1987 Daniel Morgan Case: Police Called ‘Institutionally Corrupt’

The “Daniel Morgan Case” refers to the murder of private investigator Daniel Morgan in London in 1987, a case that has become one of the most notorious unsolved murders in the UK, complicated by allegations of police corruption and media collusion. Here are the key points:

  1. Murder Details:

    • Daniel Morgan was found murdered in the car park of the Golden Lion pub in Sydenham, South London, on March 10, 1987.
    • He had been brutally killed with an axe to the head.
  2. Initial Investigation:

    • The initial investigation was marred by allegations of police corruption.
    • Morgan was reportedly on the verge of exposing police corruption and had been working on significant cases as a private investigator.
  3. Multiple Investigations and Arrests:

    • There have been several investigations and arrests over the years, but no one has been successfully prosecuted.
    • Five police inquiries and an inquest took place, but each failed to bring the case to a conclusive end.
  4. Allegations of Police Corruption:

    • Strong suspicions arose about the involvement of corrupt police officers in the murder.
    • These suspicions were fueled by the failure of successive investigations and the disappearance of crucial evidence.
  5. Media Involvement:

    • The case has also been linked to media collusion, particularly involving the now-defunct News of the World newspaper.
    • Reports suggested that the newspaper may have interfered with the investigation by hiring some of the individuals involved in the case.
  6. Independent Panel Report:

    • In 2011, the UK government set up an independent panel to review the case, chaired by Sir Stanley Burnton, later replaced by Baroness Nuala O’Loan.
    • The panel’s final report, published in June 2021, concluded that the Metropolitan Police were institutionally corrupt in their handling of the case.
    • It highlighted the “multiple very significant failings” and the failure to confront corruption effectively.
  7. Impact and Legacy:

    • The findings of the independent panel had a profound impact, leading to widespread calls for reforms within the Metropolitan Police.
    • The case remains a significant example of the challenges in tackling police corruption and ensuring accountability in law enforcement.

The Daniel Morgan case continues to be a symbol of the enduring issues of corruption and the struggle for justice within the UK legal system.

The key points about the death of Daniel Morgan are:

  1. Daniel Morgan was a private investigator who was murdered in 1987 in the car park of a pub in south-east London.

  2. The motive for the murder is believed to be related to Morgan’s work as a private investigator and his involvement in exposing corruption in the Metropolitan Police.

  3. Despite five police investigations, no one has ever been convicted of the murder.

  4. The case has been marred by allegations of police corruption and cover-ups, and a 2013 independent panel found that the Metropolitan Police had withheld information and failed to co-operate with the initial investigation.

  5. In 2021, an independent panel published a report into the handling of the case, which concluded that the Metropolitan Police had a “corrupt nexus” with private investigators and that this had compromised the original investigation into Morgan’s murder. The report identified a “culture of corruption” within the Metropolitan Police and made recommendations for reform.

Daniel Morgan Axe Murder, Police Corruption & A Firm Within A Firm

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4 aug 2023 Gangland Videos Volume One

Corruption is not a thing but a process, that by its own nature is extremely devious and resilient. Like a pernicious virus continually producing variants, it evolves and adapts so that any understanding or treatment of it has to be vigilant and ongoing.

The dark forces that surrounded Daniel Morgan’s murder have been characterised as a ‘criminal media nexus’ – a combination of elements within the Metropolitan Police, the press, the private investigation industry, and organised crime that connected to the murder and continued to obscure any proper investigation of it. To shine any light on this world, it is crucial to understand its history, context and evolution.

Corruption Rears Its Ugly Head
In 1969, two journalists from The Times newspaper investigated a small-time south London professional criminal who claimed that police officers were blackmailing him. They covertly recorded a series of 13 tapes, on one of which a detective talked of a ‘firm in a firm’ – referring to a network of corruption within the Met. This exposé shocked the nation.

Police corruption was a taboo-breaking subject back then and any treatment of it tended to see it in isolation; the ‘one bad apple’ theory. Now, there was proof of an endemic, institutional problem and the following decade saw a series of press investigations by broadsheets and tabloids alike, as well as reporting teams from television companies. This was a thriving era of investigative journalism and it uncovered systematic corruption in many of the specialist units within the Metropolitan Criminal Investigation Department (CID): the Drugs Squad; the Flying Squad; and most notably the Obscene Publications Squad (OPS), which dealt with the growing pornography trade in Soho.

Daniel Morgan: ‘Institutional corruption’ revealed in London’s police force over 1987 axe murder

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15 jun. 2021

The report into the death of Daniel Morgan was published in June 2021, and it contains several key points. Daniel Morgan was a private investigator who was murdered in 1987 in the UK, and his death has been the subject of multiple investigations and inquiries over the past few decades. The report was produced after an independent panel was established to examine the circumstances of Morgan’s murder and the subsequent investigations.

Here are some of the key points from the report:

  1. The Metropolitan Police (the police force responsible for investigating the murder) repeatedly failed in its duty to properly investigate the murder of Daniel Morgan, and to bring those responsible to justice.

  2. Corruption, incompetence, and institutional failings within the Metropolitan Police contributed to the failure of the investigations into Morgan’s murder. The report notes that there was “a culture of corruption that was endemic” within the Metropolitan Police at the time.

  3. There were multiple conflicts of interest and inappropriate relationships between police officers and suspects or witnesses in the case. These relationships were not properly investigated or disclosed, and may have compromised the integrity of the investigations.

  4. The report criticizes the media for their coverage of the case, which it says contributed to the failure of the investigations. The report notes that some journalists were working in collaboration with the suspects, and were leaking information to them.

  5. The report calls for a number of reforms to prevent similar failures from occurring in the future, including greater transparency and accountability in the police, a more robust system of regulation and oversight, and reforms to the legal system to ensure that justice is served in cases of this nature.

Overall, the report is highly critical of the Metropolitan Police and their handling of the case, and highlights the need for significant reforms in the UK’s justice system.

1 The Death of Daniel Morgan

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25 nov. 2011

A BBC documentary about the unsolved murder of Private Investigator Daniel Morgan. The rotten core of News International’s business in the UK comes under scrutiny. The first ten minutes are an outline of Daniel Morgan’s early life and family. Then the second half of the documentary outlines the possible connection between The News of The World, News International and police corruption in the cover up of Daniel’s murder.

2 Daniel Morgan murder: Met Police ‘institutionally corrupt’, says report

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15 jun. 2021

“One of the most devastating episodes in the history of the Metropolitan Police” is how Home Secretary Priti Patel put it.

In a damning report, the force stands accused of institutional corruption and putting its own reputation above the proper investigation of the 1987 murder of private investigator Daniel Morgan.

Despite five police inquiries and an inquest, and now an apology from Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick, no-one has ever been brought to justice over his killing, leaving Mr Morgan’s family, 34 years on, still waiting for justice.

3 Daniel Morgan Murder: damning report says Met Police are “institutionally corrupt”

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16 jun. 2021

BBC News at Six, Channel 4 News, ITV News & Newsnight 15 June 2021

4 Daniel Morgan Report: Family’s three decade wait for truth

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14 jun. 2021

Three decades after he was killed, the family of murdered private investigator Daniel Morgan hope they will be about to finally get some answers.
Alastair Morgan told Sky News that he is sure a long-awaited independent report into the killing will ‘vindicate’ him and support his claims that police corruption and collusion with organised criminals was at the heart of the case.

5 Newsnight on the Daniel Morgan Report, featuring Hacked Off’s Jacqui Hames

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18 jun. 2021


6 Daniel Morgan | The British Private Investigator Whose Case Is Still Unsolved To This Day

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6 jan. 2022


7 Opinion: Is the Metropolitan Police institutionally corrupt? | FT

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25 jun. 2021

The report of the Daniel Morgan independent panel mentions “corruption” 718 times. A guided tour of the report. Read more at: https://on.ft.com/3wZi6q4
Written and narrated by David Allen Green, produced by Tom Hannen.

8 Daniel Morgan Report: Family’s three decade wait for truth

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14 jun. 2021

Three decades after he was killed, the family of murdered private investigator Daniel Morgan hope they will be about to finally get some answers.
Alastair Morgan told Sky News that he is sure a long-awaited independent report into the killing will ‘vindicate’ him and support his claims that police corruption and collusion with organised criminals was at the heart of the case.

9 Daniel Morgan Murder: Metropolitan Police accused of being “institutionally corrupt” | 5 News

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15 jun. 2021

► Daniel Morgan was brutally murdered more than three decades ago, but his killer was never found.
The father of two, who was a private investigator, was attacked with an axe in the car park of a pub in south-east London in 1987.
Now, three decades later, the Metropolitan Police have been accused of being “institutionally corrupt”.

10 Daniel Morgan: Police accused of ‘institutional corruption’ in report on unsolved murder | ITV News

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15 jun. 2021

An independent panel has accused the Metropolitan Police of “a form of institutional corruption” for concealing or denying failings over Mr Morgan’s unsolved murder.

11 Met Police Institutionally CORRUPT, Rules Daniel Morgan Inquiry | #TyskySour

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Live gestreamd op 16 jun. 2021

#TyskySour returns this evening with Michael Walker and Dalia Gebrial.
Hit ‘set reminder’ above in order to not miss the show.
An independent panel into the murder Daniel Morgan has ruled the Metropolitan Police are “institutional corrupt.” We speak to Peter Jukes on the significance of the findings.

12 Daniel Morgan Murder | True Crime

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25 nov. 2011

Controversy still surrounds the 1987 murder of private investigator Daniel Morgan. True Crime writer Ian Hitchings gives his views on the case http://www.ianhitchings.com/ and also in his recent blog http://murderofdanielmorgan.blogspot….

13 EXPOSED: Daniel Morgan Murder links Corrupt Cops & Murdoch Empire to the Heart of Government

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15 jun. 2021

“There’s something very dark at the centre of the British state that such a crime can be left unaddressed for so long”

14 The Murder Of Daniel Morgan | Downstream

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Live gestreamd op 8 jun. 2021

The 1987 murder of Daniel Morgan is back in the spotlight with the official inquiry report soon to be published. Ash Sarkar discusses the case with Daniel’s brother, Alastair Morgan.
Hit ‘set a reminder’ above in order to not miss the interview.

Former Chief Superintendent Claims There’s ‘Institutional Racism’ In The Metropolitan Police | GMB

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8 jun. 2021

The Metropolitan Police is ‘institutionally racist’, one of Britain’s most senior female Asian officers has claimed. Former Chief Superintendent Parm Sandhu claims there is a ‘core’ of Met officers who are racist and in positions of power. The Metropolitan Police say they ‘have made no admissions of liability’ in respect to the allegations made in the book Former Chief Superintendent Parm Sandhu has written.
Broadcast on 08/06/21

Institutional racism in Met ‘worse now’ than after Macpherson inquiry, says former officer

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1 jun. 2021

As the fourth child of immigrants from the Punjab, Parm Sandhu barely spoke English as a child. She was forced into marriage, but eventually fled to London, where she joined the Metropolitan Police.
In a memoir, Black and Blue, to be published next week, she recounts her extraordinary journey through the ranks, becoming Scotland Yard’s most senior ethnic minority woman, as chief superintendent.
But she tells us her 30 year career was marred by repeated sexism and racism, which eventually led to her suing the force. Last year they agreed a financial settlement with her. This is her first television interview since then.

Former top Met Police officer Nusrit Mehtab sues over ‘racial and sexist abuse’

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11 feb. 2021

It’s more than 20 since the Macpherson Inquiry – commissioned after the death of Stephen Lawrence – declared that the Metropolitan Police was “institutionally racist”.
Last summer, in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, Scotland Yard commissioner Cressida Dick told this programme the label no longer applied.
Tonight, though, the most senior Asian woman in the force – until she quit last year – says she disagrees.

How Police Corruption Actually Works (UK) | How Crime Works | Insider

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3 okt 2022 How Crime Works | Podcast

Alastair Morgan, whose brother was murdered in 1987, and Neil Woods, a former undercover police officer who now investigates police corruption, speak to Insider about how police corruption actually works.

In the interview, Neil broke down in detail all the types of corruption he saw, and even carried out, while working as an undercover police officer for 14 years in the UK.

During his time in the police, Neil came to the conclusion that most “corruption within the police is caused by the money from the illicit drugs market.”

Alastair Morgan spoke of how his brother, Daniel Morgan, was murdered with an axe in a pub carpark in South London in 1987.

He told Insider, “Within three weeks [of the murder] I was convinced, because of the events that took place, there had been police involvement in Daniel’s murder. Which was a terrifying prospect.”

At the time of the murder, Daniel ran a detective agency with her business partner, Jonathan Rees. Alastair believes Jonathan Rees and corrupt police officers were involved in the murder.

Since Daniel Mogan’s murder, there have been five separate police investigations. Jonathan Rees and Detective Sergeant Sid Fillery have been arrested multiple times. Each time the charges have been dropped.

In 2014, Jonathan Rees and Sid Fillery received six-figure damages from the Met police after bringing a malicious prosecution claim against them.

In 2021 an independent inquiry found that the Met Police was “institutionally corrupt” in its handling of the investigation into the murder of Daniel Morgan.

Alastair is currently in the process of suing the Metropolitan Police. The murder is still unsolved.

This episode deals specifically with Police Corruption within the UK.

Met Police Commissioner Cressida Dick responds to institutional racism claims

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13 aug. 2020
We spoke to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Dame Cressida Dick, and began by asking her, given there’s racism in society, presumably there’s racism within the police?

Racist attack investigation reopened by Met Police – BBC Newsnight

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22 okt. 2020

After a racist attack on three black women, a Newsnight investigation has found that for nearly two weeks police officers failed to recover CCTV or take witness statements, even from the victims. 

An investigation into a racist attack on three black women has been reopened by the Metropolitan Police.

For nearly two weeks after the attack officers failed to recover CCTV or take witness statements, even from the victims, BBC Newsnight found.

The three women say the police made racist assumptions about them and that hampered the investigation.

The Met denies this but has apologised for failing the women and said it was reviewing its work.

The force told the women it had closed the probe into the crime in April, but reopened it this month following Newsnight’s investigation.

Newsnight Correspondent Richard Watson reports.

Racial inequalities in policing 22 years after Macpherson report, say MPs

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30 jul. 2021

Policing is still riddled with racial disparities, say MPs – more than two decades after the Macpherson report into the Stephen Lawrence murder exposed the extent of “institutional racism” in the police.
The Home Affairs select committee says that since then the police have failed to reform themselves and governments on all sides have not done enough to tackle racial injustice either.
Police leaders said the slow pace of change was of “deep regret” – promising to do better.

Stephen Lawrence: How the racist murder changed Britain

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The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence and his family’s decades-long struggle for justice has had profound ramifications for Britain.

Stephen Lawrence – What happened? What went wrong? | BBC

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14 mei 2018


Newsnight: Stephen Lawrence detective on allegations of corruption and incompetence

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16 jul. 2014

The detective who built the case against Stephen Lawrence’s killers has told Newsnight that inside the Met some people never wanted a successful prosecution. Speaking exclusively to Newsnight, for the first time since he retired, Clive Driscoll says he believes there were ‘disruption tactics’ during his inquiry. And he also claims that when he was investigating child abuse that took place in the 1980s, he was moved from his post when he revealed suspects he wanted to investigate included politicians.

Stephen Lawrence Murder Suspects Interview (1999)Part_1.avi

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20 nov. 2011

April 1993 Gary Dobson,Neil & Jamie Acourt,Luke Knight, David Norris.Were accused of stabbing to death Stephen Lawrence they claim they are not guilty i say they are

The Murder That Exposed The U.K. Police

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23 jul. 2020

It’s been dubbed “the murder that changed a nation”. In 1993, Stephen Lawrence, a Black British teenager, became the victim of an unprovoked racist attack. The subsequent legal battle, which spanned more than 20 years, uncovered a legacy of institutional racism within the Metropolitan Police, leaving a lasting mark on the British conscience.

David Carrick: Jailed former police officer showed ‘shame’ but not remorse

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7 feb 2023

Former police officer David Carrick has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 30 years for a “catalogue of violent and brutal sexual offences” against 12 women over nearly two decades.

Victims described in court how they were raped, controlled and degraded by Carrick, who they feared was too “powerful” to be reported for his crimes.

David Carrick: ‘We in policing have failed’ – Met Police Commissioner

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7 feb 2023

Met Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has admitted the police force ‘failed’ by missing opportunities to stop former police officer David Carrick.

Carrick has been jailed for at least 30 years for a “catalogue of violent and brutal sexual offences” against 12 women over nearly two decades.

He was sacked by the Met Police after pleading guilty to 49 charges – including 24 counts of rape.

The unsolved murder of a private detective and decades of police corruption | Stories of Our Times

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Disgraced former detective Reynaldo Guevara has been accused of framing more than 50 people for murder. Daniel Rodriguez is one of those people: when he was charged with being behind the wheel in a 1991 drive-by shooting, the state’s key witness testified at trial that he had been pressured by Guevara to identify Rodriguez. But Rodriguez was still sentenced to 25 years behind bars. Now, as prosecutors begin reviewing and dismissing many of Guevara’s cases, a reckoning has begun.

How to: Street Golf – Lesson 1

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18 sep. 2012

The new JFL How To series presents STREET GOLF. This is lesson 1, covering the basics of middle of the road golfing. Bend the knees, keep your arms straight and make sure you hold the traffic as long as possible. This prank is pure gold, every time the victim thinks someone will get that golf novice woman our of the way, she just ends up blocking the street even longer.
A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!