The secrecy of police officers who lie or look the other way to protect other police officers
synonyms: blue wall, wall of silence
concealment that attempts to prevent something scandalous from becoming public
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‘The Blue Wall of Silence,’ a term describing the code of silence among police officers that can hinder accountability and transparency in law enforcement.
‘Blue Code Of Silence’: The Death Of Terrance Franklin
Blue wall of silence
Vertaald uit het Engels-De blauwe muur van stilte, ook blauwe code en blauw schild, zijn termen die worden gebruikt om de informele code van stilte aan te duiden onder politieagenten om niet te rapporteren over fouten, wangedrag of misdaden van een collega, inclusief politiegeweld. Wikipedia (Engels)
Originele beschrijving bekijken
The blue wall of silence, also blue code and blue shield, are terms used to denote the informal code of silence among police officers not to report on a colleague’s errors, misconducts, or crimes, including police brutality. Wikipedia
Breaking the code of silence – The legal system at stake
“One of the more difficult areas of improving police is dealing with corruption when it is imbedded in the police subculture. I use the term corruption broadly to include acts such as: stealing things, receiving regular payoffs—enforcing or not enforcing the law, accepting gifts and favors not afforded the general public, disregarding departmental rules and orders, lying, issuing false reports, giving false testimony or committing other acts a person knows are dishonest or morally wrong. Corruption exists when police break the law, whether in pursuit of enforcing it or to enhance their own lives by accepting special favors like free food, liquor, or other things of value.
“On the other hand, proper professional police work involves scrupulous adherence to the law while enforcing it. It is being honest to a fault. Because of the disparity in power between police and citizens, the lack of transparency in most police organizations, and few public mechanisms to effectively regulate or control police behavior, the problem still exists as to how to effectively reduce and eliminate police corruption…
“The primary failure of most efforts to reduce or eliminate corruption and other misconduct in a police department is that they usually fail to acknowledge the power of the police subculture I have described. When dishonesty is a matter of common practice, and when it significantly supplements the income and lifestyle of those who practice it, it is very difficult to eliminate.
Tearing Down the Blue Wall of Silence
Close relationship between Mohamed al Fayed and police ‘felt corrupt’, says former detective
27 sep 2024
The close ties between Mohamed al Fayed’s Harrods shop and the Metropolitan Police “felt like a corrupt relationship,” a former chief superintendent in the force has said.
The Met Police had a “special relationship” with the luxury department store “which benefits both us and them,” Stephen Otter said he was told by another officer in 1999.
Mohamed al Fayed thought he was ‘untouchable’
22 sep 2024
Five women have alleged they were raped by Mohamed al Fayed, who died last year at the age of 94, with several others alleging sexual misconduct.
Former Victims’ Commissioner Dame Vera Baird accused the CPS of only taking “cases they could win”, saying the organisation was “a den of negativity for all sexual offence allegations and for the people who made them”.
Jail for corrupt cop who used police computer to plan burglaries
A corrupt police sergeant was jailed for more than six years for a string of crimes that he plotted using data from force computers.
Ben Cooke, 34, stole a safe he thought contained £60,000 and tried to burgle another another property.
He claimed he dumped the safe, which contained cash and personal items, on waste ground but it has never been recovered.
Cooke, of Hirwaun, near Aberdare in south Wales, pleaded guilty to theft, attempted burglary, burglary, securing unauthorised access to computer material with intent to commit an offence and corrupt or improper exercise of police powers and privileges.
Cooke, who had been a police officer for 10 years, discovered that colleagues suspected someone had £60,000 in a safe in their home after using the police computer.
He entered the property into his police uniform while the occupant was in the shower.
Cooke later stole a door key during an investigation into a sudden death and used it to try to enter another property.
He called the force’s anti-corruption hotline to confess but claimed he had been blackmailed after sending pictures of himself to another man online.
Jailing for six years and four months, the Recorder of Cardiff, Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke said he had made “deliberate, conscious and pre-meditated attempts” to commit offences which were of “harm to South Wales Police and police in general”.
Cooke, who had no previous convictions, had “thrown away” his reputation, she added.
The sex worker turned hero who exposed Australia’s dirtiest cops | Under Investigation
24 aug. 2021
The Derek Chauvin trial held one bad-apple cop accountable. But what about the rest of the barrel?
In the trial of Derek Chauvin, the prosecution’s witnesses included several police officers, from peers of George Floyd’s killer to upper brass. Their testimony against Chauvin, in a trial that resulted in a guilty verdict on murder charges, may indicate some loose bricks in the blue wall of silence that has so often protected cops from what other cops know about them.
But in testifying against Chauvin, these officers also created a narrative in which he and his crime are distant from them and their work. Are there broader problems with policing in Minneapolis? No doubt these officers’ views on that question vary. But this trial was narrowly about keeping one cop accountable to existing expectations, such as they are.
1 Why I Broke the Code of Silence | Shannon Spalding | TEDxNorthbrookLibrary
25 jul. 2018
2 After Chauvin Verdict, Police Veteran Blows Whistle On The ‘Dangerous’ Blue Wall Of Silence
22 apr. 2021
“The Beat with Ari Melber” covers politics, law and culture on MSNBC nightly at 6pm ET, anchored by Emmy-winning journalist and attorney Ari Melber (@arimelber). The Beat focuses on original reporting and in-depth interviews with a wide variety of guests, and was nominated for a 2020 Emmy in the Outstanding Interview category.
MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed perspectives. Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, Meet the Press Daily, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House with Nicolle Wallace, Hardball, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and more.
3 Black cop fired after intervening on chokehold: I lost everything
16 jun. 2020
4 The Thin Blue Line – the Darker Side of the Police Force
5 The LA Riots 20 Years Late
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3 mei 2012

6 EXCLUSIVE: Police scrapped paedophile investigation into Cyril Smith & others – Newsnight
17 mrt. 2015
7 Detective who wanted to speak to minister taken off case – BBC Newsnight
2 mrt. 2016
8 Claims that CCTV footage of Cyril Smith was used in police training video – Newsnight
9 Police: Cyril Smith guilty of sexual abuse
27 nov. 2012
10 Lord Steel on Jeremy Thorpe and Cyril Smith – BBC Newsnight
5 jun. 2018
11 Cyril Smith Documentary
28 apr. 2014
12 MP: Evidence Of Two Murders In Child Abuse Claims
22 dec. 2014
13 VIP child abuse: remembering Kincora, MI5 and the CSA cover up
7 feb. 2018

14 Kincora child abuse victim calls for wider inquiry
1 jun. 2015
15 Are The Police Fit For Purpose? Report Accuses Met Police Of ‘Institutional Corruption’ | GMB
16 jun. 2021
16 Alabama pastor who was arrested while watering neighbors’ garden speaks out l GMA
25 aug. 2022
17 Baltimore police officers accused of planting drugs
3 aug. 2017
18 How corrupt Baltimore cops used the badge to steal
14 feb. 2018
19 How A Corrupt Baltimore Police Task Force Tainted Thousands of Cases (HBO)
27 jan. 2018
Eight of the nine men on the task force have been accused of a range of organized crime-level charges that range from robbery and extortion, to faking evidence, planting drugs, dealing drugs, and other serious crimes. 6 of the officers, Sergeants Thomas Allers and Wayne Jenkins, and Detectives Momodu Gondo, Evodio Hendrix, Maurice Ward, and Jemell Rayam, have all pleaded guilty.
It’s a staggering fall: the Gun Trace Task Force was created by the city in 2007 with the explicit goal of fighting crime and reducing the city’s rising murder rate. For a while, city leaders saw the task force as a huge success, celebrating the firearms and drugs the men had confiscated.
Today, many Baltimore residents consider the task force’s crimes the biggest scandal in recent memory. Freddie Gray’s 2015 death in police custody and the resulting riots dominated years of headlines, but these officers’s misconduct was the low frequency chaos only people in Baltimore’s most vulnerable communities could hear.
20 “They were Both Cops & Robbers”: Baltimore Police Scandal Exposes Theft, Cover-Ups & Drug Peddling
7 feb. 2018
In Maryland, closing arguments are scheduled to begin today for two Baltimore police officers who are part of what has been described as one of the most startling police corruption scandals in a generation. The officers were part of an elite plainclothes unit called the Gun Trace Task Force—but, according to prosecutors, the unit acted more like a criminal outfit. In his opening argument during the trial, the lead federal prosecutor, Leo Wise, said, “They were, simply put, both cops and robbers.” According to prosecutors, the officers stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from city residents. They broke into houses. They stole drugs and then gave them to drug dealers. They carried BB guns that they could plant on people they shot. Six members of the task force have already pleaded guilty. We speak to Sherrilyn Ifill, president and director-counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
21 The Thin Blue Line – the Darker Side of the Police Force
A short documentary that dives into real life examples of police corruption, instances of the blue wall of silence – uncovering the untold.
22 Corrupt Lawyers In Cahoots With Chicago Mobsters | FBI Files | Real Responders
1 aug. 2022
23 Curious Number Of Russian Oligarchs Have Died Since Invasion Of Ukraine
23 apr. 2022
24 De strijd van prins Laurent – Pano
16 feb 2019
Prins Laurent praat. In Pano. Over zijn passies en zijn drijfveren. Over zijn woede en ontgoocheling.
Het enfant terrible probeert de typecasting te overstijgen.
Tegelijk zoekt Pano uit wat er nu écht gebeurd is met het kapitaal van Khaddafi in België. Spijtige misverstanden, of worden er potjes gedekt gehouden?
25 Toxic Water Prank
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