Clearly there’s more than meets the eye here. In my point of view, the firm is behind the settlement and will probably upfront a large amount of the money. Clearly, Andrew would have made a fool of himself in court and that would have been a disaster for the image of the monarchy. It doesn’t change the fact that he is definitely guilty, at least in my opinion. All the rumors that have been spreading over rhe years involving his character and dubious connections are too many to be unfounded. The lack of empathy he showed during his catastrophic interview towards Epstein’s victims, his pathetic excuses concerning his so called medical condition and pizza express alibi… the man is clearly delusional if he believes for a second that we are so gullible to take it all in ! He may be the Queen’s son and she no doubt loves him unconditionally, still she should listen to the people of York and demand that parliament revoke his dukedom, then send him into exile somewhere in the Commonwealth, far from England.
The British taxpayers settled this lawsuit.
You don’t settle if you’re not guilty. Victims do sometimes want to testify because they want justice and to inspire other victims to come forward.
Why pay a settlement to somebody who you insist you’ve NEVER met (despite photographic evidence to the contrary…) ?? 

I think the first caller may not have a good understanding of the realities for victims of sexual abuse and victims of sexual trafficking. For her to say Virginia G, had she been so traumatized, would never go to court is an example of the caller’s lack of understanding.
I don’t believe for one moment that Randy Andy is still the queen’s favorite. She may love him as a mother but is under no illusions about his character or lack thereof. I strongly suspect her favorite is actually William.
Run to mummy , what a sad image if a man . My mum is gone now but I NEVER ever expected her to bail me out of a problem I caused myself. He should be utterly ashamed
The Balmoral Estate in Scotland which is the Queens personal property (Not part of the Crown estate) is bigger than Greater Manchester!
HRH: He’s Really Heinous. $10 Million. Wonder if he is still the Queen’s favorite son? He could get a job selling “Chuckey” dolls.
That doesn’t matter, he is her son, he’s already spent his own. I would do same for my child. He was stripped of duties, meaning an income. That’s nobody’s business. And how much settlement was. There’s other issues in the world leave this family to their privacy.
cutting the video when that woman was saying the truth about the Queen …. I want to hear the rest.
If the scumbag paid an estimated £12m because he’s innocent, just imagine the amount he would have paid when guilty!
Why on earth would he agree to pay someone he’s never even met millions?
surely those Waiters at Pizza Express Woking can vouch for his whereabouts on the particular night he was there 20 years ago..

Omg! When will it all stop

The queen hasn’t addressed Andy’s debauckle nor will she ever!!! You don’t settle if your innocent. Once again no consequences and the royal brat gets to stay in a dang palace. His mummy pays his debt again!!!! He’ll be sentenced to the chalet. Awww yes the royal mess!!!
Yeh she could ten times over but how mutch of it comes oot of the national purse 

It wouldn’t be right for the Queen to pay for the settlement. I hope she says no
If they are so rich then why do the people of England support them. why do they take money from the people who go without
Let’s hope the taxpayer’s money goes to the “charity” that Virginia has.
Why do they keep saying there’s no way back for him? No way back to what? He did sod all of any use like the rest of his family.
So embarrassing
we taxpayers will pay for this. That’s what we peasants are for right?
Of course he’s guilty no one pays millions to someone they don’t know that’s insane
So basically our money 

He is a “privet citizen ” so Stop addressing him as prince andrew perhaps former prince would suffice. .
A cautionary tale of misplaced trust. The real vilains are dead or behind bars. End of story.
This whole drama is what killing the queen along with the lost of her husband. Leave Harry and Meghan out of this drama and MESS.
Well said Yasmin
What!!!!! Is that coming from publics purse???
Well I don’t think its an admission it’s a conclusion
He should be known from now on as Commoner Andrew with no titles
It’s not a good year for someone whose names are Andrew.
It won’t stop straight forward shooting weekends will it, mummy?
Down with the CROWN—
Why is the gal in the red floral dress so aggressive in defending her opinion? What’s up with that on the air ???? What’s her problem???
jerery vine,hows your goggle box going,all your rich friends in london
Send no sweaty Andy to the Tower and Ave iz heed aff 

Unbelievable Jeff
12 million pounds.
It’s draction from Boris
Bring H&M home because they’re better than Andrew.
jeremy vine gogglle box? sorry your a celebrity getting paid £15000 a month,with celebs for you to promote your career,dont you find this ,mybe you can ask Sir Tom jones
The Pork of York.
Oh cathrine
Where’s Jezza??
3 fcuks, 12 million bucks.
H&M wanted to profit off the monarchy – NOT THE SAME
A Girl Gossips
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