let everyone go enjoys his short time here on Earth…. he has hell to look forward too
my cousin was due to go on this ferry. she missed the boat….
Its a tragedy of errors.
I wonder who that judge was
Not sure it was a “British” ship as it was owned by a foreign shipping company.
In red crew + English worka ethic….
Not Bot-Swain….Bo-Sun…just saying.
now Jan Heweilusz 14.01.1993 pls.. Btw there are some misterious stories about fishing trawlers sinking without sending sos on Baltic sea.. Some say theu got rusians submarins in the nets and sink… My good friend father was missing at see that way.. Vessel just vanish withot call for help. Take care//
Remember this being on the news,fucking horrendous
With a name like that no wonder they has a lazy fair work ethic
Who else just clicked “watch all”?
“Herald of Free Enterprise” A metaphor for capitalism, right here.
Who paid off the judge?
REALLY? No indicators on the bridge?
Underrated channel
Well done but maybe say how many were on the ship and how many passed away.
what’s a fruit machine??????
Again, no accountability. Though the far bigger issue is the tolerance for neglect that led to the accident,
Judge corrupt much?!?
This was 1987 …not 1887 – I am gobsmacked that no system of cross checking was in place to ensure safety. Malaise strikes again.
WTF is the deal with these car ferries??? UK, Estonia, NZ, S. Korea have all had horrific accidents with these from 30 years ago to recently. Send your car on a ferry and then fly (or take a non ferry boat)
People who died via impact of the wall: dead People who died via drowning: lucky
Lukly ore belgum seaking was very fast dare
This is like the 3 or 4 dockumentry about this disaster i looked at. But why nothing about the estonia disaster. Nowhere exept in the nordic. One of the worlds worst peastime accidents almost 900 dead and no international documetries
They had one job…
Gross incompetence all around.
She looks top heavy to me. Australia.
Too many ads. Stopped watching part way in.
“zay bruuje”
how does a judge order a jury to acquit? why have a jury?
Yet another lesson in why rules and regulations exist, yet so many in society rail against such an approach, believing in less control and more freedom to do as we please. Try explain that to the families of victims of this and other similar tragedies born of negligence or sheer laziness and ignorance of the correct procedures.
Bruh just shut the door
If you might cause any accident of any kind in which many innocent civilians will die, make sure you do it in the UK and make sure you work for an English company. You simply won’t be punished at all.
I can’t believe the shameless shits tried to sell the boat. They killed those people, some of who were removed AFTER A MONTH, HOLY CRAP, CAN YOU IMAGINE, and then tried to sell the boat. *gag
Google put Stena Line (European ferry operator) ad in this video
A couple of men from our village in St Margaret’s at Cliffe, near Dover, died that night including an Electrician whose son was a year above me at primary school. It was incompetence on such scale and sums up Thatcher’s 1980s deregulated Britain. Today, probably all Brexit voters who think regulation has no place in Britain! Safety food standards, who cares! Financial regulation? No need! And we scorn at the EU! The sheer arrogance.
fruit machines?
Two people to make sure a door is shut and they both f ck it up
At the time some people were joking cos some people got cheap tickets out the paper people were saying they were only for one way.. 
All these people died because some slacker didn’t do his job….
THis is terrifying, like, if it happened in the clear blue just as shallow waters of the bahamas, where you could CLEARLY see everything through the shallow blue water? but Zebrugge (zay-broogah) is shallow, but the water is so cold at night you’d die of hypothermia after only a very short period of time, your body would shut down and stop working, you’d have no strength agter only a few mins from the shock of the cold and you’d start to die very quickly if you didn’t get completely out of the water. And, it’s picth black…. even during the day, you can’t see a ocuple of inches under that water… look anywhere aorund the ship when it’s on it’s side during the day, yo ucan’t see acouple of inches of the ship underneath the water…. it’s just terrfying., and it’s a big horrible old, shit&y nadly maintained, Rusty, pointy looking ominous ass ship too… YUK, the things nightmares are made of…. almost as bad as the Estonia… not as bad… my GOD these poor people.
As per usual, stupidity, and not observing basic safety rules took human lives, while the people responsible for a safe journey get away with murder once again.
Mark Stanley Died in 2016 aged 58
I remember this. Terrible. Day. God bless. All those. Who died. In such a. Dreadfull way
Nice video but she wasn’t a boat she was a ship.
What the hell is a fruit machine?
when you are so stupid you leave the only open door open…
mark stanley looks like drake bell what the heck
Cocaine is a hell of a drug.
ahem Costa Concordia
Why does this site have tRump ads?
so two men accidentally caused a disaster by not shutting the bowel doors and one of them was SLEEPING?! ok this is a great example as to WHY you don’t sleep on a job, it could get you fired, or in certain cases(like this or potentially medicine/medical field) could kill/poison/injure people and cause an investigation and maybe a lawsuit and/or loss in consumer trust. but also I don’t entirely fault the people, I fault the speed and the depth. basically in this case it was a case of human error and water depth and water itself, the human error caused the disaster, the water depth decreased the possible amount of deaths from the disaster and the water itself due to the displacement of the water and it trying to get back into position but instead getting into the boat while trying to get back into position. so basically it was human error+science+depth=intensity and impact of the disaster. basically the deeper the water(like with Titanic) more impact, and more deaths. but in this case since the water was considerably shallower, less death but still the same amount of impact on legal stuff, but less impact on the boat itself(unlike the titanic which was considerably worse in state after wreck/crash/sinking then this one). so once again, NO SLEEPING ON THE JOB! also this is part of the reason why I triple check when I am doing work, especially scientific work. I triple check my measurements as well just to make sure I am as close as possible to the needed amount of something. I usually try to be as close as possible. let say something needs 1 milliliter of solution for testing, I would grab the needed tool and put it to 1 milliliter if it is an automatic tool that you need to change the number on, or if it’s a tool where it has the measuring marks for you, I try to get as close to the 1 milliliter mark as possible and then continue. I try as many times needed till I get it right. I will ask for help if needed as well(especially math for an experiment), so remember double/triple check and/or ask for help.
As iam old now let’s be honest…most of us was pissed on duty free grog,big wages and lots of piss… sorry…
Would have really loved to be on the ship at this moment.
Ferry Aid brought me here!
is the point of a jury that the judge doesnt get to decide? the judge has no right to tell a jury what to do in terms of their vote
Red ship and white=sacrifice ritual numbers dont lie 66 911 all ritual numbers!
Speak faster kid
Human error .left the rear door open .only some thing minnor
So often the story. Hurry, hurry, hurry. Die, die, die.
I misread it as funny accident
Boatswain… Utterly awful English word. As its pronounced Bowsun….
Why didn’t they pump the water out? The doors being open was obviously the biggest mistake, but..
Hurrah… no music.
Just that quick…
I was on this ferry a few days before the sinking
A terrible tragedy.
GREED covers the push to get moving on time, plus the poms have an attitude of “not my job” shameful but true. I came across it many many times when working there.
Hang on! The Judge ‘ordered’ the jury to acquit all concerned?! I’m sorry that just stinks to high heaven! Something seriously underhand has gone on here. 193 deaths have occurred and countless more injured/traumatised and it just got brushed aside? No one got held to account for this tragedy! WTF? If someone’s gonna hang for this, start with the effing judge!
Thatchers stooges blamed the shipping unions in the ongoing war against the left before the 1987 election.
If you speed this up to 1.25x normal, its watchable
Ships don’t have Genders. It’s a it. Sexist language in 2020 is abhorrent !!!
I enjoy the historic aspect of these reports, but I can’t stand the background music.
I missed that ferry with minutes. There were 4 of us in a car that left paderborn in Germany that afternoon but thick fog on the autobahn slowed us down.
0:15 “Sikth” of March? No, it was the “sixth”. If the speaker is going to narrate a video he should learn the correct pronunciation of words!
0:15 “Sikth” of March? No, it was the “sixth”. If the speaker is going to narrate a video he should learn the correct pronunciation of words!
Class origin well hidden until “Shtrongest”, not simply strongest. Nonetheless excellently researched and presented.
Why do these people never consider these things might happen and work to prevent it before it happens? Is money that important to cut corners?
This world is fucked. Money will truly buy you anything and 99.9 worship money as their God!
Mv not ms
What’s the thing with calling ships a she? C’mon, it’s an inanimate object and you should call it accordingly. Otherwise you will sound pretty unsettling, talking about “selling her” for example.
An astonishing follow up to this story. It’s sister ship, The Pride of Free Enterprise, had previously sailed the same route with the bow doors open. It didn’t sink so it was assumed that it didn’t really matter if they were closed or open. And the reason for them not being closed on the Pride? The assistant boatswain was asleep.
I was on the Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster. I was at the back of the ferry and looked behind me just in time to see what looked like a giant, long necked creature rise out of the water. It took a big bite out of the vessel and I plunged into the murky water. I swam 17 miles to shore and every few minutes I would stop to witness people getting eaten by this monster. The screams were blood curdling. I remember the sound of their bones crunching so vividly.
1.1i comment
Fascinating horror ? I think not.
My friend
100th comment here
Just left the dock. Not even in deep water. Just tipped over on a sand bar filled with water. The crew had to be drunk.
This is so horrible
Happy birthday to me… 193 dead
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