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Are you still a human being? –
Explore the ethical and moral dilemmas of modern life
in this insightful and thought-provoking examination.
1 Prior: The Moral Compass
Trust is a judgement
that someone else can be relied upon or
that some institution can relied on.
It isn’t proof.
Trust is what we do when we need a shortcut.
Please listen to the BBC MP3 of philosopher, Onora O’Neill.
The big idea: the new distrust (about 10 minutes)
Human Engagement
You realize what’s happening, you have knowledge of the facts, and it dawns on you.
In an emergency, 30 seconds were enough for Mamoudou Gassama to save the life of a 4-year-old child hanging from the balcony railing on the 4th floor.
Society moves heaven and earth to rescue 12 teenagers and their coach from a cave flooded by the monsoon in Thailand in 2018.
It’s about honesty and humanity; you have no choice, from your conscience, you are compelled to intervene.
There are a thousand and one examples.
It’s the biblical story of The Good Samaritan.
Je beseft wat er gebeurt, je kent de feiten, en het dringt tot je door.
In een noodsituatie had Mamoudou Gassama slechts 30 seconden nodig om het leven te redden van een 4-jarig kind dat aan de balkonrand van de 4e verdieping hing.
De samenleving verzet hemel en aarde om 12 tieners en hun coach in 2018 te redden uit een grot in Thailand die overstroomd was door de moesson.
Het draait om eerlijkheid en menselijkheid; je hebt geen keuze, je geweten dwingt je in te grijpen.
Er zijn talloze voorbeelden.
Het is het bijbelse verhaal van de Barmhartige Samaritaan.
1 Desiderata – A Life Changing Poem for Hard Times
16 apr. 2020
2 Donovan Livingston’s Harvard Graduate School of Education Student Speech
Donovan Livingston delivers his awe-inspiring poem Lift up
2 What exactly is social justice supposed to mean and why has it become such a murky term?
Thousands of years ago, Plato came up with the idea of justice being to give each person his due. This is still an influential way of looking at justice (even if I think we have to twist it a bit). In the context of social justice, it is about making sure that each citizen gets his share of the benefits and burdens of society.
Nowadays, it is more often called “distributive justice”. It is concerned with questions about the distribution of income, wealth, the social bases of self-respect and so on. Essentially, the question of who gets what (from the moral point of view).
It is controversial for two main reasons:
- there is a lot at stake. People really do have lots to gain and lose by the laws we choose to instantiate, and the theories of distributive justice we choose to implement through our political institutions
- it is genuinely a really hard question. There are many good arguments for various different positions
Finally, some libertarians think that the concept of social justice is incoherent. Hayek seeks to claim something like this in places. However, the view that social justice is not a coherent concept strikes me as very weak and I have never encountered a strong argument for it.
Wat betekent sociale rechtvaardigheid precies en waarom is het zo’n vaag begrip geworden?
Duizenden jaren geleden introduceerde Plato het idee van rechtvaardigheid als het geven aan ieder wat hem toekomt. Dit blijft een invloedrijke manier om naar rechtvaardigheid te kijken (ook al denk ik dat we het enigszins moeten aanpassen). In de context van sociale rechtvaardigheid gaat het erom ervoor te zorgen dat elke burger zijn deel van de voordelen en lasten van de samenleving krijgt.
Tegenwoordig wordt dit vaker “verdelende rechtvaardigheid” genoemd. Het houdt zich bezig met vragen over de verdeling van inkomen, rijkdom, de sociale basis van zelfrespect, enzovoort. In wezen draait het om de vraag: wie krijgt wat (vanuit een moreel oogpunt)?
Het is om twee hoofdredenen controversieel:
- Er staat veel op het spel. Mensen hebben veel te winnen en te verliezen door de wetten die we kiezen te implementeren en door de theorieën van verdelende rechtvaardigheid die we via onze politieke instituties toepassen.
- Het is echt een moeilijke vraag. Er zijn veel goede argumenten voor verschillende standpunten.
Ten slotte denken sommige libertariërs dat het concept van sociale rechtvaardigheid niet coherent is. Hayek probeert dit op bepaalde momenten te beweren. Toch lijkt de opvatting dat sociale rechtvaardigheid geen coherent concept is, mij erg zwak, en ik ben nog nooit een sterk argument ervoor tegengekomen.
Peter Hawkins Passionate about politics.
3 Mauro Manuel
Mauro Manuel was an Angolan asylum seeker who came to the Netherlands in 2003 at the age of nine. He traveled alone on a KLM flight from Angola to the Netherlands, where he sought asylum. He was granted a temporary residence permit on humanitarian grounds, which allowed him to stay in the Netherlands and attend school.
In 2010, Mauro’s case gained national attention in the Netherlands when it became clear that he would soon turn 18 and would no longer be eligible for the temporary permit. There was a public debate about whether he should be allowed to stay in the country, with some politicians and citizens arguing that he should be deported back to Angola, and others advocating for him to be allowed to remain in the Netherlands due to the length of time he had lived there and his integration into Dutch society.
In the end, the Dutch government decided that Mauro would have to leave the Netherlands when he turned 18. However, after widespread public protests and pressure from advocacy groups, the government eventually granted him a residency permit that allowed him to stay in the country.
Mauro’s case drew attention to the complexities and controversies surrounding immigration and asylum policy in the Netherlands and in other countries around the world.
Mauro Manuel was een Angolese asielzoeker die in 2003 op negenjarige leeftijd alleen naar Nederland kwam. Hij reisde alleen met een KLM-vlucht van Angola naar Nederland, waar hij asiel aanvroeg. Mauro kreeg een tijdelijke verblijfsvergunning op humanitaire gronden, waarmee hij in Nederland kon blijven en naar school kon gaan.
In 2010 kreeg Mauro’s zaak landelijke aandacht in Nederland toen duidelijk werd dat hij bijna 18 zou worden en daardoor niet langer in aanmerking zou komen voor de tijdelijke vergunning. Er ontstond een publiek debat over de vraag of hij in het land mocht blijven. Sommige politici en burgers pleitten voor zijn uitzetting naar Angola, terwijl anderen vonden dat hij mocht blijven vanwege de lange periode die hij al in Nederland had doorgebracht en zijn succesvolle integratie in de Nederlandse samenleving.
Uiteindelijk besloot de Nederlandse regering dat Mauro het land moest verlaten zodra hij 18 werd. Na grootschalige publieke protesten en druk van belangenorganisaties besloot de overheid echter om hem een verblijfsvergunning te verlenen, waardoor hij toch in Nederland kon blijven.
De zaak van Mauro bracht de complexe en controversiële kwesties rondom immigratie- en asielbeleid in Nederland en andere landen wereldwijd onder de aandacht.
3 Mauro Manuel in Pauw & Witteman 22-09-2011
Angolees Mauro Manuel moet terug van Minister Leers.
4 The Disgraced Cop Louis N. Scarcella
NYPD Detective Louis Scarcella
Scarcella born 1951) is a retired detective from the New York City Police Department (NYPD) who earned frequent commendations during the “crack epidemic” of the 1980s and 1990s, before many convictions resulting from his investigations were overturned during his retirement.
Louis Scarcella’s partner admits they used ‘questionable tactics’
A summary of the key events and issues surrounding John Bunn’s case, including his wrongful conviction, the lawsuit he filed, the settlement reached with the city, and the concerns raised about Detective Louis Scarcella’s tactics.
- John Bunn, who spent 16 years in prison for a murder he was charged with at age 14, only to have his conviction overturned.
- Bunn filed a lawsuit for “malicious prosecution, denial of due process and civil rights conspiracy”, which the city settled for $5.9 million in 2020.
- Bunn claims he was wrongfully convicted in 1991 based primarily on coerced testimony and questionable tactics by Scarcella and his partners.
- Scarcella’s involvement in 14 cases from the 1980s and ’90s, including Bunn’s, has raised concerns, leading to the overturning of eight cases by the Brooklyn DA’s Conviction Review Unit and six by judges.
- Bunn alleges that despite lacking physical evidence linking him to the crime, he was convicted after a brief trial.
- He asserts that Scarcella and his colleagues were known for violating police procedures and making tainted arrests.
- Bunn was paroled in 2009 and cleared in 2016, prompting his lawsuit, which accuses the police and the city of malicious prosecution, denial of due process, and civil rights conspiracy.
- Scarcella declined to comment, and the city law department did not provide a statement on the case.
5 Paula Vennells
4 Church ‘Should Have Inquired More’ About Paula Vennells
23 feb 2024 LONDON
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has acknowledged that the Church of England did not adequately question the involvement of Paula Vennells, former Post Office boss and Anglican priest, in Church bodies amid the Horizon scandal.
In response to a written question to the General Synod, Welby admitted that more inquiries should have been made about Vennells’ positions on an ethical investment committee in 2019 and 2020, given the revelations about the Horizon scandal.
He refrained from confirming or denying whether Vennells was interviewed for the position of bishop of London, citing confidentiality.
Kevin O’Sullivan and Alex Phillips speak with political commentator Tatton Spiller.
5 Post Office ‘knowingly withheld’ defence evidence from sub-postmasters | Forensic Auditor
9 jan 2024
“Documents were being withheld from sub-postmasters that were relevant to a criminal prosecution.”
The Post Office “knowingly withheld” relevant defence evidence from sub postmasters, forensic auditor Ian Henderson who investigated the company in 2012 tells
6 Judge DESTROYS Post Office Expert
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Mr Justice Fraser tore apart the expert testimony of Dr Worden, expert for the Post Office, in the Bates v Post office case in the High Court.
6 Rotherham scandal
The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal consists of the organised child sexual abuse that occurred in the town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, Northern England from the late 1980s until 2013 and the failure of local authorities to act on reports of the abuse throughout most of that period.
Police officers in Rotherham were not equipped to deal with the widespread child sex abuse that plagued the town for more than 15 years, according to a new report. The long-awaited findings from the police watchdog are the latest in a series of inquiries into a scandal that has cast a shadow over South Yorkshire.
Operation Linden was a series of investigations carried out by The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) looking at South Yorkshire Police’s response to allegations of child sexual abuse and exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.
The watchdog has found that systemic problems meant the force failed to recognise the scale of the problem.
It echoes Prof Alexis Jay’s 2014 report that found 1,400 children in the town were targeted by grooming gangs during the period.
BBC News looks at what prompted her report and what happened after its publication.
7 – 1,400 children exploited in Rotherham child abuse scandal
26 aug 2014
At least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, a report has found.
Children as young as 11 were raped by multiple perpetrators, abducted, trafficked to other cities in England, beaten and intimidated, it said.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Borough Council, revealed there had been three previous inquiries.
Council leader Roger Stone said he would step down with immediate effect.
Mr Stone, who has been the leader since 2003, said: “I believe it is only right that as leader I take responsibility for the historic failings described so clearly.”
The inquiry team noted fears among council staff of being labelled “racist” if they focussed on victims’ description of the majority of abusers as “Asian” men.
8 – U.K. child abuse study finds 1,400 victims in one town
The British government is facing calls for a national inquiry after a report found that about 1,400 children were sexually exploited in a northern England town.
7 Saint-Omer, near Calais in northern France Compass
8 Ethics – Casualties of war
Casualties Of War
From visionary director Brian De Palma, war is war, but murder is murder. Michael J. Fox and Sean Penn star in this action-packed Vietnam war saga in which one soldier thought he had a license to kill and another dared to stand in his way.
9 Buying a hammer to hurt himself to cause false accusations
11 Phone Booth Thief
It’s a setup! Just as people find a hammer in a phone booth a bunch of change falls to the ground – sometimes it really it isn’t what it looks like! A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!