Page Description
Money is essential –
it makes things happen
and the world go round.
Discover how finances drive everything around us.
Money is essential: it’s what makes things happen!
Make the world go around/round
To be extremely important, so that many ordinary events could not happen without it:
Love/Money makes the world go round.
Cambridge Dictionary
Money makes the world go round, but at what cost?
In a society driven by wealth and power, the pursuit of money often overshadows the pursuit of justice and humanity. The manipulation of financial resources can distort systems, compromise morals, and lead to deep inequalities. While money is essential in today’s world, it can also fuel corruption, perpetuate injustice, and enable the powerful to exploit the vulnerable.
This page explores the darker side of money’s influence, revealing how it shapes decisions, policies, and actions that can leave lives ruined and futures shattered. It examines the balance – or imbalance – between financial interests and the well-being of individuals and communities. As we delve into this topic, we ask:
Can true justice survive in a world where money holds the ultimate power?
Geld laat de wereld draaien, maar tegen welke prijs?
In een samenleving die gedreven wordt door rijkdom en macht, overschaduwt de zoektocht naar geld vaak de zoektocht naar gerechtigheid en menselijkheid. De manipulatie van financiële middelen kan systemen vervormen, morele waarden ondermijnen en diepe ongelijkheden veroorzaken. Hoewel geld essentieel is in de wereld van vandaag, kan het ook corruptie bevorderen, onrechtvaardigheid in stand houden en de machtigen in staat stellen de kwetsbaren uit te buiten.
Deze pagina onderzoekt de donkere kant van de invloed van geld, en onthult hoe het beslissingen, beleidsmaatregelen en acties vormt die levens kunnen ruïneren en toekomsten kunnen vernietigen. We onderzoeken de balans – of beter gezegd, het gebrek aan balans – tussen financiële belangen en het welzijn van individuen en gemeenschappen. Terwijl we dit onderwerp verkennen, stellen we de vraag:
Kan echte gerechtigheid overleven in een wereld waar geld de ultieme macht heeft?
Two Worlds: Extraordinary Triumph vs. Unbearable Injustice
Money and power often dictate the rhythm of life, but the true measure of wealth lies not in possessions, but in empathy.
An old man selling eggs on the street finds himself at the mercy of a rich woman, haggling over prices for something he desperately needs to sell. The woman, with wealth and privilege, buys the eggs at a price that suits her, but leaves the vendor with little more than a feeling of defeat. She heads to a luxury restaurant and leaves behind a generous tip, but the disparity in her actions is a stark contrast to the egg seller’s reality.
This interaction may seem trivial, but it’s a reflection of a deeper, painful truth: why do we hold power over the less fortunate in one transaction, only to show off our generosity in another? The very people who need the support the most are often those who receive the least. My mother, who would always pay more than the asking price for simple goods from those struggling to make ends meet, taught me something valuable: ‘It is a charity wrapped with dignity, my child.’
Money has a strange power – it can uplift or crush, depending on how we choose to wield it. Steve Jobs, a billionaire who passed away at 56, left behind profound wisdom on this very subject. His reflections remind us that, in the end, all our wealth and possessions don’t change the basic truths of life. Whether it’s a $30 or $300 watch, a $150,000 car or a $30,000 one, they all serve the same purpose.
As we learn about economics, we often reduce suffering to statistics, quantifying poverty, inequality, and unemployment as inevitable facts of life. But real compassion challenges us to see beyond these numbers. We must remember that others’ pain is not an abstract concept – it is real, and it calls for action beyond academic discussion.
In this world where money dictates so much, let’s not forget the true currency of life – dignity, empathy, and the ability to make a difference in the lives of those who need it the most.
Twee Werelden: Ongekende Triomf versus Onvoorstelbaar Onrecht
Geld en macht dicteren vaak het ritme van het leven, maar de ware waarde van rijkdom ligt niet in bezittingen, maar in empathie.
Een oude man die eieren op de straat verkoopt, bevindt zich in de greep van een rijke vrouw, die onderhandelt over de prijs van iets wat hij dringend moet verkopen. De vrouw, met rijkdom en privilege, koopt de eieren voor een prijs die haar goed uitkomt, maar laat de verkoper met weinig meer dan een gevoel van nederlaag achter. Ze gaat naar een luxe restaurant en laat een royale fooi achter, maar de ongelijkheid in haar handelen is een schrijnend contrast met de werkelijkheid van de eierverkoper.
Deze interactie lijkt misschien triviaal, maar het is een weerspiegeling van een dieper, pijnlijkere waarheid: waarom hebben we macht over de minderbedeelden in de ene transactie, alleen om onze vrijgevigheid in een andere te tonen? De mensen die de steun het hardst nodig hebben, zijn vaak degenen die het minst ontvangen. Mijn moeder, die altijd meer dan de vraagprijs betaalde voor eenvoudige goederen van mensen die moeite hadden om rond te komen, leerde me iets waardevols: ‘Het is een liefdadigheid gewikkeld in waardigheid, mijn kind.’
Geld heeft een vreemde kracht – het kan opheffen of verpletteren, afhankelijk van hoe we het kiezen te gebruiken. Steve Jobs, een miljardair die op 56-jarige leeftijd overleed, liet diepgaande wijsheid achter over dit onderwerp. Zijn reflecties herinneren ons eraan dat, uiteindelijk, al ons rijkdom en onze bezittingen de basiswaarheden van het leven niet veranderen. Of het nu een horloge van $30 of $300 is, een auto van $150.000 of een van $30.000, ze dienen allemaal hetzelfde doel.
Wanneer we leren over economie, reduceren we lijden vaak tot statistieken, en beschouwen we armoede, ongelijkheid en werkloosheid als onvermijdelijke feiten van het leven. Maar echte compassie daagt ons uit verder te kijken dan deze cijfers. We moeten niet vergeten dat het lijden van anderen geen abstracte concept is – het is echt, en het roept op tot actie die verder gaat dan academische discussies.
In deze wereld, waar geld zoveel dicteert, mogen we niet vergeten wat de werkelijke valuta van het leven is – waardigheid, empathie en het vermogen om een verschil te maken in de levens van degenen die het het hardst nodig hebben.
An old man was selling eggs on the street, a rich woman stopped by and
She asked him, ‘How much are you selling the eggs for?’
The old seller replied, ‘$0.25 an egg, Madam.
‘She said to him, ‘I will take 6 eggs for $1.25 or I will leave.’
The old seller replied, ‘Come take them at the price you want. Maybe, this is a good beginning because I have not been able to sell even a single egg today.
‘She took the eggs and walked away feeling she has won. She got into her fancy car and went to a posh restaurant with her friend. There, she and her friend, ordered whatever they liked. They ate a little and left a lot of what they ordered. Then she went to pay the bill. The bill costed her $45.00, she gave $50.00 and asked the owner of the restaurant to keep the change.
This incidence might have seemed quite normal to the owner but,
very painful to the poor egg seller.
The point is,
why do we always show we have the power when we buy from the needy ones?
And why do we get generous to those who do not even need our generosity?
My mother used to buy simple goods from poor people at high prices, even though she did not need them. Sometimes she even used to pay extra for them.
I got concerned by this act and asked her why does she do so?
Then my mother replied, “It is a charity wrapped with dignity, my child.”
Steve Jobs… He died a billionaire at the age of 56.
And his last words make us think about the meaning of life…
– After all, wealth is just a life experience I’ve had the opportunity to know.
At this moment, as I lay sick in bed reminiscing my entire life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth I achieved are insignificant and lack higher meaning in the face of impending death…
So, take my advice and be courteous and considerate of others. As we get older, we become smarter and we gradually realize that a $30 watch and a $300 watch show the same time…
Whether we wear $30 or $300 purses, the same amount of money can fit in both..
Whether we drive a $150,000 car or a $30,000 car, the journey and the distance are the same, we always reach the same destination.
The Authenticity of Others’ Pain
- in economics we learned to quantify and dehumanize suffering,
- we learn that poverty, inequality, unemployment are unavoidable,
- that so long as we reach equilibrium people who live on pennies a day are somehow better off,
- in social studies and sociology we learn to treat others suffering as an academic exercise
to ponder their pain from a distance, - we critique structural inequality and oppression.
Excerpt from A beautiful speech by Jonathan Roberts | Harvard Commencement 2017
De echtheid van andermans pijn
- In de economie leerden we lijden te kwantificeren en te ontmenselijken,
- We leren dat armoede, ongelijkheid en werkloosheid onvermijdelijk zijn,
- dat zolang we een evenwicht bereiken,
mensen die leven van weinig geld op de een of andere manier beter af zijn, - in sociale studies en sociologie leren we het lijden van anderen te behandelen
als een academische oefening om op afstand over hun pijn na te denken, - bekritiseren we structurele ongelijkheid en onderdrukking.
1 Harvard Male Orator Jonathan Roberts | Harvard Commencement 2017
the land of the Wampanoag nation
Please enjoy the awesome lecture of Harvard orator Jonathan Samuel Roberts
Jonathan Roberts is a recent graduate of Harvard University with a strong background in both public speaking and service-based activism.
He focuses on labor and housing justice.
2 Paxman meets Bill Gates
3 NEWSNIGHT: Jeremy Paxman challenges Bill Gates on tax

What are some amazing facts about Apple, the company? Bill Gates invested $150 million in Apple in 1997 to save Apple from bankruptcy.
4 The Unimaginable Wealth of The Vatican
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24 jul 2023
If you want to become rich, you need an idea, a lot of hard work, and a bit of luck. However, if you want to be really rich beyond any comprehension, then you need to find a religion. Just look at the unimaginable wealth of the Vatican. Who knows, you may even draw some inspiration and know-how from the masters.
Welcome to Luxury Zone, On this Channel we share everything about Luxury and help you experience the billionaire lifestyle. We rank the most expensive things in the world and we have a look inside the lives of the wealthiest people on the planet.
6 Can the Vatican reform its finances? | FT Film
7 The Vatican: Digging Up the Bank’s Secrets
8 ‘This Week’ Game Changer: Pope Francis
9 Pope Francis First Year in the Vatican for Time Magazine’s Person of the Year
10 Pope Francis Asks Chicago Teen to Sing for Him: Part 1 | Moderated by David Muir | ABC News
11 Pope Francis Calls Los Angeles Mother a ‘Brave Woman’: Part 2 | Moderated by David Muir
12 Pope Francis Visits 9/11 Memorial in NYC
13 World pays tribute to 9/11 victims
14 Corruption in the Vatican | Scandals | The Pope | Head of Catholic Church | Holy See
21 dec 2022 #documentaries #economy #finance
Corruption in the Vatican – It is the biggest financial scandal of the last 30 years. Not only because of its economic magnitude, but also because this time Pope Francis has decided to instruct the Vatican judiciary to proceed without leniency.
Corruption in the Vatican (2021)
Genres: Documentary
Country: Vatican City
Language: English
Also known as: Vatican Connection
Release Date: April 15, 2021
Length: 48 min
Location: Rome
This is the biggest financial scandal of the last 30 years in the Vatican. Not only because of its economic magnitude, but also because this time Pope Francis has decided not to look anyone in the face and has instructed the Vatican judiciary to proceed without leniency. The investigation by the promoters of justice (which concerns the purchase of a building in London) touches the operational heart of the Vatican, the department closest to the Pope himself, namely the Secretariat of State. And it reaches as far as Switzerland. Enrico Crasso, who worked for more than twenty years as the external treasurer of the Secretariat of State, is being questioned and must now answer to Vatican justice. In addition to him, a handful of financiers and high-ranking prelates are under investigation, all suspected of carrying out a criminal plot to loot the Holy See’s coffers.
15 Pope Francis & the People | Moderated by David Muir | FULL VERSION in English
Notice: more video’s about Priest Daens – Story of Priest Daens: Unjust Justice in 19th Century Belgium
18 Weapon of Mass Destruction Prank
12 nov 2013
These incompetent soldiers are transporting a deadly missile using a hotel elevator. As they’re moving the missile out of the elevator, the elevator doors start to close on this super deadly weapon, which can cause it to EXPLODE! Will the Just for Laughs Gags crew survive this adventure?
Gags are filmed in Québec. Originality, authenticity and joie de vivre…