Page Description
Something or someone being overlooked
or missed due to a failure in a system or process,
and the need for diligence
& attention to prevent such occurrences
If something slips through the cracks, it isn’t noticed or avoids detection.
If something slips through the cracks, it isn’t noticed or avoids detection.
There is a crack in the Earth
and I have fallen in.
Down in the darkness where I have never been
people are looking, staring at me;
I lie here and wonder what do they see?
Shall I be here forever?
I cannot climb back
rotting and dying in this horrible crack.
Am I alive or am I dead?
Oh God, who will save me
from this crack in my head?”
1 A Broken Trust: Sexual assault on tribal lands
Slip Through the Cracks
When systems fail, lives are left in limbo. This page explores the profound consequences of negligence and systemic breakdowns, focusing on cases where individuals are overlooked, forgotten, or denied justice.
Through the lens of A Broken Trust: Sexual Assault on Tribal Lands, we confront the devastating reality of sexual assault investigations that falter when tribes and the federal government fail to collaborate effectively. The video highlights the human cost of these failures and the urgent need for reform.
Maria, a 16-year-old, expresses the anguish of being abandoned by the system in her haunting words:
“There is a crack in the Earth and I have fallen in… Shall I be here forever? Oh God, who will save me from this crack in my head?”
This page is a call to action for diligence, empathy, and systemic change to ensure no one falls through the cracks again.
Door de Scheuren Geglipt
Wanneer systemen falen, blijven levens in onzekerheid achter. Deze pagina verkent de ingrijpende gevolgen van nalatigheid en systematische tekortkomingen, met een focus op gevallen waarin individuen worden overgeslagen, vergeten of rechtvaardigheid wordt ontzegd.
Via de video A Broken Trust: Sexual Assault on Tribal Lands belichten we de schrijnende realiteit van onderzoeken naar seksueel geweld die mislukken wanneer stammen en de federale overheid niet effectief samenwerken. De video toont de menselijke tol van deze tekortkomingen en de dringende noodzaak tot hervorming.
Maria, een 16-jarig meisje, verwoordt de wanhoop van in de steek gelaten worden door het systeem in haar aangrijpende woorden:
“Er is een scheur in de aarde en ik ben erin gevallen… Zal ik hier voor altijd blijven? O God, wie zal mij redden van deze scheur in mijn hoofd?”
Deze pagina roept op tot waakzaamheid, empathie en systematische verandering om ervoor te zorgen dat niemand meer door de scheuren glipt.
“Slip through the cracks” is an idiomatic expression that refers to something or someone that is overlooked, missed, or ignored due to a failure in a system, process, or procedure. The key points of “slip through the cracks” are:
Overlooked or missed: When something or someone slips through the cracks, it means that they were not noticed or detected, and were able to go unnoticed or unrecognized. It could be due to negligence, oversight, or a failure in a system or process.
Failure in a system or process: “Slip through the cracks” suggests that there was a gap or flaw in a system, process, or procedure that allowed something or someone to go unnoticed or unrecognized. It could be a failure in communication, documentation, verification, or other aspects of a system or process.
Consequence of failure: The phrase implies that there are consequences or negative outcomes associated with slipping through the cracks. It could result in missed opportunities, errors, problems, or adverse effects, depending on the context in which it is used.
Common occurrence: The concept of things slipping through the cracks is often used to highlight that it is a common occurrence in various aspects of life, such as in administrative, organizational, or bureaucratic settings, where errors or oversights can happen despite best efforts.
Need for diligence: The phrase emphasizes the importance of being vigilant, thorough, and diligent in systems, processes, or procedures to minimize the chances of things slipping through the cracks. It implies the need for attention to detail, accuracy, and conscientiousness to prevent oversights or failures.
Overall, “slip through the cracks” is a metaphorical expression that signifies something or someone being overlooked or missed due to a failure in a system or process, and underscores the need for diligence and attention to detail to prevent such occurrences.
2 Disappearing Fugitive Prank