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A ITV documentary on Princess Diana’s explosive 1995 interview about her marriage includes that she was tricked into with the help of faked bank statements.
1 Prince William on Panorama report: ‘BBC failures contributed to my mother’s fear’ | ITV News
He said: “BBC employees lied and used fake documents to obtain the interview with my mother, made lurid and false claims about the royal family which played on her fears and fuelled paranoia. 20 mei 2021
Prince William criticises BBC’s handling of Princess Diana interview – BBC Newsnight
21 mei 2021
What did BBC do to Diana?
“By showing Earl Spencer the fake statements and informing him of their contents,” the report wrote, “Mr. Bashir deceived and induced him to arrange a meeting with Princess Diana. By gaining access to Princess Diana in this way, Mr. Bashir was able to persuade her to agree to give the interview.” 21 mei 2021
UK journalist Martin Bashir has apologized to Prince William and Prince Harry after a former British Supreme Court judge handed down a report Thursday condemning Bashir and the BBC for a famous 1995 interview with Princess Diana in which she openly spoke about the stresses of being a royal.
After a six-month investigation, Bashir, the report found, used fake documents and false pretenses to score the interview with Diana.
The report said the BBC’s internal investigation that followed a year later was “woefully ineffective.”
Martin Bashir apologizes to Princess Diana’s sons: The controversy explained
BBC pays substantial damages to former secretary of Princess Diana and apologises
BBC pays substantial damages to former secretary of Princess Diana and apologises
BBC, the British public broadcaster, has paid “substantial” damages to Princess Diana’s former private secretary Patrick Jephson. The latter resigned after a controversial interview with Diana in 1995 that was falsely recorded by journalist Martin Bashir. Earlier investigations showed that the BBC had covered up the case.
The high-profile Panorama interview in 1995, in which Princess Diana admitted that she had been an adulteress, caused a sensation. In it, the Princess also said that there were “three people in her marriage”, referring to Prince Charles’ infidelity with his then girlfriend Camilla Parker Bowles. Diana and Charles were still married at the time, but lived apart.
When Diana also said in the infamous interview that her husband was not really suited to being King because of the many restrictions that go with the job, that was it. Eight months later, Diana and Charles divorced for good. Another year later the Princess died in a car accident in a Paris tunnel, on 31 August 1997. She was 36 at the time.
However, reporter Martin Bashir persuaded her under false pretences to do the interview. Bashir persuaded Charles Spencer, who in turn persuaded his sister Diana, to give the interview. The journalist used forged bank statements to Count Charles Spencer, Diana’s brother. These had to prove that two of Diana’s staff members were paid to pass on negative information about her to the intelligence services. This suggested that the royal family wanted to undermine Diana’s image in a possible divorce process.
Hardly anyone knew about it beforehand, so it hit home like a bombshell. Some 23 million people watched the interview at the time. “If I hadn’t seen those bank statements, I would never have introduced Bashir to my sister,” writes the princess’ brother. According to Bashir, the fake documents had nothing to do with Diana’s personal choice to participate in the interview.
Lord Dyson, the retired “Master of the Rolls” (highest court in England and Wales) investigated what exactly the BBC knew and whether the broadcaster had been unlawfully protecting its journalist all along. His investigation showed that the BBC had covered up Bashir’s “deceptive conduct”. With this, the British public broadcaster did not meet the required standards of integrity and transparency that are its trademark.
Patrick Jephson worked with the Princess between 1988 and 1996 as her private secretary and adviser. He was responsible for every aspect of her public life and humanitarian work. Two months after the controversial broadcast, he resigned. Jephson then suffered great reputational damage because he was falsely accused of having betrayed Diana.
The BBC states in a press release that it “accepts and acknowledges that Commander Jephson has been seriously damaged by the circumstances in which the interview with Diana, Princess of Wales, was obtained in 1995.” In addition to formal apologies, the former private secretary will also receive “substantial” compensation and be reimbursed for his legal fees. Bashir is no longer active as a journalist with the BBC.Jephson reacted with relief: “After more than 25 years, I am relieved to finally be able to bring this painful period to a close. I am grateful to Lord Dyson and the journalists whose persistence has brought the truth to light.” The former private secretary let it be known that he will transfer the money to the children’s hospital in Wales of which Princess Diana was the godmother. He now works as a consultant for “The Crown”, the popular drama series about the British royal family.
BBC betaalt aanzienlijke schadevergoeding voormalig secretaris van prinses Diana en biedt excuses aan
BBC, de Britse publieke omroep, heeft aan de voormalige privésecretaris van prinses Diana, Patrick Jephson, een “aanzienlijke” schadevergoeding uitbetaald. Die nam ontslag na een controversieel interview met Diana uit 1995 dat op een bedrieglijke manier afgenomen was door journalist Martin Bashir. Eerder onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat de BBC de zaak in de doofpot gestoken had.
Het spraakmakende Panorama-interview uit 1995 waarin prinses Diana toegaf dat ze overspelig geweest was, sloeg in als een bom. Daarin vertelde de prinses ook dat er “drie mensen in haar huwelijk waren”, waarmee ze verwees naar de ontrouw van prins Charles met zijn toenmalige vriendin Camilla Parker Bowles. Diana en Charles waren toen nog getrouwd, maar leefden gescheiden van elkaar.
Toen Diana in het beruchte interview ook nog zei dat haar man niet echt geschikt was voor het koningschap door de vele beperkingen die bij die job horen, was de maat vol. Acht maanden later scheidden Diana en Charles definitief. Nog een jaar later stierf de prinses in een auto-ongeluk in een Parijse tunnel, op 31 augustus 1997. Ze was toen 36.
Reporter Martin Bashir heeft haar echter onder valse voorwendselen overgehaald om het interview te doen. Bashir haalde Charles Spencer over, die op zijn beurt zijn zus Diana overhaalde om het interview te geven. De journalist gebruikte daarvoor vervalste bankafschriften aan graaf Charles Spencer, de broer van Diana. Die moesten bewijzen dat twee van Diana’s personeelsleden betaald werden om negatieve informatie over haar door te spelen aan de inlichtingendiensten. Daarmee werd gesuggereerd dat de koninklijke familie Diana’s imago wilde ondermijnen bij een mogelijk echtscheidingsproces.
Vrijwel niemand was vooraf op de hoogte en het sloeg dan ook in als een bom. Zo’n 23 miljoen mensen keken toen naar het interview. “Als ik die bankafschriften niet gezien had, zou ik Bashir nooit voorgesteld hebben aan mijn zus”, schrijft de broer van de prinses. Volgens Bashir hadden de valse documenten niets te maken met Diana’s persoonlijke keuze om deel te nemen aan het interview.
Lord Dyson, de gepensioneerde “Master of the Rolls” (hoogste rechter in Engeland en Wales) ging na wat de BBC precies wist en of de omroep haar journalist al die tijd onrechtmatig beschermd had. Zijn onderzoek toonde aan dat de BBC het “bedrieglijke gedrag” van Bashir verdoezeld heeft. Daarmee voldeed de Britse publieke omroep niet aan de vereiste standaarden van integriteit en transparantie die haar handelsmerk zijn.
Patrick Jephson werkte tussen 1988 en 1996 met de prinses samen als haar privésecretaris en raadgever. Hij was verantwoordelijk voor elk aspect van haar publieke leven en humanitaire werk. Twee maanden na de controversiële uitzending nam hij ontslag. Jephson leed toen veel reputatieschade omdat hij valselijk beschuldigd werd van Diana verraden te hebben.
De BBC verklaart in een persmededeling dat het “aanvaardt en erkent dat commandant Jephson ernstige schade is toegebracht ten gevolge van de omstandigheden waaronder het interview met Diana, Prinses van Wales, in 1995 verkregen werd.” Naast formele excuses krijgt de voormalige privésecretaris ook een “aanzienlijke” schadevergoeding en worden zijn juridische kosten vergoed. Bashir is niet langer actief als journalist bij de BBC.
Jephson reageert opgelucht: “Na meer dan 25 jaar ben ik opgelucht dat ik deze pijnlijke periode eindelijk kan afsluiten. Ik ben Lord Dyson en de journalisten dankbaar die met hun volharding de waarheid aan het licht hebben gebracht.” De voormalige privésecretaris laat weten dat hij het geld zal overmaken aan het kinderziekenhuis in Wales waarvan prinses Diana de meter was. Hij werkt nu als adviseur voor “The Crown”, de populaire dramareeks over de Britse koningshuis.
1 Prince William on Panorama report: ‘BBC failures contributed to my mother’s fear’ | ITV News
2 Diana’s Former Butler Says She Was ‘Failed’ By ‘Deceitful’ Panorama Interview | Lorraine
21 mei 2021
3 Royal biographer: Bashir ‘scared Diana half to death’
4 ‘Dark day for the BBC’ says Director General on Princess Diana Panorama interview report | ITV News
5 BBC to release investigation findings into infamous 1995 Princess Diana interview l GMA
18 mei 2021
6 Princes William & Harry Respond to BBC’s Apology
21 mei 2021
7 Princes William and Harry blast the BBC over ‘deceitful’ interview | 9 News Australia
21 mei 2021
8 William, Harry condemn BBC over ‘deceitful’ Diana interview | Today Show Australia
9 Inside the private struggles of Diana, Princess of Wales | 7NEWS Spotlight
2 apr. 2021
10 ‘He Was Ruthless, Predatory and Calculating’ Was Princess Diana Duped by the BBC? | GMB
10 nov. 2020
11 Prince William’s Shocking Comments over Martin Bashir’s Interview With Princess Diana | GMB
19 nov. 2020
12 Princess Diana interview: BBC covered up ‘deceitful behaviour’ of journalist Martin Bashir
20 mei 2021
13 Charles Spencer On BBC Failings: ‘Diana Did Lose Trust In Key People’
14 BBC ‘covered up’ over Princess Diana Panorama interview | ITV News
15 Diana Interview: Prince Harry says ‘unethical practices’ took his mother’s life.
16 Ex-BBC chief gives up National Gallery chair after fallout from Panorama Interview
22 mei 2021
17 Prince William responds to ‘bombshell’ report BBC duped Diana to get interview
18 Brother of Princess Diana says ’big questions remain’ over controversial BBC interview – BBC News
15 nov. 2021
19 Meet The Woman Who Hired Princess Diana As A Nanny Before She Married Charles
19 mei 2017
20 Remembering Princess Diana When She Was Still Just ‘Shy Di’ | TODAY
3 mei 2017
21 Princess Diana’s Legacy: How William And Harry Carry It On 20 Years Later | TODAY
5 mei 2017
22 Diana and Paul Burrell – Royal Service, Scandal and Celebrity – UK Royal Documentary
22 okt. 2021
23 (SD) Diana Revealed: The Princess No One Knew (Interview with Peter Settelen in her own words)
13 jun. 2021
24 What Really Happened To Charles & Diana’s Marriage? | In The Name Of Love | Real Royalty
3 mei 2020
From fairy tale bride to estranged royal wife and mother, Princess Diana captivated hearts and headlines. But this documentary goes behind the secret life of scandal and marital betrayal.
From Elizabeth II to Cleopatra, Real Royalty peels back the curtain to give a glimpse into the lives of some of the most influential families in the world, with new full length documentaries posted every week covering the monarchies of today and all throughout history.
Charles & Diana The Truth Behind Their Wedding – British Royal Documentary
Charles & Diana The Truth Behind Their Wedding – British Royal Documentary
18 jul. 2021
25 Diana The Inquest (Princess Diana Documentary) | Real Stories
19 aug. 2017
Were Dodi and Diana engaged? Was Diana pregnant? Was the white Fiat Uno also in the tunnel that night connected to the accident? And the most important question of all… Was Diana’s death planned and was the driver of the car somehow involved?
Director and Producer David Cohen said: “It really is both moving and eerie to see these jerky images of how three people – Diana, Dodi and Henri Paul – spent their last hours. The Coroner is clearly determined to make sure that after so many allegations of conspiracy, no one can say he did not allow the jury to look at all the facts”.
Diana: The Inquest provides the most comprehensive account there has ever been on television of how Diana spent her last day, and charts one of the most fascinating journeys in judicial history.
Want to watch more full-length Documentaries?
Click here:
26 The Final Days Of Diana & Charles’ Marriage | The Life and Death Of Princess Diana | Timeline
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27 Shocking Truth – Diana _ Her Children British Documentary
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28 – Retractable Bed Gone Wrong
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