Page Description
Understand “pull the wool over someone’s eyes”:
the idea of intentionally deceiving
or misleading someone by concealing the truth.
To trick or deceive someone : to hide the truth from someone
He was too clever to let them pull the wool over his eyes.
Merrian Webster - Informal
Where Deception Prevails
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Deception often comes in many forms, from misleading narratives to outright lies, obscuring the harsh realities faced by the most vulnerable. This page shines a light on two critical areas where truth has been hidden and justice denied: wrongful convictions and the exploitation of children.
The Innocence Project highlights the stories of individuals who were wrongfully convicted, their lives stolen by systems designed to protect justice but instead failing those they were meant to serve. Through interviews with Barry Scheck and Kevin Richardson, we delve into the painstaking fight to uncover the truth and restore dignity to the innocent.
On the other hand, the exploitation of children reveals another form of hidden injustice. From the cotton fields of Afghanistan to the glittering promises of makeup produced through child labor, these stories expose the dark underbelly of industries that thrive on turning a blind eye. The videos here explore the lives of children forced to grow up too fast, their futures shaped by exploitation rather than opportunity.
In both cases, “pulling the wool over someone’s eyes” perpetuates harm and injustice. This page challenges us to confront these truths and question the systems that allow deception to flourish.
Wanneer Waarheid Verborgen Blijft
Misleiding komt in vele vormen, van verdraaide verhalen tot regelrechte leugens, en verhult de harde realiteit waarmee de meest kwetsbaren worden geconfronteerd. Deze pagina werpt licht op twee belangrijke onderwerpen waarbij de waarheid verborgen blijft en gerechtigheid wordt ontkend: onterechte veroordelingen en de uitbuiting van kinderen.
Het Innocence Project belicht de verhalen van individuen die onterecht zijn veroordeeld, hun levens verwoest door systemen die gerechtigheid zouden moeten beschermen maar hen in de steek lieten. Via interviews met Barry Scheck en Kevin Richardson ontdekken we de moeizame strijd om de waarheid te onthullen en de waardigheid van onschuldigen te herstellen.
Daarnaast brengt de uitbuiting van kinderen een andere vorm van verborgen onrecht aan het licht. Van de katoenvelden in Afghanistan tot de glanzende beloftes van make-up geproduceerd door kinderarbeid, onthullen deze verhalen de duistere kant van industrieën die wegkijken. De video’s hier tonen de levens van kinderen die te vroeg volwassen moeten worden, hun toekomst bepaald door uitbuiting in plaats van kansen.
In beide gevallen zorgt het “bedekken van de waarheid” ervoor dat onrecht blijft voortduren. Deze pagina daagt ons uit om deze realiteiten onder ogen te zien en vraagtekens te plaatsen bij de systemen die misleiding in stand houden.
The phrase “pull the wool over someone’s eyes” is an idiomatic expression that means to deceive or trick someone, often by concealing the truth or manipulating information. Here are some key points about this phrase:
Deception: The phrase implies an act of deception or trickery. It suggests that someone is being misled or fooled by another person’s actions or words.
Concealment: The phrase often involves hiding or obscuring the truth. It can refer to withholding information, distorting facts, or presenting a false impression in order to mislead someone.
Intentional Action: “Pull the wool over someone’s eyes” implies a deliberate or intentional act of deception. It is not accidental or unintentional, but rather a purposeful attempt to mislead or deceive another person.
Lack of Awareness: The phrase suggests that the person being deceived is unaware of the true situation and is easily fooled or duped.
Figurative Language: “Pull the wool over someone’s eyes” is an idiomatic expression, meaning that its meaning is not to be taken literally. It is a metaphorical phrase that paints a vivid image of someone having their eyes covered or blinded by wool, symbolizing their lack of perception or awareness of the truth.
Informal Usage: The phrase is commonly used in informal settings, such as everyday conversations, and is often used to describe situations where someone is being misled or tricked in a less serious or playful manner.
In summary, “pull the wool over someone’s eyes” is an idiomatic expression that conveys the idea of intentionally deceiving or misleading someone by concealing the truth or manipulating information. It implies a lack of awareness on the part of the person being deceived and is commonly used in informal contexts.
1 Interview with Barry Scheck of the Innocence Project
16 mei 2011
2 Innocence Project | Barry Scheck & Kevin Richardson | Talks at Google
4 okt. 2017
Co-Founder Barry Scheck speaks about The Innocence Project with Kevin Richardson, one of the men wrongly convicted in the Central Park Five case.
The Innocence Project, which is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary, was founded by acclaimed lawyers Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld who realized that the emerging DNA evidence that was being used to identify the perpetrators of crimes could also be used to exonerate those who had been wrongly convicted. The organization began as a legal clinic at Cardozo Law School and became an independent nonprofit (still affiliated with Cardozo) in 2004. Since its founding, 351 people have been exonerated by DNA evidence of crimes for which they didn’t commit. The Innocence Project has helped in more than half of these cases.
The Innocence Project understood early on that each wrongful conviction was a learning opportunity, exposing flaws in the system that contributed to these terrible injustices. It advocates for science- and research-based reforms to prevent wrongful convictions. The organization has worked to pass more than a hundred state laws designed to reveal and protect against wrongful convictions, including laws that protect against eye witness misidentifications and false confessions, leading contributors to wrongful convictions.
Co-Founder Barry Scheck will talk about his groundbreaking work to disrupt the status quo of the criminal justice system and introduce you to a person helped by the Innocence Project who will share his story of perseverance on the long road to justice.
The “Innocence Project | Barry Scheck & Kevin Richardson | Talks at Google” is a video of a talk given by Barry Scheck, co-founder of the Innocence Project, and Kevin Richardson, one of the “Central Park Five” who was wrongly convicted of a crime and later exonerated.
The key points of the talk are:
The Innocence Project is a nonprofit organization that works to exonerate wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing and reform the criminal justice system to prevent future wrongful convictions.
Kevin Richardson was one of five teenagers who were wrongfully convicted of raping a woman in Central Park in 1989. They became known as the “Central Park Five.”
The case against the Central Park Five was based on coerced confessions and flawed forensic evidence. They were exonerated in 2002 when DNA evidence proved their innocence.
The case highlighted systemic issues within the criminal justice system, including racial bias and the presumption of guilt for Black and brown people.
The Innocence Project has exonerated over 375 people through DNA testing and has worked on over 200 policy reforms to prevent wrongful convictions.
The talk discusses the importance of criminal justice reform, including the need to address racial bias, ensure fair trials, and improve forensic science.
Kevin Richardson shares his personal experience of being wrongfully convicted and the impact it had on his life.
The talk concludes with a discussion of the need for continued advocacy and reform to create a more just and equitable criminal justice system.
3 Children’s rights around the world: Afghanistan
4 UNICEF BT Cotton – Documentary on Child Labour
5 The Dark Secret Behind Your Favorite Makeup Products | Shady | Refinery29
On this episode of Shady, our host, Lexy Lebsack explores the unethically sourced ingredient that’s in almost all makeup products. She travels to the mica mines in India to uncover the truth about child labor rings behind this mineral. Watch Shady to see what really goes into making your makeup!
Shady is the side of the beauty world you haven’t seen. Hosted by Refinery29 Senior Beauty Editor, Lexy Lebsack, the series swivels between the unexpected and uplifting, dives deep into the dark underbelly of beauty, gives a voice to those trampled by this quickly growing industry, and questions what it’s all worth. From counterfeit makeup to skin trafficking for cosmetic procedures, we go there.
Refinery29 is a modern woman’s destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life.
What Your Favourite Make-Up Brands Don’t Want You to Know: Mica
26 mei 2022
Mica: it’s the common ingredient in cosmetic products such as nail polish, foundation, mascara and lipstick. It’s also often mined with child labour. It’s what gives them their luminosity, making them responsible for the fortune of major cosmetic groups like L’Oréal, Lancôme, Dior and Chanel.
Unknown to its hundreds of millions of consumers is that most of it is filled with “dirty mica”, extracted using antiquated methods, close to slavery, in one of the poorest regions of the world: Jarkhand, India. Here, under the constant threat of landslides and toxic dust, children dig through the earth with their bare hands.
Journalist Brando Barenzelli has traced the mica supply chains from the lost mines of the Indian countryside to the laboratories of major brands in Europe. He films the 8-year-old children who collect mica, and the mine owners and exporters who turn a blind eye to the deplorable working conditions. He also uncovers the strategies used at each stage of the supply chain to whitewash the origins of mica. Back in Paris and Europe, he confronts cosmetics manufacturers with the findings of his investigation.

Behind the Glitter: Mica and Child Mining in India | 101 East
12 jun. 2020
From nail polish to lipstick, mica is found in cosmetics that millions of people use every day.
But unknown to consumers, the mineral that gives these products their shine is often extracted using antiquated methods in slave-like conditions, in one of the poorest regions of the world.
In the dusty hills of Jharkhand, India, deep crevices have been cleaved into the hard earth. Men, women and children rummage through the dirt, using their bare hands and a few rudimentary tools to scrape the ground.
They work under the constant threat of landslides and toxic dust, risking their lives in the hope they will find and sell enough mica to survive.
“I would rather work in the mines than die of starvation,” says a woman as she digs through the earth.
At another mine, Anil, 25, is searching through the rubble with his wife and their two young children. They live in a village at the foot of the mines, where there is no running water or electricity. Anil used to be a farmer, but a severe drought has left most of the land barren.
“Mica is the only option for us,” he says. “We have all come here to work … so we can buy rice and feed ourselves.”
From the impoverished miners to the mine owners and exporters who turn a blind eye to shocking conditions, 101 East traces the mica supply chain from the Indian countryside to the laboratories of major cosmetic brands in Europe.
Behind the Glitter: Mica and Child Mining in India | 101 East – Blog
6 The Dark Secret Behind Your Shiny Makeup | Undercover Asia | CNA Documentary
1 mei 2021
7 India’s Child Miners: Growing Up, Underground
18 jun. 2013
8 Wrong Car Prank
27 mrt. 2011
Grocery bagger with headphones puts people’s groceries in the wrong car and the car drives off.
A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!
lin paradise
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