Deceptive Justice

Page Description

Exploring the British Post Office Scandal,
wrongful convictions,
and the case of
Sheldon Thomas,
wrongly identified at 16
based on a photo of someone else.

Is this still a society?

Is this still a church?

Is this still justice?

Are you still  human?

Emotional Impact

Current Page

1 A system without fairness and honesty

1 Post Office scandal: outrage as Channel 4 News reveals covert recordings

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2 What actually happened in the Post Office scandal? | ITV News

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8 jan 2024

3 More secret tapes prove Post Office boss briefed on system backdoor

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4 Evidence shows the Post office knew Horizon was faulty

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5 “Can’t Get Any Lower” | Post Office Aware Of Faulty Software During Court Battles, Hidden Report

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6 Secret recording ‘final proof’ former Post Office boss Paula Vennells knew about Horizon issues

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New secret tape reveals top Post Office lawyer was warned of ‘wrongful’ convictions decade ago

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3 apr 2024

A secret recording obtained by ITV News reveals the Post Office’s most senior lawyer was warned by independent investigators more than a decade ago that it may have misled the courts and pressured sub-postmasters into “wrongful and unsafe” guilty pleas.

The recording was of a meeting held between the Post Office’s former General Counsel Chris Aujard and Second Sight forensic accountants Ian Henderson and Ron Warmington in December 2013.

It shows the two men presented a damning assessment of the Post Office’s conduct in its investigations and prosecutions of sub-postmasters, who they found were denied the right to defend themselves and forced into “courtroom step deals” with little choice but to plead guilty.

Read more here:…

8 Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells accused of misleading government | ITV News

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9 Post Office Inquiry Witness List Released. Lawyers in the firing line.

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4 apr 2024
I know technically that should be ‘line of fire’. But firing line sounds better.

10 “Utterly Negligent Chief Executive!” Ex-Post Office CEO Paula Vennells SLAMMED By Ed Vaizey

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11 “She Has No Credibility” | Ex-Post Office Boss Knew Of Hack In 2013, Secret Tapes Reveal

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4 apr 2024

MPs are set to consider “sanctioning” the former Post Office chief executive Paula Vennells after a further set of leaked recordings appeared to raise questions about her statements to Parliament on the Horizon scandal.

Covert recordings obtained by ITV and Channel 4 show Ms Vennells, who led the Post Office at the height of the scandal, was told in 2013 that there had been allegations the Horizon system could be accessed remotely, something she later told a committee of MPs was not possible.

It later emerged that subpostmasters’ Horizon accounts could be accessed remotely by staff working at Fujitsu’s headquarters in Bracknell.

Solicitor Albert Harwood joins Talk Today to discuss this further.

12 “I’m VERY Angry!” Tapes Show Post Office Boss Knew About Faulty Horizon System

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3 apr 2024

Paula Vennells, the former Post Office chief executive, may have been told about a “covert operations team” that could remotely access the Horizon system and adjust branches’ accounts two years before she appeared in parliament.

In newly surfaced allegations, Ms Vennells was briefed by the Post Office’s general counsel that a unit in Bracknell’s Fujitsu headquarters could access subpostmaster’s accounts remotely.

Tapes obtained by Channel 4 show the Post Office’s chief lawyer Susan Crichton confirming twice that Ms Vennells was aware of the allegations.

In the audio recording – dating from 2013 – Ms Crichton can be heard saying: “[Paula] knows about the allegation. She knows we are working on it.”

TalkTV’s Daisy McAndrew is joined by Varchas Patel whose father was a victim of the Post Office Scandal, who says he is “angry” and “upset” about the treatment of his father when the CEO supposedly knew about the faulty system.

13 Post Office “knew its court claims were false” | Jeremy Vine

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29 mrt 2024

A draft report suggests the Post Office spent more than £90 million fighting sub-postmasters in the High Court despite knowing its defence was untrue.

Jeremy Vine on 5 is on television every weekday at 9:15am until 1:30pm on Channel 5.

Subscribe to the channel for more celebrity interviews, hot topics and debates:

14 Former Sub-Postmaster Seema Misra Is Fighting For Justice | Good Morning Britain

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Appeal Court Used Seema Misra & Her Enablers Post Trial Lies & Concoctions In Judgement


6 mrt 2024

Thief, fraudster and former sub-postmistress Seema Misra’s evidence during her trial (from 18th October 2010) can be read here…

The following is a copy of paragraph 92 from the court of appeals 2021 judgement in Hamilton & Ors v Post Office Ltd (Here…

92: ‘Seema Misra had been appointed an SPM in 2005. We note that in a report prepared by Second Sight in April 2015 (in connection with the possibility of mediation), the appellant is recorded as saying:

“she was surprised to find that discrepancies occurred on each day of her onsite training, particularly as the trainer had watched every transaction she carried out that week. She adds that in the second week, an unexplained shortfall of approximately £200 occurred whilst balancing, and that the trainer rang the Helpline for assistance. She says that the trainer followed the Helpline’s instructions, which had the effect of causing the shortfall to double, after which the trainer told her “we have to make the till good now and you might get an error notice”. She says that this ‘doubling’ of a loss also occurred on another unspecified occasion in relation to a £2,000 discrepancy. Post Office states that there are no records in the NBSC call logs of the call that the Applicant asserts was made by the trainer and that ‘due to the time that has elapsed there are no transaction logs available for the Applicant’s training period’.”

We observe that this appears to be a striking instance of a problem with Horizon, of which independent evidence was or should have been available from the person who was training the appellant in its use’

Paragraph 92 Of The Court Of Appeals Judgement In Hamilton & Ors V Post Office Ltd Is Based On Thief & Fraudster Seema Misra & Her Enablers Post Trial Concoctions – Read more here http://theerrorsthatplaguethemiscarri…

The True Story Of Fraudsters Seema & Davinder Misra & Their West Byfleet Costcutters Shop & Post Office – Includes Chief Innocence Fraud Enabler Nick Wallis – http://theerrorsthatplaguethemiscarri…


15 Post Office ‘has case to answer for corporate manslaughter’, senior Tory MP says | ITV News

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16 Horizon scandal: More than £1m claimed as Post Office ‘profit’ may have come from sub-postmasters

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28 mrt 2024

More than £1m of unexplained transactions were transferred in to Post Office profit at the height of the Horizon scandal, leaked documents have shown.

The papers, seen by Sky News, show a snapshot of transfers from a Post Office “miscellaneous client” suspense account over a four-year period, up to 2014.

A suspense account is where unexplained, or disputed, transactions remain until they are able to be “reconciled”.

The Post Office released a statement in response to the findings, saying: “The statutory public inquiry, chaired by a judge with the power to question witnesses under oath, is the best forum to examine the issues raised by this evidence.

“We continue to remain fully focused on supporting the inquiry to get to the truth of what happened and accountability for that.”

Read more:…

17 Mr Justice Fraser Allegation Re: Anne Chambers CLEARLY WRONG – Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry

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26 mrt 2024

Are The Metropolitan Police Service & All Those Involved In Operation Olympus Aware Of The Very Real Innocence Fraud Phenomenon, Which Thief & Fraudster Seema Misra & Her Appeal & Public Relations Spin Campaign Appears To Be – http://theerrorsthatplaguethemiscarri…

18 Biased Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry Chair Wyn Williams Reminded Of Perjury

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25 mrt 2024

Link to Cloth Fair chambers submissions to post office Horizon IT inquiry chair Wyn Williams, on behalf of Anne Chambers (dated 4th March 2024) – https://www.postofficehorizoninquiry…. 

Link to Munster v Lamb 05 Jul 1883 11 QBD 588, CA –… 

Chair Wyn Williams 19th March 2024 response to Stuart Biggs can be read here – https://www.postofficehorizoninquiry…. 

Watch also “Why Is Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry Chair Ignoring Crucial Health Warning?”    • Why Is Biased Post Office Horizon IT …  

“Why Hasn’t Biased Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry Chair Acted On Unjustified Allegation Complaint?”    • Why Hasn’t Biased Post Office Horizon…  

“Will MET Police Be Investigating Post Office Scandal Lawyers Like Peter Fraser & Debbie Stapel?”    • Will Met Police Be Investigating Post…  

19 Post Office scandal: ‘We are a long way from done’ – Lawyer for victims

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13 mrt 2024

A lawyer for over 300 sub-postmasters at the centre of the Horizon scandal says it is a “long way from done” despite the government announcing legislation to quash convictions.

David Enright, partner at Howe + Co Solicitors, told Sky News there had been “false dawns many times” and disagreed with Kevin Hollinrake’s comments that the government had acted “swiftly”.

He is calling for a national response as the legislation will only exonerate victims in England and Wales not Northern Ireland and Scotland.

20 Postal Affairs Minister Kevin Hollinrake On Plans To Compensate By August | Good Morning Britain

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At minute 8:30 They lied to everyone

21 Post Office ‘understands profound mistrust’ after delays in disclosures

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22 Post Office Inquiry: Alan Bates delivers brutal assessment of bosses

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2 Convicted Individuals Deemed Unsafe Are No Exception

Sheldon Thomas was just 16
when he was convicted
on basis of a photo and
it was not him

 december 2004.
19 year innocent in prison.
He was 35 when he came free.

Thomas was “denied due process at every stage.”
The case was based on 100% lies.

The Unthinkable

In the examples on the home page and throughout the website, we are continuously confronted with orchestrated, manipulated, or deceptive decisions without legality.

Authenticity: what’s real and what’s fake.

There are plenty of examples where justice is used as a toy, where justice fools someone.

It is all about dishonesty.

There is a problem, a big, big problem.

The way of looking at the justice system is not right, as explained in the above-mentioned explanation ‘The essence’.

3 An affront to the public conscience
4 Turning a Blind Eye: Uncovering the British Post Office Scandal


The British Post Office scandal was a catastrophic failure of oversight and accountability that led to unjust convictions and severe financial and personal repercussions for many innocent individuals. Despite clear signs of malfeasance and systemic issues within the Post Office’s Horizon accounting system, various parties failed to intervene effectively. Here are the key points that contributed to the scandal:

Flawed Horizon Accounting System: The Horizon system, implemented by the Post Office in 1999, was designed to manage transactions at branch offices. However, it had inherent technical faults that led to discrepancies, errors, and false allegations of financial mismanagement by postmasters and mistresses.

Post Office Denial and Deflection: Despite mounting evidence of errors within the Horizon system, the Post Office consistently denied any wrongdoing, instead attributing discrepancies to individual misconduct. This denial hindered efforts to address the root causes of the issue.

Legal Failures and Injustice: The Post Office aggressively pursued legal action against postmasters and mistresses based on Horizon discrepancies, resulting in wrongful convictions, bankruptcies, and even imprisonment. The justice system largely failed to scrutinize the reliability of Horizon data, leading to miscarriages of justice.

Regulatory Negligence: Regulatory bodies, including the government and the Post Office board, failed to exercise proper oversight and scrutiny over the Horizon system and its impact on postmasters. Concerns raised by affected individuals and watchdog groups were largely ignored or dismissed.

Cultural Factors: A culture of fear and intimidation within the Post Office discouraged employees from challenging authority or questioning the reliability of the Horizon system. This culture perpetuated the injustice and prevented meaningful action to address the systemic issues.

Media and Public Scrutiny: As the scale of the injustice became apparent, media scrutiny and public outrage grew. Investigative journalism played a crucial role in exposing the failings of the Post Office and advocating for justice for the wrongly accused postmasters.

Overall, the British Post Office scandal highlights the dangers of unchecked power, institutional denial, and the consequences of turning a blind eye to systemic issues. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of accountability, transparency, and integrity in both public and private institutions.

Peace of Mind – The Post Office Is Misleading

“Gewetensrust” is a Dutch term that translates to “peace of mind” or “tranquility of conscience” in English.
It refers to a state of inner peace and contentment that comes from knowing that one’s actions align with their moral or ethical beliefs.

23 Secret tape reveals Paula Vennells was told of faulty Horizon software | ITV News

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24 Covert recordings prove Post Office covered up scandal for years

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27 mrt 2024

When the public inquiry into the Horizon scandal resumes next month, Post Office executives will again be questioned over what they knew, when, and what they did about it.

This programme has obtained secret recordings of conversations over a decade ago between senior Post Office executives and the independent forensic accountants hired to find out whether sub-postmasters were to blame for the shortfalls at branches using the Horizon system. And, as we exclusively report, they prove beyond doubt that the Post Office covered up the scandal for years as they continued to pursue innocent employees through the courts.

Produced by Nanette van der Laan.

Music: Free Music Archive.

The lead MP Campaigning on behalf of the postmasters Lord James Arbuthnot broke down when he heard them

6 Disruption of Society

25 Children of wrongly convicted sub-postmasters seeking ‘family fund’ for Post Office scandal

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26 Former Post Office CEO Paula Vennells refuses to comment on whether she misled parliament

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Transcript at minute 3:30

Paula Vennells held great power, and with that comes enormous responsibility. She could alter people’s lives—in this case, innocent, hardworking postmasters—and she chose a path that harmed a lot of people. She has to be answerable to the court of public opinion, but I hope one day we will see many of those who made those decisions at The Post Office in the dock in court.

Because there’s enough circumstantial evidence, certainly, and the police have been investigating to demonstrate that criminal wrongdoing has occurred, I think there is a real case to answer for corporate manslaughter. People lost their lives. To suggest that the leadership of the Post Office knew about the Fujitsu group in the basement of that building, who were able to directly access the computers in those postmasters’ premises and alter them, and continued to prosecute people and bear witness to people attempting suicide or committing suicide, in my view, is circumstantial evidence for corporate manslaughter. And I think the leadership of The Post Office needs to be answerable in a court of law. And I would go further: there is a police investigation at the moment, as we speak, and she is going to make these statements to the public inquiry. And she has said that that is going to be the place where she puts all that information. And as I said, she has apologized for these statements relating to Horizon-related matters. Just on the sub-postmasters, because they are at the heart of this, some of them haven’t received compensation. What should happen in that regard for them, because they are at the heart of this, and they have been the ones that suffered through all of this?”

“Absolutely right. And I pushed for, in Parliament, I pushed my own government to bring forward legislation to quash all those convictions, which the government is doing. And I would urge my colleagues, the minister in charge, to move as fast as possible to ensure that compensation is forthcoming. People have waited far too long for this to happen. People have passed away, people have been ruined financially, and of course, some committed suicide. This needs to happen quickly. And it’s no good, by the way, choosing the path of cowardice and hiding behind the inquiry. You know, when someone had that level of power, they need to now come forward and be honest and say what happened and own this mistake. And I urge Paula to own the mistake quickly for the sake of all those families that have been ruined. Thank you.”

27 ‘Did you lie?’: Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells cycles away when asked about cover up

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28 Why Did MP Nadhim Zahawi Choose To Target Paula Vennells? – Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry

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8 apr 2024

Link to a copy of a letter, dated 24th June 2020, sent by Paula Vennells to Darren Jones…

The clip in this video is from a 7th April 2024 interview by Ayshah Tull with conservative MP Nadhim Zahawi for channel 4 news –…


29 Will Paula Vennells Raise Innocence Fraud Phenomenon During Biased Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry?

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7 apr 2024

Link to a copy of a letter, dated 24th June 2020, sent by Paula Vennells to Darren Jones…


HORIZON Bashing Bandwagon Propaganda TIMELINE: The True Story Of Fraudsters Seema & Davinder Misra & Their West Byfleet Costcutters Shop & Post Office – Includes Chief Innocence Fraud Enabler Nick Wallis – http://theerrorsthatplaguethemiscarri…

30 The People Behind This Cover Up MUST Face Jail

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7 Reprehensible

31 Fujitsu employees ‘dragged over coals’ if they admitted issues with Post Office software | ITV News

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32 Post Office Scandal: Secret tape recordings obtained on former boss Paula Vennells

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33 Post Office accused of cover-up

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34 Post Office Scandal: Police urged to investigate BBC report’s findings

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29 mrt 2024
Former sub-postmasters and politicians have called for the Post Office to face a police investigation after BBC News revealed the company knew of flaws in its Horizon IT system. BBC Radio Ulster.

35 Post Office Scandal: Wrongly convicted pregnant sub-postmaster ‘collapsed’ following sentence

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36 Former Sub-Postmaster Seema Misra Is Fighting For Justice | Good Morning Britain

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37 Falsely Accused Former Postmasters: ‘Money Doesn’t Come with an Erase Button.’| Good Morning Britain

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38 The Post Office Scandal | IEA Podcast


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19 jan 2024 IEA Podcast

The Post Office scandal shocked the nation, but does it reveal widespread problems with public sector departments?

ITV’s hit drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office revealed one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in UK history. Over 900 sub-postmasters and postmistresses were incorrectly prosecuted as a result of faulty software which made it look like funds were missing. The drama highlights the ways in which their lives were ruined by a faulty computer system, a failing justice system, and a reprehensible government cover-up. The scandal has raised serious questions about a cherished British institution, as well as a fundamental problem with government ownership: lack of accountability.

Join Matthew Lesh, Director of Public Policy & Communications at the IEA, and Henry Hill, Deputy Editor at ConHome, where they discuss this grotesque miscarriage of justice, and what it says about the nature of government due process.

TV drama is a kind Story telling

It was not convenient to reveal a conviction and a cover-up. With the Post Office’s reputation ruined, one locks oneself in. Criminal convictions, not only those they did not commit, but also ones that never took place. It is all about reputation management instead of justice. But a cover-up is always awful. You cover yourself up. An explanation instead of an excuse.

The Post Office was unable to accept, and even when it knew, it was not willing to admit that there was a problem. And when there was a scapegoat at hand that could be pilloried, jailed, and punished for the failings of the management of the Post Office, that is why there are some people now calling on the government and the system to look into corporate manslaughter charges to be brought against the Post Office organization and those people who were fronting it. I don’t think it’s going to go well for them.

In the end, it’s the Fat Cats preening themselves, lapping at the milk, while the poor postmasters and postmistresses, who were at the cutting edge of that organization, have been punished for literally doing their job.

8 It’s not what you know, it’s who you know

The Dutch saying “ons kent ons” is “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”

This phrase implies that personal connections and relationships can influence outcomes, sometimes leading to favoritism or the covering up of certain cases due to the familiarity or closeness between individuals involved.

9 These people has done nothing wrong

39 Post Office Horizon IT scandal – Justice Committee

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40 Paula Vennells ‘interjected’ in talks to stop subpostmaster prosecutions

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25 apr 2024
Paula Vennells ‘interjected’ in talks to stop subpostmaster prosecutions

41 Victims Get Their Phones Thrown Into A Lake

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Is this still a society?

Is this still a church?

Is this still justice?

Are you still  human?

Emotional Impact

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