Page Description
A powerful story of compassion
and love, reminding us to treat everyone with kindness and respect,
regardless of our differences
Someone who helps people in trouble
Cambridge Dictionary
1. New Testament
A figure in one of Christ’s parables ( Luke 10:30-37) who is an example of compassion towards those in distress
2. a kindly person who helps another in difficulty or distress
Collins Dictionary
The Good Samaritan: Acts of Kindness That Change Lives
In a world often focused on self-interest, stories of selflessness and compassion stand out as reminders of our shared humanity. The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us the profound impact of helping others in need – without hesitation, judgment, or expectation of reward.
On this page, we bring this timeless lesson to life through stories and videos that highlight extraordinary acts of kindness. From a man who spent decades searching for and finally reuniting with a baby he once saved, to educators and leaders transforming countless lives through their unwavering dedication, these stories reveal the profound and lasting impact of kindness.
Let these examples inspire you to see the opportunities around you to make a difference – no matter how small the act, it can have a lasting impact.
De Barmhartige Samaritaan: Daden van Goedheid Die Levens Veranderen
In een wereld die vaak gericht is op eigenbelang, vallen verhalen van onbaatzuchtigheid en compassie op als herinneringen aan onze gedeelde menselijkheid. De gelijkenis van de Barmhartige Samaritaan leert ons hoe groot de impact kan zijn van het helpen van anderen in nood – zonder aarzeling, oordeel of verwachting van beloning.
Op deze pagina brengen we deze tijdloze les tot leven met verhalen en video’s die buitengewone daden van goedheid laten zien. Van een man die tientallen jaren zocht en uiteindelijk herenigd werd met een baby die hij ooit redde, tot docenten en leiders die talloze levens transformeren door hun onwankelbare toewijding – deze verhalen onthullen de diepe en blijvende impact van goedheid.
Laat deze voorbeelden je inspireren om de kansen om je heen te zien om een verschil te maken – hoe klein de daad ook lijkt, het kan een blijvende impact hebben.
Street children’s daily struggles on the Cambodian-Thai border | Full Documentary
31 mei 2023
This film is the portrait of a young Cambodian, Vuthy, who has chosen to dedicate his life to improving the lives of others. For nearly fifteen years, he has been working with the NGO Friends International as head of a small team on the Thai-Cambodian border. This is a very sensitive area, and many Cambodians come to Thailand to try their luck, hoping to earn enough to support their families. Unfortunately, as they are often outlaws, they find themselves up against human trafficking networks and corruption. Many fall into a downward spiral of gambling, drugs, begging and prostitution…
▷ 0:00 – Intro
▷ 02:40 – Lives on the border
▷ 01:32:56 – Credits
For more than four years, the film crew accompanied Vuthy as he worked with street children and illegal migrants, on the frontier between two kingdoms, between legality and clandestinity, between childhood and wandering, innocence and violence… As they met him, they were able to penetrate the world he lived in, to share his moments of solitude and doubt, but also the good times with his family and friends. Lives on the Border reveals the destinies and actions of a handful of men and women fighting for the future of hundreds of children and families. Vuthy gives these street children a home away from the dangers of the streets. The NGO “Friends Thailande” teaches them to read and write, as well as looking after their health. But the struggle to improve the lives of these children is not without its difficulties. Most of the families are dysfunctional and live a fragile daily existence, offering no healthy living environment for these children. Original title – Des vies à la frontière A film by Pierre Raimond Featuring François Morel © 2017, Licensed by CPB Films
“The Good Samaritan” is a parable told by Jesus Christ in the New Testament’s Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10, verses 25-37. Here are some key points about this story:
The story begins with a Jewish lawyer asking Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus asks the lawyer what is written in the law, and the lawyer responds with the commandment to love God and to love one’s neighbor as oneself.
The lawyer then asks Jesus to clarify who his neighbor is. Jesus responds by telling the story of a man who was robbed, beaten, and left for dead on the side of the road.
A priest and a Levite, both of whom were considered to be religious leaders, pass by the man without stopping to help. However, a Samaritan, who was traditionally despised by Jews, stops to care for the man.
The Samaritan bandages the man’s wounds, takes him to an inn, and pays for his care. Jesus asks the lawyer which of the three men was a neighbor to the man who was robbed, and the lawyer responds, “The one who showed him mercy.”
The story teaches the lesson that loving one’s neighbor means showing compassion to all people, regardless of their race or social status. It also challenges the idea that religious leaders are always the ones who will do the right thing, and suggests that outsiders can sometimes be more compassionate and merciful.
The phrase “Good Samaritan” has entered into popular culture, and is often used to describe someone who goes out of their way to help others, especially in situations where others might not be willing to help.
Overall, “The Good Samaritan” is a powerful story of compassion and love, and serves as a reminder that we should treat all people with kindness and respect, regardless of our differences.
De Samaritaan van de dag volgens professor Dirk De Wachter pagina 5 in nina van 13 oktober 2018
Een daad stellen als de Samaritaan van de dag hoort bij de essentie van het leven.
Acting as the Samaritan of the day is part of the essence of life.
The French phrase “Indignez-vous” translates to “Indignez-vous!” in English as “Indignate yourself!” or “Be indignant!” It carries a strong call to action, urging people to become outraged or deeply upset about injustice or wrongdoing. It was famously used in the title of a pamphlet by Stéphane Hessel, “Indignez-vous!”, calling for resistance against societal injustices and the erosion of human rights.
The phrase encourages people to feel a moral outrage and take action against the status quo when they encounter injustice. Would you like more context about its use or meaning?
“Indignez-vous!” is indeed a powerful and inspirational call for action, urging people to stand against injustice and societal wrongs. It’s interesting that Professor Dirk De Wachter referenced this title, as it aligns well with his focus on human behavior, mental health, and social issues. Hessel’s message resonates with the idea of challenging the status quo and not passively accepting things that go against our core values.
“Indignez-vous!” is indeed a powerful and inspirational call for action, urging people to stand against injustice and societal wrongs. It’s interesting that Professor Dirk De Wachter referenced this title, as it aligns well with his focus on human behavior, mental health, and social issues. Hessel’s message resonates with the idea of challenging the status quo and not passively accepting things that go against our core values.
1 Man who saved baby reunites with her 58 years later
2 Someone asked Bill Gates | Inspirational Story
Docent zoekt leerlingen na 20 jaar op – RTL LATE NIGHT
Eric van ’t Zelfde werd bekend doordat hij van een probleemschool tot een successchool maakte. Hij is ervan overtuigd dat goed onderwijs wonderen verricht en nu, twintig jaar later, zoekt hij zijn leerlingen op en blijken zij het levende bewijs!
Docent zoekt leerlingen na 20 jaar op – RTL LATE NIGHT – Blog
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20 Ocean rescuer: Heard kids screaming for help from van
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A man who helped pull three children from a sinking minivan said he tried to stop the mother from driving the vehicle in the into rough surf on a Florida beach, but she suddenly veered away and plowed into the water.
Stacy Robinson, a sophomore at Seminole State College in Sanford, Fla., said he and his girlfriend were sitting in their car at the beach in Daytona Beach, Fla., when they saw a woman, who police have identified as Ebony Wilkerson, 32, from Cross, S.C., driving a minivan partly in the rough surf.
“[My girlfriend] said what I thought was a joke and [I] was like, ‘No, this is real’, because after that her son came out the window, probably about waist high, screaming for help,” Robinson said.
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The woman bought the beggar some food, a minute later he gave her a note that made her cry! :
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