Reflections on Life

True Learning


“You cared about me”

Words of wisdom


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Bryan Stevenson

Reflections On Life


I was born the day
I thought:
What is?
What was?
What if?

I was transformed the day
My ego shattered,
And all the superficial, material
Things that mattered
To me before,
Suddenly ceased
To matter.

I really came into being
The day I no longer cared about
What the world thought of me,
Only on my thoughts for
Changing the world.”

― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

“Don’t be a reflection of your depression, your dark, or your ugly. Reflect what you want. Your light, your beauty, & your strength. Aspire for greatness – reflect who you are; not which deficits you maintain. Showcase the hidden treasures.”
― Tiffany Luard

1 Most Dangerous Ways To School | NEPAL | Free Documentary

6 sep. 2015

Those who attend school in the mountain village of Kumpur, walk across the mountains of the highest situated country on earth. Nearly half of Nepals lies more than 4 000 Meters above sea level. Today it`´s normal that the kids go to school in the valley, but just 50 years ago the village was completely self sufficient. Only if there was a lack of salt would someone twice a year hard off to refill the stock. Today the children go to the city almost on a daily basis and are immediately forced to cross the dangerous river. A village in distress is left behind. The village community Kumpur is spread across 18 farms on the Dhap Mountain. Their families live in a very remote area.
These families have lived on their land now for thousands of years herding their life-sustaining cattle without electricity, running water or contact to the outside world. Although they constantly ask themselves if the promise of an education justifies the danger of the path involved, they send their children day after day to school.

2 Most Dangerous Ways To School | BOLIVIA | Free Documentary

23 jul. 2019

Most Dangerous Ways To School – Bolivia The Yungas Valley in Bolivia: a unique landscape, where the Andes Mountains meet the Amazon Rain Forest. In this remote section of one of the poorest countries in South America, children have a very long and incredible dangerous walk to school ahead of them. All for one goal: education – for a better life.
Seven-year-old Elmer wants to become an engineer and to build his own house, far away from the remote village. But his only way to school leads over a ravine more than 650 feet deep and about 1000 feet long: a kind of homemade zip-line. He has to entrust his live on a rusty iron pulley and a worn plastic bag.
On the other side of the valley, on the summit of the mountain range, is where the sisters Helen and Mariela live. Isolated, and in the heart of the jungle. Of all the children who attend the school, the sisters live furthest away. Fear, hunger, and exhaustion are their constant companions. For them, education the key to a new, better world.
And that’s why they run great risks every day in pursuit of it. All this is more than just a walk to school – It is a test in the vast jungle. Throughout this journey they all have only one goal in mind: to ultimately find a job in a city and lead a better life.

3 Most Dangerous Ways To School | PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Free Documentary

21 sep. 2015

They live in Papua New Guinea, an island nation in the Pacific Ocean, in the middle of one of the world’s largest rainforests. And some of them take a route to school which will blow your mind.
That is certainly the case for 8-year-old Junior and his cousin Ruth. Their journey in the so-called ‘Land of 1000 Rivers’ is a five-day one which leads the students through jungles, in which new and unique animals are continuously being discovered, and in whose branches the notorious green tree python lurks. For the children these snakes are not just a threat but also a delicacy, because they hunt their own food every day, as well as climb steep mountainsides and cross countless rivers. Their journey to school is too risky to tackle alone; that is why father Michael accompanies his son and niece on this adventure. They travel over one hundred kilometres, and on this trip the children fear nothing more than the large Takali river. It separates their home – the jungle – from modern civilisation, and has already claimed the lives of many who have attempted to cross it.
It is more than just a walk to school – It is a test in the vast jungle. And not all of the students will reach their destination…

4 Most Dangerous Ways To School | PERU | Free Documentary


8 sep. 2015

It is early in the morning as Vidal gets himself ready. But before Vidal can brace himself for his dangerous way to school he must take care of his family`s sustenance – like every morning he checks the fishing nets. After work it`s time for a Uro bread and he drinks a Mate tea. Both things, like almost everything else here are made form the totora reeds. The Uros are a people that are very rooting in their tradition. They have even managed to preserve the Pukina, their mother language dating back to the colonial time.
After two hours of paddling, Vidal reaches the center of the village. He floats past houses, where a family is building their new island since the old one has began to rot. It is the normal rhythm here. Every three years a new ground under the feet and a new roof above the head needs to be made. The construction begins by cutting the roots of the totora reeds in 30 cm long blocks. Five hundred of these are then tied together with ropes and soaked in the water for three months until they melt into one large block. On top of this block, the family piles totora reeds up to two meters high, until a part of the block sinks in the water and starts to rot. The gases released from this biomass under water produce a buoyant force that causes the new island to swim.
After three hours of paddling, Vidal has finally reached the Uro elementary school where he learns to read and write. Here besides his native language, he also learns Spanish. It is not the language of his parents, but at the same time it is his chance of a future outside of his village.

5 Most Dangerous Ways To School | ETHIOPIA | Free Documentary

20 sep. 2015

When the schoolchildren wake up to the first rays of sunshine, the temperature is already over 30 degrees Celsius. They live in the Danakil desert in northeast Ethiopia, near an active volcano, in a region that is the world’s hottest on average. Amongst these children are 6-year-old Looita and his sister Khadiga.
Their route to school, which is many kilometres long, takes these children of the Afar tribe over jagged earth, over seemingly endless lengths, and every day they are confronted with much more than just the astounding heat. Not one shadow offers coolness; water is a rare and expensive commodity. Even if a breath of wind blows through the desert it most often quickly evolves into a sandstorm, the grains of which temporarily blind the children and whip at their skin. The very young schoolchildren deal with this until they finally reach their destination: school. But it isn’t over yet. There is still plenty of danger to come.
After school they have to head home in unbelievable temperatures, beyond 50 degrees Celsius. Even the youngest schoolchildren have to help dig wells, while the older children – like 14 year Mohammed – work in the salt mines, to aid their family’s survival. The children as well as the adults do not give up hope that school will help them one day – not just to survive, but also to live well off the barren and inhospitable desert.
Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer. Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.

6 Most Dangerous Ways To School | KENYA | Free Documentary

4 sep. 2015

For centuries now, the Dorn Savanna has been the lifeline for the Massai people. Until today, they refuse to get involved in the constant upheavals in Kenya and instead continue to cultivate their traditions. The Massai have lived in the border region between Tanzania and Kenya for hundreds of years; almost completely removed from all civilization. In some ways their remoteness has spared them from many ordeals. But on the other hand, this autarkical life can be problematic, especially when it comes to the education of their children.

This is also the case in the Massai village Kasiole. 12 families live in the village. Each hut has two rooms and in each one there lives a family with at least 5 children. Here, there is no space for a school, and needless to say, there are also no teachers. Therefore the children from Kasiole must walk for hours each morning to get to school. Most of the children stay at home and tend the cattle. Many parents are afraid to send their children off on the 10 kilometers long way to school right trough the savanna.
4am. Before going off to school the nightwatch is the task at hand. 8 year old Moseka guards the family’s cows and goats. Sometime wild animals sneak into the village at night – a threat to everyone.
When dawn sets in at around 6, the Maasai village Kasiole comes to life. Moseka’s nightwatch ends – and his way to school begins.

Students like Moseka from all across the region are setting off this morning on their way to the only school far and wide. Moseka`´s mother worries. In the last few days elefants often visited the area – the Massai consider them to be one of the most dangerous species in wilderness. His mother warns him once again about the possible dangers along the way.
The first kilometres take the children through the burning hot savanna, and this without any water. The family does not have the means to afford a drinking bottle. Their route takes them pass amazing landscapes, and also different Massai villages, some of them already deserted and some just newly built. Through their way of life, it makes no sense for the Massai to build large houses. They will only live 2 to 3 years in them and are built traditionally with walls made from cow manure and straw covered roofs. Only a few children join them from the other villiages, although in Kenya schooling is mandatory, but not enforced by anyone.

The way to school lead Moseka and his friend through the leopards valley – infamous for roaming predators. The Kenyan savanna is a huge open air zoo with an incredible diversity of species. Seen from the perspective of parents who send their children to school every day, it is an unfenced zoo, though. An open space whre the natural law of eat or be eaten is part of every day life. It takes a bit of courage to go to school here.
The students destination: The Ntuka Primary School. The only school within a radius of about 20 kilometers. Often they are too late, but the teacher understands, he is aware of the long school route.

7 Most Dangerous Ways To School | MEXICO | Free Documentary

22 sep. 2015

Every Monday, little Lorenzo struggles alone as he makes his way over slippery scree and past steep canyons. And all this just so he can go to school and receive something to eat there. The 6-year-old lives in northwest Mexico in the extensive Sierra Madre Occidental. This is the home of his people, the Rarámuri. These indigenous peoples live well-hidden in the mountains and have hardly any contact with the outside world. Their daily lives revolve around agriculture and livestock; poverty is a big issue for the Rarámuri. To escape this fate, Lorenzo must literally overcome more than 1000 metres altitude. One small lapse of concentration, one careless step and Lorenzo could fall off the edge.
At school, Teresa, Angela and Philomena sit next to him. These sisters, aged 6, 8 and 9, can see the school from their home, which sits on a plateau opposite. But to get there requires a journey of many hours, which takes them over narrow and rocky paths, onto sharp rock edges, across a stream, and – just before they reach their destination – forces them to climb again steeply uphill over smooth rocks on all fours. If it is raining, this journey becomes an almost impossible one: the stream is transformed within minutes into a torrent, and the rocks are suddenly as slippery as an ice rink.
These children undertake their journey to school all by themselves. For up to four hours, they march through one of the most beautiful but also one of the most dangerous Mexican landscapes. Throughout this journey they all have only one goal in mind: to ultimately find a job in a city and lead a better life.

8 Most Dangerous Ways To School | MONGOLIA | Free Documentary

19 sep. 2015

The ice covering the river is treacherous and ever-changing in appearance. Despite this, Tuguldur has to find a suitable point at which to cross the river. The 10-year-old nomadic boy rides his horse alone to school and each time must cross the frozen Tunkhel river in the north of Mongolia. His school day begins in the afternoon. Because the sun has softened the ice on some parts of the river’s surface, he cannot trust the ice everywhere. One wrong decision and his horse could slip on the ice – with him on its back – or break through into the cold water below. Even if he were to remain unhurt in such a situation, little Tuguldur would not manage to get back on the horse’s saddle by himself.
For nomadic Mongolian girl Delgertsetseg, the route to school is equally difficult. The 12-year-old starts school early, when the thermometer at her home shows -30 degrees Celsius. Her father delivers her into the village under moonlight, through deep ruts and slippery snow slopes. Due to the possibility of sliding on the ice and the obvious associated dangers, the police have banned the use of motorbikes in villages during the winter months. However, Delgertsetseg’s father has no other choice – he does not have the money for a safer car.
What these two nomadic children have in common is their eager anticipation for the warm and ice-free spring, even though they have to overcome the hardships of this school route the day before the traditional Mongolian New Year.

9 Most Dangerous Ways To School | COLOMBIA | Free Documentary

16 jul. 2019

Most Dangerous Ways To School – Colombia In northern Colombia, in the region Bajo Cauca, more than 180 miles north of Medellín, the landscape is marked by water and seemingly endless expanses. Every day, the children who live there face this rough, unpredictable wilderness – with just one goal in mind: making it to school. Because this is their chance to break out of poverty and create a better life. Like the ten year old Kendys and the other schoolchildren.
For this, they subject themselves to a daily dose of danger. Some of them must cross a ramshackle bridge that could collapse at any moment. Like the ten year old Kendys and some other schoolchildren. One false step and they could drown or break their legs.
Ten-year-old Juan does not have to cross the bridge, but first he has to cross a river in an extremely wobbly canoe, and then walk through deep mud full of stingrays. Although his way is dangerous, he’s glad that he can go to school at all. It brings him a little closer to his dream of moving to a big city.
The children face all this under tough conditions. The temperature is already 34 degrees Celsius in the morning, with humidity at 97 percent. In order to get closer to their wishes and dreams, each day these children carry not only a backpack, but also the fear – on one of the world’s most dangerous ways to school.
Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer. Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.

10 Most Dangerous Ways To School | NICARAGUA | Free Documentary

18 sep. 2015

Every morning, the three sisters Julia, Yulissa and Kenya climb into their dugout in order to row to school. They live on the east coast of Nicaragua, one of the world’s poorest countries, and the youngest of them has just turned five; the oldest is nine. They row across the Rio Escondido. Not only is it one of the largest rivers in the country, it is simultaneously one of the most dangerous routes to school. While they have to watch out for snakes lurking in the trees over the river, the three sisters also struggle against the current and must ensure the dugout does not fill up with water – because it has multiples holes and could sink at any minute.
Other classmates do not necessarily have it easier, because they live far from the river, and their journey to school takes them through the deep jungle. One of these classmates is 11-year-old Greyven. His daily trip takes him through the so-called ‘snake field’, in which coral snakes and the infamous boa constrictor reside. On the way to school, the rain drives the snakes from the empty coconuts on the ground; on the way back the afternoon heat, which is over 35 degrees, means that they are lively and belligerent.
The daily journey – ashore and to water – to San Mariano’s small village school is an adventure almost unimaginable to us. Every time they undertake this trip, the children expose themselves to life-threatening dangers, all for the chance to have a better future.

11 Most Dangerous Ways To School | OIMJAKON (Russia) | Free Documentary

5 sep. 2015

Siberia. Endless vastness – arctic temperatures. Even farther East than Japan and 5 000 kilometres north of Vladivostok lies Yakutia, the coldest Republik of Russia. Yakutsk is the capital of the Yakutia Republic and is located about 5100 kilometres east of Moscow. In the midst of it: Oimjakon. With its 500 residents the coldest inhabited place on earth. This village lies in a mountain valley on the upper reaches of the banks of the Indgirka River. One of the major reasons for the freezing temperatures is the great distance from the Atlantic Ocean and the humidity that the Ocean provides to a major part of the Northern Hemisphere. Masses of mountains shield Siberia against the warm air from the west and south, while in the opposite direction, the door to the Artic stands wide open. Thus in the winter, cold masses of air expand into the Siberian landscape completely unrestricted. The average temperature in winter: Minus 40° Celsius. The children of the Siberian Oimjakon have the world`s coldest way to school. The extreme living conditions are completely normal for the residents of Oymyakon. This is also true for the Tariks family and their son Aljosha. He is 8 years old. The children of his age group are only excused from attending school on account of the cold at temperatures below minus 54° degrees. Even before his departure for school Aljosha feels the grim cold. Lacking running water the house also has no bathroom. So Aljosha alredy has to go outside – to the unheated outside earth closet in the garden. Sascha’s mother cooks tea. In order to do so, she must go to outside to the front of the house, which is made of wood- as all houses in Oymyakon. Due to the great temperature differences here, concrete walls would soon crack and be destroyed. In the short summers, it can get quite warm in Oymyakon. In front of the wooden house the ice blocks are stored. The next-door farmer had cut out of the frozen river for them. There is no running water in the Pole of Cold, with temperatures dropping to -65 degrees Celsius; no pipe work has a chance. Aljoshas mother puts the ice in the pot and cooks some tea for her son.
Like every day, Aljosha must get ready to go to school. Like the majority of the other students, Sascha wears for the most part his traditional dress. The clothing prescribes to the onion-peel principle in order to protect the students from the Artic temperatures. His mother Irina has heated up the living room to 20° degrees. So when Aljosha opens the front door it is 70° degrees colder – every day life in Oimjakon. As soon as the children open the dormitory’s double doors, the icy cold brutally grabs hold of them. Within less than one second their nostrils become frozen.
Unlike the students in other parts of the world, the children from Oymyakon are seldom playful but instead very concentrated on their way to school. With quick steps, they travel in groups, attempting to put the 2 kilometer route behind them as quickly as possible. There are no signs of snow ball fights. The don’t spend a second of time watching the cows, which are kept up to nine months of the year in their stalls, and are now coincidentally being lead out of the barn for a drink. Even though the cows are wearing some sort of special “bras” which protect their udders from freezing.
Once in school building, Aljosha and the other students remove many of their layers of clothing, and get going with the school lessons. For the majority of them, a welcome diversion from the coldest inhabited town on the earth.

12 Most Dangerous Ways To School | HIMALAYA (India) | Free Documentary

7 sep. 2015

Twice a year the forbidding journey to the boarding school is necessary. Father Latak, looks to the sky and attempts to predict how the weather will develop. Only when he is sure that no storm is brewing, he starts to prepare the children for the trip over the river. It is a route that is so notorious, that it even has a name: Chadar- the path over the cloak of ice. One last time, his ten year old son Motup, plays in front of their hut. Motup is one of the few kids who regularly leave the village in order to attend one of the the better schools in town. Then the family gets ready for the long trip. The mother has sewn thick wool socks for the father and the children, and Tebean prayers and mantras are recited for protection along the way. Then the trip begins, where the children muss trust completely the experience and skill of their father.
The first steps, only a few kilometres until the frozen river, seem easy for the family. But father Latak recognizes immediately that the spring has come early this year and the sun has already began to compromise the ice. This is not a good sign, since the thinner the ice the more dangerous the trip becomes. Latak goes before the children and tests with a stick before each step on the ice. Often the ice cracks a bit, but the ice remains whole. Latak knows that no one should travel the Chadar without a good reason. But the education of the children is a good enough reason to take on the risks involved.
He knows that if he goes first and the ice carries his weight, that it will also carry the weight of the children. If it does not, it will be he that will fall in the icy water and not his two children. At the same time, Latak, Motup and the other members of the crew must keep a close eye on the mountains. The massive mountain ranges on both sides of them seem to be a scene form a picture book, peaceful and lordly. But there is danger lurking. At any given time, an avalanche can break out. Many times before people have been caught by avalanches here.
In the mean time the sun has already thawed the middle of the river. But since there are steep rocks right and left, Latak must now search for a new path for them to continue on. He leaves Motup behind him and luckily finds a way. It is a 20 cm wide path on the rocks at the edge of the river, and up to ten meters high.
They need almost an hour, skipping from rock to rock until they finally reach an area where the river is again covered with ice. Now they must find a place to set up camp as soon as possible before it becomes dark and the temperatures sink to as low as -30 degrees Celsius. Latak knows a cave where they will be protected and finally be able to get some rest. They must gather their strength because the most dangerous part of the Chadar still lies before them.
The ice is almost completely melted. Only a 50 cm wide strip borders right and left the ice-cold water, making the river absolutely impassible. Rocky overhangs above the ice block the way. Father and son must now crawl its way to school. Father Latak tests his way over the ice on his belly. After any progress made, he pulls his son by their hands to him.
There are countless dangerous situations that make this way to school so unpredictable. But after four days it is over, they have reached their goal; the city of Leh and the school.

13 Most Dangerous Ways To School – PHILIPPINES

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9 jul. 2019

Most Dangerous Ways To School – Philippines.
The children from Madibago in the southern Philippines have one of the most spectacular and dangerous ways to school in the world. Some walk alone through the jungle for hours, others risk their lives, in order to make it past a steep face of rock and boulders, overgrown with moss and tree roots.

On the peninsula Zamboanga del Norte in the southern Philippines, the thinly populated coastal strip gives way to sharply rising mountains. Eleven-year-old Aible lives close to the sea, but her school is located in the heart of the mountains. A ride on a motorbike taxi costs only one US-Dollar, but Aible’s family simply doesn’t have the money, like most of the families here. So for decades, children from Madibago have been taking the shortcut through the jungle. They call it Pam-Pang: A gigantic wall that the children must climb every single day – in the hopes of a better future. In some places its slope is 90 degrees. Many people have fallen here. Some have critically injured themselves while trying to climb Pam-Pang.

The weather can change suddenly in the Philippines. Thanks to the high humidity, short, heavy rain showers tend to be the rule – even in the dry season. And for Aible this means even greater danger on her way to and from school. The roots, the rocks, the soil – all becomes even more slippery than usual. But that doesn’t keep the children from chasing their dreams.


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Free Documentary is dedicated to bring high-class documentaries to you on youtube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.


Most Dangerous Ways to School | Brazil | Free Documentary

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25 dec 2022

Most Dangerous Ways to School – Brazil

In the Amazonas region of Brazil, education is a sought-after asset. To get it, children must constantly overcome an array of different challenges. It is a journey across lakes and rivers, just for one goal: School. Because this is their chance to break out of poverty and create a better life. For this, they subject themselves to a daily dose of danger. Like the ten-year-old Alice, her sister and the other schoolchildren.

Some of them must walk through the rain forest in the Amazonas region, the most biodiverse region in the world. Others need to paddle eight kilometers twice a day to get to school and back home. The Rio Negro River is the greatest challenge of all. It is the second-largest tributary in the world. And in some places, up to twenty-seven kilometres wide.

The children have to face high waves, harsh weather conditions and crocodiles in the water. While only a water canister on the back end of the canoe serves as a counterweight, and keeps the canoe balanced.

In order to get closer to their wishes and dreams, each day these children carry not only a backpack, but also the fear – on one of the world’s most dangerous ways to school.

Free Documentary is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. With the latest camera equipment used by well-known filmmakers working for famous production studios. You will see fascinating shots from the deep seas and up in the air, capturing great stories and pictures from everything our beautiful and interesting planet has to offer.

Enjoy stories about nature, wildlife, culture, people, history and more to come.

CHILDREN OF THE SNOW LAND || Nepal- official Documentary -2022

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16 dec. 2021

© -Performing Art Creation Pvt. Ltd.
Anam Nagar-32, Kathmandu -9803625140

Performing Art Creation presents
“children of the snow land”

Music by Chris Roe
Edited by Graham Taylor
Camera by Marcus Stephenson, Mark Hakansson, Zara Balfour, Nima Gurung, Tsering Deki Lama, Jeewan Mahatara, Mangpo Lama, Tsewang Norbu lama, Kunsang Tsamo Lama
Associate Producer : James Fletcher
Executive Producer : Christopher hird
Director & Producer by Zara Balfour & Marcus Stephenson, Mayfly tv & Picture on the wall
productions MMXVII.
Snowland school.

After ten years away from their families, three Nepalese teenagers return to their mountain village. They were sent to a boarding school in Kathmandu at the age of four. Now they must learn to reconnect with their families and tradition. The Himalaya Mountains are a place of breathtaking beauty, but the secluded lifestyle there is tough. The parents of three Nepalese children, the girl Tsering Deki Lama and two boys Nima Gurung and Jeewan Mahatara, decided to send them off at age four to “Snowland Ranag Light of Education School” to benefit from an education and a better life. The boarding school is located in the nation’s capital of Kathmandu, run by a Buddhist monk, and primarily hosts students sent from more remote places. In the ten years they were at the school, the three of them could neither communicate with their parents nor see them. They felt abandoned by their families. After completing their schooling at “Snowland Ranag Light of Education School,” the teenagers return home for three months. At first they question the sense of the long period of separation. In the end, however, they understand that their parents sent them away to give them a chance at a better life. The documentary film accompanies the three teenagers on their long way back to their families. They travel by plane and bus, but mostly by foot, because it’s the only way they can reach their remote mountain towns, where people’s lives have hardly changed for millennia. The teenagers have gotten used to their comfortable lives in Kathmandu, where they could shower every day, had cell phones, used social networks, and ate three meals a day. The documentary gives them the chance to tell their personal stories and address their feelings of abandonment, to show the tough country life of their families, and to rebuild once-lost family bonds. All the while, the teenagers also film themselves, lending the documentary a very personal and emotional touch. #dwdocumentary #freedocumentary #Nepal ______ DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch top documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events.

© & P : Performing Art Creation Pvt.Ltd. Performing Art Creation Is Authorized To Upload This video.Using of this video on other channels without prior permission will be strictly prohibited. (Embedding to the YouTube Channel is allowed). Thank You.

Prashant gurung
This is so beautiful and heart touching…

20 nov. 2021

After ten years away from their families, three Nepalese teenagers return to their mountain village. They were sent to a boarding school in Kathmandu at the age of four. Now they must learn to reconnect with their families and tradition. 
The Himalaya Mountains are a place of breathtaking beauty, but the secluded lifestyle there is tough. The parents of three Nepalese children, the girl Tsering Deki Lama and two boys Nima Gurung and Jeewan Mahatara, decided to send them off at age four to “Snowland Ranag Light of Education School” to benefit from an education and a better life. The boarding school is located in the nation’s capital of Kathmandu, run by a Buddhist monk, and primarily hosts students sent from more remote places. In the ten years they were at the school, the three of them could neither communicate with their parents nor see them. They felt abandoned by their families. After completing their schooling at “Snowland Ranag Light of Education School,” the teenagers return home for three months. At first they question the sense of the long period of separation. In the end, however, they understand that their parents sent them away to give them a chance at a better life. 
The documentary film accompanies the three teenagers on their long way back to their families. They travel by plane and bus, but mostly by foot, because it’s the only way they can reach their remote mountain towns, where people’s lives have hardly changed for millennia. The teenagers have gotten used to their comfortable lives in Kathmandu, where they could shower every day, had cell phones, used social networks, and ate three meals a day. The documentary gives them the chance to tell their personal stories and address their feelings of abandonment, to show the tough country life of their families, and to rebuild once-lost family bonds. All the while, the teenagers also film themselves, lending the documentary a very personal and emotional touch.
DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch top documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary.

14 Reel Time: Isinulat sa Tubig

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30 aug. 2017

In a remote village in Sorsogon, getting a high school diploma takes a determination to conquer the sea and mountains.

Every day, before dawn breaks, 10-year-old Jer John and other children in his neighborhood prepare for a difficult trip to school. Their village lies on a small island surrounded by mountains. The fastest route to school requires them to wade across the sea. The sea is capricious; sometimes meeting them in a calm and nurturing embrace, other times pushing them in cold and violent waves. And their misery doesn’t end there. With their clothes dripping wet from the swim, they take a two-hour trek up the mountain before finally reaching school. Despite the exhaustion and hunger, they try their best to absorb their lessons. For all of them, education is the only way to get their families out of poverty, and to a better future.

After risking their lives, the children are met with a shortage of classrooms and textbooks. On days when they arrive late, they even get a scolding from their teachers. Despite the odds, however, these children’s determination never wanes.
The province’s rugged mountainous terrain and scattered settlements mean that construction of bridges and roads is expensive and challenging. A bridge was promised to them once, but it was never built. As if written on the water, these promises were repeatedly washed away by the sea.

Every day, before sunrise, the children from the village of Mambajog prepare for a difficult trip to school. Their community lies on a small island surrounded by mountains. The fastest route to school requires them to wade across the sea while the tide is low, and trek up the mountain. After the two-hour walk, despite the exhaustion and hunger, they try their best to absorb their lessons.

Meanwhile, students from the village of Bon-ot take a dangerous route to school. To get there on time, instead of trekking up the mountain, they walk through the sea close to its foot. To avoid the deeper parts of the sea, they scale the mountain’s rocky slope as they make their way across. One wrong move and any one of them could fall to the rocks below.

After risking their lives on the way to school, they are met with a shortage of classrooms and textbooks. Despite the odds, however, these children’s determination never wanes. Reel Time documents their heartbreaking story and finds out what it would take to help them.

15 Reel Time: Batang Maestro (Little Teacher) | Full Episode (with English subtitles)

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In première gegaan op 18 apr. 2019

An estimated 9 million Filipinos can’t read, write, or count, while 24 million have never been to school. Driven by a determination to build a community with zero non-readers, the head teacher of San Jose Elementary School in the province of Sorsogon started a program to teach children in remote villages how to read. In this mission, he is helped by volunteer little teachers – his students who share his advocacy of making sure that no child in their place will remain unschooled.


One of them is 12-year-old Dagul. Together with his fellow little teachers, he braves the long river of Donsol on board a bamboo raft that they sometimes have to push against the current, and takes an hour walk up to a village on a mountain. Their goal is to reach children who have difficulty reading because they live so far from school that they’re often absent from classes. By bringing the skill of reading to his friends, Dagul hopes to help his fellow students reach their dreams.


Dagul himself has his own struggles at home. Most days, he lives alone with his sisters as their father works away from home and they’ve been separated from their mother. Despite this, Dagul pursues his volunteer work to bring pride and honor to his mother, his very first teacher.


preeti chopra
It takes a village to educate a child. But in this vid, it takes a child to educate a village.
Felver Palencia
I salute you sir and dagul also the children who volunteer…god bless you all…❤❤❤🖒🖒🖒
Tuts Alabaster
It takes determination to succeed in this endeavor. Soon the fruits of your labor will be ripened ready for harvest. This is the third time I think I come across with this teacher Sir Homan. Greatness is just around the bend. Kudos to you Sir. More power to you and the kids you are training.
En Ang
Dagul is such a kindhearted poet…kudos to the teacher that guide them well to help.other kids,as well as the kids themselves that teaches…God bless!
Jo Ban
Cheers to the teacher & his kid teacher, more power to success 🙏🏼 Where’s the Dept. of Education to help?
Jhoel Gonzaga
To all politicians , bashers , haters , corrupts learn from this child .
White Misono
Dagul your the one of hero children, in Philippines,,God BLESS’ u nd dont stop for dreaming ..your Efforts nd hard experiences brings u in a Good situation in life ,,Proud to your self nd Thank you ,, THANK u po for your sharing my bro Sis ,,all your hands .. Heart …for your hard working to teach the children in right ways ,❤❤❤☺☺☺☺
The Britz
Condition is heart-breaking, so much sacrifices, but what you are all doing are very inspiring…may God bless…I hope our govt would invest to this place and to these children… salute to you young volunteers and teacher Ryan..I will get in touch with you when I come back home b4 the end of this year…
Very touching and admirable …. salute to these teachers and “ little teachers “ . Sana , dumami pa ang mga katulad ninyo ….
Mano Osb
Very inspiring! I pray that God will bless people to help these kids to learn. What a proud parents to have compassionate kids and sacrifice to help mold others to learn. What a good, responsible kid you are Dagul. I admire your personality and behavior. God bless you and your family and the teachers!
Manuel Adan
This young boy has the aspirational and motivational qualities of an adult.His leadership skills will surely lead him to a rewarding and productive future. He should be afforded all the financial and logistical support in his quest to help his young comtemporaries.Kudos to Dagul!
Rosemarie Dela Cruz
This teacher is a HERO
Legion of Mary obedience to Him
He is one of the best model to our children. Saving good deeds.
Fermina Silvada
Wow! Proud of you boy napaka puno yon puso mo NG pagmamahal. GOD BLESS U DAPAT IKAW O KAYO YON IN TITLE SA 4PS
Mme J
How I wish we have teachers like you here in North America. Mind u there r also a lot of kids here who can’t read n slow in math, and we have very few teachers who r willing to sacrifice their time for kids who needs help. Dagul you r the best!

16 Reel Time: Pagkatapos ng Unos (The Wire Walkers) | Full Episode (with English subtitles)

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In première gegaan op 18 apr. 2019


GMA Public Affairs

16,3 mln. abonnees

For majority of families, going to school involves a short walk or drive in the morning. But a group of children living in a far-flung village in southern Philippines has to use a hand-installed steel cable to cross the huge, treacherous river before reaching the school. There’s an alternate route, but children still risk their lives crossing the cable, because it takes much less time.


The cable is also the lifeline even for old residents, who have been left with no choice but to pull themselves across a forbidding cable bridge every day to get themselves to and from the other side of the village. The makeshift bridge was built in 2011, after a damaging typhoon wrought havoc in the province, when intensified calls for a footbridge to be built in Sitio Gutom galvanized the local officials into action.



Reel Time shared their story to students, parents and government officials residing in urban Metro Manila – using virtual reality technology. They were shocked and surprised at the wire walkers of Sitio Gutom. Following the filming of their stories which went viral in the social media, local government officials immediately allocated the necessary funds for the construction of a suspension bridge in the community.


Aimsy McNamara
Why not let them stay in the school premises during school days? I really feel for these kids. God bless you always 😍
Nakakaiyak talaga! Sana mapansin ito ngayon ni President Duterte.
Pretty Lovers
May the angel of the Lord continue to be with you children to protect you. Keep the faith to the true living God who made heaven and earth. Jesus is coming soon! Always do good. God bless you children.
Now You Know
Praying for the success of your future kids .. keep it up always .. God bless
My family, friends, and l we’re in tears when watched this video. What the fck is the government doing about this matter? These children are our future. The Philippines government fight and squabbles over crumbs of another former leader about the wealth they stole from the country and overlook situations and issue like this. I have no respect for the Philippine government. When it comes Scarborough issue they deserved to get screwed.
i like ducks
While waiting for the government to do something, why not cross the river using a boat with outriggers and put a movable tie on it attached to the cable wires so that they will not be carried away by the riptides? I think it’s easier this way… Don’t forget to wear lifejackets too.

17 I-Witness: ‘Teacher Annie,’ a documentary by Kara David | Full episode (with English subtitles)

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16 nov. 2016

Aired: November 7, 2015
Watch ‘I-Witness,’ every Saturdays on GMA Network. These GMA documentaries are hosted and presented by the most trusted broadcasters in the country like Kara David, Sandra Aguinaldo, Howie Severino, Jiggy Manicad, Chino Gaston, Jay Taruc and Howie Severino. This episode entitled ‘Titser Annie’ features ‘Annie Masongsong’s dedication and passion as a teacher of the Mangyans in the mountains of Oriental Mindoro.’

18 Devenir un homme en Sibérie, Edik I SLICE I Documentaire complet

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21 mrt. 2021
Edik vit au nord de la Sibérie parmi la tribu nomade des Nenetses. Il n’a que 14 ans, mais comme chaque membre des Nenetses, il doit affronter tout seul une meute de loups pour protéger les 4000 rennes qui composent le troupeau du clan. Cette épreuve lui permettra, enfin, de devenir un homme.

Au nord de la Sibérie, vivent les Nénètses, les derniers éleveurs de rennes du grand nord. Edik a 14 ans, il suit sa scolarité obligatoire dans le petit village d’Antipayouta. À l’occasion des vacances du printemps, Edik rentre dans sa famille qui vit au milieu du grand désert de glace : la toundra.
Dans cet univers dominé par le froid (-30° !) et des vents terrifiants, Edik devra apprendre la vie difficile d’éleveur de rennes. S’il se montre digne de ses ancêtres, il aura alors sa place parmi les hommes.

À 4000 Kms au sud de la Sibérie, vivent au cœur de l’Altaï les éleveurs de chameau de Bactriane. Les étés précédents ont été trop chaud et il devient difficile de trouver des pâturages suffisants pour tout le troupeau durant l’hiver. Natsag, le chef de la famille choisira cette année avec l’aide des esprits, lequel de ses deux petits-fils : Altagan ou Dsolbo prendra en charge une moitié du troupeau. Celui qui l’emportera gagnera son indépendance et sera reconnu comme un vrai homme dans l’univers Mongol.

DEVENIR UN HOMME EN SIBERIE est un voyage du nord au sud de l’immense Sibérie, là où des peuples ont gardé leurs racines et renouent avec la culture immémoriale des éleveurs nomades. Dans ces paysages d’apocalypse glaciaire, le film raconte le destin croisé de trois adolescents, unis par le même but : devenir des hommes au sein de leur communauté.

Pour y parvenir, ils devront affronter la rude vie nomade des hommes de leur clan.

Edik – en Siberie – partira pour la longue migration de printemps, un voyage de 3 semaines au cœur de l’immensité glaciaire pendant lequel il devra apprendre rapidemment le metier d’eleveur de rennes. Pendant ce temps, Altagan et Dsolbo devront faire preuve de courage et d’intelligence pour sauver leur troupeau de chameaux de la secheresse, car seul un d’entre eux deviendra chef de clan

Deux histoires, deux destins, pour un seul but : Devenir un Homme !
Réalisateur : Benoit SEGUR

19 Arte Urgan, enfant de l’Himalaya partie 2

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26 feb. 2017

17 jan. 2020

Au Nord de l’Himalaya, la vallée de la Nubra au Ladakh, n’est ouverte aux étrangers que depuis 1993. Il faut plusieurs jours de marche pour atteindre Tangyer, un village isolé à 3 800 mètres d’altitude. Dans ce village reculé, on n’a jamais cessé de respecter les traditions bouddhistes : Ainsi la coutume veut que le cadet de la famille devienne lama.

Urgan a 9 ans. Il n’a jamais connu d’autre horizon que celle imposée par les sommets enneigés. En ce mois de janvier, il doit quitter sa famille pour rejoindre son monastère et traverser le col de Wori La, situé à plus de 5 000 mètres d’altitude.
Au cours de ce voyage, il est accompagné par son oncle, caravanier, qui se rend de l’autre côté de la vallée pour y vendre ses yacks, à l’occasion du Lo-Sar, le Nouvel an tibétain. Puis Urgan continuera sa route, accompagné de son cousin Norbou, âgé de 19 ans.

Ensemble, pendant plusieurs jours, ils parcourront un chemin initiatique jalonné de situations cocasses, de rencontres inattendues, spirituelles, inquiétantes ou fascinantes : Un chemin vers l’éveil…
Réalisateur : Corinne GLOWACKI et Philippe BIGOT

20 Rencontres sur le toit du monde

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13 aug. 2012

Depuis l’aube des temps, l’Himalaya fascine les hommes.
Attirés par les fabuleux paysages suspendus à ses flancs ou nichés dans ses contreforts, Marie-José et René Wiedmer ont parcouru les montagnes majestueuses du Ladakh et du Zanskar, longé plusieurs vallées, rencontré des peuples fascinants et découvert des cultures imprégnées de légendes et de traditions séculaires. Ainsi au gré de chaque rencontre et de chaque opportunité, ils ont rapporté des images pour louer la magie du toit du monde.
Derrière l’Himalaya existe un goût d’éternité !

Images : Marie-José et René Wiedmer
Réalisation : René Wiedmer
Vidéo HD – 38 minutes

21 Urgan, child of the Himalaya I SLICE I Full documentary

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29 nov. 2020

Urgan is 9 years old. He lives in a village in the northern Himalayas, isolated at 3,800 meters above sea level. The Buddhist tradition wants him to leave his family to join his monastery. To do so, he will have to cross the Wori La pass, located at more than 5,000 meters above sea level.
Accompanied by his cousin, he travels for several days on an initiatory path marked by funny situations, unexpected, spiritual, disturbing or fascinating encounters: a path to enlightenment.

“Urgan, child of the Himalaya”
Direction: Corine Glowacki & Philippe Bigot
Production: ZED & France 3

SLICE wants to fill up your curiosity!
Accessible to anyone from anywhere at any time, this channel is your weekly dose of short docs about curious facts, discoveries, astounding info, unusual stories, weird, fun and instructive. Be smart, have a slice!


22 Tawi-Tawi: Life & Death On The Sea Border Of Malaysia & The Philippines | Borderlands | Full Episode

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15 feb. 2020

The maritime border area of Tawi-Tawi separates the Philippines and Malaysia. Known for being hostile and dangerous, it has rich natural resources and is home to the extremely endangered Sulu Hornbill.
About Borderlands: A 4-part 1-hour documentary series that takes a powerful and intimate look at the people who are living at little known, mysterious borders between two countries, both on land and at sea.

23 La mine du Diable

3 apr. 2018

19 mrt. 2020

Eduardo est le cadet d’une famille de mineurs qui usent leur santé et risquent quotidiennement leur vie dans les mines d’argent de Potosi, les plus hautes du monde. La rumeur de la ville dit que plus de 8 millions d’hommes ont laissé leur peau dans les galeries depuis la conquête espagnole. A 4 700 m d’altitude les conditions de travail sont effroyables et la sécurité inexistante. Pour vaincre leur peur les mineurs négocient avec le Tio : le Diable des Incas qui règne sur le royaume du dessous. En échange de leurs offrandes, ils l’implorent de les guider jusqu’au filon dont ils rêvent tous et qui les fera riche comme dont Pedro Alave qui est devenu une légende. Eduardo gagne à la mine plus d’argent qu’il ne pourrait en gagner ailleurs mais s’il n’a pas de diplômes le jeune homme à l’intelligence vive et au verbe brillant est parfaitement lucide. Il est partagé entre son acceptation du sort commun à une population défavorisée et sa révolte contre un système profondément injuste dont il espère s’affranchir un jour en suivant des cours à l’Université.
Réalisateur : Jean QUEYRAT

24 Wild Shepherdess with Kate Humble 2of3 Peru

28 nov. 2016

Thanks you!
In Peru, Kate Humble discovers that the alpaca industry is on a knife edge.This programme contains scenes of animal slaughter
Welcome to BBC Documentary! We offer thought-provoking and captivating documentaries that illustrate key moments from history and the lives of fascinating people.
Due to rights and sales restrictions, content on the channel may not be available in all territories. The availability of certain content may also change over time.
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:…

25 Deadliest Journeys – Afghanistan: The Wakhan Passage


Afghanistan | Wild Shepherdess with Kate Humble | BBC Documentary

28 aug. 2021

This DOC must us thinking: We Americans so blessing therefore we must don’t let politics group take our freedom away. God bless the USA . Afghanistan | Wild Shepherdess with Kate Humble – BBC Documentary
All revenue profit credit to Copyright Owners Copyright Owners
BBC Studios

13 mrt. 2020

In Afghanistan, Kate Humble meets traditional shepherds in the remote Wakhan Corridor. 
Welcome to BBC Documentary! We offer thought-provoking and captivating documentaries that illustrate key moments from history and the lives of fascinating people. 
Due to rights and sales restrictions, content on the channel may not be available in all territories. The availability of certain content may also change over time. 
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:…

26 Australia | Wild Shepherdess with Kate Humble | BBC Documentary

27 mrt. 2020

28 nov. 2016

Kate Humble visits a sheep station in Australia where animals are raised on an epic scale. This programme contains scenes of medical procedures. 
Welcome to BBC Documentary! We offer thought-provoking and captivating documentaries that illustrate key moments from history and the lives of fascinating people. Due to rights and sales restrictions, content on the channel may not be available in all territories. The availability of certain content may also change over time. 
This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback:…

27 Kate Humble: Living with Nomads (Siberia – Full Documentary) | TRACKS

2 aug. 2018

In this episode, Kate Humble enters the deep, cold Siberian desert of snow and ice to live with some of the strongest surviving nomads of the world. 
TRACKS publishes unique, unexpected and untold stories from across the world every week.
Content licensed from Two Four. 
Any queries, please contact us at:

28 Boat School in Bangladesh and Roleplay School in Denmark | Planet School | S01 E01| Free Documentary

27 jun. 2019

School In Bangladesh and Denmark. Kawser in Bangladesh doesn’t go to school. School comes to him on a boat! Stella’s school in Denmark is floating as well – at least in the pupils imagination… A roleplaying game turns the entire school into the Titanic. 
Since Bangladesh is often flooded during the rainy season, Kawser’s school has been built on a boat. The project was funded by donations from around the world and without putting any financial strain on the children’s families. Kawser and his friends see the floating school as a window into the world. Most of the children have no electrical power at home. On the boat, they can watch teaching films and even use the internet. This week, Kawser will face a very special test: He is participating in the swimming competition for the first time. The winner gets a solar lamp to take home. It would give enough light to study by or play even after the sun has set. Of course, Kawser ABSOLUTELY wants to win that lamp… 
Stella attends a roleplaying school in Denmark. The motto changes every week – and the teachers will align all parts of the lessons with it. This week, the motto is “Titanic”. Stella chooses a historical costume for it, her classroom turns into the ship’s cabin and the kids get to build life boats in Physics class. Just like the real Titanic, the ship in the Danish Osterskov Efterskole will go down in the end. Stella has a very special task: She gets to rescue all the children who do not manage to build their own life boats. It’s just that the teachers won’t tell her HOW until the last minute…

29 Faces of Africa – Tumanka goes to school

7 aug. 2013

At the age of 10 he became his father’s worst enemy. Tumanka Ole Lekumok would wake up early in the morning and take his father’s goats out to graze. But tired of herding the goats and seeing other children go to school, Tumanka ran away from his father’s home, leaving the goats behind. He desires to be a Member of Parliament one day.

30 On the Way to School – Samuel

21 jul. 2017

Follows Samuel and his brothers on their way to school in Bay of Bengal, India. From the documentary “On the Way to School” by Pascal Plisson.

31 Deadliest Journeys – Vietnam: The Geniuses Of Mekong

In première gegaan op 1 sep. 2020

In the North West of Vietnam, the Quan Hoa mountains. It is one of the poorest and most isolated regions of Vietnam. Here, the majority of peasants survive on less than a dollar a day. However, this province has an inexhaustible wealth, bamboo … Vietnam’s green gold. Some of these bamboos are transported by raft … A makeshift boat, assembled in a few hours, sets off on the “Luong” river, to join the “Song Ma”, Vietnam’s third largest river. This region is also the only one in the country where the roads are not all paved. During the rainy season, which lasts almost three months, part of the trade is paralyzed. Even 4x4s or trucks quickly give up taking them… The only machine capable of traveling on these tracks, the “Tuk Tuk”. But in Vietnam, the king of transport is the motorcycle. It’s almost a religion. In the country there are more than 40 million motorcycles. 
Director: Daniel Lainé

32 The Sava Floodplains – Croatia’s secret paradise

24 jan. 2019

Every year, in the middle of Croatia, it’s the same story: after the annual snowmelt, a huge flood wave spills out of the Alps toward Zagreb and Belgrade. This leads to an increase in the River Sava’s water levels of some ten meters. The contents of more than ten billion bathtubs floods an area the size of Lake Constance, often for months on end, yet still the Croatian and Serbian capital is spared a flood disaster. One of the reasons for this is the fact that the Sava is able to flow unhindered. The annual floods not only create a natural retention reservoir for flood control: alongside the Sava lies a natural paradise, unique in Central Europe. In the species-rich, alluvial flood forests of the last major meadow landscapes of the continent, enormous predatory fish like the catfish lie in wait for prey. 
The fertile floodplains of the Sava are an important resting place for more than 240 bird species, including Hoopoe, great crested Grebe, little Egret, common snipe and pied Avocet. Old, domestic livestock breeds like the Turopolje pig and Posavina horse spend almost the entire year in the floodplains. They appreciate the alluvial meadows, keep puddles and mudholes open whilst wallowing and, as living lawnmowers, they ensure that the moist meadows aren’t transformed into dense oak forests. Thanks to this traditional pasture farming, more than 700 pairs of white stork alone breed in the Lonjsko Polje National Park. The Sava Floodplains allow us to glance into the past of our continent and at the same time, illustrate just how flood protection for major towns can be perfected.

33 Sea nomads in the Indo-Pacific

15 mrt. 2019

The Indo-Pacific, sometimes known as the Indo-West Pacific or Indo-Pacific Asia, is a biogeographic region of Earth’s seas, comprising the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean, the western and central Pacific Ocean, and the seas connecting the two in the general area of Indonesia. It does not include the temperate and polar regions of the Indian and Pacific oceans, nor the Tropical Eastern Pacific, along the Pacific coast of the Americas, which is also a distinct marine realm. 
The region has an exceptionally high species richness, including 3000 species of fish, compared with around 1200 in the next richest marine region, the Western Atlantic, and around 500 species of reef building corals, compared with about 50 species in the Western Atlantic. 
The Bajau people (or Sama-Bajau people) are an ethnic group of Maritime Southeast Asia. The population of the Sama-Bajau people are mostly concentrated in the southern Philippines, in Sabah in Malaysia, in North Kalimantan and Sulawesi in Indonesia as well as in Brunei. They have been mostly nomadic, seafaring people, and obviously their livelihood largely depends on the sea. That’s why they are sometimes called “sea gypsies” or “sea nomads.”

34 🇰🇪 Kenya: Blood and land: Erodo’s story l Witness

11 apr. 2013

A film by Bruno Sorrentino

From the moment he was born, Erodo, a Kenyan boy born to a tribe of cattle nomads in 1992, has had his life documented by filmmaker Bruno Sorrentino.

Over the last 20 years his life has been shaped by ethnic violence and by the tension between his father’s desire to continue the old traditions of herding and his mother’s belief that settled society and education are the future.

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We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world’s most respected news and current affairs channels.

35 The Sherpas (The Himalaya’s Natives – Full Documentary) | TRACKS

10 okt. 2018

Bordering Nepal and Tibet, we find the highest mountains in the world; the Himalayas. This is the home for the Sherpas, from where the first man to climb Mount Everest came from. This documentary follows three brothers, all native to the Himalayas but living completely different lives.
The documentary series “Disappearing World” was originally broadcasted between 1970-1975. As an anthropological landmark of its time, the series tells the story of traditional communities endangered by the modern world’s progressions. The series stands as a historical document of daily life in remote and threatened societies, such as the Cuiva, Embera and Panare Indians of Colombia, the nomadic Tuareg of the Sahara, the Kurdish Dervishes and the Meo of China.
TRACKS publishes unique, unexpected and untold stories from across the world every week. 
From “Disappearing World”
Content licensed from ITV Global. 
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36 Metal Grinder Pedicure

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14 mei 2019

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