Page Description
The notion of being human:
Delve into what defines humanity,
including our emotions, values,
and the search for purpose in life.
1 Wrongfully convicted man freed after 28 years meets longtime pen pal
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22 apr 2023 #prison #penpal #news
Lamar Johnson and Ginny Schrappen struck up a fast friendship and corresponded constantly for decades while Johnson was in prison, serving time for a murder he didn’t commit. When he was freed, they finally met for the first time. Steve Hartman has their story in “On the Road.”
2 Inside the wrongful conviction of Lamar Johnson
3 Selling Children (Trailer) ⎜ WHY SLAVERY?
18 sep 2018
Is poverty raising a generation of children for sale in India?
In the world’s largest democracy, India, millions of vulnerable children are bought and sold, given only what they need to survive another day. Throughout Indian society, the mechanisms of bonded slave labor are insidious, powerful and nearly impossible to escape for children who have become trapped in a system driven by profits. Indian director, Pankaj Johar, looks behind the overwhelming statistics – revealing how a lack of education and persistent poverty provides a breeding ground for modern slavery.
Produced by: The Why Foundation
Visit our website:
4 WHY SLAVERY? Selling Children | Full Film | Doc World
In première gegaan op 7 dec 2020 INDIA
Is poverty raising a generation of children for sale in India?
In the world’s largest democracy, India, millions of vulnerable children are bought and sold, given only what they need to survive another day. Throughout Indian society, the mechanisms of bonded slave labor are insidious, powerful and nearly impossible to escape for children who have become trapped in a system driven by profits. Indian director, Pankaj Johar, looks behind the overwhelming statistics – revealing how a lack of education and persistent poverty provides a breeding ground for modern slavery.
Director: Pankaj Johar
Produced by: THE WHY Foundation
This film is one part of the six-part WHY SLAVERY? Series. To find out more about the other films in our series head to
5 The Dark Side of Bangladesh’s Garment Industry | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary
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9 jul 2023
It’s April 23rd 2013, a busy commercial building in Dhaka, Bangladesh, towers over thousands of workers, many of them children. As they toil away in a cramped sweatshop the force of the eight-storey building collapses on to them, killing more than a 1,000 people and permanently disfiguring a further 2,500. It emerges that this building had been condemned and not fit for purpose, yet many workers were caged for 14-hours a day with no escape.This was not just an unfortunate circumstance but one that could easily have been prevented.
Through first-hand eyewitness accounts we will investigate the cause of the collapse and reveal how major international brands have ignored the warnings by continuing to use these unsafe buildings and put profit ahead of safety.
Beyond the crumbling walls of sweatshops, we expose the true cost of fashion, as two Bangladeshi women gets hired at the capital’s fashion factories bringing hidden cameras that will document horrible working conditions, child labour, and verbal and physical abuse, revealing that the sweatshop tragic catastrophe was far from unexpected.
6 History’s Most Horrible Rural Jobs | Worst Jobs In History | Timeline
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25 feb 2018
This week we take a close look at the worst rural jobs and remember those who risked their necks to maintain the heart of rural life, shifted excrement to produce enduring images of the countryside and saved souls in the villages by eating bread. Tony experiences life as a shepherd boy, nettle harvester, reddle man, thresher, chaff-box boy, sedge cutter, sin eater, pole man, lead-white maker and featherier. Then he tackles the most arduous job of all, that of the steeplejack when he climbs the highest spire in Oxfordshire.
History’s Most Horrible Rural Jobs | Worst Jobs In History | Timeline
3 jun 2023
In alle regio’s van de wereld hebben we deze personen ontmoet die de moeilijkste banen ter wereld uitvoeren.
00:00 De slechtste banen ter wereld
00:49 Botswana, vissen in de modder
03:40 Ivoorkust, goudzoekers
07:29 Pakistan, bundeldragers
10:21 Over de hele wereld
12:01 Jamaica, mestverzamelaar
15:01 Ivoorkust, wegenwachter
17:12 Guinea Conakry, de kleine veroordeelden van de weg
19:42 Ethiopië, zoutdrager
22:16 Bhutan, steenbreker
24:26 Nepal, dijkenbouwers
26:09 Ethiopië, voeder van hyena’s
28:38 Zuid-Soedan, veehoeders
30:36 Frankrijk, veehouder
32:46 Cuba, tabaksboer
33:53 Frankrijk, gastheer supermarkt
34:29 Venezuela, kruidenier
37:17 Peru, bergbeklimmer visser
41:48 Venezuela, visser
43:40 Madagaskar, afvalverzamelaars
46:08 Frankrijk, visser
7 Australia’s Dirty Secret | Aborigines | Documentary | History
14 jul 2023 #documentaries #economy #finance
Australia’s Dirty Secret – Exploring offenses practiced by popular media, big business, police forces and Governments helping the Australian 225 year campaign of genocide continue against Aboriginal Australians.
Australia’s Dirty Secret (2013)
Director: Alan Lowery, John Pilger
Writers: John Pilger
Stars: John Pilger, Jon Altman, Pat Anderson
Genre: Documentary, History, News
Country: United Kingdom, Australia
Language: English
Also Known As: Utopia
Release Date: October 2013 (United Kingdom)
An epic film in its production, scope and revelations, UTOPIA reveals that apartheid is deep within Australia’s past and present and that Aboriginal people are still living in abject poverty and Third World conditions, with a low life expectancy and disproportionately high rate of deaths in police custody.
“A good documentary should derail your entire day, unless you had planned ahead to watch it, in which case you are one together human being. Enough fluff, this is a very good, and extraordinarily surprising story to see for a Canadian who already feels that human rights are not shared equally in this world. I was planning to sit around, and watch network crap until I just started watching this to see if I could watch it later, and I was immediately hooked. The first thing shown to you is a 70’s era anchorman talking about the plan of sitting ministers to simply round up people for no reason, and move them away, then taint their drinking water to sterilize them in a “Humane” manner. Yes hooked I was, so I stayed to the end, and learned a lot that I thought I knew, but even I had thought that these things had stopped, and that things in “1st” world countries was getting better in how we were treating one another. Just shows how deluded we all are. I Enjoyed the no holds bared journalism from John Pilger, who has been trying to get people to pay attention to this issue for almost 30 years. Just because their ancestors roamed the land like the herds they followed does not mean they did not own it like all men(at least that is my take). If the act of observation changes the observed, then could not the aboriginal peoples say that by observing nature they shaped it?”
– written by “face-819-933726” on
COPYRIGHT: All of the films published by us are legally licensed. We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. If you have questions please send an email to: info[at], Moconomy GmbH,
8 Amazing Quest: Stories from East Coast Australia | Somewhere on Earth: Australia | Free Documentary
Het paradijs op aarde verkennen: een reis naar Australië
Wat als het paradijs bestaat als een plek op aarde? We reizen naar enkele van de mooiste plekken ter wereld.
9 Dodelijkste reizen: Java-vulkaan
26 apr 2019 JAVA
Aardverschuivingen ontwijken in Tadzjikistan. Bruggen oversteken die elk moment kunnen instorten in Madagaskar. Vechten tegen bergapen in Guyana. Reizen op ijzige, bergachtige wegen in Ladkh. Elke dag maken kinderen, migranten en arbeiders ongelooflijke reizen. In deze actievolle serie vertellen we hun verhaal.
Taal: Engels Looptijd: 25 minuten Releasedatum: 7 juli 2018 –
10 Deadliest Roads | Malawi: The Spirits of the Mist | Free Documentary
Deadliest Roads | Malawi: The Spirits of the Mist | Free Documentary
13 dec 2022 MALAWI
00:00 Kredieten
06:41 Bush-taxi’s
13:47 Boerenland, Malawi lijdt soms onder verschrikkelijke droogtes.
17:31 Overtuigingen veranderen soms in een collectieve psychose
26:00 Regio getroffen door de ondergang van bananenboeren
32:57 Het dorp heeft nooit de middelen gehad om elektriciteit te installeren en nog minder stromend water
36:44 Nyika National Park, het territorium van wilde dieren
42:00 Vaccinatiecentrum
Eind november breekt het regenseizoen plotseling Malawi aan, een kleine staat in het zeer arme Oost-Afrika waar het openbaar vervoer beperkt is. Gray, chauffeur van een taxi-brousse, weet al dat het slechte weer het leven van de inwoners van de afgelegen provincie waar hij woont aanzienlijk zal bemoeilijken. Mannen, vrouwen en kinderen hebben geen andere keus dan zich in de afvalcontainer van zijn kleine vrachtwagen te storten om zich te verplaatsen. De reis belooft lang en vol obstakels te worden…
Regie: Philippe Lafaix
13 feb 2022
World’s Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in Malawi (2018)
Deadliest Roads – Nicaragua:
• Deadliest Roads |…
The end of November in Malawi means the abrupt arrival of the rainy season. This does not bode well for Gray, a ‘bush taxi’ driver in this poverty-stricken country, where public transport is already practically nonexistent. Gray knows the rain will cause great trouble and isolation for the remote provinces, so he does what he can to help with his small truck.
Throughout the journey, his passengers are faced with an array of obstacles. Enduring the bumpy ride in the back of Gray’s truck and sleeping in a game reserve surrounded by lions and elephants are just some of the challenges they will face.
Meanwhile, when a child falls ill in Malawi, a choice must be made between walking 40km to the nearest free health clinic (which often lacks even the most basic resources), or handing their child over to the spirit of ‘Vimbuzu’…
Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.
Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.
11 Bolivia, in de groene hel van de Amazone-jungle | Dodelijkste reizen

12 Bolivia in het hart van de overstroming | Dodelijkste reizen
13 Madagaskar: aanval op het Rode Eiland | De wegen van het onmogelijke
In première gegaan op 6 jan 2021 MADAGASCAR
Nationale Route 5a is alleen nationaal in naam. Dit is hoe we het weggedeelte kunnen kwalificeren dat Ambilobe, in het noordwesten van het Big Island, verbindt met Vohémar, in het noordoosten. Het is een circuit van 160 km, bijgenaamd “the track from hell”. Tijdens de maanden januari en februari, in het regenseizoen, is het moeilijk om te passeren. De baan wordt dan een echte hindernisbaan die normaal in twee of drie dagen wordt afgelegd, maar die vaak meer dan 15 dagen kan duren. sporen. Modder zwembaden. Soms is het spoor te smal om twee vrachtwagens door te laten. Dit is een van de redenen waarom bussen deze route niet gebruiken.
Het is echter de enige weg die de kust van vanille aan de rand van de Indische Oceaan bereikt. Een handicap voor het hele noorden, een van de grootste economische gebieden van het land, omdat de staat van de weg de stroom van vanille en veel mineralen uit de regio blokkeert. Het probleem met de RN 5 komt voort uit het gebrek aan onderhoud. Na verloop van tijd wordt het erger en erger. De staat lijkt deze economische as te zijn vergeten, verder mishandeld door grote vrachtvoertuigen n: gapende gaten, veelvoudige afwijkingen… De slechte staat van de weg beïnvloedt het leven van de regio. Om bijvoorbeeld hun groenten en fruit te vervoeren, moeten boeren dhows (boten) gebruiken om ze zeker in de hoofdstad te kunnen verkopen.
00:00 De documentaire
15:48 Goedgekeurde auto
16:04 De paardenman
24:56 De chauffeur krijgt pech
29:01 Op het punt van breken
32:20 40 euro per maandsalaris
36:01 3000 liter rum
40:05 Houd zo lang mogelijk vast aan de bult van de zeboe
43:35 Wanneer de koelradiator uitvalt
Regisseur: Daniel Laine, David Geoffrion
Deadliest Roads | Madagascar | Free Documentary
World’s Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in Madagascar in 2012 Madagascar situated off the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean is the 4th largest island in the world. As a result of it’s isloation from other continents there is a vast array of plants and animals in Madagascar that are only found here. It looks like paradise thanks to the beautiful weather and stunning scenery but life here can be very tough.
14 Deadliest Roads | Congo River | Free Documentary
18 apr 2021 CONGO RIVER
World’s Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys Congo River (2010)
Deadliest Roads – Panama:
• Deadliest Roads | Panama | Free Docum…
We make the epic journey from Kinshasha, capital of the DRC, to Kisangani, the third largest city in this vast country. The only way to move between the cities is by boat or plane. We join 1,500 people onboard the ‘Gbemani’, sailing along the Congo River. Without fresh water, electricity, or medicines, it is a perilous voyage. A nurse looks after her fellow travellers, even performing a terrifying operation to save a man’s foot without anesthetic. But amongst the trials and tribulations, come moments of joy, including the birth of a baby, named ‘Gbemani’, after the ship where he was born.
15 Congo Katanga | Dodelijkste reizen
Een ritje met de “Swallow”-trein in Congo, de enige betrouwbare verbinding met veel van de afgelegen dorpen van het land.
11 okt 2020 CONGO
World’s Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in Katanga, Congo in 2015
Deadliest Roads – Benin:
• Deadliest Roads |…
In Katanga many people are waiting for a train named after a bird, the “Swallow”. More than 2000 people, three times the train’s capacity, are squeezing in the carriages. Conditions are precarious in the “Swallow”, which crosses the whole country in more than a week, stopping in several villages. But 1600km are difficult for this 50 year old bird. The rails aren’t well maintained, accidents are frequent and the journey is risky especially for those who choose to travel on the top of the train.
The way isn’t easier by car, by bike or on foot. Road 1, the longest road in the country is often unusable during rainy season. Some sellers have bicycles loaded with their goods, but it’s impossible to pedal in sand so they have to push them all the way through.
Travelling seems a real nightmare in RDC, but delays and breakdowns are a good thing for some, especially merchants who take advantage of the several stops to sell their products.
Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.
Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.
16 Congo: Jungle Koorts | Dodelijkste reis
In première gegaan op 22 apr 2022 RÉPUBLIQUE DU CONGO
00:00 In Zuid-Kivu in Congo is de stad Shabunda een van de meest geïsoleerde van het land. De toegang is zo moeilijk dat het leven daar duurder is dan in welke Europese stad dan ook. Zo komen de armste gezinnen daar op de fiets of op de motor voedsel zoeken. Deze veroordeelden van de weg vervoeren soms meerdere dagen tot 250 kilo aan goederen, zonder zich zorgen te maken over de gevaren. Zonder ooit op te geven, worden deze reizigers bijna allemaal als helden beschouwd omdat “hij die niet reist, de waarde van mannen niet kent”, aldus de Congolezen.
6:09 Een lange dag wacht de chauffeur
11:57 Trappen naar de hel
22:37 Verlaat de vrachtwagen!
35:25 Goudkoorts veroorzaakt ziekten
43:57 De vloek van de weg gaat door
8 aug 2021 #MostDangerousRoads #FreeDocumentary #Documentary
World’s Most Dangerous Roads: Deadliest Journeys in Congo Kivu in 2013
Deadliest Roads – Ghana:
• Deadliest Roads |…
When the Congo gained it’s independence it had the best road network in central Africa, but the situation has deteriorated and today only 2% of roads are paved; during the rainy season many parts of the country turn into a muddy bog.
In terms of agriculture North Kivu is one of the most prosperous regions in central Africa and so it is relied upon to feed the nation. We follow the nightmare journey of the delivery drivers as they try to ship their produce around the country as they fight the mud on journey’s that will push the toughest among them to their limits.
Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.
Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.
17 We Make It Or We Die – BBC Africa Eye documentary
Real Ghana TV Is A Media Production House That Seeks To Educate,Inform And Entertain The World By Way Of Providing Accurate And Authentic News, Be It Cultural, Socio-Political And Trending Stories To Feed Our Cherish Viewers……..
BBC News Africa
14 jun 2021
Every year tens of thousands of Ethiopians begin the perilous 2,000 kilometre trek from their home country to Saudi Arabia, attempting to cross mountains, deserts, the Red Sea and even a war zone.
Some of these migrants describe how they face robbery, extortion and starvation in temperatures of around 50 degrees.
Many die along the way, while others fall short and end up begging on the streets.
BBC Africa Eye brings you the story of some of those who risk it all.
Africa Eye brings you original, investigative journalism revealing secrets and rooting out injustice in the world’s most complex and exciting continent. Nothing stays hidden forever.
18 FORCED TO BEG: Tanzania’s Trafficked Kids – BBC Africa Eye documentary
In première gegaan op 27 jun 2022
Impoverished families in Tanzania are being tricked into giving up their disabled children by human traffickers. Promised a better life, the children are instead smuggled into Kenya and forced to beg, often for years.
Africa Eye goes undercover to expose the traffickers trading in human misery and helps one young victim escape his captors.
Africa Eye brings you original, investigative journalism revealing secrets and rooting out injustice in the world’s most complex and exciting continent. Nothing stays hidden forever.
19 Street children in the Philippines | DW Documentary
19 nov 2020
Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte is waging a brutal war on drugs. Thousands of people have already died at the hands of the police, including children.
The populist president has ordered the country’s security forces to kill anyone that they think is connected to the drugs trade. Minors have also suffered under the crackdown. Some children have been inadvertently killed during drugs raids, while others have become police targets. Most come from the poorest sections of society. The film makers accompany street children trying to survive on the streets of the capital Manila. They meet adults who are trying to help, but also encounter the forces persecuting the children.
DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch high-class documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary.
20 The TERRIFYING Reality Of African BLACK Slaves on Breeding Farms Makes You Sick
The TERRIFYING Reality Of African BLACK Slaves on Breeding Farms Makes You Sick The stories that unfolded within the confines of the breeding farms paint a portrait of humanity at its most malevolent. The nauseating reality that emerges from the shadows is an indictment of the depths to which human cruelty can sink. There exists a chapter so harrowing, so deeply ingrained in the tapestry of our collective history, that its mere mention sends chills down one’s spine. The sinister world of African black slaves on breeding farms is a haunting truth that will leave you sickened and forever changed. How did the stories that unfolded on these farms expose the depths of human cruelty and challenge our understanding of humanity?
Our channel is compliant with YouTube’s Fair Use Policy as we create a storyline and cut down several hours of long footage to a few minutes to bring out the most entertaining and educational parts.
21 ‘S Werelds gevaarlijkste wegen – Senegal: Into the Mud
22 The Night They Came for Our Children – BBC Africa Eye documentary
In première gegaan op 10 jul 2023
Could anti-slavery efforts in Ghana be doing more harm than good to local communities? #BBCAfricaEye goes undercover to investigate one of the world’s leading anti-slavery organisations and their West African operations.
On 6 September 2022, in northern Ghana, four children were taken, at gunpoint, from their home in the middle of the night.
They were brought to a hotel, photographed, washed and fed. At sunrise, they were relocated to a shelter. Their families were left in the dark as to where and why.
For the American charity coordinating the raid, it was a successful mission to rescue child slaves.
For the families, it felt like a kidnapping leaving them bewildered and traumatised.
What really happened to these children?
With a trail of WhatsApp messages, secret filming, and a journey to some of the remotest areas of Ghana, Africa Eye brings you the story of what happens when good intentions go horribly wrong.
Africa Eye brings you original, investigative journalism revealing secrets and rooting out injustice in the world’s most complex and exciting continent. Nothing stays hidden forever.