I confronted my family sexual abuser at 17..I asked for an apology. I got one…for me not for the abuser…I am proud of these guys. Good for you both!
Those two guys are insanely brave, going public like this. Pain turned into strength. Righteous.
To see the pain of these men still suffering for so many years. Tragic and evil!
I worked with someone that went through and is still going through this… The pain has still not ended for him and I feel horrible for him, this is so vile especially because they’re supposed to be trusted
The catholic church should have reported those pedophiles to the authorities long ago
To confront your abuser takes such amazing courage. Hope this was able to bring you some sense of healing and peace. If only abusers had an ounce of your courage and would seek help rather than inflicting such pain on a child.
It takes a lot of strength and courage to do this. Thank you men. You have done nothing wrong and your story will inspire many victims to come out and receive the help they need.
My heart is broken for these men. I’m sorry.
Sooo messed up that they seemed more worried about losing their FAKE standing in their church, rather than being worried about their SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry this happened. My prayers are with you. God bless you!
Their face express so much pain. It makes my heart break.
Brave men to confront him. I’m so glad they did.
My respect to those 2 brave souls for confronting their traumatic past. I hope this move represents a small milestone towards liberation and moving on for them. All the best.
man in the glasses is amazing. his approach to forgiveness, phenomenal. i hope they all find peace. i hope this rampant cycle of sexual assault in our world ends, now.
Most Catholics in the United States welcome these kinds of news reports. In fact, we are begging for them. Please know that we are fully aware at the corruption of our bishops, but we are powerless to rid our church of them. We need the help of journalists, news organizations and the US attorney’s office. Please continue to run these stories, and please start to do in depth ones. Follow the money trail. Start with the archbishop Catholic appeal that goes on in every archdiocese. Show us where that money actually goes.
This is so heartbreaking! It has to stop
I doubt it was only those two .
When I see a catholic priest I run

It’s painful for the abused and for the family such as older siblings and parents. The hurtful part for family is reliving memories of trusting these persons with your beloved. The pain of the betrayal and to see how the abuse in alot of instances leads to substance abuse and mental illnesses ect, and many of the victims internalize the pain and never open up about it. Crushingly sad

This is painful to watch,not that I have experienced anything like this but that they were faced to face with the devil
It was very brave for those two men to come forward and talk with their former abuser. I hope it brings them peace. I’m glad the priest was defrocked but he should have been criminally prosecuted!
Two very strong men who were visibly relieved following that courageous and calm sit down. I hope moving on with the rest of their lives they can do so with a much lighter being and peace in their hearts
I’ve never seen an abuser admit he abused before.In other videos they’re normally really defensive but i guess it’s when they know they’re on camera.I’m glad it helped the victims to have that conversation.
Take care Nikki – you are investigating things which they do not want to make public – May God Keep You Safe
He belongs in Prison.
Makes me sick. There shouldn’t be a- statute of limitations.

Molestation is a premeditated act , how can you
I pray for these men; that they find healing from the autrocity committed against them.
This was very brave, good for them!
At least he apologized, something I’ve never gotten from any of my abusers..
They’re still hurting. This makes me so sad. I just wanna hug them. Lord please be with them.
The movie “Sleepers” comes to mind when watching something like this.. so gross. And I can’t imagine what these men must have gone through and continue to go through after all of these years..
Not mention the history of the church is so dark I can’t understand why people remain members
There should be no limit on time to convict these creatures. Here in Scotland, there`s an on-going inquiry into systematic abuse within the catholic church and the Government has told the commission there will be no time limit to bring all those involved to justice.
Forgiveness is important, will help liberate one’s soul, but that doesn’t mean letting him get away and that he doesn’t PAY for his CRIMES. The only reason he says “I’m sorry” is because he got caught.
Here’s the thing: by “forgiving” the abuser (and letting them continue to abuse other kids), I could never forgive myself for letting those future victims down. Forgiveness is only possible when the predators are behind bars or under the ground: the only places they can no longer harm kids.
It is still happening in the Catholic churches as we speak… remove your innocent children at once and place them elsewhere… please safe them the hurt and the risk of losing them to that sinful nature forever… The Lord sees all things and will avenge the innocent, but for now parents, do your parts and make the Catholic churches empty!
What’s sadder is that this happens more in Mexico and Spain but those countries is harder to come out like this.
Unfortunately no statute of limitations on the emotional and mental trauma the victims experience for many years after the abuse.
It’s sad that it happened to them, sadder still that it continues. Not only in that organization, across the board, and covered up.
They should burn the statute of limitations people don’t get over abuse like that in two weeks it takes years to get over
Watching this breaks my heart . Couldant write a comment long enough that would express my disgust at what these priests did!! Whats important now is the victims having a voice 
. My experience was not at the hands of a preist but a freind of my family, have been suspicious of absolutely everyone since then when I should have trusted them possibly but its difficult to do so. Not everyone is a monster but you still see them in your dreams

What courage those men showed. Forgiving isn’t easy, but we must remember this rich and powerful truth. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
This had to be hard. These 2 men are strong. I will pray for yall
So brave guys – thank you!
Who created the statue of limitations. I would like to know the names of these politicians and change the status of limitations to no stature of limitations.
The epitome of evil.
These guys are brave. Fair play to the guy who forgave, that’s the key. It sets you free
You did right to face him up. You said what you wanted to say. You two were innocent victims and realize you should bear no guilt. You two are completely innocent victims. Let it go now and never again allow this man to have any impact on your lives again. If you don’t let it go It will be like you taking poison and hoping your abuser will be punished. So I pray in Jesus name that you will get on with your lives and never let that abuser have any more hurt in your lives I admire your courage and restraint in your conversation. All blessings in Jesus name
When I was a child i learned to avoid those who where strange …esp some coaches in school who touched kids .
They are so brave.
Send them all to jail for life.
Brave men.
Those kids struggled but they became amazing strong men
I didnt see any tears or remorse from that priest. It was just sort of matter of fact for him, like ” Yeah, it happened, too bad but life goes on. “
Crimes against nature and children should have no statute of limitations especially b/c the victims are given a life sentence. The laws need to change !
I’m surprised to see how long its taken for people to open up their eyes to the Catholic Church ! It was always a religion with an agenda.
Most of these children buried it until they became adults…….when so many blame one ….it should be taken to prosecution.
dude, this is so sad
Glad that even through all this at least one of two victims has seemingly truly found a relationship with God.
Apart from wealth creation and access to children, what is the point of this institution?
There really has to be some sort of lay oversight in the church. My son went to a fantastic school in his junior years. The teachers were fantastic , the principal was fantastic and most of all there was a dedicated band of parents who did a tremendous job of supporting the school through the PTA . We had fetes , quiz nights , pamper evenings , dog nights , etc etc etc . Always something on the go. Everyone at the school was focused on the job at hand . It was a great school and a happy little school. Even though it was a poor school. Anyway not long after my son left it turned out that the ‘trusted’ school book keeper who had been left alone to do her job had embezzled a fortune from the school. It was only then that I realized that in spite of all of our hard work and very successful events that the school was always short of money. And parents were always being asked to chip in for this and that. And I did not think about it . And neither did any of the other wonderful parents. The board of governors was a dormant rubber stamping body . If members of the PTA had been given just a little bit of oversight and the power to ask questions none of this would have happened. And so it is with the church. There are many many wonderful good decent honest members of the laity but they have no power to demand answers. The job of preaching and teaching must of course always stay with the priests and the bishops . But as far as the running of the church ordinary lay members must have the ability to demand answers to questions. my pennies worth.
Victims blaming themselves is terrible. It’s heartbreaking. I wish the best for them.
So what about Bill Cosby and his statute of limitations? The law needs to be fair across the board
The guy with the glasses really dealt with this well. You can see he’s over it.
I feel like this is all to common I feel like there should be a ban for any priest to be around anyone underage
I am muslim and I am proud
It’s really heartbreaking to see all these comments getting mad at something that the two men who were priests did. Yes, they may have been priests at the time abusing those boys, but that doesn’t mean you should blame it on the whole church itself, nor other priests who had no part in that.
this is incredible
The one thing that gets me is the amount of time they get when they are prosecuted some how being a priest they get maybe a year or 2 with probation they should be no less 10 year and should have to go in front of every member of that church and admit every thing they did , that should be the church punishment to them to go to the members the family of these kid and admit what did and beg for there forgiveness
Thank you for kepping or church clean !!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work !! Seriously !!!
It is wrenching to watch these two victims. It is not and was never their fault. It is the priest who was the abuser.
This is the one time I would say thank god im a jew
I want a documentary about religious leaders sexually and physically abusing those that they claim to care about. This happens in other christian sects, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Healing Rocks stuff, etc. This is the main reason I became distant of religion and opted the Scientific Method and Critical Thinking as my lifestyle.
I am thankful and grateful for all the good that the Catholic Church has given to the world, but still at the same time I am sorry for these poor guys and little children whose integrity was destroyed and I keep on praying for them
. God knows about you in every aspect of your lives. Marina.

Proud of the 2 guys, sue the Catholic Church for the trauma
By their fruits you shall know them. A bad tree cannot produce anything but bad fruit. That priest had to give those boys the phallus initiatiation into the world system.
Perverts roam every inch of our planet….
Before you guys poke fun at the Catholics (which I admit is great fun) they are not the only organisation that is plagued with such scandals. The wider isssue is to educate and change opinions of the public and law enforcers on these issues so we can better prevent or better deal with them
This reminds me of the movie “Sleepers”
Good men. I feel very badly for them. Mothers, teach your children to report things immediately, no matter what.
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;
As a cradle Catholic from the Philippines, I am DISGUSTED by this.
I Honestly wholeheartedly believe that these so-called “priest” literally have to pass a class on “how to be a predator” and “how to abuse children” in order to become a priest, because it’s way too common for it to be just a “coincidence”
You always forgive for yourself not for them but you never forget
God in Bible: “Marriage is a gift from God and everyone should get married” – Priests don’t get married.
Evil comes in all shapes and forms, people! Unlike the stereotypical portrayal of evil Media keeps showing us. Evil is not all horns, pitchforks and sharp teeth dripping blood. Evil can be around every corner in every face you see no matter how innocent it seem. Don’t leave your children around strangers unattended no matter how much you trust these people! Your Children matter, so protect them with your life! And if you learn that someone abused your loved ones make sure this person never harms anyone ever again! BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY!
Scars like those are very difficult to heal. To this day those men still seem to grapple with the pain…
when the priest gets too close
Statue of limitations should be removed for childhood victims to report crimes. I think its unwise To have a one size fits all policy and its time these people face the consequences of their behaviors no matter how many years later. Their actions destroy lives. There are victims who commit suicide because of what they went through. Its heartbreaking.
Awful always for victims!! It’s ashame for the good priests who are trying to survive this and have no support!
What happened to the civil suit? BILL COSBY THOSE PRIESTS!
I’m really sorry for these two young Men. Countless young boys, have been sexually abused by clergy or some form of religious authority for thousands of years. Did the True God of the Heavens Put them on Trial? You think a God that Gives us Sunlight, Trees, Fresh Air, Food, Water, would want us to suffer just for his enjoyment…kinda like a movie, while He and his Angels just sit and eat Popcorn and watch us? James 1:13 “When under Trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God”,for with EVIL things, God cannot be tried, nor does He himself TRY ANYONE” One thing for certain, 1st Corinthians 6 : 9-11
There are so many cases. Every country. I can’t help but think this part of the religion. Like a mystery belief.

I’m a Catholic and anger doesn’t adequately describe how I feel about what this Priest did to these young men. It’s absolutely disgusting!!! I’m even more embarrassed and ashamed at how my church has covered up so many crimes just like this one. NEVER AGAIN can crimes like this be allowed to happen in our church. We have to immediately confront and report any allegations like this to law enforcement regardless of how it effects our church. The truth is what will give us credibility going forward.
I do not need forgiveness from one who would allow this to happen to anyone, child or adult. Those who claim that we have a debt to this deity, have the burden of proof. I guess I could take the stance of a presuppositionalist. I pre suppose that these things are wrong. Done.
God, god, god, if this doesn’t prove there is no god, what will?
I grew up Roman catholic- but I’m ashamed to have even been associated with the church. Witnessing all the pain and suffering these priests have done to their victims makes my blood boil. Im an atheist and I’ll be dammed if I subject my kids to their potential abuse.
Pope Francis is weighing in on allowing priest to be married
The Holy Father should act strictly and dismiss immediately if found guilty any priest and then hand him over to the law so that such a destroyer of our Faith, destroyer of the three Vows and Destroyer of the Lord’s little angels, be dumped into prison all their lives till they die with no parole. Such guys bring down the Church.
There should be deep tears of sorrow and admitting to the horror of what he has done in wrecking people s lives just to satisfy his own selfish diabolical desires. Where is true remorse?
So sorry guys

I am truly sorry for these men and I hope they find peace. Can we now start believing women when they come forward many years later, seems we have sympathy for the men and yet we don’t believe the women
And the Holy Father hid this and allowed it to continue. What’s Holy about this? I’m being sarcastic. Forgiveness is for the victim, so that God can help.
Im a Catholic…will always be. But this Priest needs to face consequence as any sick individual should be….but for everyone to understand…molestation is not a Catholic problem, its a world problem….sick individuals are in schools, streets, every other type of Church…..
Oh my what a gentle man….he is crying after so many years. Victimising himself.
Wow they’re super brave to come public! I honestly don’t get why so many priests like little boys???? Maybe I’m wrong but the impression I get from the media is that more than half priests do this. What is it about priests? Why so many more priests compared to teachers, child care workers, scout leaders, etc? And why is it always boys and not girls? It’s always been quite baffling to me. You’d think men of God would be the least likely to do something horrible like this.
Very mature about the situation
The skinny guy doesn’t seem right. Seems real timid, shy, full of fear and unfortunately in the closet. Possibly and most likely from the abuse he endured
You’re true man, thank you
The devil is to be blamed not Christianity.
You run the risk of being “dismissed or whatever” if you express concerns about abnormal desires, but you don’t run the risk of being dismissed for actually acting on those desires. Instead, you’re likely to be transferred to another parish to continue abusing!
You dont have to apologise, you didnt do anything wrong, you were children in a terrible position with an adult in a position of power. He took advantage…dont think otherwise for a second because that is the mindset abusers try to instill into victims…He was at fault and still is!
When i heard fourteen years i wanted to put my head through a wall
“A search should be made for young, good-looking virgins. The king should appoint officials in all the provinces of the kingdom to gather all the young, good-looking virgins to the house for the harem, in Shushan the capital.” (Esther 2:2-3)
lucky them I wish I could
The forgiven should be on your part not on the priest… Forgiving him shows him it’s okay what he has done to you!
A few observations: 1. Nikki Battiste is gorgeous! 2. I wonder if these men are still pals to this day? 3. I wish that we could see more of the cat.
God bless you both.
Imagine a young boy befriended by a priest. The priest invited the young boy to go swimming during a weekend at a Dominican run high school in Chicago. They are alone. The priest takes advantage of the situation and sexually abuses the young boy. He continues to sexually abuse the young boy for over a year. More than once, he takes the young boy out of class so he can try to sexually abuse him. The priest was named George Dyer. The young boy was me almost fifty years ago. To this day, the Dominican Order refuses to pay for my mental health therapy.
Luke 17:2 “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”
Put these perverted persons behind bars.
These stings are despicable, the ex priest acknowledged and apologized
As a Roman Catholic am ashamed of this priest’s behavior, especially when he replies to the brave man in the front: do you think God has forgiven you? priest: “hmm yeah…”. My self, I had the chance to live in a college residence run by catholic priests, and guess what: I had the BEST time of my life, of course, with people really devoted to God (and I mean it!). The great priests from this UR gave us a great advice that helped us to become adults that don’t get easily lost in life with tons of temptations: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Highest will rest in the shadow of the Almighty”. Definitively, this priest has several soul damages, though I’m not that sure the human justice will act accordingly…one thing I am sure of, God will judge one by one eventually. May God saves all of us from having any debt to pay. Greetings my dear sisters and brothers!
how is this not harassment ??
The priest didn’t get fired then because he makes the church a lot of money ,it’s hard to fire the employee that makes you tones of money by convincing people to buy an invisible product called salvation
I’m soooooo story these men trusted and were abused.

My heart bleeds for them. Do you worry. Justice WILL be done. Their actions will be called to account.

Every time you walk into a Catholic church, every time you tithe, you are raising you hand and saying I support these heinous activities. If every member refuses to give the church a dime until these problems are remedied, I bet things would move along a lot faster. Every time you support the organization, you are, in essence, guilty of committing the same criminal act. I don’t understand how you can live with yourself, the guilt would eat me from the inside out. Have you no conscience.
I’m a catholic seminarian n I know how hard it is to stay celibate, no matter what we get involved in. The sexuality remains, it’s high time the church must stop imposing celibacy as a discipline and treat it like a doctrine
There’s no statute of limitations nor can they be cured?
They should hold down a priest .a vidio him being buggered .and send it to the arch bishop
What does priest means= force of evil?
THey train Catholic abusers to do that sort of thing. My sister in a Cathikic sect, does some very odd stuff with adults and she has definately been trained to do it and definately desires to train those she draws in, to do the same. It gives them a handle on people: Is part of the pain of men who have been abused due to the fact that Catholics use endless indirect comments to remiind people of what happened and to menace them and I think sometimes to get them to donate money to the church-
God bless you both for your courage .
soooo horrible how ppl u trust…who suppose to have a belief system…who suppose to have a moral compass…fall soooo short…even n boy scouts aswell…even judges r known to do these sorts of things aswell….what is going on these days….
You can see the pain in their faces, I can’t image what they must have gone through, the confusion the shame they must have felt. These are religious men and leaders, such an abuse of power, this is why I do not trust religion.
wow… i wont even speak to him.. i will let him talk to my dogs…
Bullies and abusers always dance around the issue. They don’t mind doing the bullying and being abusive but when confronted, they can’t face the wrong they did. Which shows just how weak they really are
How can they b Sooo sick!! Go get them!! For them to do it boys they r sick! I’m going to say this “those abuser need to b hung!!” I wudn’t let them get away it! They flat out right defiled them innocent kids. I’m telling u!! U r a Lier!! U have defiled a child!!! If I caught u I would take Ur life immediately!!!!!!!!
Shaun is at peace because he forgave his abuser. Brian on the other hand, will never be at peace so long as he does not forgive him. If the priest confessed that mortal sin and recited a genuine Act of Contrition, he has been forgiven. So therefore, Brian has no place to not forgive his abuser. Sexual abuse is NOT an UNFORGIVABLE Sin. Brian better search his soul to forgive before he is condemned. God will only forgive you if you forgive those who sin against you. Beware Brian. Don’t be surprised if you do not end up in heaven and the priest does.
I’m at a lost for word’s SMH
When we are young we are taught Priest’s are the highest of morale and goodness. As you get older you realize they are just people. Some are all that ‘Goodness’ implies. Seems more and more, a lot of them Preach to the masses of right and wrong while privately doing unspeakable acts. I respect everyone’s religious beliefs. I just don’t believe in the hypocrisy 

Parents don’t ever let a man near your children, even if he is a family member. Mother’s even watch your husband, most abusers are brothers, fathers and uncles.
What people should understand is. When these type of things happen, it’s not the CATHOLIC CHURCH it’s the person, there is something wrong with that specific person.
I think this video proves that being gay is nurture not nature, like almost all gay men a childhood trauma sparked their curiosity and affinity towards the same sex . Sadly the abuse and traumas gets twisted in the subconscious into an exciting and taboo action that gives them a thrill to relive, its s sad, tragic, sickening paradoxical situation.
What about nuns? I’m sure there’s a few out there has to be right?
This what the bible preaches!!!
The Catholic church should reflect on if the prists and Nuns should be allowed to marry and still serve the church at the same time. Allow them to marry and have families
Priests who commit Sexual Crimes should automatically get Life without Parole
It’s obvious Brian is not aware of what happens in the confessional. If a person confesses a mortal sin and says a genuine Act of Contrition, God has forgiven him. For Brian to ask, “do you think God has forgiven you?” after the priest said he confessed it in the confessional, it’s clear that he doesn’t know that Jesus forgave the priest. Brian, please, learn the faith and forgive him before your soul is condemned.
You have thousands of people you can talk to for any help.
It should stop this abusive priest long time ago . Evil . 

Oh on the day of judgement!
That’s rare abusers wont face you
14 years is enough
Just 14 years?
And I hope these men don’t do it to another people children
He’s not a priest… He’s a former priest.
Criminals in the catholic church x priest has no remorse X priest his voice is unsure and unstable x priest lives with the guilt
To many Catholic priests are doing this! It’s discusting
and he believed that god will forgive him?
Unbelievable how many got away with it…or they think they got away with it. Really sick these priest didnt think these victims would not grow up remembering….n the the vatican kept records….very sick…a sick ness.. afflictions.. That spreads…the priest were and are spreaders of affliction in our society!
i wanna hug them 🙁
I can’t get over how these predators get away with this because they are priests they need prison time just like everyone else dammit! RIDICULOUS! poor victims are still shook up!
Pedophiles can be anyone so people saying they’re in the government and police force like its something that needs to be said is bogus Duh!
My x and her familly are catholic. And all have one commen that i noticed diffrent then mine. Smaller or bigger mistake they make.they never admit. Secret is what they stand for. Sad to say.church catholic is been and still doing it…. Here in there we get to hear one or two case…vs many many others been kept secret….
The big problem is celibacy. It’s a perfect cover for paedophiles.
UNBELIEVABLE!!!! how can you worship god and do sex abuse. How do they live with themselves. Let alone the head of the church don’t do nothing about it. CRAZY!!!!
it not only going to be seen on your network, its all over the internet and everyone already knows this…
People need to watch the Tuam babies scandal here in Ireland… 798 babies buried by nuns.. Irelands shame..
Listen ..we all need to forgive those that have offended us in all kinds of ways …forgiveness helps you , God will correct anyone that has done things against you , unless they repent we are all in need of repentance the young man that thinks that person soul can never be saved , everyone that is living can be saved , IF they repent sincerely ask God to forgive them for All their Sins and transgressions & put their trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord ..and make restitution’s, if possible to those days offended by them… no one can change the past , but we do have a God that is merciful to forgive and to change our ways and to heal us from the pain of the past ..he said cast ALL your cares on him , because he cares for you…He can heal you from those cares and the anxiety and the shame of the past he heals the broken heart and sit at liberty all those that are bruised (Isaiah 61)
Parents dont permit anyone to be an athority figure to your child there grooming the child if you allow
They really need to work on the timing of that happy guitar at the beginning of the show
I would like to ask the pope… to please check church records to find out if Michael Jackson ever became a Catholic Priest!
He said sorry majority don’t even say sorry
Poor guys denied a normal life.
We all need to question priests,and if you think anything in mass is wrong,speak up.If your priest is endorsing homosexuality,or excepting of anything thats not in the bible..Question it.Catholics,dont question..I am a rc and i question !
start with this then move on in the comments….. rape n. The crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse. n. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction. n. Abusive or improper treatment; violation: a rape of justice.
“””””””” This practise in Katholic church for centuries….prists..bishops. cardinals….but only everybofy kept mumed. Unless and untill angels sent GOOD priests from heaven this practise will go on for centuries. God save popes……Amozon..,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The devil is clapping his hands in joy. Disgusting.
That former priest makes me mad, the way he’s acting. He’s not sorry for what he did. Son of a b.
I see the simalarities… MJ, Priests, Cousins, kindness is superficial and can be used as a weapon…
Jesus, How. Could they do it., fair play if you’re at peace guys, I think I would get medieval torturing devices!,,,,
Put him in the population.
Of course its a priest
More mercy than I would show that freak.
wtf! lol
So sicking.
The Catholic Church should be responsible for all this incident, they should be be in jail for a long time 25 years would be the minimum and pay for the victims 20 millions dollars minimum and up to 100 millions for each victim… May God always looking in to it ..Amen 

we know we know, we have all seen the movies… so on and so on.
How they shook his hand i don’t no
The handshake?
Only 14 years
There are so many hypocrites in the Catholic Church and many priests i know should not be priests. I was a devout catholic and in church for many years and now I don’t go to church at all.
There shouldnt be a statute of limitation.
And they still attend and send there children there.???
He did not seem one bit remorseful. NOT even a mouthed, GUYS I AM SO SORRY ABOUT HURTING YOU AND C9NFUSING WHO GOD IS with this.
Utterly disgusting!
Only 14 years are you frikin kidding me they can’t get their childhood back cause of that sick pervert and he gets 14 years 

People need God in there life Jesus is coming soon . This is happening in the catholic church . It happens everywhere we need God to guide to were to go to church to people have changed this is in the Bible as well things to come and things that are happening now
A statute will only state their glory. Who ever came up with that idea should be investigated for any involment in pedophilia.
Im.extremely sorry by Steve Irungu Jermaine
These priests have given a vow to give us the Truth but gives us nothing but lies. That’s why they are loyal to the False Prophet. Bergoglio Book of Truth Crusade prayers This will be the last battle Short but terrifying
Because of his updatable scripture.contents. history (rome). Where is the real bible
Thank God I never became a priest.
I hope the inmate do t find out about it

A paster can almost get away wit it because they think that this won’t happen but it does
6.04 u should be used to hearing all this, being the witçhes gf. Sick stuff globally. M/F?
It is horrible what Priests did or give in order to harm the Church
Now days , I CAN NOT understand why normal people is willing to go to that Church..!!!… Oh, I got it..!!!! If they are willing to vote for Trump, Why Not to go that CHURCH..!!???.. People like crap..!!!!
reminds me of a priest in a room full of little boys
Boo hoo he wasn’t even that cute.
What is the point in practicing Catholicism, when the Unholy Trinity is dead?
Wtf that’s Ron Weasley
How can all these priest that abuse children, can claim they can forgive sinners?
Can a prayers stop bullets? Lol
I don’t see the point either….they don’t have remorse they don’t care…..
Omg he has a wife I couldn’t believe it
Who knows what these men had to go through battling sexuality not knowing why they were targeted wondering if they could be gay who knows what trauma they’ve had to go through and the fact that he wanted to meet with his victims I’m sure he was getting his rocks off looking at two adult men that he victimized
That was part of ceremony. …..
I hate what dude did but God always forgives
Never trust a man in a robe.
2:40 should of been a sit down like in godfather
Revenge. We need revenge. An eye for an eye. Corporal punishment to the max.
Looks like whatever happened to these two, Stuck. I hear some
in their voices.

Shoulda happened like Sleepers…..”oh….you shoulda got the brisket….”
Repentance is taught in the church
Anyone still remembers an irish singer, sinead O’connor, that ripping up a picture of pope?
Why isn’t he in jail like any other child rapist would be??????
These kinds of actions scare people away from finding God for real, humans, a lot of humans are janky, God is not this.
Mattew 23:8-10 8 But be not ye called teachers. for one is your Teacher, even Christ. 9 You are all brothers. And call no man father upon the earth. for one is Father, which is in heaven.10 And be not ye called masters. for one is your Master, even Christ.
Oh ? So God is going to say. “Come in to my kingdom. I forgive all your sins of rape because it was such a long time ago.”
The other guy looks older than the priest
just saying.

Priests should marry the bible says if you burn with desire you should marry
Catholic Priests and kids are like oil and water,they don’t mix.
Read Revelation 17:5, 15-18. “Babylon the Great” will be destroyed! As mentioned earlier, the nations will have no control over what happens at this point. Why not? Because “God [will] put it into their hearts to carry out his thought.” What is that thought? To destroy the world empire of false religion, including Christendom. God will put his thought into the hearts of “the ten horns” of the “scarlet-colored wild beast.” The ten horns represent all the political powers that support “the wild beast”—the United Nations. (Rev. 17:3, 11-13; 18:8) When those political powers turn on false religion, that will mark the beginning of the great tribulation. It will be a truly catastrophic world event
It’s not a church. It’s a crime syndicate.
So he didn’t even go to prison

Pedos= Cabal
Rome just declined the the amendments made by the usccb. So we will see what happens , and what the holy see will do?
Edmund OBrien.
They live on 100 ping
400 in Illinois, 300 in Pennsylvania, 300 in Chile, and that’s just the bits I’ve heard. The Catholic Church, regardless of the systematic good things (schools, charities, etc…) it supports, it has systematized child abuse – likely for centuries. Celibacy simply draws out men and women with way more than the normal problems than average. Celibacy, whatever else one might say, is cruel and unnatural for most people. You can’t wish pray, “decide”, or deny sex from your mind. It’s a major part of everyone’s psychological makeup. Why aren’t police investigating, charging, and arresting clergy pedophiles? Are government officials ignoring crimes and “respecting an established religion?’ as prohibited in the Constitution?
The curse of …. religion.. We are all …. victims of their abuse.
bring the priest to lSlS… problem solved 

Would anyone here let a priest look after their children?
There’s a lot more that the church should apologise for this is the beginning.
Make them pay so more young kids don’t get done the same way
It’s the devils work, not gods!
So like wtf y are they not prosecuting hundreds of priests this is absolute bs
And they’re both a couple now
The victims are better men than me, as I would have pulled no punches, bang bang bang, forgive me
I understand your pain I been abused by people of faith. And don’t believe they believe in god

Could only listen to some of that . I would have picked their eyes out with a hot poker!!
This is happening because they need to get rid of celibate priests. Make it mandatory for priest to be straight and be married. Period. Or keep dealing with homosexuality. Very few men can have celibacy
Moral of story, private schools are overrated and more dangerous than public. Save your money and send your kids to public school.
We know why the republicans did not pass the bill
now that you have videod the conversation without his consent do you think he is not violated. do you think he is not haunted and oppressed by his sexual sins. o we all have devils inside God have mercy on us
He should life the priest the world worse. That God for you am pleased I dont beleave in God
Spotlight movie remind me .
should have got 1400 years
allow the priests to have family
Disgusting man. And he got away with it. A man of faith.
I think the priest thought the boys maybe were gay but regardless they were children.
2 femin men and a raw deal
The statue of limitations should Not matter for sexualAssault Assault!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE… Change All States laws for sexualAssault
Former priest
The Catholic Church is not the church you read about in the New Testament.
Not to worry…Jesus already died for his sins

This is disgusting and sad
Stop perpetuating the abuse and leave organized religions! They are divorced from God and goodness in this world.
I served in Iraq and Afghanistan. These guys are braver than me.
Why CBS doesn’t like Catholic Church?
if CBS’ true intention is to degrade Catholic Church let me tell you such efforts will be in vain. However sin must be condemned

Where is the forgiveness?
Why are so many of these abuses homosexual incidents? Is there some sort of psychological reasoning? Questioning because the majority seem to be homosexual acts. Not accusing here. I think pedophiles of any kind should be jailed.
According to the bible this is not a problem If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; ( Deuteronomy 22 : 28 )
This is something that would never happen in the Orthodox Christian Church, only the corrupt political and sick Catholic Church this happens.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
You soul, mind, body,. Is yours, unharmed now, his handling is alone his, not yours
40 yrs later they go after him? Too late I’m sorry…should of done it sooner
Statue of Molech, Pagan Deity of Child Sacrifice, Displayed at Colosseum
I think evry one should switch to Islam
Why is this man not in prison
It’s ironic that these priests whose religion sees being gay as a sin would do something like this.
Kapal muks,,..
Jesus told Christians to pray for God’s Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. God’s Kingdom is a heavenly government ruled by Jesus Christ as King. Soon Jesus as King of kings will bring beautiful changes to the earth. There will be no more death, pain or sorrow on earth, Revelation 21:4,5. No more wickedness on earth, Psalms 37:9-11; Psalms 145:20. Soon Jesus as King of kings will abolish false religion. Religions that have taught lies about God and His Son Jesus Christ and that have made life miserable for multitudes will be no more! The Bible portrays false religion as a prostitute. It’s destruction will come as a shock to many, Revelation 17:15,16. God’s Kingdom will take action to put an end to all human rulership, Revelation 19:15, 17,18; Daniel 2:44. Ruling as King in heaven, Jesus will accomplish much more than any human rulership ever could. He will make sure that God’s Will is carried out here on earth. Beautiful blessings are in store for the meek who inherit the earth, Psalms 37:29; Matthew 5:5; Proverbs 2:21,22. The earth will be cultivated into a Paradise like God intended in the beginning, Genesis 1:28; Isaiah 55:11. Jesus will do on a grand scale what he did when he walked the earth including raising those who are asleep in death, John 5:28,29. God wants us to have the same opportunity that the first humans had, Isaiah 48:18. In order to receive everlasting life and the blessings that God has promised, we must worship the Father with spirit and truth, John 4:22-24; John 17:3; Isaiah 42:8. Pray fervently for truth and understanding of God’s Word, and His promises concerning the earth. He answers prayers from humble hearts! James 4:8; Matthew 7:7; Matthew 6:10.
Absolutely terrible
Wait… he helped them take a shower… That’s abuse?
Why ? Only Catholic priests are why not other religions leaders? Why not gypsy group who done sexual nonsense all over the world. Why not RAJNEESH who died with sexual diseases? Why not sadhus who open the ashram and molestation every where? Answer these questions First before punishing the Catholic priest.
Geez past is past.
Do people still trust the Roman Catholic church? I do not.
Christianity is The Problem….
St Joseph pray for us
All prist are pedos
Marrisa Dominguez
3 jaar geleden (bewerkt)