The Blunt Ax – Metaphor for a Deficiency

Woodcutter with a blunt axe, representing the parable of pausing to sharpen the axe for better efficiency.

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Reflects a lack of skill, ability, or competency.
Understand ‘The blunt ax’ as a metaphor
for deficiency, inadequacy, or incompetence.

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1 The Blunt Axe: A Metaphor for Justice Gone Awry
2 A Blunt Axe: Striking Without Precision, Leaving Only Damage”

Deficiencies arise from errors, wear and tear, accidents, or environmental changes. As a result, things and processes only function inadequately. A practical example is an ax that becomes blunt over time or was not sharpened from the beginning.

To say that you are going to take the axe or wield the axe means that you are going to attack unabashedly.
Whoever wields the blunt axe is ruthless. Often with words or with a pen.
Such a person does not take another person’s life lightly, but does not do this neatly with arguments, but by coming down hard on them.
The one who chops with a blunt axe is rough, rude and ruthless.

“De Botte Bijl: Slaan Zonder Precisie, Alleen Schade Achterlatend”

Gebreken ontstaan door fouten, slijtage, ongelukken of veranderingen in de omgeving.

Daardoor functioneren dingen en processen alleen maar gebrekkig.

Een praktisch voorbeeld is een bijl die na verloop van tijd bot wordt of die niet vanaf het begin is geslepen.

Het gezegde met de botte bijl hakken of de botte bijl hanteren, houdt in
dat je ongegeneerd de aanval zoekt.
Wie met de botte bijl hakt, gaat meedogenloos te keer.
Vaak met woorden of met de pen.
Zo’n persoon laat geen spaan heel van een ander, maar doet dat niet netjes met argumenten, maar door keihard van leer te trekken.
Degene die hakt met een botte bijl is ruw, grof, meedogenloos

1 Mr. Gerard Spong – Theatercollege ‘In Vertrouwen’ – Bewijs

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26 feb. 2019

Mr. Gerard Spong vertelt in zijn theatercollege over de verschillende facetten van het strafrecht. Een belangrijk onderdeel van strafrecht is het bewijs dat wordt aangeleverd. Waarom dat zo belangrijk is en wat de regels zijn rondom bewijs, legt hij duidelijk uit.
Mr. Gerard Spong in Nederlandse theaters te zien met zijn theatercollege. Meer informatie over de voorstelling vind je op onze website:
Credits: Breadhead Media

The expression “The blunt ax” is a metaphor that can be used to convey several key points or meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Some possible key points or interpretations of the expression “The blunt ax” include:

  1. Ineffectiveness or inefficiency: The blunt ax can represent a tool or approach that is not sharp or effective, resulting in difficulty or failure in accomplishing a task or achieving a goal. It can symbolize a lack of precision or proficiency in addressing a particular issue or problem.

  2. Futility or pointlessness: The blunt ax can signify a futile or pointless effort, where one’s actions are unlikely to yield meaningful results or outcomes. It can represent wasted effort or energy expended without achieving the desired outcome.

  3. Inadequacy or incompetence: The blunt ax can symbolize a lack of skill, ability, or competency in a particular area or task. It can represent a deficiency in knowledge, expertise, or preparation that hinders one’s ability to effectively handle a situation or accomplish a task.

  4. Need for improvement or refinement: The blunt ax can highlight the need for improvement or refinement in a particular area. It can suggest the importance of sharpening one’s skills, knowledge, or approach in order to achieve better results or outcomes.

  5. Symbolic representation of a dull or uninteresting situation: The blunt ax can be used to represent a situation or experience that lacks excitement, interest, or inspiration. It can signify a lack of vitality or enthusiasm in a particular context.

Overall, the key points of the expression “The blunt ax” can vary depending on the context, but it generally conveys ideas related to ineffectiveness, futility, inadequacy, or the need for improvement.

2 “The Burden of Proof” – What is it?

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11 dec. 2013

Lawyer David P. Hersh answers.
For more information on business law, see Dave’s blog:

3 Scary WITCHCRAFT Prank

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This woman has a Bachelor’s degree in Witchcraft.
A presentation of Just Kidding Pranks, the coolest Just For Laughs Gags sister show on YouTube. JKP is the home of the funniest, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!

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Turn a blind eye

The pendulum

Pull the wool

A long way to go

Tip of the iceberg

A needle in a