Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole starcase – Martin Luther King Jr.
I alone can’t change the world. But I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples – Mother Teresa

1 Former lawyer for PO has been accused of lying

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2 Post Office Inquiry: tense exchange as KC challenges lawyer over claims ‘he couldn’t print document’

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3 Post Office lawyer accused of lying about Horizon software in Inquiry grilling

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4 Post Office executive warned of wrongful conviction six years before innocent man cleared | ITV News

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Is She Lying? At Post Office Inquiry Angela van den Bogerd is asked a question by Edward Henry KC

28 apr 2024

Is She Lying?

At the Post Office Inquiry Angela van den Bogerd is asked the question by Edward Henry KC on behalf of subpostmasters on whether she is Lying. She is not particularly credible and was lambasted at Court by the presiding Judge whilst attending some postmasters and mistresses criminal proceedings. You have to ask what sort of an establishment the Post Office is if it employs types like Angela van den Bogerd. I think Bogerd is Buggered

5 Inquiry Chair FED UP with Post Office Lawyer NOT answering questions

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22 feb 2024

Inquiry Chair FED Up with Post Office Lawyer NOT answering questions as Jason Beer previously advises him to stick to the questions he’s asking rather than going off on tangents about ‘other stuff’.

Not heeding this warning, Chair of the Post Office Inquiry Sir Wyn Williams dramatically intervenes saying ‘what more evidence do I need that he [Jenkins] was an expert other than what you’ve just said’.

Jarnail Singh says that he cannot think as fast as Jason Beer KC and the Post Office Inquiry takes a break to allow him to ‘prepare himself’.

6 Granny Found Dealing Drugs Prank

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