Money Makes the World Goes Round

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Money is essential –
it makes things happen
and the world go round.
Discover how finances drive everything around us.

Money is essential: it’s what makes things happen!

Make the world go around/round

To be extremely important, so that many ordinary events could not happen without it:

Love/Money makes the world go round.

Cambridge Dictionary

You have to do what

By the skin of your

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Against All Odds

A wild goose chase

Without batting an eye

Money makes the world go round, but at what cost?
Two Worlds: Extraordinary Triumph vs. Unbearable Injustice

An old man was selling eggs on the street, a rich woman stopped by and

She asked him, ‘How much are you selling the eggs for?’

The old seller replied, ‘$0.25 an egg, Madam.

‘She said to him, ‘I will take 6 eggs for $1.25 or I will leave.’

The old seller replied, ‘Come take them at the price you want. Maybe, this is a good beginning because I have not been able to sell even a single egg today.

‘She took the eggs and walked away feeling she has won. She got into her fancy car and went to a posh restaurant with her friend. There, she and her friend, ordered whatever they liked. They ate a little and left a lot of what they ordered. Then she went to pay the bill. The bill costed her $45.00, she gave $50.00 and asked the owner of the restaurant to keep the change.

This incidence might have seemed quite normal to the owner but,

very painful to the poor egg seller.

The point is,

why do we always show we have the power when we buy from the needy ones?

And why do we get generous to those who do not even need our generosity?

My mother used to buy simple goods from poor people at high prices, even though she did not need them. Sometimes she even used to pay extra for them.
I got concerned by this act and asked her why does she do so? 

Then my mother replied, “It is a charity wrapped with dignity, my child.”

Steve Jobs… He died a billionaire at the age of 56.
And his last words make us think about the meaning of life…

– After all, wealth is just a life experience I’ve had the opportunity to know.

At this moment, as I lay sick in bed reminiscing my entire life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth I achieved are insignificant and lack higher meaning in the face of impending death…

So, take my advice and be courteous and considerate of others. As we get older, we become smarter and we gradually realize that a $30 watch and a $300 watch show the same time…

Whether we wear $30 or $300 purses, the same amount of money can fit in both..

Whether we drive a $150,000 car or a $30,000 car, the journey and the distance are the same, we always reach the same destination.

The Authenticity of Others’ Pain

1 Harvard Male Orator Jonathan Roberts | Harvard Commencement 2017

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Gepubliceerd op 24 mei 2017

Male Orator Jonathan Roberts addresses graduating seniors at Harvard’s Senior Class Day ceremony
on May 24, 2017 at Tercentenary Theatre
(For more information, visit….)
At the beginning of Jonathan’s lecture we hear the sentence about

the land of the Wampanoag nation

Please enjoy the awesome lecture of Harvard orator Jonathan Samuel Roberts

Jonathan Roberts is a recent graduate of Harvard University with a strong background in both public speaking and service-based activism.
He focuses on labor and housing justice.

2 Paxman meets Bill Gates

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Jeremy Paxman interviews Bill Gates. 17th October 1999.

3 NEWSNIGHT: Jeremy Paxman challenges Bill Gates on tax

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Bill Gates discusses wealth inequality, international aid and the thorny issue of corporate taxation with Jeremy Paxman at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

What are some amazing facts about Apple, the company? Bill Gates invested $150 million in Apple in 1997 to save Apple from bankruptcy.

4 The Unimaginable Wealth of The Vatican

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13 dec 2021
At minute 16
At minute 17

24 jul 2023

If you want to become rich, you need an idea, a lot of hard work, and a bit of luck. However, if you want to be really rich beyond any comprehension, then you need to find a religion. Just look at the unimaginable wealth of the Vatican. Who knows, you may even draw some inspiration and know-how from the masters.

Welcome to Luxury Zone, On this Channel we share everything about Luxury and help you experience the billionaire lifestyle. We rank the most expensive things in the world and we have a look inside the lives of the wealthiest people on the planet.

5 The Vatican’s Unimaginable Wealth

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13 dec 2021

6 Can the Vatican reform its finances? | FT Film

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The FT investigates the Holy See’s finances and looks at how landmark proceedings linked to a controversial London property deal are seen as part of Pope Francis’s reforms in the city-state. Read more at

7 The Vatican: Digging Up the Bank’s Secrets

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Feb. 6 — Gerald Posner, author of “God’s Bankers,” discusses the history and operations of the Vatican Bank with Bloomberg’s Pimm Fox on “Taking Stock.”

8 ‘This Week’ Game Changer: Pope Francis

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In less than a year as leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis is making waves in the church and outside of it.

9 Pope Francis First Year in the Vatican for Time Magazine’s Person of the Year

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In just nine months, Pope Francis captured the imagination of the world in 2013.

10 Pope Francis Asks Chicago Teen to Sing for Him: Part 1 | Moderated by David Muir | ABC News

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Watch FULL Pope Francis coverage here:
For Cristo Rey Jesuit High School student Valerie Herrera, the virtual audience with the pope was extra special.

11 Pope Francis Calls Los Angeles Mother a ‘Brave Woman’: Part 2 | Moderated by David Muir

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5 sep 2015

Watch FULL Pope Francis coverage here:

The pontiff praised Rosemary Fanfare for raising her two girls, and talks about why his US trip is important to him.

12 Pope Francis Visits 9/11 Memorial in NYC

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The pontiff prayed at the site memorializing the tragedy that unfolded in lower Manhattan.

13 World pays tribute to 9/11 victims

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People around the world remember 9/11 victims on the 10th anniversary of the attacks. Natalie Allen reports.

14 Corruption in the Vatican | Scandals | The Pope | Head of Catholic Church | Holy See

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21 dec 2022 #documentaries #economy #finance

Corruption in the Vatican – It is the biggest financial scandal of the last 30 years. Not only because of its economic magnitude, but also because this time Pope Francis has decided to instruct the Vatican judiciary to proceed without leniency.

Corruption in the Vatican (2021)
Genres: Documentary
Country: Vatican City
Language: English
Also known as: Vatican Connection
Release Date: April 15, 2021
Length: 48 min
Location: Rome


This is the biggest financial scandal of the last 30 years in the Vatican. Not only because of its economic magnitude, but also because this time Pope Francis has decided not to look anyone in the face and has instructed the Vatican judiciary to proceed without leniency. The investigation by the promoters of justice (which concerns the purchase of a building in London) touches the operational heart of the Vatican, the department closest to the Pope himself, namely the Secretariat of State. And it reaches as far as Switzerland. Enrico Crasso, who worked for more than twenty years as the external treasurer of the Secretariat of State, is being questioned and must now answer to Vatican justice. In addition to him, a handful of financiers and high-ranking prelates are under investigation, all suspected of carrying out a criminal plot to loot the Holy See’s coffers.

15 Pope Francis & the People | Moderated by David Muir | FULL VERSION in English

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Watch FULL Pope Francis coverage on ABC: 

Pope Francis participated in a virtual audience with Americans from across the country during an event moderated by ABC News anchor David Muir.

16 DAENS preek

25 jan. 2018

17 Daens II

15 feb. 2017

Notice: more video’s about Priest DaensStory of Priest Daens: Unjust Justice in 19th Century Belgium

Life as it is

Shipbreaking Yards

Sweatshops Fast Fashion

Rana Plaza Fashion

Live without dignity

18 Weapon of Mass Destruction Prank

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12 nov 2013

These incompetent soldiers are transporting a deadly missile using a hotel elevator. As they’re moving the missile out of the elevator, the elevator doors start to close on this super deadly weapon, which can cause it to EXPLODE! Will the Just for Laughs Gags crew survive this adventure?

Gags are filmed in Québec. Originality, authenticity and joie de vivre…

You have to do what

By the skin of your

Current Page

Against All Odds

A wild goose chase

Without batting an eye