Unearthing the Truth

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Unearthing the Truth: Revealing hidden realities and uncovering facts to shed light on critical issues and uncover hidden narratives.

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French Catholic Church inquiry

Justice for Magdalenes

The Real-Life Philomena

Fallen women


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20 jan 2024 RADIO ESPIAL

The Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home (also known as St Mary’s Mother and Baby Home) operated between 1925 and 1961 in the town of Tuam, County Galway, Ireland. It was a maternity home for unmarried mothers and their children and run by the Bon Secours Sisters, a religious order of Catholic nuns, that also operated the Grove Hospital in Tuam. Unmarried pregnant women were sent to there to give birth and interned for a year doing unpaid work.

In 2012, the Health Service Executive (HSE) raised concerns that up to 1,000 children from the Home might have been sent to the United States for the purpose of illegal adoptions, without their mothers’ consent. Subsequent research discovered files relating to a lower number of 36 illegal foreign adoptions from the home and concluded that allegations of foreign adoptions for money were “impossible to prove and impossible to disprove”.

Local historian Catherine Corless published an article documenting the history of the home in 2012. The following year, she uncovered the names of the many children who died in the home from the Births & Deaths office. In 2014, Anna Corrigan uncovered the inspection reports of the home, which noted that the most commonly recorded causes of death among the infants were congenital debilities, infectious diseases and malnutrition (including marasmus-related malnutrition). Corless’ research led her to conclude that almost all had been buried in an unmarked and unregistered site at the Home, and the article claimed that there was a high death rate of residents. Corless estimated that nearly 800 children had died at the home.

The Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home was investigated by the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation, a statutory commission of investigation under Judge Yvonne Murphy. Excavations carried out between November 2016 and February 2017, ordered by the Commission, found a significant quantity of human remains, aged from 35 foetal weeks to two to three years, interred in “a vault with twenty chambers”. Carbon dating confirmed that the remains date from the time the home was operated by the Bon Secours order. The Commission said that it was shocked by the discovery, and that it would continue its investigation into who was responsible for the disposal of human remains in this way.

Corless’s original research noted that the site was also the location of a septic tank when overlaid with maps of the period of use as a workhouse. The 2017 report by an Expert Technical Group, commissioned by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, confirmed that the vault was a sewage tank after reviewing historical records and conducting a magnetometer survey; it concluded, “The combination of an institutional boarding home and commingled interments of juvenile remains in a sewage treatment system is a unique situation, with no directly comparable domestic or international cases.”

In October 2018, the Irish government announced that it would introduce legislation to facilitate a full excavation of the mass grave and site, and for forensic DNA testing to be carried out on the remains, at a cost estimated to be between €6 and €13 million. The Mother and Baby Home Commission finalised its report in 2020, and it was published in January 2021. The Bon Secours Sisters issued an apology in the wake of the report’s publication, stating “We did not live up to our Christianity when running the Home.” In May 2023, a team of forensic investigators was tasked with exhuming, analysing and identifying the remains.

In 1975, two boys, ages 10 and 12, were playing at the site of the former Mother and Baby Home. They found a hole or chamber “filled to the brim” with children’s skeletons underneath a concrete slab. The number of bodies was then unknown, but was assumed to be small. It was re-sealed shortly afterwards, following prayers at the site by a priest. For the next 35 years the burial site was tended to by a local couple, who also built a small grotto there.

IRELAND’S PANDORA’S BOX – Mother & Baby Homes – is the account of its survivors, their families, and the unravelling of one of the Irish state and church’s biggest scandals.


To discover something in the ground:
Building at the site was halted after human remains were unearthed earlier this month.

To discover proof or some other information, especially after careful searching:
A private detective has unearthed some fresh evidence.

Cambridge Dictionary

Ireland’s Mother and Baby Scandal refers to the discovery of widespread abuse, neglect, and mistreatment of unmarried pregnant women and their infants in Ireland, primarily during the 20th century. The scandal, which came to light in recent years, has revealed shocking revelations about the treatment of vulnerable women and children in institutions run by the Catholic Church and the Irish state. Here are some key points about Ireland’s Mother and Baby Scandal:

  1. Forced Separation: Unmarried pregnant women, often referred to as “fallen women,” were routinely stigmatized and ostracized by Irish society during the 20th century. Many of these women were sent to institutions, such as mother and baby homes, where they were forced to give birth and then separated from their babies against their will. It is estimated that tens of thousands of women and their babies were affected by this practice.

  2. High Mortality Rates: Shocking mortality rates have been revealed in these institutions, with reports of high infant mortality rates and mass graves discovered at some sites. Many babies died from neglect, malnutrition, and lack of proper medical care. It is believed that the harsh living conditions, overcrowding, and inadequate care contributed to these high mortality rates.

  3. Abuse and Neglect: Survivors and witnesses have come forward with accounts of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as neglect, in these institutions. Women and children were subjected to harsh living conditions, with overcrowded and unsanitary facilities, and were often subjected to harsh discipline and punishment.

  4. Systemic Failures: The scandal has revealed systemic failures at multiple levels, including the Irish state, the Catholic Church, and other institutions involved in the care of unmarried pregnant women and their infants. There have been allegations of collusion between church and state, as well as attempts to cover up the abuse and mistreatment of women and children.

  5. Apologies and Investigations: In response to the scandal, the Irish government and the Catholic Church have issued apologies to the survivors and victims of the Mother and Baby homes. The Irish government has initiated investigations, including the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes, which published its final report in 2021, detailing the abuses and failures of the institutions involved.

  6. Calls for Justice and Reparations: Survivors, advocates, and human rights organizations have called for justice and reparations for the victims of Ireland’s Mother and Baby Scandal. This includes demands for accountability, prosecutions for those responsible for the abuses, and reparations in the form of compensation and support for survivors.

  7. Social and Cultural Impact: The scandal has had a significant social and cultural impact on Ireland, with many people questioning the role of the Catholic Church in Irish society and the treatment of unmarried pregnant women and their babies. It has prompted discussions and reflections on issues such as gender, sexuality, reproductive rights, and the treatment of marginalized groups in Irish history and society.

In summary, Ireland’s Mother and Baby Scandal has exposed a dark chapter in Irish history, revealing widespread abuse, neglect, and mistreatment of unmarried pregnant women and their infants in institutions run by the Catholic Church and the Irish state. The scandal has led to apologies, investigations, calls for justice, and significant social and cultural impact on Ireland.

The girls of Bessborough

The girls of Bessborough

The walls were high and the wrought-iron gates opened on to a long, winding avenue.

At the end was a once-grand three-storey Georgian mansion in one of the better-off, sleepy suburbs of Cork city.

It was 1960, and Bridget arrived with a single suitcase and a rose-pink coat with a belt. She felt immediately uneasy.

“Everything was hidden from the outside, surrounded by shrubbery and trees. People couldn’t see in.”

Once through the door, her clothes, her savings book, her small stud earrings and her bracelet were taken from her. She was given a uniform – clogs and a starched denim dress.

Bridget – like the other arrivals – was told not to speak about her life outside. All of them were given a different name. Hers was Alma – but she couldn’t get used to it.

None of the girls had committed any crime. But they had two things in common.

They were all unmarried and they were all pregnant.

At Bessborough, the long rooms of the girls’ quarters were on the top floor, looking out towards the cemetery.

The nuns called them all “girls”, but in truth the residents were anything from 13 to 30.

Bridget was 17 when she arrived. She was there because she had sinned, or so the nuns told her, by falling pregnant.

This was a mother and baby home, not a prison. Legally, Bridget and the other girls could have left at any time.

But in practice it wasn’t as simple as that. Any girl who ran away might find themselves rounded up by the police. And in any case, for the vast majority there was just nowhere else for them to go.

Each girl admitted to the home knew they would give birth there and stay until their baby was adopted – as long as three years.

They weren’t allowed outside except for short walks around the grounds and they had to be accompanied.

They were all given jobs. Some worked in the kitchens or in the red-bricked laundry building.

Bridget worked nights in a small room off the labour ward. Even in the quieter times, there was little chance to rest.

“We had to scrub the passageway… a massive wide passage with multi-coloured tiles on it.”

Occasionally she fed babies in a nursery lined with rows of cots. Another nursery held toddlers up until the age of three.

Bridget and the other girls were only allowed to spend about 30 minutes with each child. She doesn’t remember any toys.

“Some of the babies, they’d still hold their hands out. They didn’t want you to let go of them.”

When a new girl arrived the others would quiz her about what was in the papers, desperate for some connection with life outside.

There were no calendars. All the days merged into one – an anxious wait for the birth and then for the inevitable separation from their children.

The girls signed release forms to allow for the adoptions but they were under overwhelming pressure to do so. They knew they couldn’t return to their families with their babies.

Joan, who worked in the kitchen, showed Bridget her toddler. He had a rash on his face and every day she prayed it wouldn’t heal in the hope that would stop him being adopted.

Another mother, Josie, showed off the intricate cardigans she was making for a small, dark-haired child. The little girl, who now goes by the name Mari Steed, went on to be adopted by a Catholic family in the US.

June Goulding, a midwife who worked there in 1951, describes in her memoir the procedure for handing over the children.

Without warning, babies and toddlers would be washed and dressed up in new clothes and given to their mothers.

They would walk down a long passageway to a door that opened on to the nuns’ quarters where the children would be taken from their arms.

“The girls stood at the doorways watching this heartrending scene and the mother’s uncontrolled crying could be heard all along that long corridor,” wrote June Goulding.

“I witnessed the horrific ritual that would be repeated for each and every mother and baby in this hellhole.”

The girls of Bessborough

Your truth shine's because no one else possesses it. Your job is to unearth. Recognize

Your truth shine’s because no one else possesses it. Your job is to unearth. Recognize

Unearth: to discover something in the ground:

Building at the site was halted after human remains were unearthed earlier this month.

to discover proof or some other information, especially after careful searching:

A private detective has unearthed some fresh evidence.

Cambridge Dictionary

In de ziel van Rik Torfs: over humor, geluk en filosofische levensvragen

22 okt. 2020

Rik Torfs is een voormalig christendemocratisch politicus. Vandaag is hij hoogleraar kerkelijk recht aan de KU Leuven waar hij tot 2017 rector was. Daarbuiten is hij een veelgevraagd mediafiguur, en staat hij bekend voor zijn scherpe uitspraken op sociale media. Wij voerden een gesprek over de toen nog niet gevormde regering, de coronacrisis, Marc Van Ranst, zijn kijk op geluk en zijn grootste sterktes en zwaktes
Die mens is zo grappig … één en al intellect
christophe macker
‘Ik heb nog nooit iemand geblokkeerd, noch de geilste mensen noch de grootste schoften, iedereen is welkom.’ Wat een prachtig citaat komende van een heerlijke man. Dank U wel voor dit interview alsook voor alle andere afleveringen.
Koen Gillard
Zalig interview met zeer interessante man!
Henry Lemelay
Geweldige lezingen over Bosmans en Elsschot meegemaakt ! 👌
Jerzy O
I wish there was an English translation…
Henry Lemelay
Geweldige humorvolle lezingen gevolgd over Bomans en Elsschot !
Henry Lemelay
Die studenten die eerder tegenstemden moesten zich doodschamen toen hij rector magnificus zou worden.!!!!
rond de pot draaien tot aan het pensioen en daarna mag de volgende generatie de rommel opkuisen, ge vraagt u af waarom men massaal de cd&v laat vallen

The Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, also known as Magdalene asylums, were institutions usually run by Roman Catholic orders, which operated from the 18th to the late 20th centuries. They were run ostensibly to house “fallen women”, an estimated 30,000 of whom were confined in these institutions in Ireland.

In 1993, unmarked graves of 155 women were uncovered in the convent grounds of one of the laundries.

This led to media revelations about the operations of the secretive institutions.

Ireland’s stolen children fight for justice | DW Documentary

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Tuam, a quiet town in the west of Ireland. Tuam, a name that traumatised the whole of Ireland in the spring of 2014, when an unimaginable story was revealed. A hidden mass grave containing the remains of some 800 children was discovered on the former grounds of a home for single mothers, a hell on earth where children died from ill treatment, and were shamefully buried in secret and forgotten. Up until the 1990s, dozens of these detention centres were run by religious orders, but the country is still reluctant to confront the ghosts of its past.

Ireland’s ‘Mother & Baby Homes’ Report Uncovers 9,000 Deaths

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A new report uncovered that an estimated 9,000 children died inside ‘mother and baby homes’ that were investigated in Ireland — now this man is on a mission to find out what happened to his baby sister.

1 How the Catholic Church Hid Away Hundreds of Irish Children | Times Documentaries

1 nov. 2017

Ireland wanted to forget, but the dead don’t always stay buried. One woman made it her mission to unearth the truth.

2 Uncovering the cruelty of Ireland’s ‘mother and baby homes’ | Mother and Baby

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14 sep 2022

‘If you got pregnant, that was a crime’: uncovering the Catholic zealotry and cruelty of Ireland’s ‘mother and baby homes’

Director: Mia Mullarkey (https://www.miamullarkey.com/)
Producer: Alice McDowell

Throughout the 20th century in Ireland, some 56,000 pregnant unmarried women were forced to give birth in ‘mother and baby homes’ run by the Catholic Church. Infants born into these institutions were either put up for adoption – sometimes without their mother’s consent – or fostered, or else raised on the premises in desolate conditions. And, as revealed by the Irish government’s recent inquiry into mother and baby homes abuses, these children also died inside with startling frequency, with a reported 15 per cent infant mortality rate at the 18 facilities investigated. Released in 2017, the powerful short documentary Mother and Baby by the Irish director Mia Mullarkey profiles some of the surviving children of the infamous Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Taum, County Galway, who are still grappling, decades later, with the wanton cruelty and trauma they endured – all with the complicity of the Irish state and the Catholic Church.


7 apr. 2018

Tuam, a quiet town in the west of Ireland. Tuam, a name that traumatised the whole of Ireland in the spring of 2014, when an unimaginable story was revealed. A hidden mass grave containing the remains of some 800 children was discovered on the former grounds of a home for single mothers, a hell on earth where children died from ill treatment, and were shamefully buried in secret and forgotten. Up until the 1990s, dozens of these detention centres were run by religious orders, but the country is still reluctant to confront the ghosts of its past.
Want to watch more full-length Documentaries? Click here: http://bit.ly/1GOzpIu


21 sep. 2020

21st September 2020

Brave Sheila O’Byrne lovable tells her powerful story of her life in the controversial St Patrick’s Mother and Baby Home.

The Dubliner was cast aside for falling pregnant at 19 with a mixed race baby. She spent 41 years looking for her son.

Don’t miss Sheila’s story tonight Monday 22nd September at 7pm.

Video Journalist Alison O’Reilly
Post Production Alison O’Reilly
A Hardshoes Production 2020
Photos used in St. Patrick’s mother and baby home are archive images, already in the public domanin and used to advertised adoptions at the home. They are not Sheila O’Byrne’s child. They are archive images that I came across while writing my book on the Tuam mother and baby home, ‘My Name Is Bridget’ in 2018. These images were kindly given to us by Bernie McKendry who owns the rights to them and holds all original copies. Her late mother, Margaret Moloney, was in St. Patrick’s mother and baby home on the Navan Road in the 1960’s.

Children in many homes like St. Patrick’s who were placed for adoption were advertised in some national papers. Their records will be sealed. No one will know the truth of this.


Treated Like Thrash Over My Mixed Race Baby, Sheila O’byrne’s Story – Blog




In première gegaan op 9 nov. 2020

Margaret “Maggie” Norton was illegally adopted at 3 days old in the early seventies in Ireland. The organiser of this illegal registration was high profile GP Dr. Irene Creedon, who ran a surgery in Carrickmacross in Co. Cavan. Described by many as a “formidable” woman, she took babies from unmarried women, organised for their child to be given to a family who wished to adopt, and signed their birth certs with their adoptive parents names and details – thus, erasing the child’s entire past and identity. This was an illegal adoption.

In 2013, Margaret Norton who had been searching for her family for many years, lifted the lid on the scandal and from breaking her silence, discovered at least 19 people had been trafficked by Dr. Irene Creedon who was trafficking children up to at least the 1970’s which was twenty years after the adoption act was implemented.

Dr. Irene Creedon’s daughter claimed her mother was doing a “good turn” for the women who were caught in an unmarried pregnancy, however, she knowingly signed false birth certificates, meaning she knowingly knew she was breaking the law.

Mothers have since claimed they were giving birth in Dr. Creedon’s surgery in Carrickmacross and being “put up” in a hotel across the road and given £20 before being sent on their way. Birth mother’s were told to never come back and ask for their child and adoptive parents who requested information to help their child were all told clearly by Dr. Creedon, to “never darken” her door again.

She knowingly trafficked scores of children and her illegal activities may never have come to light, only for Margaret Norton. For 11 years she searched for her family.

Trish Traynor
My mum gave birth in a Mother and Baby Home in 1935. I can’t find any record of my sister’s birth but she did come back to my mother when she was 12 because she wasn’t adopted only fostered.My mother came to Scotland via some place in England where she made nuns habits and priests vestments and never ever went back to Ireland. I’m so shocked and sad to find it was still going on in the 70s. God Bless, and thank you for sharing your experiences. I won’t call it a story because it’s more than that it’s the lives of people who were brought up to trust the likes of Doctors and Religious.
Martin Hynes
Everyone knows about TUAM…..but…. What everyone doesn’t know about is the baby killing by the same BONS SECOURS (sisters) at their facility in Cork
Gemma Meenan
A very painful and inspirational message from a very strong woman God bless her and her journey … Watching and praying from Derry Ireland
ann maria o connell
Appalling and Heartbreaking..I Cried Listening To Her Story.. Margaret Is A Very Strong and Determined Lady..I Send Her,and Her Family Every Happiness..xx
Cáit Ní Fhinn
Fantastic! Well worth watching and so representative of so many adoptees experiences, weather you came through official channels or illegal adoption the pain of the rd we have to take, to find ‘our own’ is unnecessary, cruel and punishing. Give us or records, the government need to open up and assist us, STOP blocking us… Everyone knows the complicity, just do the right human thing and stop hiding behind false propaganda, legal frameworks and repetitively silencing us and our narratives. Much Love Xx
Susan Murphy
This was a very distructive happening to Margaret and her family and to many others. Still today many are still waiting like myself for all sectors to own up and clean up this mess they allowed to build up in backlogs for years and allow many get away with it or pass the book for others to deal with. I wish Margaret and her family the very best and thank her for coming forward to talk.
Laurie D Mills
This is terrible. It went on in Australia too. It’s hard because vulnerable people such as infertile couples can be groomed and harmed, but in the end, they knew this was trafficking a child, that it was wrong. It’s so easy to become self-centred in this heart-breaking problem in life, but illegally obtaining a baby harmed you, dear lady – all of the adults did the the wrong thing. It’s so dad. Thankfully you were adored and loved and I so wish they hadn’t done this but to be so abused by a doctor who played on their pain must have been terrible to live with too. May they rest in peace. I agree with you that justice would be granted – it’s not happened anywhere. All the best to you.
Donna Poole
I am so happy for you .
Kathleen Manning
How evil were the practises and behaviours of long ago.such unnecessary suffering of so many women. God love them and bless them.
Eunice Stone
Donna Poole
I have a brother in the world some place . My mom never lie said that me and my brother was only children . My mom told the truth about having a child out of web lock . I just wish I could find him , but I am not sure if he know he was adopted. He might be die by now because he be old .my mom was very young when she had him. We try to find him but the people said the court paper got burn up . I did the dna search , but no luck .

5 Ireland’s Mother and Baby Scandal (Part 2) | People and Power

17 jul. 2020

Content warning: Some viewers may find this film distressing

Watch Part 1 here: https://youtu.be/F65Mc3oBylk

Six years ago, Catherine Corless, a local historian from County Galway in the Republic of Ireland, discovered that hundreds of babies and young children had died in a home for unmarried pregnant women, run by Roman Catholic nuns in her hometown of Tuam.

Further research revealed that many of the babies had died of malnutrition and other forms of neglect. Most of their bodies had been disposed of, officially unrecorded, in an old septic tank buried in the grounds of the home.

Angry survivors and relatives called for an investigation – for the remains to be exhumed, identified and properly buried, for compensation and immediate government action. Concerned families began to ask questions about other homes run by the Church in Ireland and how many other babies had died in equally mysterious circumstances.

In 2015, in response to publicity and pressure in Dail Eireann, the lower house of the Irish Parliament, the government announced it was setting up an official Commission of Investigation. The body was required to provide answers by 2018. Indeed, some modest interim findings have since been released, but two years since its official publication date, the full report has still not seen the light of day.

This June, partially in response to the coronavirus pandemic, the report was again delayed until October 2020.

In its absence, the suspicion, frustration and anger of relatives have mushroomed. And the once shameful secret of a single small rural town is developing into a broader and more profound national scandal; an affair which goes to the heart of the close relationship between successive Irish governments and the Catholic Church.

In two special episodes of People and Power, from filmmakers Callum Macrae, Mark Williams and Al Jazeera correspondent Laurence Lee, we investigate deeply disturbing allegations that both the Irish state and its religious orders were responsible for a systematic decades-long regime of institutional neglect and exploitation involving the death of thousands of children.

6 Abuse Documentary: The Shame of the Catholic Church | Retro Report | The New York Times

31 mrt. 2014

Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church has been making headlines for years. Some priests have been punished, but what about the bishops who shielded them?
Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1i8avZm
Whether it’s reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It’s all the news that’s fit to watch. On YouTube.


7 Secrets & Sins

7 sep. 2012

This is a documentary about the first victim of clerical sexual abuse in Ireland to go public with their story It also shows why Pope Francis’ had to chastise bishops who covered up abuse by priests in their dioceses. The half hour CNNI show World’s Untold Stories, produced by Andrew Tkach and editor Scott McGhee, also examines how errant priests were protected by the church and exported to other countries, including the United States.

8 Would You Believe on clerical sexual abuse

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21 jan. 2011

Mick Peelo looks at some internal Vatican letters that appear to paint a picture of Vatican obstructionism towards investigations into clerical sexual abuse.

9 Fall From Grace: When priests prey and bishops betray (2018)

30 jan. 2019

“Fall From Grace” is an investigation of the Buffalo Catholic Diocese by the 7 Eyewitness News I-Team.

Damning documents from a church whistleblower formed the basis of a three-part series on Bishop Richard J. Malone, which proved Malone returned an accused child abuser to ministry and recommended he work with children; allowed another accused priest to remain pastor of a wealthy parish; and deceived the faithful by hiding the “real” abuse list — containing more than 100 priests — from the public.

It was likely the largest breach of documents from the “secret archives” in the history of the American church — and as a direct result of our reporting:

• The State Legislature in January 2019 passed the Child Victims Act, which reformed New York’s archaic sexual abuse laws and expanded the statutes of limitation on child sex crimes.
• The State Attorney General has launched a statewide investigation into clergy sex abuse.
• The Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched a criminal investigation of the Buffalo Diocese and the U.S. Attorney is building a racketeering case against church leaders.
• Buffalo’s civic leaders called for Bishop Malone to resign and Catholics have protested weekly.
• A total of 118 predator priests have been exposed. Countless children are now safe from abuse.

10 Scandal: Catholic Church abuses over 300 boys in Mount Cashel Orphanage [Christian Brothers Exposed]

17 aug. 2012

The Vatican is the most criminal organization in existence. The Christian brothers were exposed in Canada for abusing children systematically in their catholic orphanage in the same period where they were abusing thousand of children in the residential schools, orphanages and mental institutions in Ireland as reported by the Ryan Report (2009). In December 2000 The StarPhoenix reported that leaders of the Christian Brothers at the Vatican conspired to transfer ownership of the order’s assets out of Canada to prevent court-ordered liquidation to pay compensation to sexual and physical abuse victims. It was also alleged that the Archdiocese of Vancouver conspired to shield Vancouver College and St. Thomas More Collegiate. In December 2000 The StarPhoenix reported that leaders of the Christian Brothers at the Vatican conspired to transfer ownership of the order’s assets out of Canada to prevent court-ordered liquidation to pay compensation to sexual and physical abuse victims. It was also alleged that the Archdiocese of Vancouver conspired to shield Vancouver College and St. Thomas More Collegiate.


11 Ireland’s forgotten mixed-race child abuse victims


24 feb. 2017

Rosemary Adaser was one of many mixed-race children considered illegitimate who was brought up in institutions run by the Catholic church in Ireland between the 1950s and 1970s. She tells of the abuse and racist treatment she suffered, and returns to her school in Kilkenny for the first time in 40 years and attempts to answer questions about her past.

12 Secrets of St Peter’s: Shocking child abuse at Catholic Church school revealed

25 jun. 2015

Express reporter Joanna Della-Ragione investigates shocking claims of historic child sex abuse at a former approved school, St Peter’s in Gainford, County Durham. Speaking for the first time, the victims tell their own story and explain how the Catholic Church covered-up the appalling scandal. Filmed and directed by Daniel Luccesi. Warning: This film contains upsetting material.

13 Abuse of Trust (part one of five)

31 jul. 2009

Documentary about Catholic Clerical Child Abuse in Ireland. This documentary focuses on the Dublin Diocese and has interviews from survivors who describe their horrendous experiences of sexual abuse as children, Andrew Madden and Marie Collins. This also interviews the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. Links to official church web sites and summary of the commision to enquire into child abuse can be found on my channel.

14 Abuse of Trust (part two of five)

31 jul. 2009

Documentary about Catholic Clerical Child Abuse in Ireland. This documentary focuses on the Dublin Diocese and has interviews from survivors who describe their horrendous experiences of sexual abuse as children, Andrew Madden and Marie Collins. This also interviews the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. Links to official church web sites and summary of the commission to enquire into child abuse can be found on my channel.

15 Abuse of Trust (part three of five)

31 jul. 2009

Documentary about Catholic Clerical Child Abuse in Ireland. This documentary focuses on the Dublin Diocese and has interviews from survivors who describe their horrendous experiences of sexual abuse as children, Andrew Madden and Marie Collins. This also interviews the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. Links to official church web sites and summary of the commission to enquire into child abuse can be found on my channel.

16 Abuse of Trust (part four of five)

31 jul. 2009

Documentary about Catholic Clerical Child Abuse in Ireland. This documentary focuses on the Dublin Diocese and has interviews from survivors who describe their horrendous experiences of sexual abuse as children, Andrew Madden and Marie Collins. This also interviews the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. Links to official church web sites and summary of the commission to enquire into child abuse can be found on my channel.

17 Abuse of Trust (part five of five)

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31 jul. 2009

Documentary about Catholic Clerical Child Abuse in Ireland. This documentary focuses on the Dublin Diocese and has interviews from survivors who describe their horrendous experiences of sexual abuse as children, Andrew Madden and Marie Collins. This also interviews the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin. Links to official church web sites and summary of the commission to enquire into child abuse can be found on my channel.

18 In Bad Faith: Child Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church | Fault Lines

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23 okt. 2019

In a series of exclusive interviews with Fault Lines, several men across New York City come forward with painful memories of abuse by a Catholic priest.

They say that Father John Paddack – who was ordained in 1984 and had been ministering in New York until he was suspended in July – molested them during confession and counselling sessions in different Catholic schools across the city.

The men allege years of abuse by Paddack, sparking the latest revelations in a decades-old scandal that has shaken the Catholic Church to its foundation.

And they say that, in the intervening decades, Paddack remained in ministry – working in close proximity to children.

The church should “stop hiding”, says Joseph Caramanno, one of the men who says he was abused by Paddack while in high school, and one of the first to open a public case against the priest.

“They are allowing these predator priests to frolic around aimlessly on the streets of New York, with open access, under the shield of a collar,” he says.

Another victim, Gabriel* – now a father of two – says he was molested by Paddack as a 12-year-old Catholic school student.

“That destroyed my youth,” he says about the abuse. “That could have killed me, honestly.”

For many years, these men shared their stories privately, among close confidants. But when New York’s restrictive statute of limitations law for victims of child sex abuse was amended in 2019, they went public with their claims.

The men are suing the Catholic Church, and calling on the city’s most powerful cleric – Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York – to remove Father Paddack from ministry.

“The Archdiocese has known about the allegations against Monsignor Paddack for years, more than six years. Those allegations have been kept quiet by the Archdiocese,” says Mike Reck, one of the lawyers for the victims.

Cardinal Dolan, meanwhile, has told the 2.5 million Catholics under his watch to rest assured, claiming there are no active priests facing credible abuse allegations in his Archdiocese. Clergy abuse, he said, was largely a problem of the past.

However, our investigation into Father Paddack revealed a different story, one that raises questions about New York’s Catholic hierarchy, and whether its leader has put the prestige of the church above the survival of its victims.

For this investigation, Fault Lines spoke to five of the men who accuse Father Paddack of abuse; allegations that form a pattern starting from the early 1980s until the early 2000s, the victims’ lawyers say.

*Not his real name


19 Abuse in the Catholic Church | DW Documentary

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2 jul. 2019

Child abuse in the Catholic Church was long a taboo subject, kept under wraps by senior church dignitaries. But in the pursuit of justice, the Church’s inactivity eventually prompted the victims of child abuse to take matters into their own hands.

“For too long the Church has denied, ignored and hushed up abuse. The victims are entitled to justice.” In September 2018, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, head of the German Bishops’ Conference, uttered these words and apologized to all victims of sexual abuse by Catholic officials in Germany. But Matthias Katsch, one of the most prominent representatives of victims in Germany, maintains that the Church’s handling of abuse remains problematic even now. A former pupil at the private Canisius-Kolleg school and spokesperson for the “Squared Table” victims’ initiative uncovered the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church in Germany in 2010. For over thirty years, his abusers’ crimes had stayed covered up. Then, Matthias Katsch and his former classmates broke the silence when they turned to the public with accusations against their former teachers – Jesuit priests Peter R. and Wolfgang S. And what happened next? Not much, it seems. Both men were spotted in Chile after 2010. Impatient with the lack of progress, Matthias Katsch took matters into his own hands and set out to Chile to find the abusers – and their next victims. Filmmaker Eva Müller went with him.


DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch high-class documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary.

20 The Church: Code of Silence (Corrupt Priest Documentary) | Real Stories

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16 nov. 2019

Secret internal documents reveal how church officials have protected priests accused of pedophilia by moving them from country-to-country, sometimes as far away as to Africa. They call it ‘the geographical solution’. Even Pope Francis is implicated. When he was bishop of Buenos Aires, he tried to influence the Argentinean justice system in order to protect a convicted priest.
From Cameroon to Argentina, America to France and Italy, this investigation traces the transfers of pedophile priests.


21 Empire – The Vatican: A Wholly Roman Empire?

27 mei 2013

As the Catholic Church faces new and old challenges – both internal and external – Empire asks: What can Pope Francis, the first from the global South, do to stem the bleed of devotees in the West? And will he seek to reform and modernise or will he maintain ‘business as usual’? In the coming and going between the faithful and the faithless, we examine how the battle for hearts, minds and souls, is more than just a numbers game. Joining us in Vatican City to discuss the present issues and future direction for the Roman Catholic Church are: Marco Tosatti, writer for La Stampa, and author of several books on religion, including John Paul II: Portrait of a Pontiff; Father Norman Tanner, a Jesuit Priest, and author of New Short History of the Catholic Church; and Marco Politi, a journalist and author of Joseph Ratzinger – Crisis of a Papacy.

At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people’s lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a ‘voice to the voiceless.’
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world’s most respected news and current affairs channels.

22 The Vatican: An Inside Look – “Upon this Rock” – A WRAL Documentary

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25 okt. 2019

An inside look at the Vatican under the authority of Pope John Paul II. With host David Crabtree, WRAL cameras take you behind the scenes of the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, including a special look at the spectacular Sistine Chapel. You will meet people from around the world visiting Rome and hear their impressions of this holy city. (Originally aired Dec. 20, 1999.) Be sure to like, comment and subscribe to WRAL Doc for more content!

23 Betrayal : Abuse in the Catholic Church in Nova Scotia (2010) – the fifth estate

Gepubliceerd op 3 okt. 2016

Betrayal tells the story of childhood abuse victims in Nova Scotia, who continued to feel profound hurt and damage as adults. Searching for restitution for their suffering some launched or joined in lawsuits against the Catholic Church. Their partial victory has had an unexpected outcome: In order to settle those lawsuits, the church has begun selling of some church property in Nova Scotia – property that local people helped build and pay for over many generations.

Betrayal highlights the consequences of abuse that continue to echo throughout the Catholic Church and in communities across Canada, the U.S and in Europe.

Original broadcast date : October 1, 2010

24 ‘Secret archives’ detailed priests’ child sex abuse and cover-ups, Pa. attorney general says

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15 aug. 2018

A scathing new grand jury report in Pennsylvania describes decades of sexual abuse by Catholic priests. At least 1,000 children were molested by more than 300 clergy, the panel found, which also claims a conspiracy of silence extended all the way to the Vatican. Judy Woodruff sits down with Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and Fr. Thomas Reese of Religion News Service.

25 Spotlight on the Church: How Sex Abuse Went Unnoticed for So Long, and What it Took to Expose It

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2 dec. 2016

Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by the Vancouver Institute. Walter “Robby” Robinson is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for The Boston Globe where he currently holds the title of Editor-at-Large. He led the Globe’s coverage of the Roman Catholic clergy sexual abuse scandal, for which the newspaper won, and he personally accepted, the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. Mr. Robinson covered the White House for the Globe during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. In 1990 and 1991, he was the Globe’s Middle East Bureau Chief, and covered the first Persian Gulf War. He ran the newspaper’s investigative Spotlight Team for seven years. Mr. Robinson has been a journalism fellow at Stanford University and has received honorary degrees from Northeastern University and Emerson College in Boston. He was portrayed by Michael Keaton in the 2015 film Spotlight, the winner for Best Picture at the 88th Academy Awards.


Please enjoy: impressieve

26 A Church in Crisis (Documentary)

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20 dec. 2018

The summer of 2018 set off a firestorm in the Catholic Church, with bishops, priests, scholars, religious orders, the laity and victims groups working to address the clergy sexual abuse scandal.

27 The List: Unravelling church secrets – The Fifth Estate


18 nov. 2019

In an investigation into clergy abuse within the Roman Catholic Church in Canada, we follow abuse survivors on their quest for accountability. They are demanding that church officials reveal secret files — information on who the abusers are or were, who knew about it and what was done. In the United States, judicial investigations are exposing details of the church’s secret archives there. More than 6,700 credibly accused clergy members have been publicly identified. And yet in Canada victims say there is little information. Our investigation focuses on the diocese of Vancouver where the archbishop has vowed to be more open.

28 The priest’s confession: What the Catholic bishops knew – The Fifth Estate

17 feb. 2020

In 2015, retired Catholic priest Paul-André Harvey from Quebec’s Chicoutimi diocese pleaded guilty to 39 charges of indecent assault and gross indecency. Most of his victims were girls between the ages of eight and 10. Harvey was sentenced to six years in prison.

But before Harvey died in prison, the defrocked priest did something extraordinary — he provided a confession for his victims to use in a class-action suit against the Catholic Church. He claimed that church officials were aware of his crimes for years. When complaints surfaced, Harvey says he was simply moved. Records show between 1963 and 2002, Harvey was moved to a new parish 12 times.

Now a class-action lawsuit with more than 100 claimants shines a spotlight on who knew what and raises difficult questions about how clergy abuse is prosecuted in Canada. The Fifth Estate and Radio-Canada’s Enquête investigate Harvey’s story and ask why no charges have ever been brought against church superiors in Canada for covering up clergy abuse.

To read more: www.cbc.ca/1.5464028

Do you have a story about the Catholic Church? Share your experience with us by emailing fifthtips@cbc.ca.

About The Fifth Estate: For four decades The Fifth Estate has been Canada’s premier investigative documentary program. Hosts Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley continue a tradition of provocative and fearless journalism. The Fifth Estate brings in-depth investigations that matter to Canadians — delivering a dazzling parade of political leaders, controversial characters and ordinary people whose lives were touched by triumph or tragedy.

29 Roman Catholic Church, sex abuse scandals in the news, ABC, CBC, CTV, CBS, CNN

21 feb. 2014

Info Hub
Roman Catholic

30 Vatican Inc. – People & Power


7 mrt. 2013

People & Power examines the secretive world of the Vatican’s bank.

At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people’s lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a ‘voice to the voiceless.’
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world’s most respected news and current affairs channels.

31 Boston Globe: Thousands say they are children of Catholic priests

16 aug. 2017

Boston Globe’s Spotlight team is unveiling a new report on what it calls a worldwide and “systemic problem” within the Catholic Church: priests fathering illegitimate children. Reporter Michael Rezendes, who won a Pulitzer Prize for Spotlight’s reporting on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, joins “CBS This Morning” to discuss his findings.
Delivered by Charlie Rose, Norah O’Donnell and Gayle King, “CBS This Morning” offers a thoughtful, substantive and insightful source of news and information to a daily audience of 3 million viewers. The Emmy Award-winning broadcast presents a mix of daily news, coverage of developing stories of national and global significance, and interviews with leading figures in politics, business and entertainment. Check local listings for “CBS This Morning” broadcast times.

32 Spotlight: Boston Globe’s Michael Rezendes and Ben Bradlee Jr. with Seymour Hersh

15 jun. 2016

We’ve seen Spotlight — this year’s best picture Oscar winner — but what’s the real-life story behind the gripping film? The groundbreaking book Betrayal: The Crisis in the Catholic Church reveals it all. Hear from Ben Bradlee Jr. and Mike Rezendes, two of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Boston Globe journalists who uncovered the most damning scandal in Church history, as they take us deep inside their investigative journey. Has the Church’s response to abuse changed today? Find out in this urgent discussion with fellow Pulitzer winner Seymour Hersh.

33 Amid more revelations of Catholic Church abuse and cover-up, survivors galvanize

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This year saw more appalling revelations about the Catholic Church and the behavior of many priests, exposing just how long some dioceses knew of and concealed sexual abuse. Judy Woodruff has the story, followed by a frank conversation with two abuse survivors and a professor and advocate for change in the church about how these developments affected them and their relationships with the faith.

34 Cardinal Bernard Law’s Death & Emotional Toll Of The Church Abuse Scandal

21 dec. 2017

Jim Braude was joined by Boston Public Radio co-host and Boston Globe columnist, Margery Eagan; Boston Globe Spotlight team reporter Michael Rezendes; and founder of the New England chapter of Survivors Network of Those Abused, Phil Saviano —also a church abuse survivor — to discuss the emotional toll of the church abuse scandal after Cardinal Bernard Law’s death.
Jeannie Cole
Law may have escaped to Rome, but he won’t escape the White Thrown Judgment! These were extremely BRAVE reporters, who stood alone, against the Church and the Boston establishment! It is nothing short of a miracle that they lived thru it. The whole world owes a debt to the reporters, who reported on the coverups by the Papacy, and all of the bishops and cardinals of the Catholic Church. Every parish that I was in, while growing up, had kids who were victims of the Pedophile Priests in our parishes, We’re talking innocent kids, and I bet they’ll never darken a Catholic Church door, ever again. Greaat job, Church!

35 Children of Catholic priests live with secrets and sorrow: Jim Graham

16 aug. 2017

A Spotlight Team Investigation: All of his questions finally brought Jim Graham to a kitchen table in Buffalo, face to face with an elderly aunt and uncle, perhaps the only living people who could tell him what he needed to know. Read more: http://www.bostonglobe.com/childrenof…

36 Catholic Priest Leaves Church, Marries Parishioner

4 jan. 2011

The Rev. Albert Cutie’s kiss with the woman he loved caught on camera. For more, click here: http://abcnews.go.com/US/father-alber…

37 Sexual misconduct in the Philippines’ Catholic Church: Sins of the Father | 101 East

17 feb. 2017

Sexual misconduct in the Philippines’ Catholic Church: Sins of the Father – 101 East Philippines 🇵🇭 | Sins of the Father: Sexual misconduct inside the Catholic Church | 101 East 
Priests are treated like God in the Philippines – Asia’s largest Catholic nation. But often that trust is exploited by clergymen who are sexually deviant. And, despite a vow of chastity, some priests have children out of wedlock. 
Those abuses and misdemeanours within the Church often go unpunished. Critics say investigations are kept secret and those charged with sexual abuse are still active in local parishes. 
101 East investigates sexual misconduct inside the most powerful institution in the Philippines: the Catholic Church.

38 🇦🇺 The Unholy Conspiracy | Australia’s Clerical Sex | 101 East


12 apr. 2013

Australia’s Clerical Sex Abuse: The Unholy Conspiracy

In late 2012, Australia was rocked by fresh allegations of Catholic clergy child sex abuse by whistleblower, New South Wales Detective Chief Inspector Peter Fox.

Fox has pursued allegations of child sex abuse by Catholic clergy for more than a decade, and he claims that as his investigations continued, a frightening picture emerged of a widespread cover-up by the Catholic Church of the child sex crimes committed by its clergy.

Fox repeated those claims publicly, and also accused the Catholic Church of deliberately obstructing police investigations, destroying evidence, and protecting paedophile priests, sparking calls for a national inquiry.

At the same time as Fox’s investigation, The Newcastle Herald’s senior journalist Joanne McCarthy, had also picked up the scent of a wider conspiracy by senior church officials to conceal sex abuse by its clergy.

Searching for clues – Joanne delved into the case of Father Vincent Ryan – a paedophile priest convicted in 1996.

Her first discovery was a police record of interview with Monsignor Patrick Cotter, who was Maitland’s acting Bishop in the 1970s.

She was stunned to learn Cotter had known for 20 years that Ryan was a paedophile, and that when it was first reported to him by parents of a victim – he had simply shunted the priest interstate – concealing the issue, rather than reporting it to the police.

She then discovered another bishop’s letter, outlining a plan to cover-up the crimes of one of the most dangerous paedophile priests in the Maitland-Newcastle area, Father Denis McAlinden.

Bishop Leo Clarke wrote to McAlinden with an offer – if he agreed to be laicised or, defrocked as a priest, the church would protect him: “Your good name will be protected by the confidential nature of this process.”

At the end of his letter, Bishop Clark urged McAlinden to agree to be defrocked because “some people are threatening seriously to take this whole matter to the police”.

The offer to conceal McAlinden’s crimes was proof of the church’s veil of secrecy and soon Joanne ascertained that the clergy members involved were amongst the most senior in the Australian Catholic church.

Now, a special commission of inquiry has been set-up by the New South Wales state government to determine whether their actions amounted to criminal conduct. The special government-appointed inquiry, known in Australia as a Royal Commission, has also been charged with investigating how the NSW police force handled the complaints.

The trigger for the Royal Commission came in July last year, when John Pirona, a 45-year-old firefighter in the city of Newcastle, ended his life after years of mental torment stemming from the sex abuse that he suffered as a child at teh hands of a paedophile priest.

The abuse occurred at St Pius X High School, a Catholic boys’ school in Newcastle. Pirona’s suicide followed about a dozen suicides and many more attempted suicides by former students at the school. Shockingly, many people reported the abuse to the school principal who kept silent, punishing children who dared to complain.

As the impact of John Pirona’s suicide reverberated throughout the community, demands for a Royal Commission gained new impetus and in Newcastle, a public rally was held to boost the campaign.

Detective Peter Fox was at the rally and felt inspired to speak out about his struggle to expose crimes concealed by the church. Emboldened by speaking at the rally, he repeated his claims two months later on national television.

Four days later, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced the establishment of a Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. This historic judicial inquiry will be the biggest in Australia’s history.

It will hear testimonies, not only about the original sex crimes, but also the subsequent crimes of concealment by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, and other organisations.

The Australian inquiry goes way beyond the brief of any such inquiry anywhere in the world by promising to follow up with prosecuting sex offenders, and those guilty of concealing or covering up their crimes. A special investigation unit has been established to gather further evidence and prepare briefs for the police.

Although the commission itself cannot prosecute, the early establishment of these units means this important work in bringing about accountability can commence quite soon.

The effects of the royal commission could have widespread and unforeseen outcomes – such has been the force of religion in Australia, threatening to shake Australia’s social and political life when its findings are published.

39 How the US stole thousands of Native American children

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14 okt. 2019

The long and brutal history of the US trying to “kill the Indian and save the man”.
For more of Vox’s reporting on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, check out the latest episode of Today Explained: https://art19.com/shows/today-explain…
Toward the end of the 19th century, the US took thousands of Native American children and enrolled them in off-reservation boarding schools, stripping them of their cultures and languages. Yet decades later as the US phased out the schools, following years of indigenous activism, it found a new way to assimilate Native American children: promoting their adoption into white families. Watch the episode to find out how these two distinct eras in US history have had lasting impacts on Native American families.
In the Vox series Missing Chapter, Vox Senior Producer Ranjani Chakraborty revisits underreported and often overlooked moments from the past to give context to the present. Join her as she covers the histories that are often left out of our textbooks. Our first season tackles stories of racial injustice, political conflicts, even the hidden history of US medical experimentation.

40 Sweden: Truth, lies and manipulated narratives? – BBC Newsnight

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22 aug. 2018

Sweden: The good vs the bad.

Subscribe to our channel here: https://goo.gl/31Q53F

Sweden is usually recognised as being innovative, transparent and progressive, with good healthcare, welfare and gender equality.

More recently, however, a growing chorus of Sweden sceptics have emerged. In this report, Gabriel Gatehouse went to find out more about these competing narratives.

Reporter: Gabriel Gatehouse Camera: Jack Garland Director/Pic editor: Stuart Denman

Newsnight is the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme – with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

41 Hannelore werd als kind (11) seksueel misbruikt in sekte | RTV Oost

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4 feb. 2020

Hannelore van Otterloo groeide op onder de hoede van een beruchte sekteleider, alias De Profeet, en heeft aan den lijve ondervonden hoe het is om te worden gehersenspoeld. Ze vertelt hoe ze werd misbruikt door De Profeet en hoe ze uiteindelijk door de Tubbergse agent Peter Withag uit de klauwen van de sekteleider en zijn minnares werd bevrijd. “Dat is wat hersenspoelen met je doet: je doet dingen waarvan je dacht dat je ze nooit zou doen.”

42 Envoyé spécial. Au nom de la foi, les enfants sacrifiés – 7 février 2019 (France 2)

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12 feb. 2019

En Idaho, aux Etats-Unis, les Disciples du Christ vivent à l’écart du monde. Quand leurs enfants tombent malades, ni docteur ni médicaments, mais des prières comme remèdes. Au risque d’y laisser la vie…

Chaque année, Linda Martin se rend dans un cimetière près de Caldwell, petite ville de l’Idaho, au nord-ouest des Etats-Unis. Elle y recense les nouvelles tombes : celles des enfants âgés de quelques jours, quelques mois, quelques années à peine. Des enfants morts faute de soins et qui appartiennent tous à une communauté religieuse parmi les plus secrètes du pays, les Disciples du Christ.

La loi de l’Etat les protège, au nom de la liberté religieuse.

Ces familles de croyants vivent à l’écart, dans des vallées isolées. Leur particularité ? Elles refusent de soigner leurs enfants quand ils tombent malades : ni docteur ni médicaments, uniquement les prières comme remède. Et si leurs enfants meurent, ils ne sont pas poursuivis par la justice. Car la loi de l’Etat les protège, au nom de la liberté religieuse. Pour Linda, ancienne membre de la communauté, c’est un meurtre légal à grande échelle. Mais impossible, jusqu’alors, de changer la loi…

Un reportage de Kristian Autain, Pauline Juvigny et Nils Montel

43 The Boston Globe Spotlight Team


7 mrt. 2016

A look behind the scenes of The Boston Globe Spotlight team.

44 Ireland prepares for Pope visit amid Catholic abuse and adoption scandals

25 aug. 2018

The last time a Pope visited Ireland, it was John Paul II in 1979. Almost half the population turned out to see him. Back then around nine out of ten Irish Catholics would attend weekly mass. Contraception, divorce and abortion were illegal. It will be a very different Ireland Pope Francis will visit this time. While there will be crowds, they’re expected to be well down on 39 years ago, as scandal after scandal has taken its toll on the Church’s moral authority.

45 Papal visit: Is Ireland losing faith?

22 aug. 2018

When Pope Francis visits Ireland this weekend, he will encounter a very different country from his predecessor Pope John Paul, who visited in 1979. Attitudes to the Church have changed in Ireland, its once-powerful influence damaged by clerical abuse scandals – and some victims of abuse are calling for the Pontiff to apologise to them directly. Sky’s Senior Ireland Correspondent David Blevins reports.

46 Unforgivable | The priest sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church

14 jan. 2019

The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston says it will release its list of priests accused of child sex abuse this month, joining all Texas dioceses and a growing number around the country as a way to grapple with the priest sex abuse scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church for decades. But those impacted by the crisis fear the list will not reveal all the abuse. These are their stories. More at KHOU.com/Unforgivable.

47 Catholic priests’ victim: ‘The abuse was so common it became normal’

3 feb. 2016

Leslie Turner, a retired primary head teacher, was paid £17,000 in compensation by the Irish Christian Brothers, after claiming two priests from the Catholic Order sexually abused him at school in Sunderland in the 1960s.
The church has not accepted liability for the alleged abuse. Turner, now 66, has waived his anonymity in a film for the Guardian to allege he was molested from the age of 12 by two Irish Christian Brother teachers at St Aidan’s Roman Catholic Grammar School in Sunderland between 1961 and 1967. Both priests are long dead, but he sued after being diagnosed with delayed onset post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of what he said he suffered.

48 Het sexueel misbruik schandaal in Pennsylvania

22 aug. 2018

Het is zwaar voor Fr. Mike om deze overweging te geven, maar helaas is het ook nodig. Sinds het rapport van Pennsylvania werd vrijgegeven, begon vrijwel elke krantenkop met het woord ‘katholiek’ bovenaan de bladzijde. Verslagen waarin driehonderd priesters worden genoemd die naar verluidt meer dan duizend minderjarigen, meer dan zeventig jaar, hebben misbruikt. Verontwaardiging is niet de centrale boodschap waaraan Fr. Mike hier uitdrukking wil geven, hoewel hij deze heel intens ervaart. Meer dan wat ook, wil hij dat zijn kijkers weten dat we nu – meer dan ooit – een deugdzaam en heilig leven moeten leiden en de heiligen moeten worden die de kerk nodig heeft.
Fr. Mike is ook een presentator in deze geloofsvorming programma’s van Ascension: ( Ascension Day betekent Hemelvaart dag)

49 How The Catholic Church Hid The Bodies Of 800 Children – Children Of Shame – Crime Documentary

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17 aug. 2020

Show channel for more adoption stories and artwork in response to Ireland’s institutional scandals. Click on the link here and press subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/staywithmea…

Terri Harrison has spent 47 years trying to find her son Niall who was taken by the nuns at six weeks old from his cot at St. Patrick’s mother and baby institution in 1973. He was taken to Bessborough mother and baby institution in Cork and adopted, without her consent.
Terri has spent years fighting for justice over what happened to her as an 18 year old girl. At the time, it was considered a “sin” to have a baby out of wedlock in Ireland. Thousands of women have walked in Terri’s shoes.

Tonight, Monday 17th August at 7pm, in what could be her last attempt at contacting her son, Terri has turned to social media, to make direct appeal to him on video.
“I just want one last hug to say goodbye” she says.
Terri tells her story this week.

In a statement from the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, 16 August 2020, in response to our query about Terri’s story, a spokesperson said:
“In relation to your query received today. We urge anyone who has any historic issues regarding Mother and Baby Homes to take them directly to the Commission of Investigation so that matters can be fully investigated. This Commission has had our full co-operation on all matters and this will continue to be the case. We passed all records relating to the Mother and Baby Homes to TULSA/HSE in 2010 “

Video Journalist Alison O’Reilly
Post Production Alison O’Reilly
Photo Karen Morgan
A Hardshoes Production 2020

How The Catholic Church Hid The Bodies Of 800 Children – Children Of Shame – Crime Documentary – Blog


50 FULL EPISODE: ‘VeraCity: Unrepentant’ investigating abuse in the Canadian Catholic Church

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21 okt. 2020

‘VeraCity: Unrepentant’ is a Citytv original documentary uncovering the secret history of child sexual assaults that was kept silent by an order of Canadian Catholic priests. Taking the hunt for accountability all the way to Vatican City.

51 Mother and Baby Homes In Ireland | What Comes Next?

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12 sep 2021

The publication of the report of the Commission on Mother and Baby Homes in January 2021 produced a storm of controversy, distress and anger among survivors who discovered that their testimony had been woefully treated and disregarded in the report’s conclusions. A loose coalition of survivors, advocates, lawyers, journalists and writers have succeeded in drawing public attention to the report’s deficiencies. This First Thought Talk panel brings together Noelle Brown, survivor and activist, Maeve O’Rourke, lawyer and co–founder of the Clann Project, Conall O’Fatharta, journalist with the Irish Examiner, and Caelainn Hogan, author of Republic of Shame. Catriona Crowe will moderate.

Galway International Arts Festival’s 2021 First Thought Talks were presented in association with Festival Education Partner NUI Galway. Watch more talks online: https://www.giaf.ie/talks/

About GIAF
Galway International Arts Festival is a major cultural organisation, which produces one of Europe’s leading international arts festivals; develops and produces new work that tours nationally and internationally; and presents a major discussion platform, First Thought Talks.

The 2022 Galway International Arts Festival takes place from 11-24 July 2021 and will feature the very best of the performing and visual arts from Ireland and around the world, with an international programme of theatre, dance, circus, exhibitions, spectacle, music, comedy, talks and discussions.

Don’t want to miss a beat from Galway International Arts Festival? Then subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on social media!

52 Broken Windows Gag

8 apr. 2011


Only trying to be helpful, these people end up being responsible for breaking a window. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l’émission de caméra caché la plus comique de la télé!

Current page

Unearthing the truth More

French Catholic Church inquiry

Justice for Magdalenes

The Real-Life Philomena

Fallen women