Osama bin Laden: The Manhunt, His Legacy, and the Raid That Ended It
Osama bin Laden was the founder of al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks and numerous other acts of violence worldwide. His influence shaped global security policies, military interventions, and counterterrorism efforts for decades.
This page presents a collection of over 40 videos that explore the full scope of bin Laden’s life and impact. From his early years and rise within radical Islamist movements to the formation of al-Qaeda and its deadly operations, these videos provide deep insights into his ideology, strategies, and the consequences of his actions.
One of the most fascinating aspects of bin Laden’s story is how he managed to evade capture for nearly a decade after 9/11. Despite the largest international manhunt in history, he remained hidden in plain sight, living undetected in a fortified compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Intelligence agencies, including the CIA, spent years tracking his movements, relying on intercepted communications, informants, and, ultimately, the identification of his trusted courier to locate him.
A key focus of this collection is the U.S. mission that led to bin Laden’s death. On May 2, 2011, under the direct orders of President Barack Obama, U.S. Navy SEALs carried out Operation Neptune Spear, a covert raid that ended with bin Laden being killed in his compound. This mission, executed by SEAL Team 6, marked one of the most significant counterterrorism operations in history.
Through documentaries, news reports, and expert analyses, this collection examines not only bin Laden’s role in global terrorism but also the intelligence operations, military strategies, and political decisions that shaped the hunt for the world’s most wanted man.
Osama bin Laden: De Jacht, Zijn Erfenis en de Aanval die het Beëindigde
Osama bin Laden was de oprichter van al-Qaeda, de terroristische organisatie die verantwoordelijk was voor de aanslagen van 11 september 2001 en vele andere gewelddadige aanvallen wereldwijd. Zijn invloed bepaalde decennialang het mondiale veiligheidsbeleid, militaire interventies en antiterreurmaatregelen.
Deze pagina bevat een verzameling van meer dan 40 video’s die het volledige verhaal van bin Laden en zijn impact belichten. Van zijn vroege jaren en opkomst binnen radicale islamitische bewegingen tot de oprichting van al-Qaeda en de gevolgen van zijn acties, deze video’s geven diepgaand inzicht in zijn ideologie, strategieën en de nasleep van zijn daden.
Een van de meest fascinerende aspecten van bin Ladens verhaal is hoe hij zich bijna tien jaar lang wist te verbergen na 9/11. Ondanks de grootste internationale klopjacht in de geschiedenis bleef hij onvindbaar en leefde hij ongemerkt in een zwaar beveiligd complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Inlichtingendiensten, waaronder de CIA, brachten jaren door met het traceren van zijn bewegingen, waarbij ze vertrouwden op onderschepte communicatie, informanten en uiteindelijk de identificatie van zijn trouwe koerier om hem te lokaliseren.
Een belangrijk onderdeel van deze collectie is de Amerikaanse missie die leidde tot bin Ladens dood. Op 2 mei 2011 voerden U.S. Navy SEALs, onder directe opdracht van president Barack Obama, Operatie Neptune Spear uit, een geheime aanval die eindigde met de dood van bin Laden in zijn schuilplaats. Deze operatie, uitgevoerd door SEAL Team 6, wordt beschouwd als een van de meest significante antiterreurmissies in de geschiedenis.
Via documentaires, nieuwsverslagen en analyses van experts belicht deze collectie niet alleen bin Ladens rol in het wereldwijde terrorisme, maar ook de inlichtingenoperaties, militaire strategieën en politieke beslissingen die de jacht op ‘s werelds meest gezochte man bepaalden.
Osama bin Laden was a prominent figure in the global war on terrorism, best known as the founder and leader of al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization responsible for the September 11 attacks in the United States. Here are some key points about him:
Osama bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 1957.
He came from a wealthy family and was well-educated, studying economics and management at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah.
In the 1980s, he joined the mujahideen fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, and he helped to set up al-Qaeda in 1988.
Bin Laden was known for his anti-Western views and his calls for jihad against the United States and its allies.
In 1998, he issued a fatwa calling for attacks on Americans and their allies, and he was suspected of being involved in a number of terrorist attacks before 9/11.
After the 9/11 attacks, the United States launched a massive manhunt for bin Laden, and he went into hiding in Afghanistan and later in Pakistan.
In 2011, U.S. Navy SEALs raided bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and killed him. His body was later buried at sea.
Bin Laden’s death was a significant blow to al-Qaeda, but the organization remains active and continues to carry out attacks around the world.
Bin Laden’s legacy is complex, and his actions have been widely condemned. Some view him as a hero and a martyr, while others see him as a terrorist and a murderer.
Osama bin Laden – Mastermind of September 11th Documentary
Operation Neptune Spear: How Osama Bin Laden Was Finally Hunted Down
18 dec 2024 #warstories #military #documentary
This Documentary is a People Profiles Production on the life of Osama Bin Laden. Please subscribe to their channel for more: / @peopleprofiles .
On May 2, 2011, Osama bin Laden was finally located and killed in a covert U.S. military operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan, ending one of the world’s longest manhunts. This video explores bin Laden’s life—from his privileged Saudi upbringing to his radicalization and eventual leadership of al-Qaeda. It examines the rise of al-Qaeda, bin Laden’s role in orchestrating the September 11 attacks, and the immense global impact of his actions.
Finally, we follow the intense pursuit that spanned nearly a decade, culminating in the daring raid that brought him to justice and marked a pivotal moment in the fight against terrorism.
War Stories is your one-stop shop for all things military history. From Waterloo to Verdun, we’ll be bringing you only the best documentaries and stories from history’s most engaging and dramatic conflicts.
War StoriesBin Laden’s Road to Abbottabad: Where Osama Went and When
31 mrt 2012
Osama bin Laden hid for nine years in Pakistan after the Sept. 11 attacks — from Peshawar to Haripur, where at least two of his children were born in government hospitals, according to new details uncovered in Pakistani interrogations of his youngest wife. Margaret Warner and guests discuss his secret life before his death.
1 – 2011: President Obama on the killing of bin Laden
12 nov. 2020
2 – CNN: The life of Osama bin Laden
3 Osama bin Laden killed as raid is watched live by Obama
2 mei 2011
4 Killing bin Laden
10 sep. 2012
5 The Operation that Killed Osama bin Laden
6 aug. 2013
When Osama bin Laden declared war against the United States for the first time to a Western audience, Peter Bergen was there. He produced Osama bin Laden’s first television interview and has written extensively on the terrorist and on Al Qaeda.
The Operation that Killed Osama bin Laden – Blog
6 Robert O’Neil Speech Navy SEAL who Killed Bin Laden
15 okt. 2019
7 The Bin Laden Papers: Examining the documents seized from the al Qaeda leader’s compound
26 apr. 2022
8 The Life Of Osama Bin Laden | War Or Terror From Life to Death | Biography Tv
5 okt. 2020
9 How the CIA Found Osama bin Laden
10 Killing Bin Laden | 60 Minutes Full Episodes
Back to menu IMPORTANT CONTENT Listening recommended
11 – 2014: President Obama on ISIS, Russia, midterms
President Barack Obama joins 60 Minutes to discuss ISIS, Russia and Syria, the economy, and the midterm elections.
12 Osama Bin Laden: The Hiding Place
26 jun 2021 #documentary #hidingplace
Ah short view on Osama Bin Ladens hiding place.
On May 2nd 2011, US Navy Seals launch a fateful raid on Osama Bin Laden’s Abbottabad hideout. They kill him and retrieve his private records. Four years later, the Director of National Intelligence finally allows public access to some of the ‘Bin Laden Papers’. For the first time, this documentary dissects the new information to paint an intimate portrait of bin Laden’s private life during his final years, which contrasts the simultaneous manhunt initiated by US military and secret services.
13 Minutes felt like hours in bin Laden raid
14 ZERO DARK THIRTY | The Compound
27 mrt 2017
ZERO DARK THIRTY is available now on Digital, Blu-ray Disc and DVD.
For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. Zero Dark Thirty reunites the Oscar winning team of director-producer Kathryn Bigelow and writer-producer Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker) for the story of history’s greatest manhunt for the world’s most dangerous man.
Directed by Kathryn Bigelow. Written by Mark Boal. Starring Jessica Chastain, Jason Clarke, Joel Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Strong, Kyle Chandler, Edgar Ramirez, James Gandolfini and Chris Pratt.
© Annapurna Pictures, 2012
15 ‘Zero Dark Thirty’: Real-Life Stories Behind Controversial OBL Film
16 Inside The Situation Room with President Obama Rock Center Killing Of Osama Bin Laden
Killing Bin Laden: The President’s Story, Part 1
17 Killing Bin Laden: The President’s Story, Part 2
18 Killing Bin Laden: The President’s Story, Part 3
19 – 60 Minutes Australia | The Man Who Shot bin Laden
If anyone tried to imagine what a highly skilled, ruthless assassin might look like, Robert O’Neill’s image would not spring to mind. But beyond his friendly face and benign demeanour, O’Neill is a man who has spent much of his adult life learning to kill. In May 2011, every bit of the U.S. Navy Seal’s training was tested when he lined up the western world’s greatest single enemy, Osama bin Laden, in his gunsights. O’Neill didn’t flinch – he pulled the trigger. As Liam Bartlett discovered, hearing his story is chilling enough, but even more worrying are the latest expert warnings that bin Laden’s death, far from killing off al-Qaeda, has spurred the terrorists on to greater evil. Reporter: Liam Bartlett Producers: Phil Goyen, Steve Jackson
20 Bin Laden’s Hard Drive | Full Episode
21 The Man Who Killed Osama bin Laden
22 The Real Story of Zero Dark Thirty & How Osama Bin Laden Was Located | Our History
12 sep 2021
Zero Dark Thirty is a film based on the true story of the locating and killing of Osama bin Laden. . Subscribe to Our History: https://bit.ly/3v5mKBG
This episode explores the reality around the story and examines how accurately the real life events are portrayed in the movie
This film was first broadcast: 2017
23 Rare look inside SEAL operations
24 Former top Afghan spy speaks out
25 Inside Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan hideout
26 Pakistan After Bin Laden with Suroosh Alvi
10 aug 2012
Suroosh Alvi of VICE travels to Bin Laden’s infamous compound to see what people really think about living next to America’s most vilified fugitive. Unsurprisingly, their concern lies less with the proximity of Bin Laden than the chaos that his death has sparked. Although the controversy over whether or not Pakistan was harboring Bin Laden and the “trust deficit” is the primary focus for the American media, Pakistani news is busy covering the onslaught of violence that has broken out since the May 2nd raid. The people have seen a marked increase in American drone attacks, while the Taliban continues its retaliation with a relentless wave of suicide bombings. Anti-American sentiment has never run higher and this turbulent nation clearly has bigger issues than Bin Laden’s death to contend with.
Hosted by Suroosh Alvi | Originally released in 2011
27 Hunting in the Shadows: The Pursuit of al Qa’ida since 9/11
14 mei 2012
Hunting in the Shadows:
The Pursuit of al Qa’ida since 9/11
This event was presented by the New America Foundation’s National Security Studies Program and was a conversation with Seth Jones about his new book, Hunting in the Shadows, which chronicles the efforts of the United States and its allies to find and stifle the shifting, multipronged threat posed by al-Qa’ida and its affiliates.
Featured Speaker
Seth G. Jones
Senior Political Scientist, RAND Corporation
Author, Hunting in the Shadows: The Pursuit of al Qa’ida since 9/11
Brian Fishman
Counterterrorism Research Fellow
New America Foundation
28 A Firsthand Account of Killing Osama Bin Laden with Rob O’Neill
29 The Hunt For Bin Laden
30 – 60 Minutes Australia | The Man Who Shot bin Laden
31 How Osama Bin Laden gave CIA the slip – BBC News
32 CIA agent: I was sent to get bin Laden’s head
33 SEALS Enter The Compound | Zero Dark Thirty
21 sep 2021 #ZeroDarkThirty #pieceoftheaction #Movies
The SEALS fly in on stealth helicopters and enter the compound.
Zero Dark Thirty: For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. ZERO DARK THIRTY reunites the Oscar-winning team of director-producer Kathryn Bigelow and writer-producer Mark Boal (2009, Best Picture, THE HURT LOCKER) for the story of history’s greatest manhunt for the world’s most dangerous man.
34 Seymour Hersh Details Explosive Story on Bin Laden Killing & Responds to White House, Media Backlash
35 PART 2: Seymour Hersh’s New Book Disputes U.S. Account of Bin Laden Killing
36 Seymour M. Hersh | The Killing of Osama Bin Laden
37 Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda: Lessons from the Abbottabad Documents
1 jun 2012
Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda:
Lessons from the Abbottabad Documents
The Navy SEAL team that ended Osama bin Laden’s life last May also grabbed a massive collection of digital and physical material from his hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Seventeen of the documents the SEALs swept up that night were released earlier this month by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, which also produced a detailed report analyzing and contextualizing the writings by al-Qaeda’s most important leader and several of his top lieutenants. The New America Foundation is proud to host the lead author of that report, Letters from Abbottabad: Bin Ladin Sidelined?, for a discussion of the Abbottabad documents and what they tell us about the past and future of al-Qaeda.
Featured Speaker
Nelly Lahoud
Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences, U.S. Military Academy at West Point
Senior Associate, Combating Terrorism Center at West Point.
Brian Fishman
Counterterrorism Research Fellow
New America Foundation
38 Manhunt: The Ten Year Search for Osama bin Laden: From 9/11 to Abbottabad, Peter Bergen
39 Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden
25 jun 2012
Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden
Roughly ten years after Sept. 11, 2001, Americans celebrated the news that the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks had been found and killed during a raid on his home in Pakistan. Now, one year after Osama bin Laden’s death, Peter Bergen describes the raid with riveting detail in his fourth book on bin Laden, MANHUNT: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad.
But the killing of bin Laden is only one element of a decade-long story – Where did he hide after the 9/11 attacks, and how did he evade capture? How did the SEALs prepare for Operation Neptune Spear? Why did President Obama decide to proceed with the raid despite the recommendations of two of his top three advisors that he not do so?
Come hear Peter Bergen discuss bin Laden’s life and eventual death, as well as America’s decade-long hunt to bring him to justice.
Featured Speaker
Peter Bergen
Director, National Security Studies Program, New America Foundation
Author, MANHUNT: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad
40 Peter Bergen: The Rise and Fall of Osama Bin Laden – Danger Close with Jack Carr
17 nov 2021 Danger Close – Full Episodes
Peter Bergen is an acclaimed journalist, terrorism and national security analyst, and author of the new book, The Rise and Fall of Osama Bin Laden, which examines the life, philosophy, influence, and personal contradictions of the infamous leader of al-Qaeda. Bergen famously interviewed bin Laden in 1997.
Bergen currently serves as the Vice President for Global Studies & Fellows at New America and is New America’s director of the International Security and Future of War programs. He is also a national security analyst for CNN and a professor at Arizona State University where he co-directs the Center on the Future of War.
Bergen is a member of the Homeland Security Experts Group and a fellow at Fordham University’s Center on National Security, and serves on the editorial board of one of the leading scholarly journal in the field of counter-terrorism: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism. He has previously taught at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University.
Along with his latest, Bergen has written and edited three New York Times best-selling books, along with four books that have been named among the best non-fiction books of the year by The Washington Post. He is also an Emmy winning documentary filmmaker. His works include Manhunt: The Ten-Year Search for Bin Laden from 9/11 to Abbottabad, United States of Jihad: Who Are America’s Homegrown Terrorists, and How Do We Stop Them?, The Longest War: The Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda, Trump and His Generals: The Cost of Chaos, Drone Wars: Transforming Conflict, Law, and Policy, and more.
41 ‘Manhunt: The Ten Year Search for Bin Laden—From 9 11 to Abbottabad’ [05/09/2012]
42 The secrets of al-Qaeda: “The Bin Laden Papers”
28 apr 2022
Nelly Lahoud has taken a deep dive into Osama Bin Ladens files and looked at his plans for future attacks in her new book on “The Bin Laden Papers”.
Osama Bin Laden’s greatest fear was not capture or death, but the exposure of al-Qaeda’s secrets. In this webinar Nelly Lahoud presents her main findings from her recently published book – The Bin Laden Papers: How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda, Its leader, and His Family.
Dr. Lahoud dives into Bin Laden’s files and reveals Bin Laden plans for future attacks, al-Qaeda’s hostility toward countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan and first-hand accounts of al-Qaeda from 9/11 until the elimination of Bin Laden in 2011.
This webinar is led by Thomas Hegghammer and hosted by the Consortium for Research on Terrorism and International Crime.
43 The Bin Laden Papers – 3/15/23
44 The Bin Laden Papers: How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda
26 apr 2022
Bin Laden’s greatest fear was not capture or death but the revelation of al-Qaeda’s secrets. When he was killed in May 2011, U.S. Special Operations Forces took an additional eighteen minutes to collect Bin Laden’s hard drives on which al-Qaeda’s most secret communications were saved.
In her ground-breaking book, The Bin Laden Papers: How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda, Its Leader and His Family, New America Senior Fellow Nelly Lahoud distills the content of nearly 6,000 pages of Arabic language private communications. For the first time, al-Qaeda’s closely guarded secrets are laid bare, shattering misconceptions and revealing how and what Bin Laden communicated with his associates, his plans for future attacks, and al-Qaeda’s hostility toward countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan.
To discuss her book, New America welcomes Nelly Lahoud, author of The Bin Laden Papers and a senior fellow with New America’s International Security program. Lahoud is the author of three other books, including The Jihadis’ Path to Self Destruction. She was also lead author of Letters From Abbottabad: Bin Ladin Sidelined?, the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point’s analysis of the first tranche of the documents to be released. The event will be moderated by Peter Bergen, New America Vice President for Global Studies and Fellows, professor of practice at Arizona State University, and author of The Rise and Fall of Osama Bin Laden.
Join the conversation online using #BinLadenPapers and following @NewAmericaISP.
Nelly Lahoud
Senior Fellow, New America International Security program
Author, The Bin Laden Papers
Peter Bergen, @PeterBergenCNN
Vice President for Global Studies and Fellows, New America
Professor of Practice, ASU
Author, The Rise and Fall of Osama Bin Laden
44 CIA Alec Station: The Real Story Of The Hunt For Osama Bin Laden
Explore the untold story of the CIA’s clandestine operation to capture Osama Bin Laden in this revealing episode of the Declassified Series. From the inception of Alec Station to the dramatic raid on Bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, witness the dedication, determination, and ingenuity of the individuals involved in this historic mission.
44 The Bin Laden Papers: How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda
26 apr 2022
Bin Laden’s greatest fear was not capture or death but the revelation of al-Qaeda’s secrets. When he was killed in May 2011, U.S. Special Operations Forces took an additional eighteen minutes to collect Bin Laden’s hard drives on which al-Qaeda’s most secret communications were saved.
In her ground-breaking book, The Bin Laden Papers: How the Abbottabad Raid Revealed the Truth about al-Qaeda, Its Leader and His Family, New America Senior Fellow Nelly Lahoud distills the content of nearly 6,000 pages of Arabic language private communications. For the first time, al-Qaeda’s closely guarded secrets are laid bare, shattering misconceptions and revealing how and what Bin Laden communicated with his associates, his plans for future attacks, and al-Qaeda’s hostility toward countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan.
To discuss her book, New America welcomes Nelly Lahoud, author of The Bin Laden Papers and a senior fellow with New America’s International Security program. Lahoud is the author of three other books, including The Jihadis’ Path to Self Destruction. She was also lead author of Letters From Abbottabad: Bin Ladin Sidelined?, the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point’s analysis of the first tranche of the documents to be released. The event will be moderated by Peter Bergen, New America Vice President for Global Studies and Fellows, professor of practice at Arizona State University, and author of The Rise and Fall of Osama Bin Laden.
Join the conversation online using #BinLadenPapers and following @NewAmericaISP.
Nelly Lahoud
Senior Fellow, New America International Security program
Author, The Bin Laden Papers
Peter Bergen, @PeterBergenCNN
Vice President for Global Studies and Fellows, New America
Professor of Practice, ASU
Author, The Rise and Fall of Osama Bin Laden
45 Dynamite Dog Prank
3 apr. 2011
Very smart dog fetches a live dynamite stick instead of a regular tree stick. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!