Page Description
The Pitfalls of Justice:
Examining the challenges and shortcomings
within legal systems and
their impact on fairness and equity.
A likely mistake or problem in a situation
The store fell into one of the major pitfalls of small business, borrowing from suppliers by paying bills late.
There’s a video that tells new students about pitfalls to avoid.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
a problem
- problem What’s the problem here?
- difficulty The company is having some financial difficulties at the moment.
- trouble We’ve had a lot of trouble with the new computer system.
- hitch The ceremony went without a hitch.
- glitch We’ve had a few technical glitches, but I’m confident we’ll be ready on time.
- hurdle Getting a work permit is only the first hurdle.
1 A Rush to Judgement
1 Juan Catalan forgives police who framed him for murder he didn’t commit | 60 Minutes Australia
4 sep. 2018
2 LAPD compensation after wrongly accusing death penalty “wholly inadequate” | 60 Minutes Australia
4 sep. 2018
3 Man Proves His Innocence With Baseball Game Footage In New Netflix Documentary | NBC Nightly News
4 Long Shot | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix
3 Guilty Until Innocent | Juan Catalan
4 SOLVED: Juan Catalan Was Wrongfully Convicted
5 The Case of Juan Catalan (Part 2) Who Pulled The Trigger?
6 Did Larry David Help a Man Accused of Murder to Clear His Name?
29 sep 2017
Did Larry David save an innocent man from death row? In an episode of his show ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm,’ David’s character picked up a prostitute and took her to a baseball game at Dodgers Stadium. A fan, Juan Catalan, was arrested one month later for the murder of a 16-year-old girl. He swore he didn’t do it, claiming he was at the game. Larry David gave Catalan’s lawyer the outtakes, which contained a dark and grainy shot of Catalan in the background. He was cleared of all charges.
7 Innocent man facing the death penalty saved by Seinfeld creator | 60 Minutes Australia
4 sep. 2022
8 Long Shot: Lawyer from true crime doc talks helping clear man wrongly accused of murder
26 mrt. 2021
9 How Curb Your Enthusiasm Saved Juan Catalan From Death Row | True Crime
29 jul 2021 Ghost Town
The true crime tale involving 2004 episode HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm was instrumental in proving the innocence and exonerating Juan Catalan in the murder of Martha Puebla, saving him from a potential death row sentence.
0:11 Serve The Algorithm
0:45 Martha Puebla
1:36 Arrest of Juan Catalan
2:27 Curb Gets Involved
3:11 The Carpool Lane
4:46 The Footage
6:09 The Aftermath
6:55 Long Shot
10 How Curb Your Enthusiasm Saved a Man from Death Row
HBO’s hit show Curb Your Enthusiasm has crafted many interesting yarns over the course of it’s ten-season run, but few of it’s fictional narratives have matched the real-life tale of the man that the show helped save from death row. During the show’s fourth season, an episode was being filmed at Dodger Stadium. Some of the footage that was taken by the camera crew just so happened to feature a man that was being charged with the murder of a 16-year-old girl and was using his attendance at that very game as an alibi. The footage was subsequently used to help exonerate the man of the crime. This man was 24-year-old Juan Catalan. Like this content? Subscribe here: / @factsverseuk Or, watch more videos here:
/ @factsverseuk The murder in question was the 2003 murder of Martha Puebla. Juan was suspected due to Martha having testified against his brother in court. Juan was put in prison, and was forced to stay for six months before being released due to phone records and the Curb Your Enthusiasm footage. Upon release, Juan successfully sued the city of Los Angeles, as well as the LAPD. Martha’s true murderers were later found. Among the guilty parties was the young woman’s ex-boyfriend, Jose Ledesma. Though Juan faced the death penalty, the four guilty parties received life without parole. Many years after these events occurred, a New York film school student happened upon the story while perusing Curb Your Enthusiasm’s IMDb entry. The young man saw the perfect opportunity to make a documentary short subject, and went to work securing funding to fly out to California and conduct interviews with the parties involved. In addition to Juan and his lawyer, the interviewees included Larry David himself. This documentary was released on Netflix as Long Shot in 2017, the same year Curb Your Enthusiasm premiered it’s ninth season. Join Trender as we explore how Curb Your Enthusiasm saved a man from death row. How Curb Your Enthusiasm Saved a Man from Death Row
11 The Case of Juan Catalan
I meant to add more to correct the audio but I got too busy with college. hope this entertains at least 1 person though
12 Welcome 2 Elms Street – Juan Catalan “The Long Shot”
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13 Juan Catalan
Juan Catalan was put in jail for 6 months for a murder he did not commit and was set free by a long shot, thanks to a HBO show. Netflix Documentary: Long Shot
14 Juan Catalan from Netflix’s “The Long Shot” stops by What’s Up Fool?
31 mei 2019
Our guest this week is Juan Catalan (@JuanCatalan31) from the Netflix documentary “The Long Shot”, which chronicles his experience being wrongly accused and tried for a murder he didn’t commit – only to be exonerated by a clip from a comedy series on HBO.
What Juan Catalan endured at the hands of the Los Angeles police is no laughing matter, but it’s comedy that saved him.
It all started when LAPD detectives accused Juan of a cold-blooded murder he didn’t commit, that resulted with Juan being put on death row. It was an extraordinary denial of justice, but the police were convinced Juan was the killer. In their minds there was no doubt or presumption of innocence. In court, it was up to the suspect to show he did not commit the crime, which meant Juan Catalan had to prove his alibi: that he was one of 58,000 spectators at a major league baseball game on the night of the murder.
His legal team set out on the near impossible task of finding a needle in a haystack, and just when it looked like all hope was lost, out of left field appeared his unlikely saviour – the famous Hollywood funnyman who created Seinfeld.
A person is somehow used as a scapegoat by a sometimes flawed
or completely worthless system
in which he happens to end up.
That is what the website is all about.
– – – – –
Justice is sometimes horrible and unbearable as made clear before on the 1e page.
Can a human being be insensitive or indifferent and turn a blind eye to this?
– – – – –
The reality of justice can be very wrong, out of control and a discrepancy with what the perception portrays.
An event that cannot be imagined and that no pen can describe.
– – – – –
It is a big joke
A kind of candid camera-like event
Using justice as a toy
It is profound injustice
It has nothing to do with justice anymore, as explained in point 1 about Liam on the 1e page:
Een persoon wordt op de een of andere manier gebruikt als zondebok door een soms gebrekkig of compleet waardeloos systeem
waarin hij toevallig terechtkomt.
Dat is waar de website over gaat.
– – – – –
Justitie is soms verschrikkelijk, zoals eerder op deze pagina duidelijk is gebleken.
Kan een mens ongevoelig of onverschillig zijn en dit door de vingers zien?
– – – – –
De werkelijkheid van justitie kan heel erg verkeerd uitdraaien en uit de hand lopen en een discrepantie zijn met wat de perceptie voorspiegelt.
Een gebeuren die men zich niet kan voorstellen en die met geen pen te beschrijven is.
– – – – –
Het is een grap
Een soort candid camera-achtig gebeuren
Justitie gebruiken als een speeltuigje
Het is gepatenteerd onrecht
Het heeft niets meer met justitie te maken, zoals uitgelegd in punt 1 over Liam:
‘In a spirit of foolishness;
as ’the blind leading the blind’, the Justice Department falls into the trap!’
One can effortlessly turn something that doesn’t exist
into a justice issue,
just for the fun of fooling everyone –
including Justice.
It happens that in an assize court,
the prototype of violent spouse after killing ex is acquitted
by the trick of getting rid of the data.
It is hard to believe that justice can be so seriously derailed and
gives a false picture of reality.

The Double-Edged Sword of the Justice System.
It can harm the innocent.
The final nail in the coffin.

Wrong or careless use of justice. Het verkeerd of onzorgvuldig gebruik van justitie.
They are victims of a miscarriage of justice
(= when the law has been carried out wrongly).
Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat
is headed in the wrong direction.
Flaws, imperfections, gaps, mistakes or errors, tunnel vision, loopholes and so on in the justice system can cause a crash.
A broken justice system destroys people’s lives.
It causes enormous chaos.
Liam Allan was falsely accused: ‘I’ve spent two years living in fear’!
– – – – – –
There is a time people speak to each other…
To have the courage to discuss something with an open mind.
To consult an honest person when, out of the blue, a completely contradictory and incoherent legal issue arises.
– – – – – –
A perversion of justice
(to act illegally to avoid punishment or to get the wrong person punished).
The weakest link of justice is: ‘choosing the wrong path and fooling yourself little by little in order to end up with a fatal crash’.
In other words, the pendulum swings too far in the wrong direction, even if there is no case!
Justice is becoming a substitute for Diererik Stapel’s science fraud (Part 2), the case is being manipulated:
‘… chooses the wrong path and little by little he twists himself in front of his own eyes and ends up crashing like a pig in a poke’.(as already told a few lines before)
One prevents the puzzle pieces from falling nicely together.
It is an Achilles’ heel of justice.
Justice is a double-edged sword.
Isn’t the conclusion of the website: ‘protect people from themselves a bit’?
The conscience!
The moral compass!
– – – – – –
The question is, does it ever happen that there is a toxic culture in the justice system? (Considering examples on this page!)
Justice does not have the aura of perfection; on the contrary, justice can easily be misused in an unrestrained way by creating a camouflaged image, abuse of power, the blue screen of silence and what so ever!
But when you obviously do not belong there,
as night follows day, the court’s decision has to be a victory of common sense.
Mankementen, onvolkomenheden, hiaten, fouten of vergissingen, tunnelvisie, achterpoortjes enzovoort in het rechtssysteem kunnen een crash veroorzaken.
Een defecte justitie maakt het leven van mensen kapot.
Het veroorzaakt een enorme chaos.
Liam Allan werd vals beschuldigd: “Ik heb twee jaar in angst geleefd”!
– – – – – –
Er is een moment dat mensen met elkaar spreken …
De moed hebben met een open geest iets bespreekbaar maken.
Een eerlijk iemand raadplegen wanneer uit het niets een volkomen tegenstrijdige en onsamenhangende juridische kwestie zich voordoet.
– – – – – –
Een perversie van het recht
(onwettig handelen om straf te ontlopen of om de verkeerde persoon gestraft te krijgen).
De zwakste schakel van justitie is: ‘het verkeerde pad kiezen en zichzelf stukje bij beetje een rad voor ogen draaien om uiteindelijk keihard te verongelukken’.
M.a.w. de slinger slaat te ver door in de verkeerde richting, zelfs indien er geen zaak is!
Justie wordt een substituut van de wetenschapsfraude van Diererik Stapel (Deel 2), d.i. er wordt gemanipuleerd in het dossier:
‘… het verkeerde pad kiest en zichzelf stukje bij beetje een rad voor ogen draait om uiteindelijk keihard te verongelukken’.
(zoals al een paar regels eerder verteld)
Men verhindert dat de puzzle stukjes mooi in elkaar vallen.
Het is een archilleshiel van justitie.
Justitie is een tweesnijdend zwaard.
Is de conclusie van de website niet: ‘mensen een beetje tegen zichzelf beschermen’?
Het geweten!
Het moreel compas!
– – – – – –
De vraag is, komt het voor dat er een toxische cultuur is bij justitie? (Rekeninghoudend met voorbeelden op deze pagina!)
Justitie heeft niet het aureool van volmaaktheid, in tegendeel justitie kan makkelijk ongebreitelt verkeerd gebruikt worden door een gecamoufleerd beeld te creëren, machtsmisbruik, the blue screen of silence en noem maar op!
Maar uiteindelijk, In het bijzonder wanneer je daar duidelijk niet thuishoort …
als de nacht volgt op de dag, moet de beslissing van het hof een overwinning van het gezond verstand zijn.
Mind-boggling examples
Wrongfully convictions in The Netherlands
Such despicable people have no conscience.
The evidence that sent them to jail for 22 years was false
– the Mickelbergs brothers were framed by the crooked cop.
It’s as clear as day this is the worst of all worlds.
How can we blatantly ignore the needs of our fellow human beings?
… using anything and anyone under the cover of justice to cause pure evil,
blatantly contrary to your conscience.
The justice paradox
A broken justice system
Justice Off The Rails
Justice as a candid camera happening
Random and unreliable
15 Generous Homeless Man
Generous Homeless Man
10 apr. 2011
When deception occurs – being fooled as in a candid camera – this is the lever, the means to disrupt a justice system and cause a crazy verdict that shatters a person’s life from one moment to the next, without reason, cause or trigger.
Wanneer er haperingen ontstaan door misleiding – gefopt worden zoals in een candid camera – dit is de hefboom, het middel om een justitie systeem te ontwrichten en tot een gek vonnis te veroorzaken die het leven van een mens van het ene moment op het andere verbrijzelt, zonder reden, aanleiding of oorzaak.
2 A candid camera-like justice
A Candid Camera is a metaphor for a justice system being deceived and falling into a trap, as explained on this web page.
Like more than 540 candid cameras on the webside justice is sometimes like a candid camera judgement.
An Illusion of Justice. A kind of justice that is of course not reliable. Many people’s lives have been shattered.
A broken justice system turned out to be a poisoned chalice, as deception does’nt fall apart.
The wine tasting candid camera (above) is a good illustation (as more than 500 other candid camera’s on the website).
Very easy to understand:
The instructions were as clear as day.
It’s as clear as day that the government is going to win the election.
Cambridge Dictionary
Used for saying that a person or situation has all the disadvantages that are possible.
We ended up with the worst of both worlds: an expensive solution that did not work.
Macmillan Dictionary
Morally very bad:
An abhorrent crime
Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
Cambridge Dictionary
Abhorrent (to somebody) causing a strong feeling of hate, especially for moral reasons
SYNONYM repugnant
Racism is abhorrent to a civilized society.
Extra Examples
I find the idea totally abhorrent.
Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a civilized society.
To the local people, this was an abhorrent idea.
Oxford Dictionary
Legal Definition
Extremely and conspicuously bad
Extreem en opvallend slecht
Extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable:
It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance.
Cambridge Dictionay
Extremely surprising and difficult to understand or imagine:
She was paid the mind-boggling sum of ten million dollars for that film.
Cambridge Dictionary
In a way that is very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thing:
It was blatantly obvious that she was telling a lie.
He has made some blatantly bad decisions.
Cambridge Dictionary
(of actions that are considered bad) done in an obvious and open way without caring if people are shocked
SYNONYM flagrant
A blatant attempt to buy votes
It was a blatant lie.
Oxford Dictionary
Impossible to imagine:
[ + that ] I find it inconceivable that she could be a killer.
Impossible to understand:
The instructions are almost incomprehensible.
His behaviour is quite incomprehensible to me.
Cambridge Dictionary
Certainly and obviously:
He was decidedly careful about what he told me.
An agreement is looking decidedly difficult according to the newspapers.
Cambridge Dictionary