Why did Mo Farah only tell the truth now
Page Description
Discover Sir Mo Farah’s journey from a victim of modern-day slavery
to an Olympic champion,
shedding light on human trafficking and resilience.
Sir Mo Farah and Modern-Day Slavery: A Journey of Survival and Resilience
Sir Mo Farah’s story is one of triumph against unimaginable odds. Taken from his family as a child and trafficked to the UK, he endured the horrors of modern-day slavery before rising to become one of the greatest athletes in history. His journey sheds light on the hidden realities of human trafficking and exploitation that still exist in our world today.
This page delves into Mo Farah’s harrowing experiences, featuring powerful videos and text that explore his survival, eventual freedom, and the broader fight against modern-day slavery. Alongside these insights, you’ll find inspiring content about Malala Yousafzai, whose fight for every child’s right to education stands as a beacon of hope. Together, their stories remind us of the resilience of the human spirit and the ongoing battle for freedom, dignity, and equality.
Explore the videos and text below to uncover these deeply moving stories and learn how they continue to inspire change worldwide.
Sir Mo Farah en Moderne Slavernij: Een Reis van Overleving en Veerkracht
Het verhaal van Sir Mo Farah is er een van triomf tegen onvoorstelbare obstakels. Als kind werd hij van zijn familie gescheiden en naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk gesmokkeld, waar hij de verschrikkingen van moderne slavernij doorstond voordat hij uitgroeide tot een van de grootste atleten in de geschiedenis. Zijn reis werpt licht op de verborgen realiteit van mensenhandel en uitbuiting die ook vandaag de dag nog bestaan.
Deze pagina gaat dieper in op de aangrijpende ervaringen van Mo Farah, met krachtige video’s en teksten die zijn overleving, uiteindelijke vrijheid en de bredere strijd tegen moderne slavernij belichten. Daarnaast vind je inspirerende content over Malala Yousafzai, wiens strijd voor het recht van elk kind op onderwijs een baken van hoop blijft. Samen herinneren hun verhalen ons aan de veerkracht van de menselijke geest en de voortdurende strijd voor vrijheid, waardigheid en gelijkheid.
Ontdek de video’s en teksten hieronder om deze diep ontroerende verhalen te leren kennen en te zien hoe ze wereldwijd blijven inspireren tot verandering.
Sir Mo Farah was a domestic slave in Great Britain at the age of nine
Some details are not coherent.
Sometimes. The Real Story is different.
Being trafficked away from his mother in Somaliland
to work as a domestic slave
for a family that he didn’t know in the UK.
1 Olympic champion Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked as a child | Nightline
14 jul. 2022
2 The Real Mo Farah BBC Documentary (full)
19 jul. 2022
Sir Mo Farah reveals he was trafficked to the UK at age nine.
Modern day slavery as it still exist today.
“We were only there to work. It felt like I was in jail”. Laboni, Nepal.
(particularly child trafficking) is the most horrendous and atrocious human vices.
What happened to Sir Mo Farah is
of something that happens to a child on a baffling way.
Sir Mo broke the silence only 30 years on!
Please watch ‘The Real Mo Farah BBC Documentary’ above.
Sir Mo Farah is a British long-distance runner who has achieved numerous accolades throughout his career. Here are some of the key points of his career and achievements:
Early life: Sir Mo Farah was born in Somalia in 1983 and moved to the UK with his family when he was eight years old.
Athletics career: Farah began his athletics career in the early 2000s and quickly became a dominant force in long-distance running. He has won numerous titles in both track and cross-country events.
Olympic success: Farah is perhaps best known for his success at the Olympic Games. He won gold medals in both the 5,000m and 10,000m events at both the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games, becoming the first British athlete to win four Olympic gold medals.
World Championships: Farah has also had considerable success at the World Championships, winning gold medals in the 5,000m and 10,000m events in 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017.
Marathon debut: In 2014, Farah made his debut in the marathon, finishing eighth in the London Marathon with a time of 2:08:21.
Knighthood: In 2017, Farah was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his services to athletics.
Personal bests: Farah’s personal bests include a time of 12:53.11 in the 5,000m and 26:46.57 in the 10,000m, both of which are British records.
Taken to the UK to be a Slave | The Hunt for Britain’s Slave Gangs | True Crime Stories
14 aug 2024
An Investigation into a gang who held hundreds of Polish victims captive in Britain, set them to work, stole their wages, made them eat from skips, wash in canals and threatened to kill them if they tried to escape.
Featuring exclusive access to the police and legal team who have spent more than four years bringing the gang members to justice.The programme hears unique first-hand testimonies from slaves who have waived their lifelong right to anonymity so they can tell their stories.
Almost 50 million victims of modern slavery worldwide© ANP
GENÈVE (ANP) – The number of people who are victims of modern slavery has increased in five years. 49.6 million people were engaged in forced labour or were trapped in a forced marriage, the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and human rights organisation Walk Free report on the basis of their own estimates. That is 10 million more victims than in 2016.
Under modern slavery, the two UN organisations and Walk Free include forced labour as well as forced marriage because people cannot voluntarily escape it due to coercion, threat or abuse of power. Between 2016 and 2021, the number of people forced into forced labour increased by 2.7 million to a total of 27.6 million. An estimated 3.3 million of them are children, more than half of whom are forced to work in the sex industry.
The number of people in forced marriages increased by 6.6 million over the same period to a total of 22 million. Two thirds of them are women. People who are involuntarily married are at greater risk of sexual exploitation, domestic violence or forced labour inside or outside the home, say the researchers.
As an explanation for the increase, the organisations point to the corona pandemic. This caused many people to lose their income. This may have led to more debt bondage, where people are forced to work until they have paid off a debt. The virus outbreak also pushed more people into extreme poverty, increasing the risk of exploitation. Forced marriages are also common in families that are very poor.
Despite this link to poverty, modern slavery is still common in richer countries and the very richest. According to ILO, IOM and Walk Free, about half of all cases occur in these parts of the world, for example in agriculture, domestic work, the sex industry or fishing. Migrants in particular are at risk of exploitation in these countries. In addition, slavery occurs among suppliers to companies in these rich countries, for example in the extraction of raw materials.
The organisations base their findings on anonymised data on human trafficking, 68 surveys on forced labour and 75 surveys on forced marriage. They call on governments to better equip their inspection services to combat slavery. The social safety net in many countries should also be expanded to prevent extreme poverty. These rights should also apply to migrants. In order to combat forced marriages, the organisations suggest an age limit of 18 years for getting married and a total ban on marrying people off against their will.
Wereldwijd bijna 50 miljoen slachtoffers van moderne slavernij© ANP
GENÈVE (ANP) – Het aantal mensen dat slachtoffer is van moderne slavernij is in vijf jaar tijd toegenomen. 49,6 miljoen mensen verrichtten dwangarbeid of zaten vast in een gedwongen huwelijk, melden de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie (ILO), de Internationale Organisatie voor Migratie (IOM) en mensenrechtenorganisatie Walk Free op basis van eigen ramingen. Dat zijn 10 miljoen meer slachtoffers dan in 2016.
Onder moderne slavernij scharen de twee VN-organisaties en Walk Free zowel gedwongen arbeid als gedwongen huwelijken omdat mensen hier door dwang, dreiging of machtsmisbruik niet vrijwillig aan kunnen ontsnappen. Tussen 2016 en 2021 steeg het aantal mensen dat dwangarbeid moet verrichten met 2,7 miljoen tot een totaal van 27,6 miljoen. Naar schatting 3,3 miljoen van hen zijn kind, van wie meer dan de helft gedwongen werkt in de seksindustrie.
Het aantal mensen in een gedwongen huwelijk steeg in dezelfde periode met 6,6 miljoen tot een totaal van 22 miljoen. Twee derde van hen is vrouw. Mensen die onvrijwillig zijn getrouwd lopen groter gevaar op seksuele uitbuiting, huiselijk geweld of dwangarbeid binnenshuis of daarbuiten, stellen de onderzoekers.
Als verklaring voor de toename wijzen de organisaties naar de coronapandemie. Die zorgde ervoor dat veel mensen hun inkomsten zagen wegvallen. Dat leidde mogelijk tot meer schuldslavernij, waarbij mensen dwangarbeid moeten verrichten totdat ze een schuld hebben afbetaald. Door de virusuitbraak vervielen bovendien meer mensen in extreme armoede, wat het risico op uitbuiting vergroot. Ook gedwongen huwelijken komen vaak voor bij families die erg arm zijn.
Ondanks die link met armoede komt moderne slavernij nog vaak voor in rijkere landen en de allerrijkste landen. Ongeveer de helft van alle gevallen doen zich volgens ILO, IOM en Walk Free voor in die delen van de wereld, bijvoorbeeld in de landbouw, huishoudelijk werk, de seksindustrie of de visserij. Vooral migranten lopen in deze landen het risico slachtoffer te worden van uitbuiting. Daarnaast komt slavernij voor bij toeleveranciers aan bedrijven in die rijke landen, bijvoorbeeld bij het delven van grondstoffen.
De organisaties baseren zich voor hun bevindingen op geanonimiseerde gegevens over mensenhandel, 68 enquêtes over gedwongen arbeid en 75 enquêtes over gedwongen huwelijken. Ze roepen overheden op om hun inspectiediensten beter uit te rusten voor de strijd tegen slavernij. Ook zou het sociaal vangnet in veel landen moeten worden uitgebreid om extreme armoede te voorkomen. Die rechten zouden dan ook moeten gelden voor migranten. Om gedwongen huwelijken tegen te gaan, opperen de organisaties een leeftijdsgrens van 18 jaar om te mogen trouwen en een algeheel verbod op het huwen van mensen tegen hun wil in.
CNN Freedom Project- West Africa Slavery
3 Malala Yousafzai – The right to learning should be given to any child
10 okt. 2015
4 He Named Me Malala Official Trailer 1 (2015) – Documentary HD
19 jun. 2015
HE NAMED ME MALALA is an intimate portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, who was targeted by the Taliban and severely wounded by a gunshot when returning home on her school bus in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. The then 15-year-old (she turns 18 this July) was singled out, along with her father, for advocating for girls’ education, and the attack on her sparked an outcry from supporters around the world. She miraculously survived and is now a leading campaigner for girls’ education globally as co-founder of the Malala Fund.
5 Malala Yousafzai Accepts the 2014 Liberty Medal
22 okt. 2014
6 Tourist Prank | Just For Laughs Gags
Tourist Prank| Just For Laughs Gags
19 feb. 2022
When deception occurs – being fooled as in a candid camera – this is the lever, the means to disrupt a justice system and cause a crazy verdict that shatters a person’s life from one moment to the next, without reason, cause or trigger.
Wanneer er haperingen ontstaan door misleiding – gefopt worden zoals in een candid camera – dit is de hefboom, het middel om een justitie systeem te ontwrichten en tot een gek vonnis te veroorzaken die het leven van een mens van het ene moment op het andere verbrijzelt, zonder reden, aanleiding of oorzaak.