Just finished watching the film, and did some research about him til I found this video. One of the heartwarming speech I’ve heard in my entire life. Hands down.
I can’t believe that a person can change this much. Frank Abagnale is a truly legendary man.
This man deserves much bigger recognition than “THE WOLF OF WALL STREET”
This man is old and wise now, respect!
” A real man is man who loves his wife takes care of her and who is faithful to her ” , wow! He truly knows that a happy wife equal happy home, =happy children. The scar he had in his childhood made him realize the equation .
this guy would have a lot of good stories to tell his children
“If you have to grow up, you should recognise your inner child If not, you still remains a child” Frank is an inspiration for all those people, who have lost their path to find the true meaning of life….. 

I appreciate the men out there who make an effort to really try to connect with their kids beyond just being a good provider.
“I do not believe nor will I ever believe that a piece of paper will excuse my actions that only in the end my actions will.” #Barz
Never knew Catch me if you can was based on a real person. Great video and an incredible lesson
What an absolutely incredible insight this man has on life, learned only by making mistakes & acknowledging them. A great man indeed.
I’m glad he got caught so he can tell us this wonderful speech.
One of the best and touching speeches ever. Great man
Thank you for the encouragement. I see myself in his father. It’s tough being a single parent but I love my baby with all my heart. No complaints.
This man is pure legend….
I haven’t seen the movie and I didn’t know who he was when I came across this video. A truly heartfelt speech. The fact he has turned down 3 pardons speaks volumes. Major respect for this man. He discovered what was important in his life and has focused on nurturing that. Bless him.
Damn hes still got it ! Almost had me in tears , good one frank!!
One of the best speeches of the world. Words describe what he went through.
I believed in that “if you start doubting yourself”. Yeah that is my weakness

What a wise men . He make my day 
God bless him 

So sad, I did not know about how his dad died. Also such an inspirational video. I love watching Catch Me if you Can!
Just watched Catch Me If You Can last night, great movie !
Heartfelt speech from a man who changed his for the better during his parole in 1974
Let’s no glorify criminal activity. Get a grip of yourselves. He said it too … Nothing to be proud of. Great man to accept responsibility and admit what he did was unethical . The last part of hid speech is incredible. God bless him.
well said,mr.frank.thank u. now i love my father even more.
This man is so much better than i ever will be! his humbleness is astonishing!! He confessed the sins of his heart in a true way to all world… ! i hope some day i can have this virtue
Most important,your father loved you,and u loved your father,and that is a real gift that the both of you have,and that’s priceless. Thats what counts . Rest your mind with those thoughts.
Moral: Fathers out there, never leave your children 

How perfect daddy he is! He’s awesome!

Well said.. Straight from the heart….
This man lives his life perfectly handsdown
This speech made me get out of my seat in the middle of the night to hug my mum
i listen & this man tells a great story about life he has my respect! everyone miss up in there life but good family hard to come by
Just watched ‘Catch me if you can’ and saw this video.. although I never really cry but this brought me to tears.
Today i hear some wise lines that has never been heard before.
Insightful words of wisdom
Bro, why am I literally IN TEARS! 

I don’t even pay attention to speeches but this one really had me listening & thinking
What a wise and humble man.
Sadly, there are a lot of people who find themselves in very unhappy marriages/relationships that make being together impossible. The ‘happy family’ scene as shown here has a 1950s nostalgia about it – Tony Soprano’s retort to his kids – ‘it might be the 90s out there but in this house it’s 1954!’ Frank A is trying to roll back the clock and recreate the family life his younger self yearned for 60 years ago.
Beautiful speech
Came here after watching Catch me if you can in 2021, this happened for real 50 years ago, just brilliant!
Awesome content, great advices…
I say it loud ” RESPECT “
I am the master of my faith!
At the age of 17 he had a brain of a genius, in his 70’s with all his experiences he must be the Einstein of his field. It’s not important who you were in the past, It’s who you are right now!
Welcome to this video, let me guess you just finished watching “Catch me if you can”
“the world is full of fathers but only few man deserves to be called daddy by their child” – indeed
Beleive in yourself, everything gonna be alright
the fact that everyone is always talking abt how smart be was a d how exciting he made his life, but him talking abt how he was young, dumb and broke. he must feel guilt prey on him sm. but he has learned and has carried and will carry the memories till his last breath…
Gosh i’d cry on the last part after fbi carl said that his father was died 

He might have forgiven his mother but me and my friends never will
Well said. You speak the truth, Frank. The truth is hard to find these days. It’s somewhere, maybe in the news, maybe not. It’s not something people aspire to any more. You get what you want, whether you tell the truth or whether you lie. Lying is no longer dishonourable. I love the truth, but I don’t know where it is any more. But I love my wife and kids and grandkids. They can’t take that from me, can they? Can they?
Great speech
Damn that guy Hanratty really taught him one hell of a lesson .
This man came up with absolutely all the stories he told, but in fact he was a simple petty swindler. Genius is how he was able to monetize his words without any practical justification ..
This mean why Confident is very important for life.


I love his narration about a piece of paper
I couldn’t believe that it actually happened 

i watched catch me if you can yesterday. i love the movie
Incredible quality wow
He is a champ
damn i cried
What he said is absolutely true and I agree with that, but it’s easy to say that after leading a wild life full of extreme experiences and emotions….
Wise words
I wonder If he might still calculate all of this. I mean, he seems so honest, humble and stuff but I can Imagine he did the same when he was younger with the difference that he was lying the entire time. Maybe he continued fooling everybody around him to get away from the law, like he actually did. Maybe even when he was in the FBI he fooled everybody around him without anyone noticing. Don’t want to say that I’m right, but nobody but him knows the real truth about his actions and plans. Great movie and insane story, love it
He needs the amazing love and forgiveness of Jesus!
Me and my dad, we will mostly never reconcile. Even if I reach out he just push away
Frick, i havent cried in a while
What does it mean to be a woman? Unlike Frank’s mother, a good woman stands by her man through thick and thin, loves her children and does not make her own comforts and lifestyle the most important.
I don’t believe you can objectively rate yourself as a dad, it is surely up to your children & your wife to do that. But otherwise we’ll said.
He tells his story very well and that is all it is people, a story . If you want his real story , check out Catching the truth while we can .
One of my best movies ever
Rip mama me and pops are living and well though father seems to mention you well too often im afraid his love for you will not allow him to move on. I left for 5 years to pursue a future for myself but daily i thought of father and his drinking problems until the day i was told he had gotten a dui and come home to realize he wasnt as well off as he put off to be … I quickly realized that it was because of him i was allowed the 5 years to try and make a future when i returned i got him out of jail and decided that i would put my life on hold just like he would do for me i would do in return. Shortly after pawpaw passed and you know how close we were . im sorry to say i have done some things made some decisions in life i am not proud of but and seeing you and pawpaw pass without me having the chance to show you i could endure whatever unexpected obstacles life had to give me was heartbreaking… I never got to allow you grandchildren or great grandchildren i havent been in a serious relationship honestly since i was younger … I didnt know what to do all i knew was i was going to sacrifice my lifestyle and chance of future for my father yo make sure he was ok and not alone in this world… The house had gotten bad u mean bad so i workd 2 jobs and hussled up the money to put us in a hotel for a few months while undergoing remodel at home … Tbh it isnt perfect but its still home.. One sister is great and the other is going thru a mid life drug crisis and have abandoned her children but dont worry mom their in great hands with their fathers rip parents. Though life aint perfect ma and pawpaw i just thank god daily for allowing me the chance to ruin all of our lives at least thats how i feel. I tey to do right and work hard but often i find myself reminiscent of the lovely family and times we shared …with that said i guess some of us never get that chance so i guess i comsider myself lucky. Idk if i want to live life or not really im lost and very insecure of myself. May it be in gods hands now i love you and miss you ma say hello to all my friends and family wherever they are .. Ill be here watching pops drink amd from time to time we fish to get our mind off life i guess thats just what life is RIP
He was released from prison because his skill set benefited the governments interest keeping their $ from criminals. There’s many teenagers in jail for longer sentences for stealing less than he did, but they’re unable to help the government so they serve their whole sentences.
Fuck me, that was powerful!
Although what he says is true, The message rings a bit hollow knowing his movie is wild fantasy. If he is really concerned with character, if not morality, he should clarify the extent of his actual con’s. Until then, he’s just a con man in my view.
Wow, Barry Allen got old!
I have been entertained by Frank’s story. Is he a fake? Or a fake of a fake? I don’t care. But he is not the greatest hoax on Earth as the title of the book suggests. Not by a long shot – pun intended.
Jordan Belfort is a choir boy compared to this guy.
This man is still a conman. A majority of what he says he did, he never did. Actually sad.
Wow…. amazing
And my tears rundown my face begin on a 5:15
I’m here after watch Catch me if you can on Netflix
My friend literally wanted to try this
well said.
YOURE such an inspiration,.
“The law sometimes sleeps, but the law never dies” China: but not for me!
I’m finding myself reading the subtitles even though I clearly understand English = P
This video wrecked me. I’m glad I found it.
You’re here because you just finished the film right?
I have the same life as you..identically.Even at 46 years old i have to lie and steal to survive.I have an education as well..i,m choreographer,but in the country i live ,nobody gives a fuck about this job…so.Parents didnt care about me since childhood.I have no pity for this world…is all a shit pile. P.S: No one gives me a chance to have a decent job.
respect you abagnel
watching after catch me if you can.
Look up Accountability in the Dictionary and it will give a link to this speech.
Plot twist:He speak lie “lie until the lie turns into the truth”
So how did you passed the bar exam
Great Pretender !
No one else really notice he looks like Benjamin Franklin
wow chevy chase is a pretty cool dude
I wish he didnt forget brenda:(
Alguem do brazil?
Arkadaşlar pardon polis almaya gelmişti şimdi iyiyim
He’s been paid off so he doesn’t have to cough himself to sleep at night
Okay. Now frank how did you pass the bar in Louisiana
Please cut the stock videos, its really annoying. I just want to hear and see his emotions not watch this cringe.
He has no PARENTS
Still conning people
This 2021. We have Hushpuppi.
He talks just as dennis prager does.
Ben çek dola
Do you concur?
He’s been converted
Here some random footage lmao
كذاااااااب لو انه ما انمسك ما قال هالكلام
Movie is not real even its good search through wiki
He’s a bit boring
Was his father a good guy tho? He encouraged his child to commit forgery.
Marc Scordato
3 jaar geleden